The more you buy, the more you pay.

Alas, people have to bow their heads under the system.

Jiang Cheng pointed to the houses that cost more than one million and asked, "Are the prices of these houses still negotiable?"

Xiao Xia was relieved when she heard Jiang Cheng say that and nodded, "It should still be negotiable."

For real estate transactions, as long as they are not in urgent need of selling, the prices listed are generally a bit inflated.

Because once a buyer takes a fancy to the house, he will inevitably lower the price when buying it, so the price must be listed higher to leave some room for negotiation.

Jiang Cheng certainly understood this logic. He nodded and said to Xiao Xia: "Look, these five houses are worth more than one million. If you can negotiate a price of one million per house, I will buy them."

Seeing that Jiang Cheng wanted to buy five houses at once, Xiao Xia was so scared that her eyes widened, and her round buttocks couldn't even sit still.

She stuttered and asked: "This... Are you talking about buying all five?"

Jiang Cheng smiled and nodded: "You can buy it, right?"

"This... Mr. Jiang, there are restrictions on real estate purchases now. If you want to buy five houses, do you have to write your name on all of them?"

Jiang Cheng nodded: "Yes, if you can buy five houses, you can pay in full."

Seeing Jiang Cheng say this, she was not only more shocked, but even her breathing became a little hurried: "Full payment!"

Although Xiao Xia didn't believe it, because Jiang Cheng looked about the same age as her, he could pay five million in full to buy a house at this age.

Although she had doubts in her heart, she did not dare to say it out loud, and even nodded: "It should be possible to do it. I have to talk to our supervisor about this operation. In addition, I will try my best to help you lower the price."

"If the price cannot reach one million per room, I will not buy it. Do you understand? I will not buy it for a penny more. Can you negotiate it?"

Xiao Xia suddenly felt a little unconfident when she asked this question.

Although these prices have room for negotiation.

But one of the five suites is priced at 1.09 million, and the price difference is directly 90,000, while the price difference of the other suites is in the range of 40,000 to 50,000.

If their supervisor makes a move, this price can probably be negotiated, but she is just a newcomer now and is not very sure.

She said a little unconfidently: "This, I will try it."

Although she also wanted to get the commission of these houses, this desire did not improve her self-confidence.

"This... Don't you need to go and have a look first?"

Jiang Cheng shook his head. He didn't know how long it would take to look at so many houses, and he didn't live there himself.

"No, if I can buy it, I'll just entrust you to rent it out directly."

Xiao Xia saw Jiang Cheng so straightforward, and her dull head immediately nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

It was the first time she saw someone buying a house so casually, and he looked so relaxed as if he was buying vegetables in the market.

Is five million now like pocket money for people in these big cities?

Jiang Cheng asked curiously: "From your accent, you are not a local, right?"

Seeing Jiang Cheng asking this, Xiao Xia nodded embarrassedly, smiled honestly, and said with a little inferiority: "I am from the Tibetan area of ​​Ganzi, Tianfu."

Jiang Cheng looked at Xiao Xia's clothes and words and deeds and nodded in understanding.

Although the scenery there is beautiful, it is no different from being isolated from the world. It is all mountains and rivers, and the economy is not good. No wonder Xiaoxia came out to work at the age of 19.

Jiang Cheng looked at the broken old mobile phone in Xiaoxia's hand.

He frowned.

At the same age, even his classmates from ordinary families are sunny and optimistic. It is the first time that Jiang Cheng has met a girl like Xiaoxia who came from the mountains.

After thinking about it, he often said on the spur of the moment: "How about this, you try to help me negotiate. If you can negotiate the price to one million, how about I give you the extra difference?"

Xiaoxia was stunned when she heard what Jiang Cheng said. Jiang Cheng meant that if she could negotiate the price of 1.09 million for a house, then the extra difference would be directly given to her?

But Jiang Cheng wanted to buy five houses. If all the difference was given to her, it would be at least hundreds of thousands!

"Mr. Jiang, are you telling the truth? The price difference for the five sets is hundreds of thousands. Are you going to give me this money?"

Xiao Xia was very excited and

She wanted it, but she really didn't understand. What was the difference between this way of buying and Jiang Cheng buying directly?

Why did Jiang Cheng give her the money?

Xiao Xia, who was extremely unconfident in herself, naturally didn't think that Jiang Cheng would like her. After all, in her eyes, she was so vulgar and ordinary, and she couldn't match a handsome guy like Jiang Cheng at all.

Jiang Cheng saw Xiao Xia's doubts. In fact, he didn't want to be so troublesome, but the restrictions on the five cards stated that the maximum limit was one million, and it would be invalid if it exceeded.

If you want to use these cards, you have to lower the price to one million.

Although she could pay one million first, then use the critical card, and then pay the other difference, but instead of giving the money to those wealthy owners, it would be better to give it to Xiao Xia in front of her. Anyway, the money has to be spent. Isn't it better to give it to a girl from the mountains?

There is no way. Jiang Cheng is more likely to be philanthropic to these poor women.

"I know what your question is, but today is a very special day in my life. I just happen to be in a good mood, so I will "stab" you with wealth."

Xiao Xia was moved to tears when she saw Jiang Cheng say this.

Jiang Cheng was the first stranger she met who was so nice to her.

After coming to the big city, she felt that there was really a gap between people.

Especially when she took the train to Chengdu for the first time.

She remembered that she was wearing a half-old set of clothes at that time, and the dry food on the road was homemade steamed buns and a thermos of warm water.

But the child sitting opposite her was wearing brand new clothes, eating KFC hamburgers that she had never eaten before, and drinking milk tea that she had never drunk in more than ten years.

That was the first time in her life that she felt that the gap between people was like a chasm, and how small she was in this city.

She could hardly find a good job here because she had no education.

After working as a dishwasher for several months, the restaurant's proprietress felt sorry for her and introduced her to the agency through her connections.

In order to save money, she bought the cheapest lunch boxes for meals, and she was reluctant to buy even a cup of milk tea, which is the favorite drink of young people.

She was often looked down upon or even laughed at by other colleagues because of her extremely frugal food and clothing.

But she never expected that Jiang Cheng, such a strange customer, would lend a helping hand to her the first time they met.

Although Xiao Xia wanted to refuse, the blow of poverty made her unable to speak.

For someone who is afraid of poverty, why would she extend her hand to push away the wealth that could make her turn over?

Xiao Xia bit her lower lip and said to Jiang Cheng gratefully: "Mr. Jiang, thank you, I will do my best. Please sit down first, I will contact the owners of these houses right away."

Seeing Xiao Xia so excited, Jiang Cheng did not react. He waved his hand at her to signal her to do it quickly, and then he lowered his head to play with his mobile phone.

She immediately turned around and trotted towards the direction of the supervisor's room.

After reporting this to the supervisor, the supervisor was also shocked, but he quickly reacted and immediately took out his mobile phone to contact the homeowners with Xiao Xia.

The male agent who heard these movements at this time showed deep regret in his eyes.

He didn't expect that he was passive and lazy just once, and others took advantage of him. The male agent even slapped himself several times in regret.

You know, even if it is a house worth hundreds of thousands, most people still need a loan, let alone five million.

Covering his swollen face and looking at the phone.

Damn, just for this photo, he spent a hundred yuan, but this thing looks worse than an abalone, and he wanted to smash the phone directly.

If he knew earlier, he should have stood up to receive Jiang Cheng, maybe now the commission of tens of thousands of yuan would be his.

If you have tens of thousands of yuan, do you still need to look through the phone.......

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