In the Storm Realm, Night Wind is completely unaware of everything that is happening in the outside world.

Outside the tent, Chen Xinlan and others were gathering together to discuss follow-up plans.

Suddenly, they stopped talking and stood up.

I felt like an earthquake had just happened. Zhao Longxiang said suspiciously.

"Me too, the ground was moving just now!" affirmed Zhao Feiyu.

"Alert!" shouted Song Xing, his expression more solemn than ever.

He had encountered this for the first time in so long in the secret realm.

It doesn't matter if there was an earthquake or something else.

He must ensure the safety of these Tianjiao.

Chen Xinlan was silent, but quickly walked outside the tent of the night breeze.

In the event of danger, she will leave as soon as possible with the night breeze.

Wang Heng took a small book and looked around, wanting to see where the source of the earthquake was.

After observing for a while, Wang Heng suddenly set his eyes in the direction of the Tower of Babel.

Wang Heng muttered, "Hey, do you feel that the tower is moving?" Everyone

: "???"

Tens of thousands of mysterious runes lit up deep inside the dark underground of the Tower of Babel.

Look closely, these runes are printed on thick chains.

They converged into a huge cage, sealing something.

These runes have decreased a lot compared to a few months ago.

But it's still not enough compared to that huge base.

However, the moment when the night wind cleared the tenth level.

Those tens of thousands of runes were extinguished at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just a dozen seconds, the number of runes directly decreased by half!

Immediately afterwards, there was a clanging sound of clanging chains.

This time, there was a flash of astonishment and excitement in those golden eyes.

Outside, something terrible seems to have happened!....

When the night wind left the game space, he suddenly raised his eyebrows.

How every time you enter the game space, there will be a situation outside.

Leaving the tent, the night breeze looked around: "Xiaolan, what's wrong again?" "

Boss, look at the Tower of Babel!" Chen Xinlan didn't speak, licking the dog captain Chi Xiong spoke first.

The night wind followed the trend to look at the Tower of Babel, and then his eyes narrowed slightly.

The place they are talking about is just a few kilometers from the Tower of Babel.

This distance is not far, and you can clearly see the veins of the Tower of Babel.

At this moment, the huge tower was shaking slightly.

The jitter amplitude is not large, but its volume is too large.

Even if you move a little, it becomes terrifying to reach a high place.

The Tower of Babel is shaking?

The night wind is terrified.

It was the first time he had come to the secret realm for so long that he had encountered this situation.

This is an earthquake

, and this thing is not too early or late, but they are ready to try to brave the Tower of Babel...


night wind paused, and he thought of the tenth level he had just cleared! According

to that phantom, he is the god of this world.

Now that the statue has been unsealed, will there be some changes?

It was obviously invaded by that abyssal world and left something behind.

The black mud swamp in the game space is sealed with an idol of the god.

So what is sealed by the black mud swamp here?



Anubis Secret Realm.

In the yellow sand, a huge black bear dog is running in the desert.

Behind it, several huge desert poisonous scorpions chased madly.

Because this guy just bombarded people's old nests with one shot.

In the distance, Night Sunset Kaede looked at Sahuan's Kuroko and shook his head.

This guy is getting more and more presumptuous.

However, compared to the Kunlun Secret Realm, it is more vast, and there is no need to worry about being discovered by others.

Kuroko can play to his heart's content.

A month ago, after he finished chatting with Zhong Lao, Zhong Lao secretly arranged for him to come out.

After several turnarounds, he followed Zhong Lao and the Dragon God to this secret realm.

This operation was extremely secretive, and everyone except the three of them knew about it.

Although adventurous, the effect is still good.

In order to find Kuroko, Eden did not hesitate to spend a heavy price to make the Xia Kingdom turbulent.

Taking advantage of the butcher's trapped in the secret realm, the sword god and the dragon god are deprived of skills.

In the past, they would have been very passive.

But after this stealing beam and changing columns, it made the other party pounce.

This gave Kuroko a month's growth opportunity inside and out.

In the sigh, Zhong Lao stepped on a piece of rice paper in the sky and flew in.

Kuroko sees that the incoming people are no longer playing.

Turning back, a destruction cannon blasted all the desert poisonous scorpions into slag.

And then the fart ran upside down.

Zhong Lao looked at Kuroko's mental state and nodded: "It seems that you have a very happy time here."

Kuroko shook his tail and nodded.

It's hot, but you can run as much as you want.

In particular, many monsters hide in the underground desert.

These monsters may be a threat to the average awakened person.

But it's easily perceptible to it.

So, it can sneak up on these monsters every time.

Every time I see them chasing and killing their own sunspots in anger, they are very happy.

Zhong Lao smiled and took out a fruit from his arms and threw it over.

Kuroko swallowed without thinking, and then continued to look at Zhong Lao.

"Don't embarrass me!" Nightfall Kaede appeared beside Kuroko at an unknown time.

He grabbed one of Kuroko's ears and tugged hard.

This guy's cheek is getting thicker.

Every time Zhong Lao came to bring it, he brought five-star plant fruits or monster corpses.

However, the environment of the Anubis secret realm is relatively harsh.

If you want to eat and drink like the Kunlun Secret Realm, you definitely can't.

Especially now that their identities are in top secret and cannot be told to anyone.

After cleaning up the black night, Feng looked at Zhong Lao: "Teacher, do you have any arrangements for coming?" Zhong Lao

nodded: "Almost, it's the end of the month, and the Eden side needs to make some responses."

"If they're willing to pay the price, then we'll play with them for another month."

"If they turn their backs, then we have to be ready for a decisive battle with them." "

The net worth of Eden is not to say 400 billion, even 4 trillion can be taken out.

But it depends on whether he's worth it or not.

Those terrorists on the dark web tossed around in Xia Guo for a month.

It did have a great impact on Xia Guo to a certain extent.

But they're also old churros.

So it's all sneaking up on one or two and running away immediately.

If you stay longer than a certain time, the Advanced Dragon Guard and Enforcer Battle Team will arrive.

So the loss of personnel is not particularly large.

And after learning the news of the dark web, he also let Long Sheng play a commotion operation.

Long Sheng uses a pawn piece from the dark web to take the task.

Then cooperate with them to make a false impression, so that a large number of dragon guards fake death.

A total of 10,000 people died in suspended animation, both inside and out.

Converted into a bounty, it is 300 billion.

With the intelligence organization of Eden, this matter could not be concealed for long.

But that doesn't matter, because now other organizations on the dark web are starting to pay now.

In this case, either give it all or neither.

When Eden found out, he could only suffer a dumb loss.

But as Elder Zhong said.

Once they are gone, it means that the Garden of Eden is about to start the next plan.

Eden's goal is not just Xia Guo, their goal is the whole world!

As Zhong Lao spoke, he took out a piece of yellow rice paper.

Spiritual power was injected, and Long Sheng's anxious voice appeared inside.

"Brother, there is news from the Sword God side that something happened in the Kunlun Secret Realm!"

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