Yunchuan simply @ [Mr. Genius Inventor] directly on the Zhihu platform: “How is the situation over there?” How is the Warframe made? ”

Because Tony Stark also said about his situation before, others were also curious about the question Yunchuan asked.

However, unfortunately, Tony Stark did not reply, and I don’t know if he is busy.

I’m Little White Snake: “Mr. Genius Inventor should not…”

Yunchuan: “Don’t worry, as a super administrator, once a platform user dies, I will immediately get a prompt from the platform, and I have not received such a prompt so far, so there is no need to worry.” He is probably busy running for his life, and when he is done, he will naturally appear! ”

Everyone else breathed a sigh of relief, and then re-studied the function of red envelopes.

Among them, Vegapunk was not very interested in the book Yunchuan gave him because he was in the same world as Yunchuan, and when he saw the little white snake, he seemed very interested, and directly sent out which one he got and some research books around him.

Lan Ran Yousuke also took out some of his collection of books and shared them with everyone.

Uzumaki Nagato actually took out some ninjutsu scrolls to send red envelopes.

As soon as the turtle immortals saw that everyone was having fun, they also took out some of their less important treasures to share with everyone.

The little white snake grabbed the red envelope with great pleasure, and then was embarrassed to find that he had nothing to return the gift.

I’m Xiaobai (Little White Snake): “Everyone, I’m really sorry to receive so many red envelopes from you, I’ll go out now to find some delicious fruits as a gift in return!” ”

Seeing her words, the others didn’t care much, only Yun Chuan couldn’t help but move in his heart, vaguely expecting.

Because, according to Yunchuan’s speculation, the little white snake should be from a world where immortals and demons exist!

That kind of world is a little more advanced than the other One Piece world at this time.

And the fruit that the little white snake said obviously cannot be an ordinary product!

Therefore, Yunchuan really looked forward to what kind of surprise the little white snake would bring them!

Subsequently, Yun Chuan closed the platform and began to carefully study the art of soil rebirth, after all, this thing should come in handy soon!

And when Yunchuan was learning to reincarnate in the soil, he didn’t feel the loss of time.

At this time, it was less than a day before the execution of Fire Fist Ace!

The whole world seems calm on the surface, but in fact, there is already an undercurrent.

Many large and small forces are paying attention to this matter, and many forces related to Ace have begun to take action and rush to the naval headquarters as quickly as possible.

Marin Fandor, Navy Headquarters.

In the Navy, it was announced that the execution of One Piece’s son, Portcas After D. Ace’s news, it began to be arranged intensively.

The troops distributed in various naval divisions were transferred to the headquarters at the fastest speed, in addition to the elite troops sent by the world government also quietly arrived in Marin Fandor on this day, without attracting the attention of the outside world.

In order to avoid accidents before execution, Sengoku devoted a large number of navies to patrols.

On Marin Fandor today, a group of heavily armed soldiers can be seen patrolling everywhere on every corner, and some shifts have been patrolled between different teams, and each area has a strong rear admiral in charge of guarding the town.

In addition, all the vice admirals of the Navy were recalled, all of them were in full readiness in Marin Fandor, ready to enter combat at any time.

It can be said that the current naval headquarters is the most heavily guarded moment in history.

To sneak into Marin Fandor from the outside is simply impossible!

At this time, the Chamber of the Navy headquarters.

A discussion on Ace’s execution plan was being held here, and the meeting was attended by some high-ranking naval officials, including Marshal Sengoku, the three major generals, and Vice Admiral Tsuru, the Grand Staff Officer, as well as some vice admirals.

In addition, Bega Punk, a scientist who arrived safely in Marin Fandor not long ago, also attended the meeting.

In addition, at the round table sat a very strong old man with a broad chest, tawny skin, and white hair and beard in the shape of a mountain.

Under the old man’s left eye, there was a stitched scar and he was wearing a sleeveless black shirt decorated with medals.

This old man is the commander-in-chief of the world government, Steel Bone Empty!

It turned out that not long ago, Steel Bone Empty arrived in Marin Fandor and became the main person in charge of this operation.

Originally, as the commander-in-chief of the world government, Steel Bone Kong would not directly participate in this operation, but this operation was very important to the world government, and the five old stars finally sent him.

In fact, this execution of Fire Fist Ace was just a pretense, ostensibly an execution of Ace, but in fact it was an action against the Whitebeard Pirates.

In recent years, pirates have become more and more rampant, coupled with the attacks of the revolutionary army in all aspects, the world government urgently needs a war to enhance its prestige in this world and consolidate its dominance.

Moreover, this war must not only prove that the world government is strong, but also have enough influence.

Obviously, killing a sea emperor is undoubtedly the best option.

Whitebeard, a strong man left over from the old era, as one of the five emperors, has great prestige and influence on the sea, and is even known as the strongest on the sea.

In recent years, with the increase of age, Whitebeard’s body has also experienced various problems, and it is likely that the combat effectiveness has been greatly reduced.

There is no doubt that Whitebeard is the best target for this plan, as long as Whitebeard is killed, it will definitely achieve the purpose of the world government!

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