I Live Broadcast The Establishment Of The Underworld To Help You Reincarnate

Chapter 41 They Once Built The Great Wall With Flesh And Blood, Remembering The Scars Of Their Ances

At the same time, as more and more red souls poured in.

On both sides of the basalt gate of the Underworld, more and more small crimson characters began to appear.

The small print is dense.

Chen Nuanshu, died in battle, died of lack of water, nineteen years of the year, his bones were shot with machine guns by Jerry Christopher and several others, he died without a whole body, the place where the dead were buried... The soul was temporarily stored in the underworld.

Lin Kai, who died in battle, died of grenade burning, thirty-two years a year, no whole corpse, the place where the death was buried... The soul was temporarily stored in the underworld.

Wang Wangshu, who died in battle, died of machine gun fire—his body was blocked by gunshots, and he had a little merit. He was sixteen all the year round. He died without a whole body, and he died without a burial place... The soul is temporarily stored in the underworld!


There are more and more small characters on both sides of the Yin Cao gate.

Lin Yan, who was transformed into a thousand-zhang evil spirit, trembled uncontrollably.

He suddenly realized something that he hadn't noticed before.

When these red souls die.

All are young! ! !

Even younger than many students.

Lin Yan even saw sixteen-year-old children die? ? ?

At the age of sixteen, if you change it to the present, you should have just entered the first year of high school! You can go to the playground to play ball, and have a crush on the girl you like in the class.

The shoulders of the young man should bear the chief Yingfei and Qingfengmingyue, hiding the sea of ​​stars and the rays of light in the eyes of the girl!

Instead of dying in a foreign country, without a whole body, without a burial place.

Lin Yan's phantoms and gods swayed for a few times, and in the end, he was speechless.

Next to the dark sorceress gate.

Tong Xiao with golden soul opened his mouth. Finally, there was a salute at the gate.

On the shore, Lin Yan's mobile phone has long been blurred by the wind and rain.

At this moment, it is the drone that Lin Yan arranged before to support the live connection with CCTV.

Those drones that support live broadcast cost Lin Yan a lot of money, just for now.


Meanwhile, the capital, the army compound.

At this moment, Zheng Huaimin slowly got up.

His body was thin and thin.

He was too old, and all the injuries he suffered when he was young were chasing after him at this time.

But he still gave a military salute.

He wants to look at those former colleagues and go all the way.

The juniors behind him stood up nervously while doing the same thing as Zheng Huaimin.

At the same time, Zheng Huaimin opened his mouth with a hoarse voice.

"That year, in the last battle, Maozi had more than 60,000 troops, more than 300 cannons, more than 170 tanks, and more than 3,000 planes. And we didn't have anything..."

"They usually bombard once, and the hilltop of the position will be cut down by two meters, and the high ground will become a piece of scorched earth. In the last battle, the fifth battle, we built the Great Wall with flesh and blood."

"During the 43 days of fierce fighting between the two sides, there were no less than a hundred colleagues who only fired grenades, grenades, and blasting tubes and died with the enemy.

"You have seen the death of those red souls, there are people who died of thirst, do you know what happened?"

"In the last battle at that time, there was a guard company of ninety-six people, and only five people were left... When they were ambushed, they were transferred to an abandoned forward battalion command post in Maozi by accident."

"They chose to stick to that position, actively choose, and leave the stronghold far away from the main force!"

"And what they do is just to attract Maozi's firepower and delay time... It is easy to die with generosity, and it is difficult to die calmly."

"Those five colleagues were in that stronghold, under the siege of more than a hundred times Maozi for four days, all sacrificed, and two of them died of thirst in the end."

"You all show me these names, remember how they died, they are also your ancestors, and then count them for me, the scars of your ancestors..."

Behind him, those middle-aged men in the army, all with high rank, nodded solemnly with red eyes.


And at the same time.

Yanji Prefecture, Changshan City, suburb.

Changshan Film and Television Base, where there is a huge studio that has been built.

Some time ago, Changjing Lake, the winner of the big summer box office, was filmed here.

And now, this base is secretly filming in full swing, the second part of the sequel to the story of Changjing Lake, Shuijinqiao! ! !

At this time of the day.

There was a shooting of a night scene breakout scene.

But now, in the film and television base, no one is actually working.

The filming mission of the film and television base was completely stranded an hour and a half ago.

The reason is because the deputy director of CCTV, Zhang Hongjie, made a phone call.

It was just a phone call, which made the originally tense shooting task immediately suspend.

Because Zhang Hongjie, the chief director of Shuijinqiao, Chen Ge, said a word on the phone.

"Director Chen, I suggest you watch the current live broadcast of our CCTV 1. I think it may be helpful for your next shooting."

The three directors of the film gathered together at this moment and looked at the LCD TV in front of them.

As for other staff members, they were given early leave and returned to the hotel to rest.

There are only three directors and a few assistants left in the entire shooting studio.

Chen Ge is the chief director of the film. The other two directors are also famous directors in the Daxia film circle. One is responsible for war scenes, and the other is responsible for detailed plots.

On the LCD TV, it was the CCTV 1 broadcast, Lin Yan's live broadcast.

The film Shuijinqiao is the second sequel to Changjing Lake.

The amount invested is larger, and the director and actors are fully continued.

But at this moment, in front of the LCD TV, the three directors who were all highly respected in the Daxia film and television industry, all had red eyes and remained silent.

And right now.

The chief director of the film, Director Chen's phone rang again at this moment.

The person who called was Wang Jianxin, the chief screenwriter of the two films Changjinghu and Shuijinqiao.

"Hey... Old Wang?"

On the other end of the phone, at this moment, there was a whimpering cry.

"Old Chen, I'm sorry, I want to change the script."

Chen Ge smiled bitterly.

"I guessed it before... Everyone grew up in the courtyard. I understand how you feel."

At the other end of the conversation, the whimpering continued.

"Shuijinqiao can't be filmed anymore, Changjing Lake, it's all luck to get that kind of box office... For the first time, I felt that the script I wrote was all shit, all shit."

Chen Ge looked at the lines of small characters floating in the live broadcast.

Tears swirled.

"You change slowly! It's okay..."

Then Chen Ge put down the phone.

The three directors, gathered in front of the TV, were all silent.

In the live broadcast of the TV, the red souls crossed the dark gate one by one, like a red carp with a tail, crossing the dragon gate.

The thousand-foot-long ghost raised his hand to suppress the giant dragon that the muddy Heijiang water turned into.

The thin old man was crying while holding a hand with a red soul.

This picture is so beautiful, so beautiful.

And this picture is still live.

On the TV, you can even hear the sound of the drone spinning. It's like a real live broadcast.

After watching the pictures on TV, none of the three directors believed that this magnificent, mysterious, and splendid scene would be such a live broadcast.

At this moment, Chen Ge looked at the camera in the live broadcast.

"Such a picture, just one frame, it is estimated that I don't know how much money it will burn, especially this kind of fantasy combined with reality... Two people, Shui Jinqiao, how to shoot next! Can you still shoot?"

"Why do I feel that the shots taken before, even Changjing Lake, are not good enough..."

"What kind of lens can we use to remove the scars of our ancestors, how long does it take to recreate the Great Wall built of flesh and blood, and what kind of film can we use to not disgrace our ancestors... After this live broadcast, if Shuijinqiao still follows the previous The filming and release of the film, the three of us, I'm afraid we want to greet the whole family, especially our mother..."

(It's another chapter with nearly 3,000 words. The third round of live broadcast will end soon. I beg you all for big flowers, rating tickets, and data support)

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