I Live Forever With My Proficiency

Chapter 109 Ten Dragon Gang Leaders In Seconds

Chapter 109 Ten Dragon Gang Leaders in Seconds

In the days that followed, Chen Ping stayed at home most of the time, leading an orderly life in cultivation.

In addition to practicing the exercises over and over again to improve his realm, he also focused on practicing the Tiangang Thunder spell.

Other spells are practiced occasionally.

The evil-suppressing talisman has become more and more easy to draw.


Every ten days, ten Law Weapons will be sent to Guo Zizhao.

Guo Zizhao and Lin Changshou sold second-hand Law Weapons in Yunzhong City for the first time. They sold them very carefully. One person sold the weapon and the other person observed it secretly. Every time they sold a weapon, they would change their faces to another person. A maximum of two sales are sold a day, and there will be a break for a few days every few days.

Although it is a little slower, it is safer.

Nothing has happened in a month.

Considering that it was inconvenient for him to contact Guo Zizhao unilaterally, Chen Yu rented a house in the outer city and informed Guo Zizhao and Lin Changshou to go to that house and leave a message for him if there was something urgent. He might go there himself from time to time.

at the same time.

The first passage in the basement of the house, a short passage leading four miles away, was finally completed.

The exit is set up in a utility room of a low-end house. The exit is fully arranged with an observation system and hidden objects to make it difficult for people to detect.

Listening to the wind charms are also placed in the tunnel.

A month passed like this.

this day.

After Chen Ping made full preparations, he walked out of the middle city along the main road, then changed his appearance and left the outer city, exited through the east gate and continued walking eastward.

Finally, he stopped in a forest more than ten miles away.

After walking around and pondering the current environment, he finally chose one of the hidden areas as his place to practice magic.

After placing the wind charms around the perimeter.

Start testing Tiangang Lei.

Tiangang Lei, who has been practicing in the house these days, has been keeping his practice in reserve, not daring to unleash its full power unscrupulously.

But he has also reached the 'expert' level with Tiangang Lei.

[Tiangang Lei (Expert): 138/1000. ]

Can't wait to test the effect of practice.

Chen Ping recited the incantation silently, and the inner thunder was born in his heart, and then he activated his spiritual power to activate the Tiangang Thunder with all his strength.


A huge lightning beam nearly ten meters long appeared out of thin air high in the sky and accurately struck a big tree.

With a loud noise, the meter-thick tree was suddenly hacked to pieces and scorched black. The branches were attacked by the spilled spell and all broke and burned.

Sparks still appeared on the thick tree trunks, and wisps of black smoke curled up.

‘This power is not weaker than the spiritual power sword at all. ’

‘After the expert level, the length of lightning reaches nearly ten meters. You must know that when you first mastered it, it was only three or four meters long. ’

‘It’s getting more powerful. ’

Chen Ping used the 'Dragon Gathering Water' spell to draw a pool of water not far away to extinguish the sparks on the tree and avoid causing a fire.

‘Try again for accuracy. ’

Thinking of this, Chen Ping found ten more grasses hidden in the bushes, trying to increase the degree of interference and the difficulty of precise concentration as much as possible.

Then focus.

"Crack! In! Pah! La!."

Ten rounds of Tiangang lightning were struck in succession.

For a moment, there was a thunderbolt from the clear sky.

All kinds of wild beasts around were jumping around, wondering what happened suddenly here.

Chen Ping walked over and counted 9 out of 10 grasses.

90% hit rate.

It is already remarkable to have such a hit rate after launching ten attacks in such a short period of time.

This is something other monks cannot do.

I recall that the leader of the Dragon and Tiger Gang used this spell back then. Now, I can kill ten leaders of the Dragon Gang just by competing with this spell.

Of course, grass is a dead thing, so the success rate may decrease if you kill the opponent.

But this spell also has the effect of 'numb and stun'. As long as the opponent is hit by you once, the opponent is no longer alive.

It will be like this grass.

Chen Ping was not in a hurry to go back. He continued to practice Tiangang Lei in the forest for half a day, and did not start his return journey until afternoon.

When passing by a stream, Chen Ping struck a Tiangang Thunder on the water on a whim.


After a loud noise, several large white fish slowly emerged from the water.

Yes, let’s eat fish tonight.

Chen Ping used grass strips to pass through the gills of the fish, stringed several fish together and carried Yunzhong City, just like a fisherman, and after gathering his breath, he looked like a mortal, perfectly concealing his identity.

When walking on the road to the outer city, I saw my neighbor Lu Zhengzhong from a distance. He and several monks were capturing a monk and escorting him towards the middle city.

The mortals on the road gave way in a hurry.

"Brother, what's going on?" Chen Ping asked one of the mortal men watching from a distance.

This person is watching from a distance, which shows that he is very cautious. If you dare to watch, it means you are very gossipy. People who like to watch the fun know more information.

"Shh." The man said silently:

"Don't discuss Immortal Masters' matters casually, be careful of your head moving. Keep your voice down."

Sure enough, after saying this, he added:

"The man who was captured is said to be a spy of the demon cultivator. I heard that he sneaked in with a group of monks who entered the city two months ago. He has been hiding in our outer city until he was caught. Alas, I hope not I will be troubled."

Aren’t the monks who entered the city two months ago the same monks from Cloud Link City?

It won't hurt us, right?

Chen Ping was angry, but then he thought about it, he was not a demon cultivator, so he was not worried about being investigated.

If you think about it, it doesn't matter.

"Brother, where did you hear this?" Chen Ping asked calmly.

The man booed again, appearing very cautious. He hesitated again and again, but in the end he couldn't suppress the overwhelming power in his heart and shared his gossip with Chen Ping:

"Keep it a secret. I usually don't tell others about it. It's all coming from Fugui Building. Immortal Master is often there, and you can find out everything."

Fugui Building?

Isn’t that a place to listen to music?

I silently wrote down this information. If I need to find out more information in the future, I might try my luck at Fugui Building.

Chen Ping didn't stay long, said goodbye and walked away.

After a few detours, I restored my makeup and clothes before showing my token to enter Midtown and go home.

That evening.

Sure enough, a demon-slaying team came to investigate.

Among those who came was Lu Zhengzhong.

After Lu Zhengzhong explained, he handed over a jade plate:

"Fellow Daoist Chen, this is your duty. Don't mind it. It's all for checking the demon cultivators. Fellow Daoist just press your hand here."

Chen Ping was familiar with this matter and had been investigated several times in Cloud Link City.

Chen Ping and Yu Lingchun completed the inspection immediately.

And tried to find out:

"Fellow Daoist Lu, what's going on with this demon cultivator?"

Perhaps because he saw that Chen Ping was not a demon cultivator, and perhaps because this was not information that needed to be kept secret, Lu Zhengzhong shared it openly:

"It's okay. From time to time, demonic cultivators will send some gaps to sneak into the major cultivating cities. This is a common thing. But you still have to be careful when waiting for the cultivators coming from Cloud Link City. The person caught today is following You escaped inspection during the chaotic period when you entered the city."

"Several people died in the past few days, and two of them were monks from Cloud Link City. The corpses have been sent to the inner city. Whether it was the work of the demonic cultivators will be known soon."

Lu Zhengzhong and his party packed up their things and didn't talk any more. They had their responsibilities and they still needed to go to the next house.

Chen Ping didn't have the chance to ask any more questions.

It just gave rise to a sense of caution.

Two monks from Cloud Link City died?

Is it a coincidence?

There is no need for the demon cultivator to keep an eye on us.


It’s better to go out less and practice more.

Nothing in this world is stable.

(End of chapter)

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