“…… O devil! “[The White-browed Ghost King] thought for a moment, well, he didn’t know that such a thing existed. After all, things like demons and vampires are generally unique to the West; It is as if the zombies of the great powers of the East are unique to the East.

It shook its head, this kind of existence that it did not know, it did not bother to think, anyway, no master is strong on the line.

“Did the Catherine whom the master told you have recently become interested in the Thorn Cliff Asylum?”

[The White Brow Ghost King] groaned a little… Then a question like this was asked.

Hearsay… [The nun evil spirit] shook her head and replied, “She seems to be more timid than her subordinates imagined, and subordinates still think that she is the kind of person who likes to die, otherwise she would not have dared to come to the Thorn Cliff Madhouse… Unfortunately, it seems that the subordinates have lost their eyes. ”

It didn’t surprise [the White Brow Ghost King] by saying this, nor did it blame [the evil spirit of the nun]…

Because human beings are very strange creatures.

Both of them were once human beings, and they naturally knew a lot about the complexity of human personality.

So [the nun’s evil spirit] would have looked away before, and that was normal.

At this time, [the nun evil spirit] asked, “Lord Ghost King, we want to ask the master… Do you want to change the target? ”

“Not for the time being, the reason why she didn’t raise her interest again is because you didn’t show enough things, or she didn’t find anything you showed because she was thinking too much.”

The [White Brow Ghost King] shook his head and said, “Next continue to target her as the main target!” ”

“By the way…” [The White Brow Ghost King] suddenly thought of something and reminded, “Our young lady and Miss Li are about to come over, although the master has already secretly arranged in them ‘bodyguards’ whose strength may not be weaker than this king, or even stronger than this king, but also pay attention to their safety.” Everything must be based on the safety of both of them! ”

“But… The master also reminded them that small dangers, small injuries, can still let them endure it. So that they can increase their knowledge and experience a little. ”


[The nun’s evil spirit] said that it understood all this, after all, whether it was Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo…

Their identities are too special, one is the sister of the master, and the girlfriend of the sister of the master.

These two identities, in the eyes of [the evil spirits of the nuns]…

It’s like two imperial relatives!

And the master is the emperor who is high above!

Both “people” are on a long forest path, and I have to say… The Thorn Cliff Madhouse occupies a large area, except for an extremely gloomy, sturdy fortress-like building… There is also a large yard, as well as a small patch of back mountain woods, plus a pond.

At first glance, the scenery may be quite good, as long as you ignore the faint sense of madness.

Along…… [The Sisters of Evil] are introducing the Thorn Cliff Madhouse.

Although because of its possession technique is a little bit off…

So much so that it does not inherit the memories in the body.

But after these days of accumulation, inspection, and temptation, it basically knows everything about the Thorn Cliff Madhouse… Including, many, many, many secrets that no one knows!

Spread the secret that is enough to make all the staff of the Thorn Cliff Madhouse go to prison!

No, probably… Those newcomers who have just started their careers.

Those newcomers who have not yet been pulled into the deep waters…

Maybe…… Get out of jail!

It’s a place of dirt, filth, and darkness, and it’s a place of rage!

At the same time, this is also the focus of many chaebols!

Because in the underground…

There are secrets that the world does not know!

[The nun demon] smiled and said, “Those capitalists are very interesting, they built a research institute under the Thorn Cliff Madhouse, although the area is not very large, and the researchers inside are not famous… But I have to admit, they made some of them out that made people feel… Very interesting stuff. ”

At this point, the two “people” had already arrived at the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum… The grove of groves in the back hill.

Their footsteps… There was an invariably pause.

Not far away, there seemed to be a faint roar…

A roar like an unknown beast!

They are at night… You can see things clearly, and they can see more clearly than during the day.

It can be seen that in front of the two “people”, about thirty or forty meters away, is a cave!

The opening of the cave looks like it is about three or four meters in diameter!

And the height… It’s almost two meters tall.

This diameter is enough to lead to a car…

Not even an SUV is a problem!

However, the cave was blocked by a thick iron fence, an iron bar that was as thick as an adult’s arm, and even the [white-browed ghost king] saw it, and even if he saw it, his eyebrows were raised, this big iron fence… I’m afraid that if you directly hit it with a tank, you may not be able to knock it away, right?

“The trees here are very densely leafed, and there are many fire hydrants everywhere, so that in the event of a fire, the fire can be extinguished in the shortest possible time.” In order not to let there be satellites, or anyone who has a telescope,…… See this direction from a distance. ”

The two “people” continued to approach the huge eerie cave as they talked.

A putrid smell of rotten flesh quickly poured into the nasal cavity.

The “White Brow Ghost King” who is a four-star rank… Nature has a very sensitive sense of smell, and apart from not having a physical body that really belongs to it, it is actually not much different from humans.

Through the huge iron fence, [the White Brow Ghost King] can see that inside the cave… One “monster” after another, locked in cages!

Obviously, he doesn’t look like a human, but… But it can smell the breath of the living from them!

“They are all living people… It is the masterpiece of the group of capitalists who have appeared in order to break the limit of human life. ”

[The evil spirit of the nun] explained with a smile that in this disgusting scene, the two “people” did not react much, but still said and laughed.

The [White Brow Ghost King] nodded and smiled, “It seems… This place is more interesting than the king imagined! ”


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