"The person behind me?" Night Breeze blinked, a little confused.

He has seen the memories of the original host, but he has not heard that there is any hidden boss behind him.

"It's normal that you don't know, the other party should not want to disturb you, maybe he won't appear before your college entrance examination." Chen Xinlan explained.

The night breeze looks as usual on the surface, but inside it sets off terrifying waves.

It stands to reason that he is hiding enough, many secrets are not even known to grandfather, and others should not know.

But what Chen Xinlan said was so sworn that it didn't seem to be fake.


is that the night wind has the blessing of the calm attribute, and it is a little unable to turn around at the moment.

"How did they find me?" said Nightwind suspiciously.

Chen Xinlan thought for a while and said, "It should have been discovered when you went to the Ministry of Security to test after your awakening object was fully awakened, and your awakening object was more special, and they sealed your information." Hearing

this, Night Wind remembered that when I tested myself, I was more comprehensive than ordinary people.

At that time, he was still a little confused but did not care, it seems that someone was eyeing him at that time.

But when I tested myself, I was already very low-key, and I didn't show any other ability during the whole process.

What demon king armament he has not used in reality, let alone anyone will know.

The biggest possibility is that when he was sparring in the martial arts hall, someone discovered that his combat power increased very quickly, and he may have some secrets hidden in his body.

If so, then it is not dangerous in itself.

At most, the other party is like Zhou Li, treating him as a junior with good talent.

Yefeng was relieved in his heart, but his front foot was noticed by Zhou Li and Chen Xinlan, and the back was noticed by others.

It seems that he is still not low-key enough.

In the future, whether it is at school or college, you must be more careful.

However, it is not without benefits to be taken seriously, so that Chen Xinlan's energy behind it will form a confrontation with this side.

In this way, his choice has been greatly improved.

After thinking for a moment, Ye Feng spoke: "This matter is more important, I can't give you an answer for the time being, I'll tell you when the college entrance examination is over."

"No problem, as long as it is fair competition, no matter what conditions are proposed by the other side, I am definitely higher than them here!" said Chen Xinlan arrogantly.

With the short agreement between the two, the matter finally came to an end.

At this time, Chen Xinlan's stomach grumbled.

Yesterday at noon, in the evening, and then this morning, Chen Xinlan had not eaten three meals.

Someone's pretty face was slightly red, and she didn't know how many times she had been red today.

"I'll go to eat first. With a word, Chen Xinlan ran out of the dormitory as if fleeing.

Night Wind was also relieved, and he yawned a little sleepy.


joy of the storm that had just obtained ice crystals was gone.

But I can't take that thing out for the time being, let's talk about it later.

Night Breeze went back to bed and planned to go back to sleep, and in his mind he thought again, who was the guy who was secretly observing him?

... There is an abandoned factory on the outskirts of Heian City.

The factory houses were dilapidated, and the walls were covered with creepers, and other vegetation.

From the outside, it looks like no one has been here for a long, long time.

At this moment, an old man with a gray-haired goatee was walking through the grass carrying a bucket of water.

With each step, the vegetation of the place he had stepped on was completely restored, as if nothing had happened there.

While walking, Night Sunset Feng suddenly sneezed.

Ye Feng looked around with some doubt, and then glanced at the rising sunrise, how can you still catch a cold in summer.

"Could it be that someone missed me?"

Ye Zhifeng shook his head and continued to walk towards the factory.

Deep in the factory, there was a room with relatively intact walls, and doors and windows were blocked by an emerald green vine.

When the night maple arrived, the vine took the initiative to open an opening as if sensing something.

As the night maple entered it, the room gradually became light.

In the room, an awakened person was suspended in mid-air unconscious.

A huge black bear dog on the side watched the man's eyes shine, and it wagged its tail and drooled to the ground.

"You've been growing your appetite lately. Ye Zhifeng smiled and splashed a basin of water with his backhand.

The awakened one woke up with a stirring spirit.

He looked around vigilantly, and when he saw Kuroko, his body seemed to think of something terrifying, and his body struggled wildly.

"Stay away from me, don't come near me!" Ye

Huang Feng's brows furrowed slightly, and a vine directly locked the man's neck, preventing him from making a sound.

Ye Feng said to himself: "The young man now doesn't know how to be polite at all, and such a loud noise almost deafens my ears.

A moment later, the awakened man's face was already blue and purple, and after Ye Feng waved his hand, the vine that wrapped around him was only re-untied.

The awakened one coughed violently while greedily breathing air.

Ye Feng was not in a hurry, he was very skilled in this process before.

After waiting for a moment, he saw that the other party's consciousness had regained before he spoke: "I asked, you answer, understand?" The

awakened person hurriedly nodded vigorously.

The terrorist hesitated, and the next second he felt the vines on his body shrink rapidly, causing his bones to click.

"Black Mountain goblin. The terrorist hurriedly said, afraid that his body would be crumpled if he slowed down for another second.

Ye Feng was a little puzzled: "Black Mountain old demon? I haven't heard of it, what level?"


terrorist: "Forget

it, it doesn't matter, what do you have to do with the Polestar Organization?"

"Polestar? I don't know. "The terrorists have a confused look in their eyes, and they don't look like they're pretending.

This time it was Ye Qiao's turn to wonder: "You don't know Polestar?

The terrorist replied in seconds.

"Oh, no wonder. Night Sunset Feng's head.

This terrorist incident has not completely ended, and it is normal that ordinary people in other cities do not understand before official information is released to the outside world.

During this time he had been searching for information about the Garden of Eden, but had not found anything useful so far.

The only useful thing is that the Polestar Organization has a relationship with the Garden of Eden.

But everything that this organization can catch is caught, and everything that can be killed is also killed.

He has almost circled the underground forces of the entire Ping'an City in the past few days, but he still has not gained anything.

As a result, I suddenly met this suspicious person last night and brought it back.

Since it has nothing to do with the Polestar Organization, there is no need to care too much.

Ye Feng said casually: "What is your task?" "

I don't know, uncle, I really don't know, our boss just let us come here first and say that we will tell us the task tomorrow after finishing it." "

Oh, how did your boss communicate with you?"

Five minutes later, Night Kaede and Kuroko slowly walked out of the room.

The vines on the doors and windows of the room disappeared, and the terrorist in the room was gone.

The warm sunlight shone on one person and one dog, and Ye Feng squinted slightly to enjoy the bathing of the sun.

Kuroko burped comfortably, and his big tongue licked his aftertaste.

The two strode away from the abandoned factory, not knowing where to go.

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