I, Lich, Can Raise a Dragon [Western Fantasy]

Chapter 15: Pseudo. Shura Field

This time the inn is a rented suite, with two bedrooms on the first floor with a small living room.

Elevier and Long were sitting on the sofa in the living room waiting.

"Your walking speed is 20% slower than usual, ten minutes later," Long reminded her.

Sang Ni: No, do you who have lived for hundreds of years really care about these few minutes?

But the desire to survive made her sober up quickly: "I..." She glanced at Sarros, and slammed the pot resolutely: "Wait for him to wait a little longer."

Sarros: "...I will pay attention to the time next time." Okay, fighting each other is the basic quality of friends.

Long: "Be careful. After all, you humans can live for decades."

Sang Ni and Tharos: "..." Although they are dead, they still feel very upset.

You live so long, you are amazing.

Saros had originally wanted to use words to go back, but Sang Ni used a back elbow to go back.

She didn't want to start in the backyard at all... No, it was an internal conflict.

"This is Tharos, a high-level swordsman, good at using heavy swords, free mercenaries." She said to the dragon.

Then he turned his head and said to Tharos: "As for this one from the Dragon Empire... it is not convenient to reveal his identity, so I won't say more."

She didn't explicitly mention the problem of Dragon's amnesia. After all, it was not a good thing. Besides, she had a vague feeling recently that Dragon's identity seemed unusual.

"There must be a name." Sarros said.

Sang Ni was stunned for a second. She really didn't pay attention. Anyway, it was always "you" who came to "feed". Who cares what his name is.

"It's just a mere human, I don't deserve to know my real name." Long said coldly.

Not to mention, when Long said this sentence with a cold face, he finally had the nobility and coldness of the legendary dragon. If Sang Ni and Erie Weier had not known that he was really amnesia, they would almost believe it.

"This is the Shia Empire, and humans are in power." Tharos is not polite: "In the Dragon Empire, you are the most noble royal family, but here, you are only a special guest."

"Even on the whole continent, the dragon is also the most powerful race." Long said arrogantly.

"We do not engage in regional prejudice, nor do we engage in racial discrimination." Sang Ni intervened between the two of them, pushing them away one by one: "Everyone is in the same camp. Don't attack each other."

Sang Ni's insertion made the whole atmosphere a little weird.

Both men are nearly two meters tall, one with black hair and golden pupils has a handsome and proud face, and the other with red hair and blue eyes, handsome and romantic and chic. The height of Sang Ni in the middle is less than 1.7 meters. The little bird is very pitiful.

This looks damnably like the legendary Shura Field.

What is it all about?

Sang Ni was desperate.

Obviously it is the fault of the **** territorial consciousness of two male creatures!

But she can't do it without persuading. One is a friend of three years, and the other is of the opposite sex, and they are both rare and important fighting powers.

If it is useful, Sang Ni really wants to learn from the heroines in certain TV series, crying out crying: "No—no! I can't choose—!!!"


Sang Ni held the staff and slammed to the ground. The violent wave of magic power shook the entire building violently.

The two chairs rushed behind them, the edges hitting just behind the bend of their knees.

One by one fell into the chair unexpectedly.

"Sit down for me," she said.

Two Forbidden Demon chains flew right and left to tie them to the chair.

Sure enough, it was still violence to solve the problem.

She thought blankly.

When they were completely settled down, Sang Ni untied the chains and pulled a chair to sit in the middle to separate them.

"I'll repeat the previous thing first." She briefly explained the process of herself and Erivier being framed by Xitan, and by the way, the dragon was cursed by the necromancer.

"That's it, now the whole elves are thinking about killing me." She concluded.

"So what are you going to do?" Erivier asked.

"According to my previous way of thinking, I should go directly to Xitan to settle accounts." Sang Ni changed his words: "But now my thinking has changed."

"I'm not interested in the power of the Dark Church for the time being, but it doesn't mean letting them play freely." She said.

If you don't let them be completely terrified, Xitam will be the first, and definitely won't be the last.

"You should have thought so long ago." Sarros agreed: "Although the second cardinal is dead, the remaining slippery fish and those in the first and third main halls will find you one day."

"I just wanted to leave at that time." Sang Ni smiled bitterly: "It doesn't seem to be that easy."

Long said seriously: "This is not your problem. If you are disturbed by the hatred of the past, you will have no peace in pain all your life."

"But I let go of my hatred, but the Dark Vatican didn't let me go." Sang Ni looked down at the floor: "So I'm back."

"You didn't come back alone." Erivier said: "We will all help you."

"Thank you." Sang Ni said from the heart.

"Don't say thank you, everyone has come to the Dark Vatican to settle the accounts." Sarros had planned to pat her shoulder, but after thinking about it, he let go: "You have done a good job."

"Okay, don't come to comfort me." Sang Ni raised his head and smiled: "Tell me what you all have, about what we are going to do next."

"Let me talk first." Sarros pulled over the table, asked Erivier for pen and paper, and drew a simple topographic map of the northern border: "After I left the second main hall, I have been trying to find other main halls. Whereabouts."

He drew a few points on the paper: "This is the dark Vatican branch hall that has been discovered so far.

Then there is a big circle: "This area is likely to be the specific location of the third main hall."

"This range is too big." Sang Ni looked at the circle that took up one-sixth of a piece of paper.

"No way, this large area is covered with mountains and snow all year round, and the human army can't enter at all." Sarros said helplessly: "This is the result of calibration."

Sang Ni thought for a while and looked at the dragon: "Will the extreme cold weather affect your flight?"

"Not at all." Long answered confidently.

"It won't be a problem for us to go in." Sang Ni said: "Then we need to narrow the search range now, and then find a way to destroy the hidden magic circle outside."

"So I also marked a few sub-temples." Sarros pointed to those points: "According to the rules of the Dark Vatican, sub-temples cannot take the initiative to contact the main hall."

"Unless multiple branch halls are attacked one after another in a short period of time, the main hall needs to send someone to assist." Sang Ni Congshan added fluently.

"So we have to quickly attack a few branch halls, the main hall will automatically come out?" Long asked: "Will the main hall hide deeper because of this?"

"It depends on us grasping the rhythm." Eriweier explained: "The branch hall of the dark church will provide a lot of resources for the main hall, so unless the main hall is desperate, it will not completely abandon the subordinate branch hall."

"To make the main hall feel that we are a more serious threat, but they have the ability to deal with us." Sang Ni concluded: "We may also need an undercover agent to cooperate with us in a good show."

"Do you have any candidates?" Sarros asked.

"Not sure." Sang Ni thought of someone she had met before: "At least I need to talk to her again to fully confirm whether she is trustworthy."

When Long heard the word "she", he felt relieved: "She is in the Dark Vatican?"

"No." Sang Ni shook his head: "She is a spy of the Dark Vatican. She will not go back except for her life. When I saw her last time, she was acting as a lady of the city lord. I don't know if she is still not."

"Mrs. City Lord? Wait, it won't be Kodak West City, right?" Sarros suddenly remembered the words of his colleagues before, and suddenly messed up for a moment: "Are you sure, that person is trustworthy?"

Sang Ni was a little surprised: "Do you know her too?"

Sarros didn't spend a long time in the Dark Vatican, and he probably didn't know that person.

Sarros shook his head: "No, just heard someone say that the mother of the city lord of Kodak West City was killed by a fallen witch, and now that witch has not been found, contact you, the fallen witch is the city lord’s wife. Myself."

Therefore, no one doubted her!

"Uh, I believe there must be..." Is there a misunderstanding? Sang Ni was a little embarrassed.

She wanted to say that the lives under her hands were not too few, but when I thought about it carefully, most of them were made up of incurable knives.

As a villain, this performance is a bit unqualified.

But she still believed her vision: "Why not, since she is still in Kodasi now, I just go straight to see her."

"Are you still going to see her?" Long said in surprise: "She just killed her family!"

"Well." Sang Ni recalled the woman in her memory: "I think she has a reason, and there may be some misunderstandings in it."

"After all, even a **** can't take care of everyone."

The author has something to say:

Begging to collect ducks ~ the most recent day

I applied for the ranking, pray for a good ranking

Tucao about the artwork for the cover

At 11 o'clock in the evening, the artist: I will send you the cover tomorrow.

I'm about to sleep: Okay~

At one o'clock in the morning, the artist: Yes, you Kangkang

At nine o'clock in the morning, I saw the news: ...this is really "tomorrow"

Real-name distressed art artist who stayed up all night to cultivate immortals

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