“Game Over"


“Game Over"


【Soul Gold +1】

"Game Over"


Early the next morning, early in the morning, Night Wind was being tortured by Delia in the game space.

Yes, that's right, it's torture.

Yesterday, after knowing what extreme dodging is, Night Wind began a journey to find death.

Compared to the leveling mode, Delia in character teaching brings a faster death threat.

Since last night, Night Wind has been trying to obtain soul coins through extreme dodging.

As a result, it has died dozens of times.

As for the result, it is six soul gold coins.

Night Wind also tested that shoes and tree trunks could indeed block electrical attacks.

If you just want to drag the time, it's fine to stick to it for a few minutes.

But that is pointless, unless he can grind the other party to death in one breath, ten seconds is no different from an hour.

Compared to dragging time, Night Wind cares more about that extreme avoidance.

The limit time of 0.01 seconds is difficult to control for the current night wind, and it will have to be repeated if you are not careful.

But this kind of difficult operation is not a torture for a soul enthusiast, but a pleasure.

Coupled with the bravery and calmness attributes that certain achievements have brought him, the night wind is now even more powerful than his former self.

In addition, the strength of Night Wind has increased by almost 50%, and Night Wind does not plan to improve in the short term.

Therefore, soul gold coins are not very lacking in the short term, and this thing can not grow rapidly in a short time.

Wait until you are on the rise, and it's never too late to improve after the talent test is done.

At this moment, the night wind on the jungle meadow was still trying to avoid Delia's attack.

In order to achieve extreme dodging, he delayed dodging time after time.

At a certain moment, purple electricity grazed his shoulder, and the system voice sounded again:

[Soul Gold Coin +1]

The corners of Night Wind's mouth rose, yesterday it succeeded twice, but today it succeeded five times.

Progress is still obvious.

This relaxation was seized by Delia, and a paw slapped over, and the night wind went black again.

"Game Over

" "Drip, you unlock a new achievement [Death Like the Wind]"

While exiting the game, Night Wind also received a new achievement.

Unlike before, after achieving this achievement, he actually felt that there were some abnormalities in his body.

Back to the game interface, Night Wind quickly opened the achievement interface, and a blue achievement information actually appeared at the bottom!

[Death Like the

Wind] [Condition: Cumulative Death 100 Times

] [Effect: Resistance +3]

This is the second achievement of Night Wind with a special color.

Seeing this achievement, Night Wind raised his eyebrows, in the past, it was a special attribute of +1, but today this one is actually +3.

The one-time boost is great, so you can feel the obvious change even in the game?

Is this +3 related to color?

Wait, this achievement seems to have been seen somewhere, flipped up, Night Wind found a previous achievement

: [Get used

to it] [Condition: Accumulate 10 deaths

] [Effect: Resistance +1]

As a game high play, compare these two achievements Night Wind immediately understood something.

This cumulative achievement can continue to improve!

For example, the condition of [100 people slash] is to kill a hundred monsters cumulatively, then killing a thousand is likely to appear [1000 people slash], and then [10,000 people slash] and so on.

The higher you go, the harder it is, but at the same time the rewards you get.

Night Wind's eyes became a little strange, it was not easy for other things to accumulate, but to say that death was too simple for him.

So, do you want to die?


After a hearty breakfast, the night breeze rides his beloved bike to school.

When he came to the classroom, he found it messy.

At this moment, Liu He in the back row of Wang Heng was surrounded by a circle of students, and everyone was discussing something.

"Trouble, let it be."

Night Breeze said as he squeezed in.

Someone said he didn't want to listen to gossip, he just wanted to get back to his seat.

Seeing the night breeze coming, Wang Heng was overjoyed: "Madman, you can be counted as coming." "

What's wrong?" The night breeze was confused.

"Remember the news I showed you yesterday?" Wang Heng reminded.

Night Wind nodded, although it was not a big news, but after reading it, it would definitely not be forgotten so quickly.

"Nuo, look at today's news, the situation has escalated!" Wang Heng handed the phone to Night Breeze.

Night Breeze flipped over, and his brows frowned slightly after seeing today's news content.

Yesterday's news was that a family had been killed and houses burned, and the official characterization was initially burglary.

Today's news is similar to yesterday's, but the number has surged to six.

The modus operandi of the six cases was similar, but almost the same time.

It is clear that it is not one person who commits the crime, but a gang!

Now the Ministry of Security has defined it as serial killings and criminals as terrorist organizations.

Criminals and terrorist organizations may seem similar, but the level of harm is not at the same level.

Later, Liu He laughed happily: "Let me just say, this is definitely not a simple burglary, you still don't believe it."

But others disagreed: "So what, this is not a revenge."

"That is, only two of these six families are related, and the others don't know each other at all."

"What is this terrorist organization going to do, aren't they afraid of the Dragon Guard Team of the Security Department and the law enforcement officers?"

"Who knows, anyway, let's be careful lately."

Night Breeze did not make small talk with everyone.

When he heard the four words of terrorist organization, the first thing he thought of was Delia!

Night Wind didn't know what level that Delia was, but according to the scorched earth, it was also a four-star start, and even a five-star one.

The forces behind that kind of person must be extremely terrifying.

Delia fled with the treasure badly injured, only to meet herself halfway through.

Now that people are dead and things are gone, the terrorist organization is looking all over the map.

But the night breeze didn't feel quite right.

Such a huge terrorist organization, if they want to find someone, it is definitely not such a little movement.

Could it be that you think too much?

Thinking for a moment, Night Wind shook his head, there were too few clues now, and it was impossible to get accurate results.

Whether this terrorist organization is looking for him now is not certain.

But don't say that the odds are very high now, even if there is only a one percent chance that the night wind will not allow this danger to continue.

So, now Nightwind treats this terrorist organization as if it is looking for itself.

Thinking of this night breeze, he continued to flip through the news materials.

The six families that died had high-level white-collar workers, ordinary workers, fitness trainers, and in short, all identities.

According to official investigations, only two of the six families are connected to each other, and the others are not from a circle.

Night Breeze flipped through some pictures, and all six families were burned.

However, some details determine that the people seem to have been tortured before the house burned down, and the room was also greatly damaged.

This is certainly not robbery, more like revenge, or torture to extract confessions?

A flash of essence flashed in the eyes of the night wind, yes, they were interrogating those people!

The terrorist group may have found some clues on Diliah's body and began to search for itself along this line.

So the priority now is to find common ground between these six families.

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