On the bustling streets of the early morning, a teenager rode a bicycle wildly.

I hurried along the way and finally arrived at the classroom before the bell rang.

Before he could sit down, Wang Heng's head was already close to him.

Wang Heng looked at the gauze on Night Wind's wrist with a surprised look: "I'm coming, madman, shouldn't you really be beaten by Xue Mao?" Night

Wind rolled his eyes: "While going, I accidentally injured myself when I was fighting."

"Gee, you still have a good idea of your small body, I think it was cut and rubbed by others."

"Am I weak? Don't leave after school, let's try?"

"Come on, come on, watch me beat you all over the ground looking for teeth."

The two fought each other, and Night Wind suddenly heard the two classmates behind arguing.

A tall thin man pointed to the contents of the mobile phone and said: "Just blow it, and Sherlock Holmes, the official has already defined it as a burglary."

"I know that family, their family has no money at all, it must be seeking revenge." The other called a classmate and said with a tug at the throat.

"Maybe it's that his family is relatively low-key on weekdays, you can't see it."

"How is it possible, his family's car has been driving for almost ten years, and it was bad to go out camping last week."

Seeing the two fighting for red faces, Chi Yefeng was a little curious: "What's wrong with them?"

"This, ah, there was news this morning, Liu He's community had a family burned, and it was preliminarily judged to be a burglary."

Wang Heng handed over his mobile phone, which showed today's morning news in Ping'an City.

The appearance of the Awakened One has led to many people possessing all kinds of strange abilities.

If it is used for crime, it is troublesome.

After the awakening of the whole people, the number of terrorists in the world has increased significantly, and the crime rate has increased considerably.

Countries around the world have united to form a coalition of law enforcers to arrest terrorists with powerful awakening objects.

Domestically, the punishment for such acts is also severe by the Department of Security and Security.

Once caught, such murderers are basically the death penalty.

This is one of the reasons why the state has given students an awakening organization.

The so-called rating refers on the one hand to the future potential of a person's awakening object, and in turn to the degree of harm he has to society.

Below grade D has no impact on society, just like Wang Heng's newspaper, it will not affect others at all.

The ability of the C-level awakened object can be used as a skill, and there is a possibility of committing crimes with the help of awakened objects, but at most it is a personal crime.

At the B level, it is completely different to have a threatening ability to society, and once you become a terrorist, it will affect public security.

News like this appears once or twice every few days, which is not a big deal.

Night Wind flipped through it casually, originally not caring, but when he turned to a certain picture, he suddenly stopped.

Most of the victims' houses had been burned for a long time, except for slightly better bathrooms.

That photo shows what it looks like in the bathroom.

Nothing could be seen on the scorched walls, but traces of blade slashes could be faintly seen.

For some reason, Night Wind looked at the wall that was slashed by the sword, and Night Wind suddenly had a sense of déjà vu.

"Jingle bells—"

At this moment the bell for class rang, and Night Breeze no longer wanted to start the class honestly.

Brush questions, eat, play space, brush questions, exercise.

A repetitive and busy day quickly passes.

When the bell rang for the end of school, Night Wind rode his bicycle towards the Punishment Heaven Martial Arts Dojo.

In the Punishment Heaven Martial Arts Dojo, Zhou Li looked at the night wind who changed into a sparring uniform and nodded.

The night wind before looked a little immature, and after changing into this dress, it looked a lot more mature, at least it would not be suspected as a minor.

"Have you memorized the rules and everything?" Zhou Li asked.

Night Wind showed a mouthful of white teeth: "All the rules are remembered, Brother Zhou, don't worry!"

"Okay, you are free to move first, there is a teaching area over there, there are basic open classes, if you want to listen to it, wait until there is a suit... I'm calling you when you need it. Seeing

that Zhou Li was leaving, Night Wind hurriedly said, "Brother Zhou, wait a minute, can I ask you a few questions?" Zhou

Lile, this kid really didn't treat himself as an outsider: "I'll listen to it."

"What should I do if I fight someone whose arm is coated with poison?" Nightwind asked.

Zhou Li was stunned, what kind of strange question was this: "Arm poison?" You mean the kind that dies when touched? Night

Wind nodded: "Almost."

Zhou Li thought for a while and said: "To deal with this kind of enemy, first of all, you have to find a weapon to avoid contact with the other party, swords and anything, if you have a long hand, it is better."

"Then what if there are no weapons, such as fighting him in the jungle." Nightwind continued to ask.

The game space does not allow Night Wind to bring weapons in, and this plan is directly passed.

"Without weapons, it's a bit difficult." Zhou Li finally came to the meaning, and began to analyze it seriously.

"If you don't have a weapon to worry about touching, you can use the leg method, and you should always have shoes." In addition, since it is in the jungle, you can use tree trunks and stones as weapons. Hearing

this, the night breeze's eyes lit up.

He has not practiced the leg method professionally, but he has used it a lot in fighting, and he can try whether the shoe conducts conduction when he goes back.

As for weapons, there are so many trunks in the woods, it will not be long before you break off a piece.

So you need to practice the stick technique next?

With the answer in his heart, Night Wind did not change the question: "Brother Zhou ask another question, what is extreme avoidance?" Zhou

Li looked at the night breeze with a strange face, where did this kid get so many strange questions.

But since you asked, then you must answer it yourself.

Zhou Li explained: "The so-called extreme dodge refers to making a dodge action at the moment when the fatal attack is about to hit you, generally speaking, this time does not exceed 0.01 seconds. Hearing

this answer, Night Wind finally knew how his achievement came about.

He repeatedly escaped to the limit when fighting the Green Wolf Elite Monster and the Boar, which is why he had this special achievement.

In other words, as long as you can get the limit to avoid the fatal attack, you can get soul gold?

At this moment, a strange thought suddenly appeared in Ye Feng's mind.

Night Wind has not noticed that because of some special attributes blessed by some special achievements, someone's way of thinking is becoming more and more different from ordinary people.

At this time, most people will think how dangerous and difficult this kind of thing is.

But Night Wind was thinking about how to use this to earn soul gold coins!

"Any more questions?" Seeing that the night wind did not speak, Zhou Li asked.

Returning to the gods, the night wind smiled: "It's gone, Brother Zhou, you're busy." Zhou

Li instructed two words to turn and leave, got what he wanted, smiled at night, and then went straight to the open class of basic training.

Wandering around the teaching area, Night Breeze found a basic open class with the most gathered members around.

In the center of the field, I thought that the strong coach was explaining: "The strength depends not only on the arm muscles, the real key is the waist, is your big crotch..." The coach

explained the power technique, how to drive the body through the thighs and waist.

This was followed by some lessons on pile standing, controlling the center of gravity, and daily training methods.

The night breeze listened with relish, these things were all things he had not touched before, and they were what he needed most now.

I even learned it on the side.

Unconsciously, twenty minutes passed, and then Night Breeze's mobile phone rang: "Xiaofeng, come here." "

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