Night Wind attacked continuously for two minutes before stopping and taking a breath.

Zhang Yifeng nodded with satisfaction: "Not bad, not bad, your basic skills are very solid, and your movements are also very standard."

Saying that, he looked at the classmates around him: "Look at the people, look at you again, after studying for half a month, it's not as good as a newcomer." "


You praise him, praise him, what are we doing

? Besides, people's strength has nothing to do with you, right?

He glanced at Zhang Yifeng and asked, "Teacher, do you want to continue?"

"Of course!" Zhang Yifeng was a little excited: "I'm going to start fighting back next, but don't worry, I will try to reduce my strength to the standard of your college entrance examination." Night

Wind nodded and said it didn't matter, it was all fun anyway.

"Ready, I'm going to attack!"

Zhang Yi stepped out with a low voice, and a punch sank straight to Night Breeze's chest.

But the next second, this swift punch failed.

Night Wind dodged the attack with a wrong step, not only that, but he did not retreat, but came in front of Zhang Yifeng and punched the opponent's chest.

With a successful blow, the night wind quickly came and opened his position, keeping a distance from Zhang Yifeng.

From dodging to counterattacking, everyone around them was dumbfounded.

"So fast, what happened just now

?" "Night Wind seems to have hit

the teacher!" "How do I feel

that the night wind took advantage of it just now?" "No, it seems that the teacher's fist did not touch the other party, and the night wind took the opportunity to counterattack and hit the teacher."

Zhang Yifeng only then came back to his senses and looked at the fist mark on his chest a little stunned.

Then he laughed, just now he was worried that the night wind would be nervous and did not dare to use force.

Now it seems that this kid is not afraid of this, this is clearly a veteran, okay!

With a low snort, Zhang Yifeng attacked again, this time much faster than before.

Excitement flashed in Night Breeze's eyes, and he gave up fighting back and crossed his hands over his chest.


a dull punch landed on his arm, causing him to take three steps back before he could barely stop.

Zhang Yifeng was unreasonable, and strode out to continue to attack.

Although there is only one arm, the latter's physical attributes directly crush the night wind.

Zhang Yifeng was as quiet as a rabbit, every punch was powerful, and every kick was with a breaking sound.

For a while, Night Wind could only keep defending, unable to find effective counterattack opportunities.

Although the surrounding students did not experience it personally, they felt flesh pain listening to the dull collision sound.

The other physical education teachers looked at the night breeze on the field with surprise in their eyes.

It seems that the night wind is pressed and beaten, but they can see at a glance how solid the foundation of the night wind is.

The center of gravity is steady, the horse steps are solid, and the use of strength is appropriate.

In the face of Zhang Yifeng's level of attack, he was not defeated, but ate all the attacks.

Even a few counterattacks from time to time.

At first, Zhang Yifeng was more cautious when fighting with the night wind, but he found that the night wind had an extremely high endurance.

The defense is dripping and flaws cannot be found at all.

Zhang Yifeng became more and more excited, he had not met a student of this level for a long time.

Unconsciously, the combat power he showed slowly exceeded the level of actual combat in the college entrance examination.

The faces of several physical education teachers changed slightly, and someone wanted to remind but was stopped by another three-star teacher.

"That classmate has not yet reached the limit, there is no hurry. In

the face of Zhang Yifeng's fierce attack, Night Wind responded calmly.

At the same time, his mind began to quickly analyze the information:

- the strength is very strong, there is almost 0.8 wild boar.

- Move quickly and attack straight to the point.

——Fortunately, there is only one arm, and the moves are relatively straightforward and easy to dodge.

——No, you can't simply defend, Zhang Laohu's strength and speed are slowly increasing.

If so....

At a certain moment, all of Zhang Yifeng's struck again, this time the night wind did not resist but greeted it, and at the same time waved his arms to make an attack posture.

It felt like giving up your defenses and intending to exchange injuries for injuries.

"This guy is crazy, going to fight head-on?" "

Stop him, he'll get hurt!"

"But it's nice to dare to fight like that." Everyone

around exclaimed, exclaiming that this guy was dead.

A few timid ones even closed their eyes in fear.

The next moment, when everyone thought that the night wind was going to burn the jade, his body suddenly twisted and shifted by two inches between the electric flint.

Zhang Yifeng's fist wiped the clothes on Ye Feng's chest.

At the

same time, Night Breeze's iron fist hit Zhang Yifeng's chest firmly.


the defenseless Zhang Yifeng was stunned by this punch and repelled a step.

At this moment, the entire stadium fell into a terrible silence.

It took several seconds before he came back to his senses.

"How did that guy dodge the attack?"

"This guy actually has such an exciting game. "

The surrounding students and teachers witnessed all this directly into the frying pan.

The students didn't understand what Night Wind had just done, but the teachers knew it.

In the face of the attack, Night Wind did not dodge at the first time, but planned to fight back.

Just when everyone thought that he was going to exchange injuries for injuries, the latter made another dodge move in a very short time.

This reaction time is extremely short, even if there is a 0.1 second mistake, the consequence is that his attack is in vain, and he has to be punched out.

At this time, a physical education teacher stood up with time: "Teacher Zhang, it's been five minutes."

Zhang Yifeng stopped in place and did not move, he was still surprised by the behavior of the night wind just now.

The moment Night Breeze reacted, he knew what the little guy was going to do.

However, a high school junior who has awakened for half a month will fight back to the limit?

This kind of thing is more unbelievable than the awakening object of the night wind is an S-grade score.

But coincidence or whatever, Night Breeze did.

Returning to his senses, Zhang Yifeng laughed loudly: "Not bad, you kid is actually a trainer, you won this competition!" Night

Wind wiped the sweat on his forehead and smiled, he was still immersed in the bitter battle just now.

Zhang Laohu is still powerful, and the combat power he showed just now is stronger than the previous Gangzi.

It seems that you can also gain something by talking to a teacher of this level.

After thinking about it, Night Wind asked, "Teacher, is the strength you just showed the level of actual combat in the college entrance examination?" Zhang

Yifeng's body froze abruptly, and he turned his head without looking at Night Wind's eyes.

"Ahem, I only have one hand, and the strength is definitely a little stronger than a normal actual combat examiner, yes, a little higher. "

At the beginning, when I started doing it myself, I said that I would suppress my combat power to the level of the college entrance examination.

But just now it was a little cool, a little uncontrollable.

Night Wind nodded, looking like it was.

A physical education teacher on the side said with a smile: "Okay, Teacher Zhang, you better tell the truth, I feel that I can get full marks for the current strength of Night Wind." "

Hiss——!," the

onlookers exclaimed.

Zhang Laohu actually said that this guy

can get full marks in the exam?! Now only five of the second class can get 80 points, and as a result, a transfer student who came halfway can actually get a full score?

His face was dark, and he looked at Zhang Yifeng very resentfully: "You pit me!"

Feeling the resentful eyes of the night wind, Zhang Yifeng looked in other directions again.

But at the same time of embarrassment, he was also shocked, what did this kid do before, the actual combat level was so powerful.

At this time, the bell for the end of school rang.

As a teacher said the end of school, Night Breeze was immediately surrounded by a group of students.

"Night Wind-san, you are so good. "

Night Wind, do you have a girlfriend?" "

Night Wind, have you really become so powerful?"

"Stop!" In the face of everyone's enthusiasm, the night breeze suddenly burst out, frightening everyone.

Yefeng said expressionlessly: "I'm sorry, let me, my mother let me go home for dinner." Without

waiting for everyone to react, the night breeze slipped out, leaving everyone messy in the wind.

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