Twenty minutes later, Ye Feng got up from Chen Xinlan's body satisfied, only feeling refreshed.

The latter lay limply on the ground, tears swirling in his eyes.

Just now, she and Night Wind began a fight between assassination.

As a result, she was down eight times by the night wind in fifteen minutes, and the last time she was captured alive.

After practicing hard for half a year, the assassination technique that he was proud of was actually learned by this guy in just a few minutes.

The speed of the two is similar, but the night wind is stronger, reacts faster, and controls the timing better.

As a result, the discussion turned into a one-sided crush.

At this moment, she had to admit that this bastard without emotional intelligence was much better than herself in martial arts.

At this time, the night wind stepped to her side and stretched out her hand, revealing a sunny smile.

Chen Xinlan looked at the handsome face of the night wind, and her pretty face turned red all of a sudden.

Well, take back the sentence just now, this guy's emotional intelligence is not so low yet.

She just wanted to stretch out her hand, but the next second a familiar voice sounded: "Thanks to patronage, four hundred yuan in eight games." Chen

Xinlan: "..."——"——Ah

, ah, I actually have a fantasy about this guy, this guy is a straight man of steel!! a

moment later, the night wind put the money in his pocket, and went to practice happily.

In place, Zhou Li handed the towel and energy drink to Chen Xinlan: "Believe it now, that guy is invincible at the same level in martial arts."

"So what!" said Chen Xinlan indignantly.

"You still want face. Zhou Liya shook his head and sighed: "Since that's the case, it's up to you, anyway, if you want to train, you can find him at any time, that kid is ruthless." Chen

Xinlan stood in place for a long time, and finally stomped her foot angrily: "Oh, it's annoying! Forget it, anyway, after this exercise, I can't move for the next two days, let's talk about it then." "


Time passed in a hurry, and in the blink of an eye it was noon.

In the room, Chen Xinlan had a simple lunch and returned to the room to continue learning about the assassin.

The black bracelet on her wrist flashed from time to time, to which she only frowned slightly and continued to read.

However, looking at her, she suddenly smelled a strange fragrance.

The originally furrowed brows gradually eased, and even she felt that her eyelids were a little heavy.

Chen Xinlan was a little surprised, she was actually sleepy, she

used to be basically unable to fall asleep within 20 hours after strenuous exercise.

But today after more than an hour of exercise, I was actually sleepy, and that discomfort disappeared.

It's not clear what's going on, but it's always a good thing to be sleepy.

Chen Xinlan stopped reading and lay directly on the bed, and really fell asleep a moment later.

When she woke up again, it was two hours later.

The exhaustion from the previous battle was half better, and she even felt as if she could continue fighting.

Pushing open the door, Chen Xinlan was about to go to find Zhou Li.

If yesterday was an accident, then being able to fall asleep today means that something must have happened to you.

Just as I opened the door and was about to leave, the door of room 307 next door also opened.

Chen Xinlan was stunned, because she needed a quiet enough environment to rest, so she chose the corner room.

Zhou Li also knows this, so generally the 307 room next door is not allowed to live.

As a result, she didn't know that someone had moved in the next room.

Just wondering, the night breeze yawned and came out of it.

When he saw Chen Xinlan, Night Wind subconsciously said: "Hey, three hundred yuan, what a coincidence."

Someone's previous happy mood was instantly small, and he stared at the night wind breathlessly: "How many times have you said it, you are not allowed to call me three hundred yuan!"

Night Wind laughed.

That what Chen Xinlan has a lot of mouth, which has three hundred pieces of comfort.

Chen Xinlan's chest rose and fell for a while, but she had no way to deal with this cheeky, low emotional intelligence, and straight man of steel who only recognized money.

I can't talk about it, I can't beat it.

As for letting Uncle Zhou open him, he still can't find someone who can replace him.

Glancing at the night breeze fiercely, Chen Xinlan snorted and stopped taking care of the night breeze, and went directly to Zhou Li.

Night Breeze shrugged, sure enough, women are troublesome creatures, and this temper changes like turning a book.


When the night wind continued to train, Chen Xinlan, the VIP room on the second floor, told Zhou Li what had just happened.

Zhou Li frowned.

He sensed something was wrong in the morning, and now it seems that the problem is serious.

Chen Xinlan's problem has been going on for half a year, so she brought her here and entered the Kunlun Secret Realm several times to find a solution.

Although I have found a clue, it has not been completely cured so far.

As a result, Xiao Lan's situation has actually begun to improve, which is very puzzling.

"Xiao Lan, did you feel anything else when you felt sleepy these two times?" asked Zhou Li.

Chen Xinlan shook her head: "I didn't feel anything, but suddenly I was much more comfortable, and then I was sleepy." "

Big brother, he hasn't come back yet?" asked Zhou Li again.

"No, there hasn't been any news yet?" Zhou

Li was very troubled when he heard this, and it stands to reason that Xiao Lan's recovery must be a good thing.

But if this thing is so easy to solve, it will not drag on for half a year.

Now there is a sudden change, and it must be studied and understood.

Maybe you can find a solution to Xiao Lan's problem.

"In this way, from now on you have a good rest, and call me immediately when you feel sleepy."

"Got it. Chen Xinlan nodded, but paused and said, "Uncle Zhou, I feel that I am in good shape now, and it seems that I can train for a while."

Zhou Liyi raised his eyebrows: "Are you sure it's okay?" "I'm sure

, I must fight back this time!" Chen Xinlan's eyes once again ignited a raging fighting intent.

“...... Just be happy. "


At a university in Heian City, a man with brown hair and sunglasses is hurrying through the corridor of the boys' dormitory.

This is the sixth school in the Plum Blossom K.

After determining that Night Wind was a student, he began to start with the major schools.

Although the perception range of ten meters is not large, it can be covered by just walking around the corridor of the boys' dormitory.

Soon, all the floors were finished, and the man in sunglasses left quickly.

When he came to the small alley, Meihua K's face was a little ugly.

He thought that he would be able to find it quickly after determining the identity of the Night Wind student

, but he turned out to transfer all six universities in one day, but he found nothing.

"It seems that what I think is still too simple. Plum Blossom K frowned.

It is possible that the man did not put the K of Spades in the dormitory, and it is possible that he carried it with him or put it at home.

If this is the case, it will be much more difficult to search.

The base has been destroyed, the personnel of the Polestar Organization are fleeing, and he has no one to use.

After a long silence, a fierceness flashed in Plum Blossom K's eyes, and then disappeared into the shadows.

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