After discussing with Konan, Nagato Uzumaki and Xiao Nan were a little more in awe of this mysterious Mr. Yunchuan!

Of course, they didn’t completely believe Yunchuan’s words.

Just as they still don’t quite believe that there are so many other worlds outside the world, and there is such a platform that can connect to the complete world.

However, this did not prevent them from continuing to communicate with Yunchuan.

Konan, “Nagato, since this Mr. Yunchuan knows us so well, you might ask him what is the purpose of the people who use us?” Also, what should we do in this situation? ”

Uzumaki Nagato’s eyes lit up slightly, and he immediately nodded in agreement.

After the previous communication between the two of them, they had actually reached a consensus that it was “Uchiha Madara” who was calculating them!

It’s just that now they don’t know what “Uchiha” is calculating their purpose, and they don’t dare to act rashly.

Before that, they thought of pretending not to know the truth for the time being, and investigating and investigating “Uchiha Spot”.

Now that they knew that Yun Chuan was so powerful, they naturally wanted to ask Yun Chuan directly, and by the way, they could also test whether this Yun Chuan was really as powerful as he said.

So, Uzumaki Nagato asked his own question directly in the private chat window: “Your Excellency Yunchuan, since you have everything and everything, can you tell me what purpose Uchiha wants to achieve by using me to collect tailed beasts?” Also, how should I deal with him now? ”

Not long after he sent the message, he received a reply from Yunchuan.

Yun Chuan: “Uchiha spot? What you are talking about should be the masked man who calls himself Uchiha Madara! Do you really think he’s Uchiha? ”

Seeing this reply, Uzumaki Nagato’s mood that had finally calmed down suddenly shook again.

Seeing this, Xiao Nan hurriedly asked, “Nagato, what did he say?” ”

Uzumaki Nagato swallowed his spit and said, “He said that the Mr. Madara we have been in contact with all this time may not be Uchiha Madara!” ”

“What?!” Xiao Nan was also taken aback all of a sudden.

Mr. Madara is not Uchiha Madara!

In this way, they have really been deceived by someone all this time!

This time, without Konan’s reminder, Uzumaki Nagato quickly asked the question again.

Uzumaki Nagato: “Your Excellency Yunkawa, isn’t that guy Uchiha Madara?” So what is his true identity? ”

After asking this question, Uzumaki Nagato stared nervously at the illusory window in front of him that only he could see, while Konan, who had been staring nervously at him.

They were all waiting for Yunchuan’s answer.

However, Yunchuan sent a word that they didn’t expect.

Yun Chuan: “You seem to have a lot of questions!” Don’t you know that knowledge is paid? ”

Know…… Pay for knowledge?

Uzumaki Nagato was a little stunned.

This Mr. Yunchuan, when he said this, he meant to make him pay before he could answer his question?

Uzumaki Nagato frowned, but quickly made a decision: if he could know the truth, what was the harm of paying a little money?

The Xiao Organization has been making a lot of money before, and they really have a lot of money in their hands, and the financial power is in Xiaonan’s hands!

Therefore, he looked directly at Xiao Nan and said, “Xiao Nan, you go and get some money!” ”

“Money? What are you suddenly going to do with your money? Xiao Nan asked with a puzzled look.

“Mr. Yunchuan said, if we want to continue asking, we must pay for knowledge!” Uzumaki Nagato said.

“This… Also reasonable! I remember you said before that this super-dimensional Zhihu platform has a function of paying questions! ”

Xiao Nan said: “Then can you ask him how much it costs?” Or how many questions can we ask about how much money we give? ”

Obviously, she, the financial power controller, still has some economic acumen, and she knows that before doing business, it is best to ask the price clearly, otherwise it is too easy to suffer!

Uzumaki Nagato immediately asked in the private chat window.

Who would have thought that Yunchuan actually sent a sentence: “Hahahaha / laughter”

Uzumaki Nagato was puzzled, “Why is Your Excellency Yunchuan laughing?” ”

Yun Chuan: “Isn’t it, are you so funny?” We are all in different worlds, do you think the money of your world will work for me? ”

These words knocked Uzumaki Nagato down.

He has also just connected to the super dimension of Zhihu not long ago, and he has never used paid questions, so naturally he did not expect this.

If you think about it, the currencies of different worlds are obviously impossible to be the same, even if he gives all the money to Yunchuan, it will have no effect on Yunchuan!

Uzumaki Nagato hurriedly asked, “Then I wonder what Your Excellency Yunchuan needs to pay for the consultation?” ”

When Yun Chuan in the pirate world saw this message, the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but hook slightly.

He waited for Uzumaki Nagato’s words.

Just now, he has actually experimented with the function of paid consultation, and the payment price code can be set by himself, but it is not money, but items!

He had an idea: “I don’t know, can skills be used as payment?” ”

Thinking of this, he directly pressed the consulting service button and listed and set his own consulting price code.

Then, he said to Uzumaki Nagato at the private chat window: “You open the paid consultation function, I have set the price code, you can see for yourself!” ”

Nagato of the Uzumaki of the Hokage World hurriedly opened the paid consultation, and sure enough, he saw Yunchuan appear in the list of paid consultation answers, and the description also wrote “Provide information about the truth behind the Hokage World’s tail beast weapon plan”.

And when he saw the price code, Uzumaki Nagato’s eyes contracted again.

Because the price code is proudly written: Reincarnation Eye Pupil!

This Mr. Yunchuan actually wanted his reincarnation pupil technique!

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