"Do you believe me?" asked the priest.

This handsome and young priest has short, dark, soft hair, and dark eyes that seem to draw people's attention in. His black and white stand-up collar, black robe and rose rosary are all filled with a holy atmosphere. Even if his face is pale and his lips are bloodless, it cannot weaken the majesty and holiness of the shepherd of God.

The wounded man lying on the ground opened his eyes wide, and his unfocused eyes were attracted by the priest's words. He looked at the other person blankly, pressing his hands on the wound in his abdominal cavity to prevent his intestines from falling out. The priest raised his voice and asked seriously: "Do you believe in God?"

The wounded man began to nod with difficulty. How could anyone in Amenan say that he did not believe in God. The priest's eyes softened, and he stretched his hand forward, hovering over the wound, and slightly bent his fingers. It was a healing gesture commonly used by church healers. The wounded man looked at the rosary beads in his left hand with deep longing on his face.

"Then, you will be healed, because believers will be saved." The priest comforted softly, "Our Lord saves all believers on earth so that you and I do not have to suffer separation and pain. Please watch, my hands will begin to release the healing light , your wounds will heal from your internal organs to your skin."

As he said, a soft glow appeared under his palm. The wounded man had seen the healer treating the village chief's wounds. The wound as big as a bowl did not leave even a scar. Now the light in the priest's palm is no different from what the wounded man had seen. Will he also receive this miracle? ? No need to die? Why would the priest come to treat a little person like him? Full of doubts and hopes, the wounded man watched as the fatal scratches left by the alien beasts became smaller and smaller until there were no traces left.

"God..." He took away his hand in shock, looked at the smooth skin exposed under the torn clothes, and said ecstatically: "Thank you! Master Priest! Thank you!"

"This is all because of your devout faith." The priest smiled. He watched the wounded man get up, jumping and jumping, enjoying the life he thought he would lose. He accepted the wounded man's gratitude with a smile, but there was no smile or emotion in his dark eyes. His assessing gaze calmly enveloped the healed wounded man, watching him rush out the door happily.

Then he fell to the ground.

A choking sound came from the wounded man's throat. He stretched his hand to his stomach in confusion and touched the warm blood. The disappeared wound reappeared in its original place, open like a laughing mouth because it was not pressed down. The organ fell all the way, leaving a red trail like a slug crawling over it. Only a small section was still connected to his abdominal cavity. The wounded man reached out tremblingly to stuff them back, but his hand stopped moving as soon as he grabbed his intestines.

The priest closed his eyes and sighed deeply.

"May there be no sorrow in our hearts, for in the kingdom of the Lord there are many dwellings..." He clasped his hands together, closed his eyes and recited the Sutra of Death. After reading, he opened his eyes, looked at the corpse with regret, and said, "It seems that your faith is nothing more than this."

An ascetic came in and bowed to the priest. The priest nodded in return and took a few steps back. Then, four wolves crawled in.

These wolves are brightly colored, and each of their claws is larger than ordinary ones. There is no doubt that they are alien beasts born with crystal nuclei. The strange thing is that they don't attack humans or even their own kind without reason like other strange beasts. Instead, they crawl towards the corpses with clear purpose. Their claws made cracks on the body, and the scratched areas quickly softened into a piece of minced meat. The group of wolves gorged themselves on the minced meat, and soon, only a dark red color remained in the entire cabin. The locals could tell what had happened at a glance.

No one would care about a villager who was eaten by a strange beast. In the village close to the Wenjialuo Defense Line, people died like this every year due to the tide of small beasts.

The ascetic monk made a strange sound like a beast in his throat, and Langguan, who was full and drunk, heard the sound and left. The largest wolf walked to the door, seemed to be tempted by something, and suddenly turned around and went back into the house. The ascetic monk increased his voice, and Langguan shook his head and tail anxiously, refusing to come out obediently.

A bolt of lightning flashed in the air and accurately hit Lang Guan's head. It didn't smash Langguan's head, but easily took away its life. Even so, the smell of burnt fur still made the priest open his eyes.

Ever since Langguan started eating, the priest had been closing his eyes and regulating his breath, as if he was sure that he would be safe and sound. Although he was not afraid of blood, he did not like to see such bloody and dirty scenes.

"I hope they die outside the house next time, Eva." He frowned, and the woman dressed as an ascetic outside the house leaned over to apologize. As the priest was about to go out, a crow flapped its wings and flew into the room, perched on the arm of the male ascetic and quacked. The priest waited patiently until the dervish fed the bait to the crow.

"Is there any good news, Isaac?" asked the priest.

The ascetic monks began to use the sign language of the monks on him. A man named Isaac was abandoned by his parents to the ascetic monastery because he could not speak. When he grew up, he awakened the ability of animal language. After he finished speaking, the priest laughed. "Alingu's idiots," he said, "They have deceived themselves. Do they really think they are the gatekeepers of the gods? They are really as contradictory as His Majesty the Pope."

The priest has an origin that is close to a god, or at least the closest to a "servant of all servants." He grew up in Alinggu, where the Illuminati religion has the strongest atmosphere. He is well-read in scriptures and has been smart since childhood. He can be said to be one of the most outstanding priests in Amenan. one. But when he spoke of Alinggu, the gods, and the pope, there was little reverence in his voice. He mocked unceremoniously, still with a gentle and compassionate smile on his face.

"'God's favored people' can't be left there." He touched his chin, thinking, "The ascetic courtyard is the worst choice, even the confinement room is better than it. But just being locked up in the confinement room is not good for us. There is no use saying, she must come out."

Isaac and Eva stood there silently, as if they ignored everything the priest said. That's fine, the priest is not discussing it in the first place.

"I have to write a letter," he said to himself. "Let's do it."


When the priest's messenger bird flew towards Alinggu, Chris and Ann's daily dinner party continued. Mr. Ranger held his chin sadly, watching An Xin sip the soup with satisfaction.

The routine has continued until today, and Chris feels that there is no progress left. It's not that An Siwei is careful and has a strict mouth. She always answers questions when asked. Especially when she is busy eating, there is simply a straight line between her mouth and her brain, which makes the patrol team's cliché skills useless. But she cooperated, but the answers she provided were of no reference value.

"You haven't seen the patrol members?"

"Well, you told me this term."

"So the person who showed up on the night of the Sullivan massacre was not you? When did you wake up?"

"Woke up at Sullivan Manor."

"Wait, then how come you haven't seen the patrol team? Did you see the body when you woke up and lost consciousness again?"

"No, I woke up during the day, and the maid took me to meet a group of people."

"Uh, so the Sullivans were still alive when you 'woke up'?"


"Did you kill them?"

"No." (I just want them to disappear. It's great to have dreams come true, An Xu thought.)

Chris never expected that a completely truthful answer could cause such a backlash. At present, he can only confirm that the soul named "Ann" first appeared on the day of the Sullivan tragedy, perhaps due to the pressure of being treated as a useless alpha.

After the tragedy, Chris searched everywhere for information about Anna Sullivan, and learned that this aristocratic girl was born with poor health, was locked up at home, and lacked friends and games. I heard that she was a very timid girl, quiet and shy. The more autistic and repressed a person is, the more terrifying it is when they explode.

She may have developed huge powers in her depression, and lost control of her powers and killed everyone. After that, she fell into a deep sleep of self-escape, leaving her body for the new soul to "safe"; or maybe her explosion created a new soul." "Ann", leaving everything to her, allowing An to kill relatives she "didn't know" without knowing anything.

Regardless of the possibility, Chris found it difficult to convict Ann.

"Killing is bad," he said dryly.

An raised her face from the hot mushroom soup, as if she found his dilemma very funny. "Are you still thinking about that?" she said, "You said you are a law enforcer, haven't you ever seen dead people? The executions here are so serious, you would think that the world is full of severe punishments, and there will be no shortage of death sentences. "

Chris sighed at what she said. In the formula, he learned about An Zai's experience in the college, and felt that the seminary was far less beautiful than the imagination of the citizens at the foot of the mountain. Is a shepherd's back garden such a place? Aren’t God and His servants gentle and merciful? It was too much to subject a sickly young man, who was almost a child, to being flogged, isolated, and starved to the point of eating grass.

If the conversation with Ann disillusioned Chris about seminary, life on the patrol was the disillusionment he once had with his dreams. The patrol team does protect the people, but it protects the rich and powerful people more and makes profits in gray areas. It is not the defender of justice as he imagined. Chris killed a farmer in battle to protect the nobles, and was commended for this, but later he discovered that the farmer attacked the nobles because the other party forced his child, a newborn omega, to death for his own selfish purposes.

"The death penalty is different from murder!" He answered firmly, as if to convince himself.

"If the person who died was not a good person, then that's fine." An Xu muttered, "They talk so carelessly about human life. I bet the arrogant maniac from such a big family must have dirty hands and kill anyone. Not unjust."

Chris looked at her disapprovingly, and Anxu looked back calmly. A voice whispered in Chris's mind that Ann was probably right.

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