Ten minutes later, Night Breeze finished and Delia exited the game space satisfied.

When the night wind opened the door and prepared to go downstairs, Chen Xinlan came up at the entrance of the stairs.

"Early, three hundred pieces. Night Breeze greeted politely.

In the past, Chen Xinlan would definitely give him a roll of his eyes when he heard Night Wind say this, and glared at him fiercely by the way.

But today, she completely took care of the night breeze, and passed him directly, without even looking at it.

Night Wind was a little confused, three hundred yuan, what happened today?

Shaking his head, Night Wind ignored going downstairs to eat and go to school.

Here, Chen Xinlan hurriedly returned to the room because she wanted to sort out the information she had just collected.

In the ten minutes just now, Chen Xinlan ran all over the third floor, the second floor, and even outside the martial arts hall.

In order to find the boundary of that fragrance.

Coming to the room, Chen Xinlan turned out a piece of A paper and began to draw.

A simple top-down plan of the Kung Fu Punishment Heavenly Martial Arts Hall for a moment was drawn.

At this time, Zhou Li's phone rang, and Chen Xinlan immediately connected: "Uncle Zhou, how are you doing over there?" "

Almost, I just found a perceptual awakener to calculate the distance of your points, the point in the west reception hall is 48-50 meters away from your room, the second floor..."

Soon Zhou Li told all the distance between the boundary point that Chen Xinlan sensed and the coordinates of her room.

Here, Chen Xinlan drew while marking the location.

When all the markers are drawn, the dots roughly look like a circle.

Although it is not too standard, it can already prove his previous speculation.

In a little comparison, Chen Xinlan's face was strange.

The center of this circle is about the same location as her room.

Chen Xinlan took a pen to write and draw, making the middle vertical line and the intersecting line.

After working for a long time, she finally decided that the center was about three meters east of her room.

Next door is room 307, and the night wind just moved in two days ago..."

Chen Xinlan suddenly stopped halfway through her words.

- The aroma is from last Friday, and the night breeze is moving in from last Friday.

- The fragrance appears three times in the morning, noon and evening, and the night breeze is in the room each time.

——Only yesterday at noon did not appear, and the night wind at that time went to school.

——In the morning, I heard the alarm of the night breeze, and then smelled the aroma, which has also appeared once before.

——So that aromatic night breeze was caused by waking up in the morning and doing something!

... The answer to this pile of things could not be clearer.

The source of that aroma is the night breeze

! That guy has some kind of ability or item that can produce that special aroma!

At this moment, the question that has plagued him for several years has finally been answered.

At this time, Zhou Lixia also came up after being busy: "Xiao Lan, can you determine the source?"

Chen Xinlan replied subconsciously.

Zhou Li was overjoyed: "Oh, where is the source?" Chen

Xinlan said with a strange look in her eyes: "Next room 307." Zhou

Li: "???" A moment later, Zhou Li couldn't help but laugh after listening to Chen Xinlan's speculation: "Providence, Providence!"

When the night wind came to test,

if he had not been curious to contact, the night wind would not have become a sparring partner.

If the rich second generation of the Wang family had not made a move, the night wind might have stopped working.

If he hadn't agreed to Night Breeze's request last week, he wouldn't have lived here.

Yuan Zhou Li just thought that Night Wind was a good seedling, and he helped by the way, but he didn't expect to save Xiao Lan.

Chen Xinlan was puzzled: "How did he do it?" "

Who knows, everyone has their own secrets, maybe related to his awakening object." Zhou Li said uncertainly.

In this era of national awakening, anything can happen.

"So what's next?" asked Chen Xinlan.

She had thought about many possibilities before, but she had never thought that the source of the fragrance was a person.

If it is an item, it can be exchanged for some price, but now the source of the fragrance has become a person, which makes Chen Xinlan a little confused.


Xinlan had a strange picture in her mind, and her pretty face suddenly turned pink.

Zhou Li didn't pay attention, he was touching his cheek and thinking at the moment.

"We're not sure how Night Breeze produces that scent, and if it's mass-produced, you can choose to co-acquire something." The

latter sentence Zhou Li did not say, if not, it means that Xiao Lan and the night wind must always be together.

When the eldest brother came back to know about this, with his personality, it is estimated that he would directly kidnap that kid, right?

Although he didn't get along for a long time, he thought he still knew the little guy better.

There are brains, vision, knowledge of progress and retreat, and talent.

On the surface, he seems to be greedy for money, but he is not the kind of person who is overly greedy, he has his own principles and bottom line.

Perhaps the Night Wind's awakening item level will not be very high, but Zhou Li feels that this teenager's future potential is great.

There is not a complete equivalence between awakening ratings and achievements.

Hey? So Xiao Feng's kid is still good in other aspects.

Xiao Lan is sixteen years old this year, and the two are one year apart, which is just the right age.

As for the character ....

Zhou Li suddenly asked, "Xiao Lan, what do you think of this person Xiao Feng?"

He is also hungry for money, anyway, he is full of shortcomings!" When

it came to the night breeze, Chen Xinlan complained endlessly.

However, Zhou Li looked at Chen Xinlan's non-complaining look, and the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked.

In the past few days, the emotions on Xiao Lan's face have been more than half a year combined.

Sometimes happy, sometimes angry, sometimes frustrated, sometimes happy.

Compared with the always cold look before, she should be more like a normal person now.

This is what a sixteen-year-old girl should look like.

And with the night wind, mood swings never seem to cause old problems.

"Hey, do you hate the wind so much? I thought you got along very well." Zhou Li pretended to be puzzled.

"Who gets along well with him, but if I find another suitable sparring partner, I will have changed long ago.

Zhou Li said deliberately: "In this case, then I will go back and help you change one, it just so happens that I know a friend."

"Don't. Chen Xinlan hurriedly said when she heard this, as if she found that she was a little emotional, her face turned her head, and the blush that had just dissipated on her face reappeared.

"Shouldn't the problem we are discussing now be the problem of the aroma on the night wind, in case, in case that aroma cannot be made..."

Chen Xinlan said, her voice getting smaller and quieter, and her pretty face getting redder and redder.

Zhou Li smiled and said nothing.

As a passer-by, how could he not know Chen Xinlan's emotions at the moment.

Hey, I'm sixteen years old, and I'm also of the age to fall in love.

So do you want to match it yourself?

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