The madman Cao Yuan roared, and his figure flew towards him like lightning. The wooden knife in his hand swung out suddenly, and the black flame cut towards Instructor Han like a crescent moon.

Instructor Han, who was empty-handed, narrowed his eyes slightly, rolled sideways to the other side, avoiding Crescent Moon, and at the same time picked up the straight knife on the ground with his backhand.

Hearing a soft groan, the knife came out of its sheath!

With a knife in hand, Instructor Han's demeanor changed immediately.

His deep gaze seemed to be able to understand the movements of the madman Cao Yuan. When the madman Cao Yuan flashed in front of him, he took half a step back suddenly and swung his knife sideways!


The wooden knife surrounded by black flames collided with Instructor Han's straight knife, and there was a sound of gold and iron colliding. The madman Cao Yuan grinned and suddenly exerted force!

Instructor Han's straight knife was swung away by the wooden knife, without the slightest panic, he accurately predicted the trajectory of the madman Cao Yuan's next knife, easily avoided it, and then took several steps back with serious eyes.

\"Qiye, hasn't the Forbidden Ruins been suppressed? How can Cao Yuan still be used?\" Baili Pangpang came to Lin Qiye's ear and asked in doubt.

\"The higher the Forbidden Ruins sequence is, the weaker the suppressing effect of that forbidden item is. It suppresses other people's Forbidden Ruins, but Cao Yuan's sequence is too high to completely suppress it.

Moreover, his Forbidden Ruins is very special, even he can't control himself in the rampant state, the effect of the Forbidden Item is even smaller. \"Lin Qiye expressed his conjecture.

\"Then the Forbidden Ruins of the instructors have also been suppressed?\" Baili Pangpang seems to have thought of something,\"That is to say, only Cao Yuan can use the Forbidden Ruins in the audience, and instructor Han is now purely relying on combat Skills, fighting the crazy Cao Yuan?

That is the super high risk of super high risk! \”

Lin Qiye didn't answer, but fell silent as he watched the two fighting each other on the stage.

\"Everyone evacuate the training ground immediately!\" Instructor Han and the madman Cao Yuan slashed at each other several times, and retreated a few steps after being shocked by Cao Yuan's huge force, and said in a deep voice to the recruits below.

With his eyesight, he naturally recognized the Forbidden Market of the young man in front of him, and he also had a preliminary understanding of the current situation. No matter what, the current Cao Yuan was too dangerous. The recruits who were suppressed in the Forbidden Market were just a group of ordinary people. If you stay any longer, accidents will inevitably happen.

\"Damn it, I can't perceive my forbidden ruins now...\" Instructor Han gritted his teeth and kept trying to display his forbidden ruins, but there was no reaction at all.

In the state of madness, Cao Yuan is a figure that even Wang Mian finds it difficult. He has no time to speed up, and instructor Han, who has no Yi Yuan, is now relying solely on combat experience and skills to deal with him.

It was also because of this that Lin Qiye and the others saw the true strength of this tragic instructor!

No matter how fast the madman Cao Yuan is, Instructor Han can always predict his trajectory. The straight knife in his hand seems to have thought, and it flies in his hand like a butterfly, precisely blocking every move of Cao Yuan. one strike!

It's a pity that he can block the attack, but he can't withstand the perverted power and the fierce flames rushing towards his face!

This battle is not fair at all.

Amidst the grinning laughter of the madman Cao Yuan, Instructor Han could barely save himself and retreated steadily.

\"Yaoguang.\" Baili Pangpang put on the necklace, stretched out his chubby hand, and pointed towards the martial arts platform.

The dazzling golden light gathered into a bunch and flew out like a sharp arrow, hitting heavily on the blade of the wooden knife, and then the shape suddenly changed, turning into a golden rope, tied to the madman Cao Yuan.

The madman Cao Yuan roared a few times, the black flames on his body burned more and more intensely, and it took only two seconds to burn the rope transformed by Yao Guang, and he broke free...

Then he turned his head to look at Baili Pangpang under the stage, showing a ferocious expression.

Baili Chubby's body shook, he took half a step back, and swallowed...

\"Brother Qiye, save me!\"

Lin Qiye: ...

\"Give me a knife.\" Lin Qiye said helplessly.

\"Ah? Good!\" Baili Pangpang put his hand into his pocket and quickly rummaged through it.

At this time, the crazy Cao Yuan had already given up on Instructor Han, completely changed his goal, and rushed towards Baili Pangpang and Lin Qiye!

Instructor Han's face changed drastically, \"Run quickly!!\"

He kicked his legs and ran towards the two of them, chasing the madman Cao Yuan.

Lin Qiye stood there frowning slightly, two faint golden lights appeared in his eyes, and a tyrannical aura spread out around him.

\"Found it!\" Baili Pangpang took out a knife with the same length as the Star Knife from his pocket, and handed it to Lin Qiye.

At this moment, the black flames of madman Cao Yuan had already reached Lin Qiye's eyes!

The wooden knife wrapped in fierce flames cut through the air, and swung it straight towards Baili's fat neck. At this moment, a white blade flashed!


The wooden knife collided with the light of the knife, forcibly blocking the erosion of the evil spirit flames, Lin Qiye swung Cao Yuan's wooden knife away with a backhand.

Baili Pangpang, still in shock, stood behind Lin Qiye, stroking his thumping little heart.

\"Damn... I scared the young master to death!\"

Lin Qiye let out a light snort, and looked down at the knife in his hand, with doubts in his eyes.

\"I obviously didn't touch the wooden knife just now, why...\"

\"The Forbidden Ruins on this knife is called [Xiao Zhanbai]. It is a man-made Forbidden Ruins. It is an imitation of the magical weapon [Zhanbai] in Sequence 061. It can ignore the distance of five meters when the knife is released, which is not very powerful prohibited items.\”

Baili Pangpang rubbed his stomach, \"The real [Zhanbai] is one of our family's collections. It is said that it can directly ignore the distance of a thousand meters. Within a thousand meters, with a single swing, everything will be crowned.\"

\"Such an exaggeration?\" Lin Qiye said in surprise, playing with Xiao Zhanbai.

\"That's not right, there are only a few forbidden items that can be solemnly collected by our family. My father guards them like treasures every day. I can't even look at them.\"

\"It's pretty good to use.\"

Lin Qiye weighed Xiao Zhanbai and nodded in satisfaction.

The madman Cao Yuan let out a low growl, and stared at Lin Qiye firmly, the evil spirit flames intertwined on the surface of his body became stronger again.

Lin Qiye sensed his gaze, snorted coldly, and stared back hard, two groups of golden melting pots erupted from his eyes!

The boundless divine power poured directly into the spirit of the madman Cao Yuan. He groaned, took half a step back, and shook his body as if he was drunk.

\"Huh? It seems that the power of God is unexpectedly effective on this guy.\"Lin Qiye muttered to himself, turning his head to look at Baili Pangpang, \"Give me that [Book of Forbidden] last time. \”

\"Okay.\" Baili Pangpang took out the tape from his pocket and put it in Lin Qiye's hands.

Holding Xiao Zhanbai in his right hand, Lin Qiye gently tore open a section of the seal scroll in his left hand with his teeth, his eyes were shining like the scorching sun, and he rushed towards the madman Cao Yuan!

There were still five meters away from the madman Cao Yuan, and Xiao Zhanbai in Lin Qiye's hand swung several times, directly swinging away the wooden knife in Cao Yuan's hand!

Cao Yuan roared angrily, and the other hand bent into a claw, entwined with evil flames, and grabbed Lin Qiye's body like lightning!

Lin Qiye seemed to have seen through his movements completely, squatting down slightly, avoiding the claw, and then swung out Xiao Zhanbai again, striking his elbow with the back of the knife!

Cao Yuan's wooden knife came out!

Lin Qiye quickly turned around, and the half of the [Forbidden Scroll] exposed by his left hand was wrapped around his neck, several times in a row, completely blocked the black flame, and then yanked downwards!

Crazy Cao Yuan fell to the ground!

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