Night Wind didn't know what dirty things were going on in Lao Wang's mind.

When it comes to the body, Night Breeze suddenly thinks of something.

He whispered, "Lao Wang, tell you another secret, my awakening object has been researched!" Wang

Heng woke up from some unsuitable awakenings for children.

He looked at Night Wind stunned, Night Wind had mentioned this stubble before, but at that time he just wanted not to let his brother be sad and follow what he said.

He had never heard of an awakening object whose ability to study needed to be studied for half a month.

As a result, Hao Jiyou suddenly gave himself such a sentence, which blindsided him.

"Are you sure?" Wang Heng doubted.

"Of course, I don't believe us shaking hands.

Wang Heng didn't know, so he still stretched out his hand.

The hands of the two clasped together, and the night wind slightly, and the latter immediately cried out in pain: "Shhh-it hurts, hurts, hurts!"


The awakening object of the awakened can give the ontology some passive attributes.

The spiritual power of Night Wind is much higher than other attributes, and it should have been improved when he first awakened.

However, mental power is different from other attributes and cannot be measured by simple tests.

Therefore, the awakening of the night wind will be treated as a waste product.

Now the surge in power is just enough to prove that the awakened thing has completely awakened.

Gu couldn't rub his hands, Wang Heng said excitedly: "I'll go." Madman, did you really study it?" Nightwind

rolled his eyes, "Of course, you think I lied to you before."

"How is it possible, by the way, madman, what is your awakening object ability?" Wang Heng changed the topic with an embarrassed smile.

Night Wind said lightly: "Ability is to improve strength and explosiveness, but passive attributes have improved a lot."

"No physical examination yet?" "No

, find Zhang Laohu in the afternoon to report in advance and go again."

Wang Heng nodded and continued to ask, "How many points do you think this of yours can achieve?"

Time passed in a hurry, and in a blink of an eye, it was the third physical education class of the afternoon.

In this world where monsters are frequent, no one knows which will arrive first tomorrow or accidents.

So whether you take the combat route or not, a healthy physique is a must.

The college entrance examination sports score accounts for one-third of the total score, which can be regarded as a major item.

When everyone came to the playground, they saw Zhang Yifeng standing like a gun in the hot summer.

His figure was tall, and his invisible momentum was so overwhelming that everyone did not dare to breathe.

Zhang Yifeng said in a deep voice: "There is still half a month for the college entrance examination, today there is a small test, everyone runs three laps to warm up, boys must not be less than three minutes and forty seconds, girls must not be less than four minutes, and those who have not completed it will run another thousand meters."

"Ah~ don't.

"On such a hot day, people will die."

"Zhang Laohu is crazy. "

This is almost in time for the college entrance examination full score, right?" "

Devil!" everyone

complained, running a kilometer on a hot day is still stuck so hard, you are the devil.

Zhang Yifeng ignored everyone's complaints, and directly took out the timer and pressed it: "Time, start." Hearing

this, everyone immediately shut up and rushed out towards the runway, and they knew the consequences of pouting with a tiger.

Everyone on the runway was huffing and panting, and Night Wind originally wanted to follow the back of the first echelon as usual.

Although his strength has improved a few days ago, he has kept a low profile.

But since it is going to be announced to the public today, then you have to slash your ass with a knife - let them open their eyes.

Zhang Yifeng next to the runway looked at everyone intently, analyzing everyone's strength level.

Suddenly, he found that the night breeze with moderate physical strength on weekdays began to accelerate.

Heh, I usually don't pay attention, this kid still looks very good-looking.

If you tidy up your hairstyle a little, you are also a handsome guy.

Under Zhang Yifeng's attention, the night wind gradually surpassed the six classmates in front and ran to the third position!

and ran a thousand meters all the way at this speed.

When the night wind reached the end, Zhang Yifeng glanced at the time: three minutes and eighteen seconds.

That's almost ten seconds faster than before.

When the time came, three minutes and forty seconds, Zhang Yifeng pressed the timer and said simply: "When the time comes, the remaining failing grades will be fined one thousand meters."

"Woo hoo, I'm twenty meters away.

"I ran out of strength.

"Tired, destroy."

The unfinished dozen students moved the runway like their peers, but Zhang Yifeng didn't care.

Either you honestly run a kilometer, or you just stand in the playground for a lesson.

He turned his head to look at the other students, and everyone sat on the ground one by one, gulping for breath, sweat flowing down unstoppably.

As for the night breeze, running at such a fast speed was actually just a simple gasp.

Zhang Yifeng pointed to the night wind and said, "Night wind, come here." The

night wind paused: "What's wrong, Elder Zhang... "Have

you noticed that you are different today than usual?" asked Zhang Yifeng.

Night Wind waited for this sentence, and he grinned and showed a bright smile: "I found it, because last night I researched my awakening ability." Hearing

the words of the night wind, Zhang Yifeng was stunned for several seconds.

The awakening object of the awakened person is the use of the awakening stone to visualize the emotions, cognition, mind and other abilities of the inner world.

The connection between most awakened objects and awakened people is relatively dense.

Once awakened, it can be learned to use immediately.

A 99.9999% probability awakening like Night Wind, which has not been excavated in half a month, is a waste product.

As a result, now that he suddenly came out with a sentence, anyone who heard it would feel weird.

"What is your awakening ability?" Zhang Yifeng doubted.

"Power! The power can be greatly increased after use!" said Night Breeze.

Zhang Yifeng was interested: "Oh, come and you summon it to try." Hearing

that the night wind was not hidden and dirty, his mind moved, and the little bully game console appeared in his hand and shouted: "Eight Doors Dun Jia, open!" In

Zhang Yifeng's circle, the night wind showed a mouthful of white teeth: "Teacher, okay." Zhang

Yifeng: "??? Are

you sure that there is a relationship between your shouting voice and your awakening object?

But since the other party said yes, let's try it.

Zhang Yifeng stood in place and beckoned to the night breeze: "Come on, hit my chest with all your strength." Night

Wind nodded excitedly, after obtaining the inheritance, he didn't know what level his all-out blow was, just enough to try it.

Coming to Zhang Yifeng's body, Ye Feng took a deep breath, and the next second, his temperament changed dramatically.

A flash of surprise flashed in Zhang Yifeng's eyes.

He used to be a dragon guard in the Ministry of Security, specializing in fighting terrorists.

At this moment, he could feel the breath of the night breeze, which was completely different from before.

If the night wind just now was a docile little sheep, now he is a tiger showing its fangs.

This kind of momentum can't even be done by those B-level students in the top class who have practiced for half a month.

Kind of interesting.

Zhang Yifeng looked at the night wind and looked forward to it more and more: "Come on, attack with all your strength!" The night wind

nodded and drank lowly, with both feet as the axis, waist and abdomen as the core, and the whole body exerted strength at the same time.

A punch hit Zhang Yifeng's chest with a breaking sound.

Bang ——!

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