Hundred Beast Pirates.

Kaido, they have just received intelligence from the Chambord Islands, and they are discussing this matter.

“One Piece Roger, actually resurrected?”

Drought Jack said incredulously, “Or is he not dead at all!” ”

Yan Ember said jokingly: “If he hadn’t died, letting his wife die like that back then would have been enough to be iron-hearted!” ”

While smoking a cigar, Quinn said in a deep voice: “What I care more about is that the intelligence mentioned that his current condition is not like a living person, and he is injured and does not bleed, but actually turned into dust, and then recovered immediately!” ”

Drought Jack was unimpressed and said, “What is this?” It is estimated that he ate some natural devil fruit! ”

“I always feel that things are not that simple!”


The three discussed for a long time, but did not get any results.

In the end, they could only look at their boss, Kaido.

As a result, they were surprised to find that Kaido was in a daze!

You know, in the past, Kaido was inseparable from alcohol, but today he actually changed his normal attitude, just looking directly at the photos of Roger and Whitebeard attached to the intelligence, looking pensive.

On the contrary, the photo of the redhead who had clashed with them not long ago was now directly thrown by Kaido and did not look at it at all.

Seeing this, the three calamities couldn’t help but move in their hearts.

Does the captain mean that Roger reappears, and the next thing they will face will no longer be the red-haired pirate group, but the former Roger pirate group?


Cake Island, Auntie Pirates.

The Charlotte family was also talking about the war at this time.

“I didn’t expect that this war would end up with such a result!”

“Did Roger come back from the dead, or didn’t he die at all?”

“God King Yunchuan’s strength is so strong!”

“What did he want to do with his people to occupy Marin Fando?”


Many of Aunt Charlotte’s children are actively discussing and expressing their opinions.

Charlotte listened to them talk while munching on the cake.

Unfortunately, they didn’t say anything to the point for a long time, and she said directly in a deep voice: “It’s all quiet!” Katakuri, tell me what you think! ”

After thinking for a while, Katakuri said in a deep voice: “I think we should investigate the secret of Roger’s resurrection as soon as possible, in addition, regarding the weaknesses of that God King Yunchuan and the Nine Snake Pirates, we must also quickly analyze them, after all, they may soon become our enemies!” ”

When Aunt heard this, she couldn’t help but grin and said, “That’s right!” However, I don’t think it’s necessary! No matter what the strength of that guy in Yunchuan is, as long as that person appears, he will definitely not be able to turn over any storms! ”

Hearing this, Katakuri and the others couldn’t help but be stunned.

You know, this time the war Yunchuan is said to have killed even the five old stars, such a powerful existence, who else can ignore it?

Charlotte Perot Spero stuck out her big tongue and asked the blockbuster: “Mom, who is that person you are talking about?” ”

Everyone else also looked at Auntie curiously.

As a result, the aunt did not speak for a long time, and seemed to be in a daze.

“Mom? Mom? Perospero couldn’t help but shout.

Unfortunately, the aunt still ignored him, just chanted words in her mouth.

Charlotte Opera stepped forward carefully and listened carefully, and then her face couldn’t help but change.

“Not good! Mom may have a food sickness attack! ”


“How could it be so sudden!”

Just as everyone exclaimed, Auntie suddenly stood up and began to smash things madly!


Just when the cake island was full of chickens flying and dogs jumping, the base camp of the revolutionary army.

Monchi S. D. Long was also reading a piece of information at this time.

Even he, when he learned the final result of the Marin Fando War, was shocked and confused.

Just now, Saab had already contacted him by phone to inform Yunchuan of the purpose of wanting to see him.

After much thought, Monchi D. Long made a decision and said to the several revolutionary army cadres in front of him: “Gather all cadres at once!” Have an emergency meeting! ”

Hearing this, a revolutionary army cadre was a little surprised and said, “Chief, how many cadres are on special tasks, do you want to summon them as well?” ”

The dragon nodded and said in a deep voice: “Yes! Involve them in the meeting too! This time the matter is related to the success of the things we have been planning! Everything else doesn’t matter anymore! ”

The cadre was taken aback, he didn’t expect Long to pay so much attention to Yunchuan’s invitation this time.

He immediately replied, “I know, I’ll go and inform everyone immediately!” ”

At the same time, there are also forces large and small around the world, and there are also undercurrents.

Newspapers issued by major media also arrived all over the world at this time and began to cause a sensation.

“Oh my God, is this true?”

“The world government actually lost? Wouldn’t that cause chaos in the world? ”

“One Piece is dead and resurrected! Is this really news? It wouldn’t be newspaper gibby, would it? ”

“All the newspapers reported on this, it can’t be fake!”

“Absurd, this is also too absurd, I firmly do not believe it! How could anyone possibly do such a thing? ”

“What is the origin of this God King Yunchuan, who is so powerful?”

“It’s terrible! At this moment, the whole world is estimated to fall into chaos! ”


And just as some people are worried, because of this war, the world government, which has always been extremely powerful, has lost face!

Many people suddenly feel that the previously strong navy seems to have become not so powerful!

So, the order maintained under the coercion of the navy began to crumble!

Some dark forces, when they learned that the navy had suffered such a huge blow, and guessed that the navy was likely to take care of itself now, began to move.

In the past, they were afraid of the navy and did not dare to mess around, but now it is their best chance!

However, before they were about to act, another important news suddenly came out from Marin Fando!

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