Early Sunday morning.

Night Breeze came out of the play space and stretched.

After a simple wash, he pushed open the door and just ran into Chen Xinlan.

"Early, three hundred pieces. Night Wind yawned and said casually.

"Earlier, how many times have I told you, no, want, call, me, three, hundred, block!" said Chen Xinlan breathlessly.

She wouldn't tell Night Breeze that she had woken up early in the morning.

It's just a wisp of fragrance after waiting for the strange bell of the night breeze to ring.

"The main thing is that your name is too twisted to pronounce. Night Wind scratched his head and was immune to the other party's anger.

Many times he doesn't really want to ridicule, mainly because his full name is always unaccustomed.

Chen Xinlan paused, hesitated for two seconds, and suddenly a pink color appeared on her cheeks.

She turned in the other direction, her eyes wandering and whispered, "If you feel troublesome by calling your full name, you can call me Xiao Lan."

"Xiao Lan? Xiao Lan, it's much easier to call it that. Night Breeze tried to bark twice and found that it felt good.

"Okay, then just call it that, I'll go to dinner."

"I'll go too. Chen Xinlan had a smile on her face and quickly followed.

VIP cafeteria, night breeze while eating a hearty breakfast while habitually brushing the mobile phone.

As a result, I logged on to the news website and found that a lot of information appeared.

"A large number of terrorists launched suicide attacks on the Ministry of Security at noon yesterday, and the terrorists are suspected to be the remnants of the Polestar organization

", "Last night, there was a burglary on Beihai Road, and the husband and wife were knocked unconscious and treated in the hospital

", "Last night there was a large number of awakened brawls in the Red Romantic Bar, which has caused at least 18 injuries"


Similar news will appear on weekdays, but it will definitely not be as frequent as today.

Night Wind didn't care much about the rest, but was a little curious about the first news.

Rouse's level should be the leader of the Polestar Organization, the leaders are dead, will his junior brother avenge him?

Night Wind carefully flipped through the information and did not see much information.

However, self-detonation with bombs is indeed a bit like what Rouse's men did.

A jade hand appeared in the field of vision, and there was also a mobile phone in the jade hand.

"Hey Night Wind, is this the red-eyed rabbit you want to kill?" Chen Xinlan put a picture in front of Night Wind.

Night Wind glanced at it and then raised his eyebrows, red eyes, protruding front teeth, and that trace of fury.

Not to mention that the red-eyed rabbit in the picture is really similar to the one in his game.

"How did you find it?" Nightwind was a little surprised, he had tried to look up some websites before, but he couldn't find one.

The corners of Chen Xinlan's mouth curved, and her face was filled with joy after completing a certain task.

"What red-eyed rabbit, this is called the violent rabbit, not a monster in the secret realm, it is a native hare infected by energy in a jungle south of the Kunlun secret realm. Chen Xinlan explained seriously.

These days, Night Wind is practicing hunter skills and knowledge, and he is studying very seriously.

Chen Xinlan could see that this guy really wanted to kill the monster he wanted to hunt before.

When Chen Xinlan was fine, she logged on to some special websites to search, and found that this rabbit was somewhat similar to what Night Wind mentioned.

Because this red-eyed rabbit has no special abilities and does not belong to monsters.

In addition, the quantity is not much and there is no value, so there is very little relevant information on the Internet.

Simply searching from a thousand degrees will definitely not be found.

"No wonder, then Xiao Lan, you help me collect information such as the habits and living environment of this red-eyed rabbit, I am useful." At

this moment, Night Wind's whole person was excited, since the red-eyed rabbit existed in reality, he could collect more credible information.

In this way, sorting out the hunting strategy becomes much simpler.

Not only red-eyed rabbits, but also wild boars and other monsters in other games may be found in reality.

There are now ten days left before the college entrance examination.

If the method is correct, you may be able to clear the pass before the college entrance examination and continue to the next level!

Looking at the night breeze's saliva about to flow out, Chen Xinlan couldn't help it, and then said coldly with a straight face: "Hey, are you thinking too much, I didn't say I wanted to help you." The

night wind coughed twice and rubbed his hands: "What, we're not friends."

"Oh, friend, friend, you have pit tens of thousands from me!" Chen Xinlan gave Night Wind a beautiful roll of her eyes.

"How much do you want?" asked Night Wind.


what do you want?" Chen

Xinlan held her chin up, she wanted to take revenge because she couldn't fight the night wind before.

At first, she wanted to empty Night Wind's wallet, but now that she has become a friend, she feels that it is not necessary.

Although this guy can anger him with a little money, that guy makes more money from her.

He might as well make himself cool than angry.

After thinking for a few seconds, the corners of Chen Xinlan's mouth suddenly hooked: "It's not interesting to ask for money, I'll change the way." "

What do you mean?" said Nightwind warily.

Chen Xinlan blushed and said softly, her lips moved slightly: "Today, you accompany me shopping!"

Half an hour later, a man and a woman left the martial arts hall.

On the bicycle, the night breeze pedaled hard against the big sun, and the girl behind him gently supported his waist.

At this moment, Chen Xinlan changed into casual clothes.

She wears a plain white cap, and her black hair is draped over her shoulders.

The white shirt with the pink pleated skirt is full of youthful vitality.

She sat in the back seat, her slender two long legs swaying freely in midair.

But all those old color batches passing by can't help but glance at it a few times.

As for the night breeze, it is still the same outfit as on weekdays.

Although I made a lot of money during this time, as a game player, buying clothes is too time-consuming.

And the night breeze itself is not very interested in dressing up or something.

Along the way, Chen Xinlan sat in the back seat, shaking her calves and humming songs.

More than twenty minutes later, the two arrived at the commercial street in the city center.

Then Chen Xinlan began to go on a shopping spree.

Chen Xinlan: "This, this, this don't, the rest will come to one."

Chen Xinlan: "Hey, Night Breeze, do you think these two skirts look better?"

Chen Xinlan: "Oh, then it's all needed, pack." Chen

Xinlan: "Oh, you take these things, don't drop them."

Chen Xinlan: "Night wind, come quickly, I feel that this piece is very suitable for you." Night

wind: "Aren't you shopping?"

Chen Xinlan: "Fei what, today you are my person, let you do whatever you want, go change your clothes!"

Time passed slowly, and more than an hour passed.

Night Wind has long changed into a gorgeous outfit, and his temperament has been greatly improved compared to before.

Along the way, many girls around him couldn't help but glance at him a few times when they saw him.

If it weren't for the dozen bags on his two arms, maybe many girls would have come directly to ask for the Penguin.

At this moment, the night wind is understood, no wonder I have always heard in my last life that men are most afraid of shopping with girls.

In the

International Trade Building, Chen Xinlan was bouncing in front of her.

When she looked back and saw Night Breeze's aggrieved appearance, she smiled even happier.

In the past, Chen Xinlan had been in a bad state because of the curse.

Even if adjusted, most of the time is spent on learning and training.

So her personality is cold, withdrawn, and has no friends.

I haven't done much shopping.

Now because of the existence of the night breeze, her current state is getting better and better, which is why she wants to go shopping on a whim.

This taste of unrestrained freedom made her happy to take off.

Moreover, there is a special friend around this time!

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