I Live Broadcast The Establishment Of The Underworld To Help You Reincarnate

Chapter 80: Bloody Vengeance! After 300,000 dead souls enter the underworld, I will go to the East C

At this moment, thousands of households in Daxia, all the families watching Lin Yan's live broadcast, fell into a strange silence.

Jinling City, an ordinary well-off home.

Home lighting is warm.

The husband and wife were sitting on the sofa, watching the live broadcast of CCTV 1 on TV.

Their daughter, just five and a half years old, is the age of curiosity.

At this moment, the little girl looked at the TV, turned her head curiously, her big eyes flickered, and looked at her father innocently and romantically.

"Dad, why can't you be beautiful?"

"Girls, shouldn't they be pretty?"

Originally, he was the father of his daughter slave at home, but at this moment, watching TV and watching his daughter, suddenly felt a heartache.

At this moment, he didn't even know what language to use to describe this history to his daughter.

What to say!

How to explain it in the end can tell her that all the Daxia people are reluctant to recall those years.

The little girl's mother hugged her daughter even more at this moment.

The little girl sensibly touched her mother's face.

"Mom, why are you crying again... don't cry! I know it's not easy for Daxia to become what it is now, and I will remember those heroes."

The girl's father touched the little girl's head, and he was still speechless while watching TV...

Meanwhile, Jinling No. 2 Middle School!

It is now more than eight o'clock in the evening, almost nine o'clock.

In the entire No. 2 Middle School, only one building was still brightly lit.

There are high school students in that building.

Normally after school at five o'clock.

The students in the third year of high school also have four classes of tutoring and two classes of evening self-study in "One Eight Seven".

Approximate dismissal time is around ten o'clock in the evening.

And at this moment, it is the time for the last evening self-study.

Senior three, eighth class.

At this moment, there are no students in Class 8 who are writing hard.

The projection screen of the class was lowered at this moment, and the live broadcast of CCTV was playing.

The head teacher of the eighth class of high school is a female teacher who teaches history.

I often take the students in my class and watch a movie occasionally, which can be regarded as a deserter.

However, the grades of Class 8 did not drop in the slightest, and even in the liberal arts class, they were always the first and second.

At this moment, the entire eighth class, all the students, were terribly quiet, the girls were sobbing silently, and the boys were silently clenching their fists.

The female teacher sitting at the back of the class suddenly sighed faintly at this moment. Then she suddenly spoke.

"Classmates, please stand up if you think you are from Jinling. 99

The students in the class froze for a moment, then almost all stood up, and there were very few who did not stand up. Those were a few students who later transferred for the exam.

The head teacher glanced at the projection screen and continued to speak.

"My parents are also from Jinling, so they can continue to stand.""

At least half of the classmates sat down!

The head teacher let out a sigh and finally spoke again!

"Grandparents or grandparents who are also from Jinling, please stand. 99

No students were standing this time.

The whole class sat quietly in their seats.

And right now!

The head teacher finally spoke quietly.

"You know why. 995

The whole class is silent!

This short 10 minutes is more unforgettable than any patriotic education attended by the entire eighth class.

And the students in the class were stunned for a long time.

The head teacher's deep voice came out slowly again.

"The current people in Jinling are three generations old, and most of them are refugees from Huining Prefecture who came to Jinling after the massacre..."

In the class, there are already girls who can't control themselves and cry so loudly...

Jinling First Hospital.

Hospice ward.

Hospice care is not a curative treatment, but medical care that focuses on reducing the symptoms of a patient's disease and delaying the progression of the disease in the weeks or months before the patient's death.

At this moment, in a hospice ward.

An old woman, with her silver hair combed meticulously, her face is full of scars and even burn marks. It is hard to imagine what she experienced when she was young.

At this moment, the old woman is thin, but she still wears headphones and looks at the video on her mobile phone.

She lit a small desk lamp, looked at her mobile phone, and took a pen to record something in a notebook.

On the side of the hospital bed, a middle-aged man with a bloated body turned his head with a dull look.

"Sister Mo Yu, you are still not sleeping!"

The old woman turned her head and sighed as she looked at the middle-aged man who had come in because of terminal cancer and there was no medicine to save it.

"I said, I'm old enough to be your grandmother, and I have to call me sister every day?"

The middle-aged man embarrassedly scratched his bald head that had lost all his hair due to chemotherapy.

"This... your temperament is so good, grandma can't say it! What are you writing?"

Mo Yu sighed at this moment.

She and the fat man in the clinic are also considered patients.

This fat man used to be a businessman, and his family was rich, but he couldn't survive the death of sickness.

"Writing a memoir!"

The middle-aged man showed surprise in his eyes.

"Wow! Amazing. 35

"I also want to write a memoir, but I don't seem to have anything worth remembering in my life, and I don't dare to write... Sister Mo Yu, I'll tell you secretly, besides my wife, I'm still outside, and I've taken care of it a few times. A female college student!

"However, I found out that it was my wife who was the best to me!"

"Hey, Sister Mo Yu, what are you writing in your memoirs.

The old woman's pen paused.

"Recalling Jinling more than 80 years ago..."

The middle-aged fat man nodded with emotion.

"Wow! Jinling more than eighty years ago... More than eighty years ago, that wasn't..."

Fatty was stunned for a moment, he suddenly sat up from the hospital bed, he looked at the old woman with a good temperament.

"Sister Mo Yu, the scar on your body..."

The old woman smiled.

"Well! They were all left behind back then. Some were caused by those evil ghosts, but I cut the scars on my face myself. In order not to be bullied... Unfortunately, I still couldn't escape!"

"Before I died, I finished writing my memoirs, and in the future, I might be able to use them as evidence. 99

"I just don't know how many people will see it after it's really written. 99

At this moment, the fat man's eyes suddenly turned red.

"Sister Mo Yu, you can write with confidence, isn't it just publishing? Leave it to me."

Mo Yu looked at the fat man in surprise.


At this moment, the middle-aged fat man grinned.

"Me! It seems that I haven't done a good thing for the country and the people since I made a fortune in business. Even if I donate money occasionally, to be honest, it's to pay less taxes, but this time, I don't care about anything!"

"My Wang Delong is also from Daxia anyway, and those bastards, mountains and rivers in exotic places, are inseparable!!!"

And at the same time.

On the campus of Jinling Normal University.

The old woman looked at the resentful souls who were beating at the windows and became more and more anxious, and her voice was low.

"That group of bastards, back then, in Jinling, they were extremely rampant and they did everything. If they wanted to kill, they would kill, and if they wanted to insult, they would insult, no matter how old or young. There were only two mothers and daughters left in one family. The mother was in her 60s. Bullied by a bastard; her daughter is in her 40s and was bullied by two soldiers...

"Those guys are not human, they are beasts!!!"

The old woman clenched her fists.

She took a deep breath before continuing.

"I also took refuge here for a short time back then, right there..."

The old woman raised her hand and pointed to the university's auditorium. It seemed that the auditorium had been repaired many times.

The old woman's hoarse voice continued.

"A lot of us were hiding there!

"As for those bastards, they sometimes come here, and they grab things and girls at the same time. The reason why women's colleges can survive is because there was a foreigner at the women's colleges, we called her "Miss Xia ", she relied on her own identity, and swirled with those bastards!

"That day, when Miss Xia was away, those bastards entered the auditorium at night, and they drove most of us out, leaving only some young and beautiful girls..."

The old woman's voice began to choked.

Her voice at the moment, along with the voices of the resentful souls slapping against the bedroom window at this moment, looked extremely heart-piercing.

"Don't be pretty!

"It can't be pretty.

"I beg you, why are you so beautiful.

The old woman coughed a few times in a low voice.

She looked up at the spirits in the sky, but she didn't find them disgusting at all...

I even think those souls are very good-looking.

"Miss Xia, there are times when you can't do anything, it's ten... ten, ten... seven, yes, a group of evil spirits broke into the women's university under the pretext of searching Daxia's soldiers and forcibly took eleven people away. Young schoolgirl. This storyline seems to have been made into a movie later!!!”

"That night, all the teachers in the women's university couldn't sleep for a long time! Teacher Xia was crying all the time, but our feeling was even deeper.

"Because that night, for the first time, we tasted... the taste of the slaves of the country. The suffering of this kind of slaves is so painful that I even wanted to commit suicide... The eleven girls who were dragged away that night, I don't know if they will be dragged to Where, we don't dare to think, what happened to those girls later..."

Lin Yan raised his head at this moment.

His fists were clenched, his knuckles white.

What is blood feud, is this blood feud?

What a feud, this is a feud!

How is an apology?

Only if the other party also died 300,000 would be an apology.

Zhang Xinyi was crying so hard that she could barely lift her phone.

Yue Fei lowered his head halfway at this moment.

He turned to look at Lin Yan.

"Take them to the underworld!!!"

"Master Ghost, don't forget what you are going to do."

"After sending these 300,000 souls, I will go to that small island in the eastern sea!

Lin Yan froze for a moment.

Afterwards, he saw the general, still calm and calm.

The great general also had a sigh of anger in his heart.

It's more than eighty years.

Lin Yan flipped his wrist at this moment.

There was a dark bell in his hand.

On the bell, there is purple smoke emitting.

That is the legendary spirit bell.

A spiritual treasure used as an auxiliary when ghosts send souls to the underworld.

It was also exchanged by Lin Yan from the system before.

At this moment, Lin Yan raised his hand and gently rang the bell.

The purple cloud of smoke dissipated quickly.

Those Specters who were covered in black smoke were all affected at this moment.

There are quite a few ghosts, who have turned their heads and moved closer to Lin Yan.

However, there were still many resentful souls scattered with black smoke, like those girls who were worried about the windows behind them, slapping the windows and refusing to leave.

Lin Yan let out a breath of foul breath, and was about to intensify the sound of the rattle in his hand.

But right now.

Zhang Xinyi let out an exclamation.

Lin Yan turned his head along Zhang Xinyi's field of vision, and then saw a scene that made his scalp tingle.

Normal University, in a dormitory building.

At this moment, a girl came out.

Those girls, wearing long white dresses, the styles of the dresses are not uniform, it seems that they are all their own clothes.

Some may just be unable to find a white skirt and simply put on white pajamas.

The girls were holding white candles in their hands.

3.6 A warm orange-red firework burns on the candle.

The rain at the moment is very small.

But those girls still covered the candles with their hands, fearing that the wind and rain would extinguish the candles.

And the leading girls were the girls in Building No. 8.

At this moment, the girls who came out of their respective dormitories gathered candles in one place.

Some girls, still in front of the candles, turned around, then looked at the sky, smiling like flowers.

In the dormitory before, the girl who was called Tangtang by her roommate even held a candle, and then sang a song.

"The big river flows eastward into the sea, and I live in the east of the river; the tigers in the stone city are in the mountains and the dragons, and I am one of them!

"The bell tower is towering, the palace of education, the peach and plum sit in the spring breeze; the reading is like a tide, the air is like a rainbow, and it will always be the hero of the South.

"Don't worry about us, in today's big summer, we can already be beautiful!! There are no more tigers and leopards and jackals.

"The rain in Jinling keeps falling, and it keeps falling. I understand your silent grievance! But you don't need to be afraid anymore."

At this moment, the ghosts floating in the air looked down at the girls in white dresses, and seemed to finally realize something.

At this moment, the thick black smoke on them finally gradually dissipated.

After the black smoke dissipated, those souls landed on the ground.

Where is there any ghost full of resentment.

They were clearly cute and lovely schoolgirls with short hair.

They could grow up quietly, grow old, have children and grandchildren, and have a smooth or not so smooth life...

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