I, Lich, Can Raise a Dragon [Western Fantasy]

Chapter 28: All parties are ready

Sang Ni watched Mulen leave without asking anything.

When she planned to come back, she thought that she was already alone, but she was unwilling to find out the truth of the year, but in a blink of an eye she discovered that she still has so many people who have been waiting for her, and she even left it for herself. road.

She walked to the bedside table, opened the magic seal on the drawer, and took out the letter inside. The envelope was of good quality but a little yellowish, with a fire lacquer attached to it. Seeing that the pattern was an exclusive emblem of the royal family, Sang Ni poured herself on the fire lacquer mark. With magical power, the envelope opened by itself, revealing a thin memory crystal inside.

Sang Ni gently put his finger on it, and was instantly drawn into the memory of his past.

A layer of illusion appeared in front of her, and the space in the illusion was almost the same as the environment here, but it was a little more breath of life.

Then, her own figure appeared in the illusion.

"This is the worst plan." Sang Ni looked at the ten-year-old herself in an exquisite dress with a crystal crown on her hair. She was holding a small gemstone staff in her hand. It was obvious from the length. It is tailor-made.

Sanny Ess was sullen, as if he wanted to put on a serious look, but within three seconds he couldn't help laughing out two sweet pears: "Okay, okay, if I can really watch This letter is really bad luck."

Sang Ni: "..." Then she was really unlucky.

Sonnyis in the illusion went on to say: "In case, I mean if there is an accident, then this letter is very necessary, listen up, Sonnyis. Arunselle. Shia , You still don’t know why you have amnesia? The answer is this."

She took out a small glass bottle with a few drops of black potion in it: "The water of exile, to put it simply, is a kind of fake death medicine. It will turn you into a real corpse in three days. No one can tell. , The side effect is that you will lose all your memories when you wake up again."

It turned out that she made the oolong by herself! Sang Ni felt speechless for a while.

"You must be thinking now, how could I do such a stupid thing, right?" Sannyes saw through his thoughts as if traveling through time: "That's no way, I think you are quite stupid, who I know why you do that."

Sang Ni: "..." Am I slapped in the face by myself ten years ago?

"I guess you are in a bad mood right now." Sannyes continued: "Then I will finish talking about the things that make you feel worse at once."

This is her own right. Sang Ni quietly suppressed his anger.

"First, the effect of the potion is irreversible, so the memories you lost can't be retrieved." Sannyis smiled mockingly: "Second, since you chose to feign death to save your life, you must not be able to save those All the people who want my life are killed, so you better be careful now, they may reappear at any time."

"Remember, Sannyis, I can't care about your life or death, but if you are involved in the safety of your mother and Muir when you come back, all my efforts will be in vain!"

"Yes, you don't have any memory of them now, but this is not a reason for you to do whatever you want. I imagined what would become of a careless self—"

"Lonely, indifferent, without mercy."

Sang Ni was speechless.

She was right. Wasn't it the same before she escaped from the dark church?

"Don't let them down." Sanny Ess took a deep breath and sighed slowly: "Father is still very good to me, but he cares more about his country. As for the stupid Ravenley, ignore it. He'll do it, that's pretty much it... Next, I will talk about the situation of the Royal Family, the Magic Council and the Holy See in general. If you don't understand, you can ask Muir, and she will tell you."

The imperial royal family has always been married to the magic family, and the heirs of the family occupy most of the seats in the magic council. For example, Sang Ni’s grandfather, the queen’s father, is the vice president of the magic association. The Holy See of the Bright will choose children with better talents from the side branches of the nobles, and they will be cultivated as heirs from an early age.

The three forces intertwined and balanced each other, forming the seemingly stable situation of the empire, until a special person appeared.

This child suffered a thousand-year-old solar eclipse before she was born. When everyone began to panic, she was born with the first rays of dawn. At that moment, the emperor announced her title: Princess Dawn, and named it after that A city.

At the full moon ceremony, the pope, who has not asked the world for ten years, and the only sage of the mainland came to him and delivered a blessing oracle: this child who was born in the dark but brought light will receive the power of the gods.

On her sixth birthday, she participated in the magic test in accordance with the regulations of the Magic Association, and then found out that all the magical talents, which were rare in a century, were full of talents. The masters of pharmacy and alchemy in the association rushed to accept her as a disciple...

The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it.

She has the most noble status, the most sacred blessing, and the most perfect talent. With the light descending, she is in front of a glorious Yangguan Avenue, but the end is a cliff that no one can see. For the forces that have been balanced for a long time, no matter which side she chooses, the triangle will collapse, and how many people are jealous of everything about her, how many people want her to fall to pieces.

"So, do you think about it?" Sannyis in the illusion smiled sweetly: "I will be a noble princess again, or I will end and leave."

"Your question is wrong." Sang Ni shook his head and said: "I have no right to escape." If she is still alive, maybe she will hesitate about it, not necessarily letting go of the unburdened leisure life. .

But she is truly dead. Those who die need obsession to stay in this world, and obsession comes from deep emotions.

What is deeper than hatred?

"Well, good luck." The illusion gradually became transparent until it disappeared into the air completely.

Sang Ni looked extremely calm when he completely dissipated ten years ago.

She burned the envelope to ashes even with the memory crystals, and lay on her back on the soft big bed.

She was very fortunate that she came back low-key enough, and at the beginning, she took hold of the fragile persona. As a result, her threat level was reduced by more than half, as long as the Magic Association came to check and hold a banquet with the queen tomorrow. Continue to maintain, she should not be targeted for the time being.

As for her, after she has established her foundation here, it won't be so easy to move her.

"It's more troublesome than I thought..." She muttered to herself, and raised her hand to touch the position of her troublesome eye socket-it looked like the place for the eyes, but it was actually two clusters of soul fire.

Ravenley was just a target who was encouraged to come out. Maybe he didn't know what he was doing. There was someone else who really calculated these things.

Who will be the Magic Association, the Holy See of Light, even the Luonan Federation and the Dragon Empire, are likely to participate.

"No matter, it will be a long time in the future. Let's take a step and take a step." Sang Ni muttered and sat up, put an anti-monitoring spell on the door of the concierge, symbolically put on the silk nightdress prepared by the maid, and then took out what she had collected before. Ashes of the remote teleportation scroll, trying to analyze the remaining magic circuit.

At this time, the Magic Association also received news from the royal family.

President Klopp. Weiner was having dinner, and the royal messenger respectfully reported the news: "...That's it, the chairman, your majesty hopes that you will come to see the situation of your Royal Highness tomorrow."

Weiner sighed: "Of course, I will go, poor princess, she must have gone through a lot of hardships outside."

The messenger looked sad: "Yes, she doesn't seem to be doing well." The messenger saw the princess enter the palace, dressed as a commoner, and the clothes were even more common than those in the palace.

"I'm so sorry about that." Weiner's eyes flashed an unidentified emotion: "I heard that Edmund will also go."

The person in his mouth is Edmund. Bakkenni, the queen's father, and the vice president of the Magic Association.

The messenger replied quickly: "Yes, he is also very worried about the situation of the princess."

Weiner smiled: "Of course, he is the grandfather of the princess after all... I will enter the palace with him tomorrow."

Sure enough, the emperor was still suspicious of what happened back then, but it was nothing. After all, in order to secure his throne, some things had to be sacrificed.

For example, an overly good heir.

In the papal hall inside the Holy See of Guangming, an old man wearing a white gold-embroidered robe stood facing the statue of God. He did not make a prayer posture, but looked at the confession in his hand indifferently.

This is what Perodell saw when he came in.

"Your Excellency the Pope." He saluted meticulously, ignoring the Pope's passive sabotage.

After all, after seeing the number one master of the mainland stealing snacks at the Great Mass, changing into civilian clothes and going to Caishikou to buy maltose, he would doze off with his beard and eyebrows every morning... By the time he was disrespectful to the gods, it was nothing.

"Oh, it's the commander of Perot." The pope quipped him with a smile: "Why do you have time to visit my old man today?"

Pelodell had a calm face: "Your Excellency, I will report to the Papal Palace every morning." However, the Pope generally nodded in order to send him away quickly.

The pope coughed slightly: "Oh, people are getting old, and the ears are not so good..."

Pelodale: "..." No, you are just lazy.

Although the Pope doesn't seem to be very focused and does not participate in most of the decision-making in the Holy See, strength is everything, and the Sage is enough to crush most of the existence of ghosts.

"I heard that you sent the little princess back to the palace?" the pope asked, "I thought you would keep her in the Holy See for a few more days."

"Your Royal Highness has her own plan." Pelodale looked down.

"That's it." The pope shook his head: "Oh, I still want to keep her down and have a look. I heard that she is not very good now."

Pelodel stiffened, regretting why he hadn't paid attention earlier, if he had known this...

"But that's fine." The Pope continued with emotion: "She has been a child with ideas since she was a child. Fan Xili gave her something, and she returned it intact."

"I understand." Pelodell hesitated for a while, still begging: "But, the body of the princess, the Pope, can you..."

The pope waved his hand: "Oh, people are getting old and can't walk... Don't worry, your Majesty has already called someone from the Magic Association."

Pelodel of the Magic Association felt tight.

The disappearance of the princess back then was also inseparable from the Magic Association, but now, leaving the priest of the Holy See of Light aside, he alone summoned the Magic Association.

In contact with the knights of the Bright Holy See who found the princess this time, he suddenly felt chills all over his body—is the royal family guarding them?

The pope seemed to see through his thoughts, and he shook his head slowly: "You think too much, the emperor's defense is not the Holy See."

Although the Holy See is in charge of the divine power, it has very little interaction with secular power and basically does not interfere with the development of the empire.

The emperor's defense is an overly good successor.

Pelodel took a deep breath, as if made up some determination: "Your Excellency the Pope, I—"

The Pope waved his hand and interrupted what he was about to say: "Remember, Pelodel." His eyes seemed to have a thin layer of ice: "The princess is a royal princess, but you are loyal to the light, where does the light point? , You have to face it."

"But Her Royal Highness is blessed by the gods!" He rarely abandoned his usual composure.

"God blesses everyone." The pope said kindly: "She may be a little special, but it's only a little, but you, Pelodel, you are biased."

The Holy See of Guangming does not participate in the affairs of the royal family, even if the princess really needs help, he can't agree.

Pelodale closed his eyes and replied, "I...I know what to do."

The pope nodded in satisfaction: "You know what I mean, but—" He turned his expression and said abruptly: "Perhaps you can try to abduct her to the Holy See. Anyway, there is a precedent for the princess to be a saint. "

Pelodale gasped, and his ears burst red: "Your Excellency the Pope! You..."

"Ah, don't think about it. It is the default rule that priests cannot get married. Unless you can change the rule, you still have no chance." The pope said calmly and horrified the world.

Pelodale: "...how do you have this idea." He was embarrassed.

"You two are the most talented children I watched growing up. They are also strong in character. If it is not for the inappropriate status, I would be willing to be a host for you." The pope said with a smile, stretched out his hand and patted him. Shoulder: "Just talk about fun, don't take it too seriously. Dreams can be there, but they can't be realized anyway."

Pelodell came to his senses, the Pope didn't encourage or joking at all, he just saw through his mind and reminded him not to go too far.

In the depths of memory, a girl's figure slowly emerged, and then suddenly turned and left. "I don't know you." She didn't hesitate when she said this.

All this was originally wishful thinking.

His expression returned to calm, and his tone replied firmly to the pope: "His Royal Highness belongs to the imperial royal family."

The author has something to say:

Pei is the legendary tragic male partner

how is this possible

He's just the former fan of the heroine

Finally feel the rejection of my sang: unfamiliar, don't know, who are you.

Pei: ...(This is my white moonlight that is straighter than X-rays, yes)


Thanks to Atobe Little Angel's Mine

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