\"Shit! Why did you suddenly appear in front of us!\" Baili Pangpang also saw this scene, and was dumbfounded.

\"Now is not the time to struggle with this issue!\" Shen Qingzhu shouted, quickly changed direction and jumped towards the left.

Coincidentally, Lin Qiye also chose the same direction at the same time.

The two waves of people who were blocked one after the other broke out to the left in unison, followed by a series of missiles piercing the air!

Among the three younger brothers behind Shen Qingzhu, two were shot at the same time. After crying in despair, they rolled their eyes and fell to the ground.

The knife in Lin Qiye's hand was about to leave an afterimage. He quickly cut a small path in the jungle, while Cao Yuan struggled to catch up while clutching the useless spoon in his hand.

Baili Pangpang exclaimed, dodged behind a certain big tree, avoided a series of missiles, and then chased Lin Qiye and others.

The few people ran desperately like this, and abruptly turned over the entire rugged old forest, and ran to a fairly spacious open space. A small stream flowed through the mountain, making a pleasant ding-dong sound.

Lin Qiye walked a few steps, bent down beside the stream, took a few sips of the stream water with his hands, then wiped it on his face, and let out a long sigh of relief.

Baili Pangpang sat down on the ground and collapsed directly.

\"Seven nights... how far are we from crossing the mountains?\"

\"It's still early.\" Lin Qiye said slowly, \"From the very beginning, the drone rushed towards us from different directions, so we had to change directions several times during the journey, and now we have only advanced four times from the starting point. A straight-line distance of five kilometers.\”

\"The instructor is playing with us? He will be chased by the drone again, and he will not fight back...\" Shen Qingzhu stood up, kicked the stone under his feet into the stream, and said with a displeased face.

\"If this goes on, we won't be able to pass through the mountains at all.\" Cao Yuan frowned.

\"Actually, from the very beginning, I felt that this place was weird.\" Lin Qiye hesitated for a moment, before speaking.


\"Didn't you find it? We have been running for so long, no matter which direction we go, the position of the sun in the sky has not changed.\" Lin Qiye pointed to the sun above his head, \"Moreover, the mountain road I see with my eyes often changing...\"

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and looked up at the same time, their faces darkening.

\"what's the situation?\"

\"It should be that the instructors covered this area with forbidden objects. From the very beginning, they didn't want us to go through.\"

\"So what exactly are they trying to do?\"

\"Here, completely drain our energy.\"

Baili Fatty turned pale, \"That is to say, all of us are destined to accept that punishment?\"

\"It's not.\" Cao Yuan said suddenly, \"Those who directly fainted from exhaustion did not appear in the punishment.\"

\"...\" Baili Pangpang sat on the ground with nothing to love, and let out a long sigh.

Those drones seemed to know they were reaching their limit and didn't just catch up, which gave them a rare respite.

After running around for so long, the crowd had exhausted their physical strength. They all sat on the ground, and the open space by the stream suddenly fell into silence.

Only the \"soul torture\" that came out of the weight continuously echoed in the mountains and valleys, making them laugh from time to time.

\"Hey, that kid with the spoon over there.\"Shen Qingzhu's eyes fell on Cao Yuan,\"You are so strong, why didn't you work hard at the beginning when you were fighting against Mask last night?\"

\"Unless it is necessary, I will not draw the sword. This is the oath I made in front of the Buddha.\" Cao Yuan replied lightly.

\"Then you didn't make a move later?\"

\"That's because it's time to make a move.\" Cao Yuan glanced at Lin Qiye from the corner of his eye.

Shen Qingzhu frowned, \"What do you mean? If he tells you to do it, you do it, and if I tell you to do it, you just sit there in a daze? Are you looking down on me!\"


\"You!\" Shen Qingzhu stared.

\"People who can't even control their emotions will always be weak." Cao Yuan said calmly, playing with the spoon in his hand.

Shen Qingzhu stared at Cao Yuan firmly, clenched his fists tightly, as if he wanted to rush up and beat Cao Yuan up, but after a while, he still let go of his hands.

He stood up and gave him a cold look, \"Hmph, whether it is strong or weak, we will wait and see.\"

After speaking, he turned around and walked in the other direction.

Immediately afterwards, the only remaining recruit behind him also hurriedly stood up and followed.

\"Grandma, those two have been eliminated, why are you still following?\" Shen Qingzhu was furious, and when he saw this person following up again, he turned his head and cursed.

\"Because you are my elder brother Shen!\" A black recruit smiled naively, \"If you hadn't helped my mother pay off the debt, I would still be begging on the street now! Not to mention being a night watchman!\ "

\"Is there any mistake, I almost killed you and that moon ghost with [Qi Min] yesterday, and you still treat me as Brother Shen?\"

\"You are trying to force him out!\" The follower said honestly, \"And if you really don't care about us, why do you have to throw us into the dormitory building before using the air explosion?\"

\"You...\" Shen Qingzhu kicked the stones under his feet in annoyance, \"Damn it, I don't care, since you guys are blind and insist on following me, then follow you.

remember! Don't trouble me! \”

Shen Qingzhu turned around and walked towards the distance with big strides, while the attendants behind him followed without missing a step.

\"Brother Shen, are you heavy? How about I help you carry some weight?\"

\"Go away, I will carry the weight of my own!\"


When Shen Qingzhu walked away, Baili Fatty shrugged:

\"It's weird, Shen Qingzhu has a bad temper, is conceited, and likes to scold people... There are actually people who are willing to follow him, is it possible that he is really blind?\"

\"The boy's name is Deng Wei. When he was a child, his father ran away with others, and his mother loved to gamble.

Later, I happened to meet Shen Qingzhu, this guy didn't know what was going on, he sold several fields in his hometown, and lent them to Deng Wei, and then the two of them awakened the Forbidden Ruins together, and they were spotted by the night watchmen, so they came here. \”

Cao Yuan briefly explained what happened.

\"You know so well?\"

\"That Deng Wei is my roommate.\"Cao Yuan shrugged,\"There are two other attendants, they are twin brothers, one is Li Jia and the other is Li Liang. I don’t know why, but they are equally determined Follow Shen Qingzhu.\”

\"He's still a man with a story, I can't tell.\" Baili Pangpang raised his eyebrows.

At this moment, the humming drone sounded from the forest again, Lin Qiye's face changed slightly, and he stood up from the ground.

\"here we go again……\"

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