I Like This Dream!


who I am?

Sublimating it to a philosophical level, this question is quite difficult to answer. Philosophers at home and abroad, both ancient and modern, have been thinking a lot about the id, self, superego, right and wrong, and so on, but there is still no conclusion. "Who am I" can be called one of the ultimate philosophical questions, but on the other hand, it is a very easy question to answer for ordinary people who don't know much about it.

As long as the child cannot distinguish between himself and the outside world, everyone can tell the answer. Whose last name is there, so-and-so and so-and-so’s children, where do they live, and so on. The easiest thing to understand is appearance. In this modern era where mirrors and selfie lenses are everywhere, everyone knows what they look like (although they may add filters to themselves).

Of course An Xu also knew.

Got it?

She looked at the mirror, and the person in the mirror also looked at her. The young woman had naturally curly light golden hair, as light as the color of light. Her eyes and hair were the same color and round, and when put together with her plump and pleasant face, she looked much younger than her actual age. An Xu blinked, and the person in the mirror also blinked, and she felt invisible sweat slowly sliding down her scalp.

An Xu is an ordinary Asian, with black hair and black eyes. His appearance can only be said to be pleasing to the eye if you clean it up, and you can't find him in a crowd. There are no particularly memorable features on her face, and she is not so popular that she has turned into an unusual feature. An Xu still remembers the dark circles and bags under her eyes that would be left on her face after staying up late, but she does not remember that her entire face has grown into What's going on.

An Xu jumped off the chair, ran to the cabinet in a few steps, opened the cabinet door, and rummaged through her photo album. She remembered that there should be an old photo album here with her own photos in it. However, she didn't know whether she remembered it wrongly or something, but she searched the cabinet all over, and there was nothing in it that she was looking for. She stared at the messy cabinet and tried to recall her face, but she only had a vague concept in her mind. She turned to look at the mirror again, but the face in the mirror didn't change at all.

That was Anna Sullivan's face, and it was her own face.

Compared with Anxu's ordinary life of more than twenty years, which was not good at all, his life as Anna Sullivan was obviously more vivid and exciting, leaving more traces, although the reason why it was so exciting was not taken seriously by Anxu. "Do you really think so?" Chris's voice echoed in her head, deafening, like a wake-up call.

None of it is true.

Anyway, apart from you, I don’t have much nostalgia for that world.

"I don't like the world, I only like you", "I love you more than the whole world", these words are very beautiful as love words, but if you think about it with a mind that has not been dazzled by love, you will find that they are basically Speech disorder. How is it possible to not love the world but only love someone? The loved one is also part of the "world" in which he or she was born because everything in this world slowly became what it is now. No one lives in a vacuum. It is simply impossible to completely remove the traces of a certain world from a certain person.

What's more, does An Xu really have no nostalgia for that world?

She played her role freely and devotedly, investing time, energy and effort (although it was very little compared to most lords) to change Armonen and build a stable sanctuary under her rule. Anxu hates those stupid and evil people, pities the unfortunate victims, has respect for those who work hard to improve the environment, and loves those close to him. Whether positive or negative, whether moody or changeable, these emotions are thrown into the lovely and hateful land, and they snowball more and more day by day.

After wearing the costume for more than ten years, many parts have grown on my body. What's more, on this stage without a script, most of what An Xu showed was her true nature, but this nature was amplified because there was no one to control it.

"An Xu..." Chris said, his pronunciation was a little inaccurate, but An Xu had no intention of correcting him at this time. The knight called her name, paused, and said with a smile: "Let's call her An, it's just a title to me. An, look at me."

There was something in his voice that made An Xu calm down - she had always felt that the knight was very suitable to be a detective, responsible for putting blankets on the victims of the incident, bringing them a glass of hot milk, and saying to them "You are safe" Such a role, she never thought that this kind of careful and comforting comfort would one day fall on her head. Chris' voice was as gentle as a cup of hot tea. He said, "It's okay. It doesn't matter whether it's reality or a dream."

In the end, Chris couldn't bear to wake Anxu up.

"What you said before is not true, so it doesn't matter," he said chattingly, "Then it doesn't matter if you go back? I want to go back. It is indeed a bit dangerous outside, but An, you are very strong, and I am not weak either. We can Overcome that little problem. I promise, as long as you survive the small setbacks outside, you can go back. There are many people waiting for us. How do you know you can't do it if you don't try? Even if you fail, you are just changing your life."

An Xu looked at him. The handsome knight was sitting on the messy bed of her home, with a ps3 controller next to him, a game poster behind him, and comic character models on the shelf. It was a perfect dream for her.

"I once met a blind veteran who was about to die but had no fear at all. His comrades were sad about this, but he made us happy for him. He said that death is just the beginning of another adventure." Reese said, "Maybe this is true? No one who has died has ever come back to tell us what the world is like after death. Maybe everyone wakes up in a different bed and finds that he is a different person and lives a different life. Another life. Are we awake or dreaming, who knows? I may be just a character in your dream, but at this moment, I feel alive, so..."

Chris held out his hand to her, palm up.

"Come on, Ann," he said, blushing a little as if he was not used to such an invitation, "will you risk your life with me?"

An Xu felt that it was probably nothing more than being proposed to by someone kneeling down on one knee.

Her heartbeat was like a drum, her blood was rushing upwards, and the emotions stirring in her heart were not only related to love. Chris is like a bridge, a glue, an anchor, a light. She loves him but more than loves him... How should I put it? He is an inspirer and a traveler.

Zhuang Zhou dreamed of butterflies, or did butterflies dream of Zhuang Zhou? It doesn't matter anymore.

Ansu held Chris' hand.

"I do," she said.

I am willing to walk with you until the end, whether this is a dream or reality. The decision Anxu made at this moment was not only to go out with Chris, but also to determine her future life: if she could return to Yamonan, then from this moment on, she would live a down-to-earth and serious life.

...Oh, wouldn't it be better not to say this prohibition on returning to your hometown to get married?

When Anxu had enough sense of humor to complain about the situation of the independent flag, her room disappeared silently.

There was no sound when the world of illusion was shattered. It was actually very small, as small as a house. The street they had just visited no longer existed when they left. The window of Anxu's room could see the calm environment outside, but in fact there was no "outside" at all. The window was like a painting, or a game map. background.

Many people will have this question when they were young: Does this world still exist when I am not looking at it? ——In "this world", the answer is not.

As the final set called "Ansu's Room" disappeared, they were once again exposed to a violent energy storm. Anxu flew to the side unexpectedly, and Chris caught her.

The feeling of catching Anxu was like catching the storm itself. Anxu had no intention of harming him, but who could touch the storm unscathed? The closer he got to Anxu, the more Chris felt the pain of being torn apart. His soul was crumbling in this violent energy wave, as if it would be torn in half the next moment.

Anxu quickly realized that touching Chris did not cause her pain. On the contrary, being close to Chris gave her an outlet for the violent energy in her spiritual realm. She could feel that Chris was getting worse and worse. It only took a moment for the balloon to burst. At this critical moment, Anxu made a prompt decision and mobilized all his mental power.

She drew back the chaotic power that rushed towards Chris into her body.

They are like two pools, pumping water into and draining out of each other at the same time. This sounds as funny as the math problem "Xiao Ming puts xx liters of water into the swimming pool every hour, drains xx liters, and the pool volume is xx liters. How long does it take to finish draining?", but speed up the process thousands of times and set Very precise, with a capacity that explodes when overloaded, it becomes very dangerous.

The spirits of both people are hovering near the limit of endurance. It is not difficult to keep themselves alive, but neither of them can tolerate the result that the other party cannot survive safely. Once this process begins, it cannot end, and a small mistake may cause overload for both parties.

Outside, after more than ten hours of continuous rescue and several near-death situations, the doctors' operation has reached the most critical moment. The two people on the operating table were weak and dying for unknown reasons just now, and now they were suddenly hyperactive, and their flesh and blood suddenly expanded like a spurt. The doctors had to step away immediately to prevent themselves from getting stuck into the two masses of flesh and blood.

Count Anna needs to cut her flesh and blood, and the chief knight needs to cut and transfuse blood. The latter did not have as much energy as the former. After surviving several rounds of "sickness", doctors discovered that the person who had assumed Count Anna's carrier was not just overloaded with energy. He gets too much energy and grows out of control, and the rampant growth consumes more energy than he gets. If this continues, the chief knight will either die of overload or excessive weakness.

They surrounded him again after a wave of blowouts, and they suddenly discovered that unlike before, this time the two masses of flesh and blood were growing together. They couldn't tell each other apart for a while, and couldn't find a place to drop the knife.

The doctors looked at each other, and the surgeon in charge gestured to the doctors to stop first.

They saw two humanoid pieces of flesh entangled together, beating like heartbeats. Gradually, the two heartbeats merged into one.

The spiritual core in An Xu's heart was tightly attached to the piece of meat cut out from the fire bird. The spiritual core was like a greedy snake that wanted to swallow an elephant, constantly biting the meteorite fragments in the meat. The more successfully it swallows, the worse Anxu's condition becomes, because she simply doesn't have the stomach to laugh at so much energy. The meteorite fragments were like a piece of meat stuck in her throat, unable to move up or down, almost choking her to death.

Then Chris joined in.

The new battery was connected to the circuit, and the electrical board that was about to be burned out got a chance to survive. Energy began to flow toward Chris. If Anxu allowed him to be exploded, most of the energy that could not be absorbed by the body would return along the same path. Like other failed carriers, it would not be able to bring Anxu out of the sea of ​​suffering. When Ansu tried to support Chris, she inadvertently saved herself.

After countless repeated cycles, their circuit was established.

The energy is no longer a torrent of wanton jets. They are channeled into water channels, flowing between Anxu and Chris. Under the restraint, the surging potential energy slowly stopped arbitrarily impacting the two people's spirits. It began to be distributed in proportion according to their respective endurance, and reincarnation flowed.

The pieces of meat no longer swell.

Exclamations came one after another from under the thick mask, and the two connected lumps of flesh slowly shrank, changing slowly with heartbeats. It was like slowing down and rewinding the onset of illness. Ten minutes later, there were only two people left on the bed.

Count Anna's skin is as white as milk, while the chief knight's skin is wheat-colored, and there is no scar on either of them. They both closed their eyes, their chests rose and fell gently, and their hands were tightly held together. They were still stuck together at the palms of their hands, and the energy in their flesh and blood circulated between them through this place.

The chief surgeon, Alva, took a deep breath.

It was already dusk when An Xu woke up. Her eyelids trembled and she opened them in the sunset. At the same time, Chris also opened his eyes. They subconsciously looked around and smiled at each other.

However, this is not the time for two people. The nurse in the ward immediately rang the bell, and a bunch of doctors came in. They drew blood and measured heartbeats. They tested them for a long time before letting them go. Alva sent someone to convey the good news that they were temporarily out of danger, and arbitrarily prohibited anyone from visiting the patient. "You need to rest. We will talk about it at other times later." He said firmly.

"Thank you." An Xu said sincerely, "When I get better, I will send you a banner of rejuvenation."

Alva glanced at An Xu and felt that something was different. He really wanted to say it but couldn't say it. "Thank you!" Chris also said: "The spiritual world is indeed very unimaginable. I will write a report for you later."

"There's nothing to thank you for. Thank you for your own efforts. I really want to thank you. It's enough for you to use your brain more before rushing towards the danger." Alva rubbed his eyebrows and said, "It also allows me to save worry and live longer." several years."

These words popped out of the doctor's mouth, and everyone was stunned for a moment. For a guy like Alva with a rude mouth, these words were too intimate. It was so intimate that Alva looked as if someone had touched his neck with cold hands in winter, and his whole body stiffened.

"Of course!" An Xu said with a smile, "I know Alva loves us the most!"

The chief medical officer looked like his hair was standing on end. He made a few incoherent remarks and ran away with his medical records under his arm.

The remaining people in the ward looked at each other after Alva left and burst out laughing without any form. All the shadows and hesitations left in this laughter, leaving only the two of them alive and kicking.

"He actually ran away!" An Xu wiped the tears from laughter, "Oh my god, it's the first time I saw a real tsundere! Well, I mean, I mean, I don't mean to be upright... I will deliberately put on a show to hide my shyness. The kind of person with an arrogant and vicious face. Does being called a good person undermine his majesty as a 'fearful doctor'?"

"This is the first time I've seen Mr. Alva like this." Chris smiled in surprise, with an expression on his face that he could see everything if he lived for a long time.

"Have you and Alva known each other for a long time?" An Xu said, "Actually, I wanted to ask you the first time I saw you meet, but no one answered me."

"It was very early, probably nearly thirty years ago."

"Huh? How old is Chris?"


"What? You've known him since he was a baby?"

"He is my mother. Although our relationship is not close."


Anxu looked at Chris with a blank expression, as if he had just returned to the time when he heard that Alva had made a cannon. She looked at the beautiful blond knight, and thought about the blond doctor who was a little older but still very beautiful. She felt that it was time to say, "It's so dangerous! I almost had a mother and a child... Bah, bah, bah" or "Your mother is very beautiful. She deserves to be your mother." ” or “Your mother is a cheat” are quite inappropriate.

So she said, "Holy shit."

Dr. Alva blocked them from outside harassment, but they themselves couldn't calm down and lay down to sleep well. Be it An Xu or Chris, both of them are extremely energetic both physically and mentally.

"Why did you lie to me in the first place? I thought it wasn't you." An Xu suddenly asked.

"Prince Ronald is planning to rebel, and I'm afraid I'll implicate you." Chris said frankly, feeling a little embarrassed to say it. Thinking about what he had seen over the years, he obviously couldn't implicate Anxu - Anxu himself was rebelling against the thief. Running wildly on the road.

"How can you implicate me?" Sure enough, An Xu said, "If you had told me, I would have rebelled with you. Alas, I hate hiding it for the sake of others and causing a lot of bad consequences. This kind of story is the most annoying if you misunderstand it for dozens of episodes or hundreds of thousands of words. If I were in those works, I would have to spoil it all at the beginning."

"But it turns out that Prince Ronald is not a good boss either." Chris said, "Moreover, if we had chosen this way at that time, there would be no Spring City today."

An Xu didn't refute. When they looked back, they all felt that this journey full of coincidences was quite wonderful. When the new recruits of the patrol team meet the little girl in the manor, when the young man preparing to join the army and the girl who has been favored by the gods are chatting in the tree, who can think of the future like this?

Anxu was happy to build half of Armenam into what it is now, and happy to meet Chris. Her experience in Armonan was like another life. Although it was not perfect, she did not want to start over.

They talked for a long time that night and talked about many things. For example, Chris' life after they broke up (Chris' life before they met was mentioned in the old Alinggu grove), such as Chris' useless superpowers; such as An Xu doing something shocking What was in mind when making the decision, such as Anxu's life in another world, and everything in that other world. After talking about it, Chris was no longer wary of Anxu, and Anxu finally had another person here with whom he could share the world outside of dreams and his true self.

This process was not entirely pleasant. They reminisced about old times, talked about meaningless things, and also discussed more serious topics, such as God and God's Favored Ones. They analyze the scenes they encounter in the spiritual realm and talk about every dream Anxu has that "doesn't belong to her". An Xu put aside his casual attitude and analyzed it carefully, and found that this matter was quite logical.

God threw down his authority in response to the meteor shower falling from the sky. The branches of this world came from a meteor shower, and meteorites brought strange beasts, superpowers and abos to the ordinary Middle Ages. The giant bird is one of the lucky ones. Its wings are embedded with meteorite fragments, making it extremely powerful.

This meteorite fragment is now in Anxu's heart.

Anxu's original spiritual core absorbed half of the meteorite fragments, and the other half of the energy was shattered and entered Chris' body in the cycle. They can sense each other, just like Anxu sensed the birds before. "Now you can also be called God's Favorite." An Xu found it interesting, "God's Favorite Chris."

After daybreak, when the doctor is willing to let him go, they will test how far Chris's new powers have developed. Chris first learned how to hide himself from An Xu. He was much more cautious than An Xu, and was always worried about the enemies who had not yet jumped out of the water.

God's Favorite Noah went to an unknown place, and they all felt that he would not leave so easily. The giant bird that brings the seasonal beast tide will never come back, but besides the dream of flying, there is another dream. Is the being in that dream still alive now? Anxu and Chris divided the meteorite fragments. If they replaced the giant bird from now on, there would be a tide of beasts wherever they stayed, which would be a very bad trouble. In addition to exploring the energy of crystal cores, spiritual cores and meteorites, most of them have to be studied by Alva. God forbid they made the doctor angry just now.

But that's all for tomorrow.

Anxu climbed onto Chris's hospital bed and lay down next to him. Apart from worrying about the country and the people with him, An Xu inevitably got distracted and thought about more petty things. She thought, this is my first official relationship with someone, when will I find a chance to go on a date?

Things that are not serious are always about enjoyment and play. When you actually make a decision, are willing to respect each other, and are willing to take the responsibility of such a choice, love truly begins.

The next morning, the whole of Armenan received heavy news. His Majesty the King was paralyzed due to illness, and the throne was passed to the three-year-old prince. Queen Eve and Prime Minister Roland served as regents.

The author has something to say: Recently, JJ has been in trouble. It is very difficult to update. Ninety percent of the time, the comments cannot be posted and are incomplete. Please click on the wax...

Thanks to the little angels for feeding\u003e333 Shunying threw a grenade Throwing time: 2016-01-19 00:22:25

cynthia threw a mine Time: 2016-01-19 00:28:25

Mo sy threw a mine. Throwing time: 2016-01-19 00:38:20

Rabbit Xiaoneng threw a shallow water bomb. Throwing time: 2016-01-19 01:23:43

Did you make me wait for you? Throw a mine Time: 2016-01-19 02:01:16

moitosca threw a mine Time: 2016-01-19 02:11:34

Feather Refining threw a mine. Throwing time: 2016-01-19 05:46:03

Mr. Soy Sauce threw a grenade. Throwing time: 2016-01-19 07:12:43

Youxing threw a mine. Throwing time: 2016-01-19 09:42:13

rikki threw a mine throw time: 2016-01-19 13:31:43

Luohe threw a mine. Time: 2016-01-19 19:15:10

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