After the big move, the Green Wolf King stood in place and gasped, and the blow just now was not a small load for him.

Night Wind takes the opportunity to get up and move his body, regaining control of his body as quickly as possible.

Six seconds later, the Green Wolf King roared, and seemed to have recovered from his exhausted state.

He turned his head to look at Night Breeze, who was behind a large tree forty meters away and hooked his hand against the Green Wolf King.

That kind of thing seems to say, go ahead, baby.

The Green Wolf King was enraged and roared towards the night wind.

Between two breaths, he came to the big tree in front of Night Wind, and the claws attached to the power of the wind element slashed straight through and cut the trunk into four segments.

However, the night wind behind the big tree did not touch, and the latter was stumbling towards another tree at this moment.

The Green Wolf King roared and continued to chase after him.

One man and one wolf, one chasing and one fleeing.

The two sides engaged in a life-and-death battle in the jungle.

After the night wind ran for half a minute, a wind blade suddenly struck, slicing blood across his abdomen.

Night Wind had no sadness or joy on his face, and his heart was calculating all kinds of information.

——There are currently two skills after the transformation of the Green Wolf King, wind blade, ice crystal storm, wind blade is a long-range attack, and ice crystal storm is a directional range attack.

——This guy's speed has not increased much after transformation, but the attack comes with wind element or ice element attacks, and the lethality is greatly increased.

——The attack range of the ice crystal storm is a radius of thirty meters, and the release swing is very long, and it is possible to react in advance, but the time is short and it is difficult to dodge.

——There is a six-second period of weakness after the release of the ice crystal storm, and it is uncertain whether there is spare strength to resist.

- Half a minute after releasing the ice crystal storm can re-condense the elemental skill.


It seems that the night wind is fleeing, but in fact, he is carefully observing the information of the Green Wolf King.

The transformed Green Wolf King's body attributes have not changed much, but only attack the enchanted elemental damage, and at the same time can release elemental skills.

After nearly half a month of life and death fighting, the night wind's control of the body has reached a perverted point.

With the blessing of various special attributes such as calmness, bravery, nerve reflex speed, and combat awareness, the night wind followed the opening.

The Green Wolf King, who could have easily killed the night wind in seconds, attacked for a long time, but he was helpless.

I don't know how long it took, the night wind used the tree trunk to jump to avoid the impact of the Green Wolf King, and the distance between the two sides widened again.

Turning around, the Green Wolf King roared up to the sky, and the ice elemental power around him condensed madly.

Night Wind's eyes flashed, and the Green Wolf King's big move CD seemed to be good again.

The time is almost two minutes.

What to do this time? Resist?

No, now his arm is sore and numb, and he has a shoulder injury.

Even if there is a demon king armament, it can't be blocked, and after another round of attacks, you can basically leave the keyboard with both hands.


Night Wind glanced at the Green Wolf King and was a little eager to try, although I don't know if the boss in the state of charging can be suddenly interrupted, but it is always right to try.

The only regret is that he is too far away from the Green Wolf King, and the guy just now slipped away by him with a collision.

Now the gap between the two sides is more than forty meters, and I am afraid that the guy will be ready before he runs over.


No, that skill seems to be tracked.

Night Wind had previously calculated that it would take only two seconds from the appearance of Frost to the arrival of the Green Wolf King's attack.

It is simply impossible to escape the range of an ice crystal storm of thirty meters in two seconds....


Night Wind subconsciously glanced at the time.


A special thought suddenly flashed in his mind.

Who said you can't dodge?

The night breeze raised its arm, and the purple electricity on its armour was like a lively little fish constantly jumping.

Suddenly, a special electric arc jumped up and jumped into the shoulder that the night wind did not cover with armour.

Nourish ——!

The power of thunder exploded in the body of the night wind, and the night wind trembled, and the hair stood on end.

At this moment, the cells of the whole body of the night wind changed under the stimulation of special electricity.

The night breeze has the illusion that everything around it seems to slow down.

At the same time, he felt full of power, as if a single punch could kill a wild boar.

The second skill of the Demon King's armed weapons - Thor possessed!

The Demon King Armament has two skills, the first skill summons thunder and the extended ability is Razer.

The second skill is to strengthen cells, and Night Wind takes the name Thor Possession.

Night Wind tried it as early as the beginning of obtaining the ability, but the body will be greatly improved after using this ability.

But the effect can only last for thirty seconds, after which the body will be in a short-term state of exhaustion.

In the role teaching mode, playing one-star Delia is not needed, and two-star Delia is seconds.

There is no time to use the first level of the level mode, and the second level is not used.

So this skill Night Wind has been left unused.

Until just now, Night Wind finally remembered this ability.

Because the time is about to come to thirteen minutes!

Thirty seconds was enough time for him to drag until the Green Wolf King disappeared.

As soon as the skill was used, frost suddenly appeared under the feet of the night wind.

Seeing this scene, the corners of the night wind's mouth slightly hooked, and the next moment his legs suddenly exerted strength.


A deep footprint was stepped on in the muddy grass under the feet of the night wind, and the night wind himself turned into an afterimage and rushed out.

In the first second, the Green Wolf King jumped and took off into midair.

And the night wind took 12 steps across 13 meters.

In the second second, the Green Wolf King fell from the sky and smashed on the ground, and countless ice crystals poured out in all directions like a rainstorm.

And the night wind took 25 steps and came to 28 meters!


The ice crystals covered everything within a radius of thirty meters in an instant.

If this ice crystal is an energy body, it will automatically disappear after thirty meters from the Green Wolf King, otherwise the range of the impact may not be how far it is.

Four seconds later, the attack of the ice crystal storm ended, and the Green Wolf King fell into a weak state again.

Almost at the same time, 31 meters away from the Green Wolf King, a figure suddenly got up from the ground, and then suddenly rushed towards the Green Wolf King.

Night Wind not only had to hold out until the end of three minutes, but he also had to take advantage of the weakness of the Green Wolf King to fight back!

In the first second, the night wind stepped thirteen meters, and the speed went straight up.

In the second second, the night wind crossed 28 meters and came to the Green Wolf King.

In the third second, he jumped up and jumped on the head of the Green Wolf King.

In the fourth second, the night wind raised its arm armor and snorted, and the claws of the arm armor pierced directly into the eyes of the Green Wolf King.

The Mystery of Gymnastics - Insert Your Eyes!

In the fifth second, the purple thunder on the armor of the demon king's armed arm exploded, and the night wind brought the output of thunder and lightning to the extreme.

Purple electricity frantically poured into the Green Wolf King's body as if he didn't want money, and the wound could smell burnt.

In the sixth second, the Green Wolf King finally got out of its weak state, and it wailed in pain and frantically shook its head.

At the same time, the wind element and ice element energy around his body exploded from his body.

The wind blade and ice blade were like small knives that frantically cut the body of the night wind.

Skin, muscles, internal organs, and even a few wind blades were directly inserted into the eyes of the night wind, making him directly blind.

At this moment, the night wind seemed to be delayed.

However, in the face of this torture-like devastation, Night Wind's arm armor was like two steel nails piercing into the green wolf king's eye sockets, and they couldn't be thrown out.

The furious thunder was injected into the Green Wolf King as if he didn't want money.

Either you cut me by a thousand cuts, or I electrocuted you into a roast wolf!

Time seems to have been slowed down countless times.

The night breeze doesn't know how long has passed, maybe a second, maybe a long, long time.

When the consciousness of the night wind was about to dissipate, he suddenly felt that the wind blade ice blade around him disappeared.

The Green Wolf King trembled and fell directly to the ground.

The power of thunder finally penetrated the Green Wolf King's defenses and completely destroyed its brain.

At the same time, the system's prompt finally appeared.

[Soul Gold +100

] "Drip, you unlock a new achievement [Werewolf] (blue)

" "Drip, you killed the remnant soul of the North Wind Wolf King, opened the hidden level [Challenge Mode

]" "Drip, you got the item [Ice Crystal Storm]"

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