After sending off the two dream dogs, Qin Yu welcomed two more.

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So far, five of the seven Xuantian tokens have been obtained.

As for the remaining two tokens, Qin Yu heard that they had been found by other disciples, so he no longer cared about them.

Qin Yu counted on his fingers.

"There are still eleven days before the end of the event. If I lose two tokens a day, that means twenty-two tokens in eleven days!"

"I actually lost 2,200 contribution points invisibly."

"It hurts, my heart hurts so much!"

Qin Yu pushed the door open and walked towards the central square.

He wanted to find a way to get all the tokens without violating the rules.

So, he was going to study the rules of the event carefully now.

Qin Yu firmly believed that as long as there were rules, there must be loopholes.

Rushing all the way to the central square, Qin Yu saw the rules of this event next to the whiteboard with the prompt words.

The rules were very simple, there were only a few.

【1. Event time: December 15th - December 30th! 】

【2. It is forbidden to snatch tokens during the event! 】

【3. It is forbidden to forge tokens during the event! 】

【4. Redeem rewards within three days after the end of the event, expired tokens will be invalid! 】


After reading all the rules, Qin Yu's mind flashed with several thoughts.

'S~ There are a lot of loopholes! '

"Boss, boss, I finally found you, you are here?"

Suddenly, Qin Yu heard someone calling him.

Looking back, it was Senior Brother Gao.

"Deputy Boss Gao, what a coincidence!"

Senior Brother Gao trotted over and said happily: "Boss, good news, guess what!"

"What happened?"

Senior Brother Gao laughed: "Today our guild found two Xuantian tokens at once, and now everyone in the guild is very happy!"

Qin Yu: "......"

'It turns out that the two tokens that Huanmeng Dog missed were found by people in his own guild. ’

“Let’s go! Everyone is waiting to thank you!” Senior Brother Gao pulled Qin Yu and was about to leave.


Qin Yu had already found the loophole, so there was no need to stay here any longer.

When they arrived at the agreed location, everyone from the ‘Rich Avengers Alliance’ had been waiting for a long time.

When they saw Qin Yu, someone immediately shouted, “The gang leader is here, applaud!”

Pa pa pa pa pa~

Warm applause broke out at the scene.

Qin Yu waved his hand, “Don’t be so excited!”

‘Because you may never have a chance to find the Xuantian token again this year. ’

Qin Yu adjusted his expression, “Well, I heard that our gang found two Xuantian tokens today?”

A man and a woman immediately ran out of the team, each holding a token in their hands, and walked in front of Qin Yu under the envious eyes of everyone.

‘Are you two going to exchange tokens and get married on the spot? ’

The two of them, one on the left and one on the right, held Qin Yu's hand at the same time and said in unison:

"Boss, thanks to you, I can find the Xuantian token!"

Qin Yu let go of the boy's hand, held the girl's hand, forced a smile on his face and said:

"You can find the token because of your persistence and luck, it has nothing to do with me."

"Why has it nothing to do with me!" The girl said loudly: "I was about to give up yesterday, but thanks to the words of the boss, I was inspired and kept going."

Boy: "Me too!"

"Boss, without you, I would definitely not have this token!"

Boy: "Me too!"

Qin Yu's smile froze on his face.

He really wanted to slap himself twice now.

'My damn mouth! Why did I inspire them when I had nothing to do! '

'This time I really shot myself in the foot! ’

“By the way, Gang Master, we are all menial disciples!”

Then, the two turned around and excitedly said to everyone: “Gang Master is right, although we menial disciples are not talented, as long as we work hard, we will definitely gain something!”

‘You two are swearing here...’

“Everyone, try harder and try to take all the tokens of the mysterious organization!”

Everyone cheered: “Let the mysterious organization not get a single token!”

Qin Yu: “…”

‘Menial disciples, right? Don’t let me know which area you two clean, otherwise I will take Wangcai to poop every day! ’

Seeing that the atmosphere was very lively, Qin Yu smiled and said to everyone:

“Everyone did a good job today, I hope everyone can keep up this momentum.”

“I may be very busy in the next period of time, so starting from tomorrow, I will not attend the party.”

“This party will be hosted by the deputy gang master in the future!”

Qin Yu joined this gang with the purpose of preventing them from reporting to the sect.

Now that the Dream Dog has become a good dog that abides by the law, he doesn’t need to waste time here.

Everyone was a little sad when they heard this.

"Boss, we can't bear to part with you!"

"Yes, what ability does the deputy boss have? Is he qualified to host the party?"

Deputy boss Gao: "..."

'You can support someone just by supporting him. There's no need to step on another person to support him! '

"Okay!" Qin Yu said: "I'm just in seclusion for a while, I'm not dead!"

"This gang will continue to exist in the future. Everyone can help each other. If you have any problems, you can come to me for help."

"Everyone, go back and recharge your energy today, and keep working hard tomorrow."

Seeing Qin Yu was about to leave, someone hurriedly said, "Boss, we haven't shouted slogans today!"

Qin Yu: "... Try hard! Try hard! Try hard!"

Everyone: "Come on! Come on! Come on!"


After Qin Yu returned to the cave, he immediately entered his soul sea.

"Wangcai! Wangcai!"


"Woof woof~"

"Come to see me, I've prepared stinky tofu for you!"

"Woof~" Wangcai shouted excitedly, and then hurriedly went offline.

Qin Yu put the oil in the pan, and just as he made four servings of stinky tofu, Wangcai rushed over.

"Woof woof~"

Wangcai was crazy around Qin Yu, acting cute.

"Don't act cute, these two servings of stinky tofu are for you to eat, and you can take the remaining two back, understand?"

Wangcai nodded and began to eat heartily.

Qin Yu wanted to help Wangcai quickly improve his status in the tribe.

Other fantasy dogs can only bring back one, but Wangcai can bring back two, which will definitely be favored by the chief of the fantasy dog ​​tribe and the love of other fantasy dogs.

‘Wait until Wangcai unifies the fantasy dog ​​tribe, then I can do whatever I want, hehehehehe...’

Qin Yu laughed obscenely for a while and talked to Wangcai about business.

“Wangcai, go back and tell your tribe members that when you look for the Xuantian token in the future, first pull everyone present into the illusion, and then slowly look for it.”

The activity rules do not say that it is not allowed to interfere with other people's search for tokens.

Moreover, the illusion created by the fantasy dog ​​is very real. The disciples look for the token in the illusion. Except that it is impossible to find the token, there is no difference from looking for the token in the real world.

The emotional value is full, and it is not easy to cause trouble.

Qin Yu thinks his plan is perfect!

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