Liu Feng has already confirmed the address of the scene, the number of madhouses in the Eagle Sauce country is quite large, and there are many madhouses that are equivalent to a prison, and the prisoners are all criminals with mental illness, saying that it is a madhouse, but it is better to say that it is a prison!

Similar to this kind of prison-type madhouse, a random search on the extranet will find an unknown number of rooms.

However, Liu Feng only needs to pick one of them, he chose a madhouse called “Cliff of Thorns”!

It just so happens that… In a past life, he watched that X drama.

That insane asylum in the second season… It’s called “Cliff of Thorns”!

Maybe this is the contraction of the world line?

As Liu Feng’s thoughts moved, a huge unreal 3D map model appeared in front of his eyes!

The Thorn Cliff Asylum is located in the New England district of Eagle Sauce Country, which includes the six states of Eagle Sauce Country.

What interests Liu Feng the most… It is the history of this thorny cliff madhouse.

It was built in 1908 and is a very old building that continues to be used today.

It was once the largest tuberculosis area on the east coast of Eagle Sauce Country!

The Internet says that more than 40,000 people have been buried here!

Because inside the madhouse of the Cliffs of Thorns…

There is a crematorium for crematoria!

At that time, it was basically difficult to treat that disease, so the role of the crematorium was revealed!

The furnace that incinerated more than 40,000 people…

It’s creepy!

This is quite similar to the madhouse setting of that TV series, but there are many details that are different.

Just like the previous sealed door village, there are many places in the closed door village in the past life and this life, and there are many places that are different… After all, this is a parallel world of past lives, or maybe a past life is a parallel world of this world? Who is this stuff again! Is that right?

For example, the Thorny Cliff Madhouse in the TV series has long been abandoned in modern times and has become one of the world’s top ten horror forbidden places.

And this thorny cliff madhouse in the parallel world is still in a state of operation.

What interests Liu Feng the most is…

This Thorn Cliff Madhouse…

It’s actually not clean!

There are several news on the Internet about the abuse of mentally ill criminals in the Thorn Cliff madhouse.

And these news are still the latest news in the past month or two.

This gives him more room to play!

Looking at the gloomy and dilapidated Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum… Liu Feng did not transform the infrastructure of the madhouse, because there were staff members in the madhouse, there were criminals with mental illness, and if he let the infrastructure of the madhouse be changed, even if it was discovered at a glance.

He also uses the old history of the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum to turn this place into a real “purgatory”!

As for whether someone will die? To tell the truth, mentally ill criminals who can enter this thorny cliff madhouse.

Put it here in the country where the willow wind stays…

Every one of them can be sentenced to death!

Liu Feng opened the system’s prop mall and began to search for the props, ghosts, including… Exorcists abroad!

Since there is a mysterious side circle in China, if there is no circle of exorcists abroad.

That may be a little bit unspeakable…

As for how to fabricate that circle…

This has to be planned later!

After all, the mysterious side circle in China, Liu Feng has not been fabricated, and it is still a prototype.

[Name: Featureless Ghosts (Sporadic)

Description: Scattered ghosts without any particularity, even if their sanity is very vague, almost no attack power, you may be able to raise them as mascots!

Skill: None

Price: 100 Shock Points]


[Name: Bloodface Killer (2 stars)

Description: A serial murderer who was active in the Velvet Hill area of Louis West Village in the Eagle Sauce Country in 1960, after his death, his strong resentment combined with his anger and temper was directly transformed into a two-star ghost!

Skills: Peeling surgery, infinite strength

Price: 5680 Shock Points]


[Name: Junior Ghost Hit the Wall (One Star)

Description: You can make a certain area appear “ghost hit the wall” phenomenon, covering a radius of 100 meters!

Skill: Ghost hits the wall

Price: 680 Shock Points]


[Name: Sister Evil (Samsung)

Description: In 1960, a nun who had been possessed by a demon, after being killed by the Catholic Cardinal Priest, did not fall into hell, but instead turned into an evil spirit with demonic power and wandered the world!

Skills: Primary Mindfulness, Language Deception, Possession, Dreaming

Price: 24800 Shock Points]


The balance of the shock point disappeared like flowing water, and the balance of the shock point that was close to six million instantly shrank to more than four million in less than ten minutes.

But it was fine… Everything is under the control of Liu Feng, and in the investment he calculated, his own shock point balance can be fully supported!

As time passed, he purchased a variety of system items.

Far away in the unknown number of thousands of miles away, the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum of the Eagle Sauce Country… At this time, a silent transformation was taking place, and the huge madhouse was already very dark and gloomy.

And now it seems… It gives a chilling feeling!

Just getting close to the Thorn Cliff Madhouse will raise a creepy feeling!

At this point… Eagle sauce country is still around nine o’clock in the morning.

The Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum is located on the outskirts of a city in Eagle Sauce Country, after all, a madhouse of the nature of a prison like this… It is impossible to build inside a city.

The darkness and filth hidden here…

It does not blend in with the city.

A white guard with a fat head and big ears, wearing a guard uniform, was leaning against the wall, dozing off, suddenly and involuntarily shivered, and the drowsiness inexplicably dissipated for a long time, and the whole person woke up.

He hurriedly wiped the saliva from the corners of his mouth, looked around in amazement, and looked at the big sun overhead.

The obese guard, who did not know how many high-calorie foods he had eaten, could not help but shrink his neck and open his mouth with a rude sentence: “Fark… How can it be so cold with the sun shining?! ”

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