I Live Forever With My Proficiency

Chapter 112 Killing The Evil Spirit

Chapter 112 Killing the Evil Spirit

Since you don't understand the situation, the best way is to stay at home and wait for things to change.

Chen Ping started practicing when he returned home, and didn't get up until evening to do some exercise.

Take a walk for a while.

The so-called walking means pacing back and forth in the main room.

I checked the time, it was still early.

Decided to draw talismans for a while.

After more than two months of continuous practice, the evil-suppressing talisman has reached the 'proficient' level.

[Evil Suppression Talisman (Proficient): 11/200. ]

This level is almost the same as most talismans on the market.

If you want to be superior to others, you have to keep going down. Only by entering the 'Mastery' level can you truly become a rare master level.

Yu Lingchun poured the spiritual tea, sat aside with her chin in her hands, and carefully watched Chen Ping draw the talisman.

Whenever Chen Ping successfully draws a talisman, her eyes will curl up with a smile, and she feels a sense of accomplishment, as if she was drawing the talisman herself.

"Husband, let me learn to draw talismans too. I can also earn some spiritual stones to support my family." Yu Lingchun said solemnly.

This is actually not the first time this matter has been mentioned.

Chen Ping raised his head and looked at her:

"Do you really want to learn?"

"Yeah, I want to learn. It's quite interesting."

Actually, I want to earn spiritual stones.

When Yu Lingchun first got together with Chen Ping, she only thought that Chen Ping had more life experience than she did, that he was good at practicing the Golden Tortoise Armor Technique, and that he was not much better than her in terms of realm, not much different.

But after they got together, she realized that Chen Ping was a treasure.

Every moment brings surprises.

With rapid advancement in realm and superb spells, Chen Changsheng is famous in Cloud Link City. This is especially true for drawing talismans. She asked her grandfather for advice on how to make talismans, but now she can draw evil talismans and has become one of the most powerful talisman masters during the Qi Refining period.

And all this happened just over a year ago.

The better her husband is, the happier she is.

But at the same time, there was a trace of uneasiness and inferiority in my heart.

I feel that I am not worthy of Chen Ping.

In her opinion, with her husband's talent, he will be the one to build the Foundation sooner or later, but she may not be able to reach this height in this life.

She knew she couldn't change this, but at least she didn't want to hold Chen Ping back in life.

Drawing talismans is very good. You don't need to go out to take risks, and you can earn some spiritual stones to support your family. This is a decision she has thought about for a long time.

"Since you want to learn, let me teach you." Chen Ping took out a stack of talisman papers that had not been used for a long time from the drawer and said:

"Drawing talismans is quite difficult. Don't rush for success. Learn slowly. It doesn't matter if you don't succeed. We have enough spiritual stones, so you don't have to worry about the spiritual stones while I'm here. Just learn it out of interest."

What is most needed in drawing talisman is patience, carefulness and a calm temper.

This is similar to the cultivation of spiritual plants.

After years of hard work, Yu Lingchun can endure silence and sit still. Her temperament is actually quite suitable for this.

But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that learning to draw talismans also adds more spice to her practice life. Practicing every day is somewhat boring.

A pretty good choice.

Yu Lingchun picked up the talisman pen and was eager to try it.

"Let's learn the most basic cleaning talisman first, starting from the beginning. Come on, reach out and hold the pen like this. Hold the talisman pen with the pads of your four fingers. This way the spiritual power perception is the most accurate. Try it with Entering Spirit." Chen Ping Habit Teaching.

Yu Lingchun blinked her long eyelashes, listened carefully, and studied meticulously.

In this situation, Chen Ping felt like he was back in high school, when he and his female classmate studied the phenomenon of "the phenomenon of protein denaturation and precipitation caused by copper ion solution added to milk."

This made him extremely relaxed physically and mentally.

I learned this lesson late at night.

It wasn't until he felt the slight heat emitting from the evil-proof charm in his arms that he suddenly woke up, and his originally relaxed body and mind suddenly became tense.

'come yet? Is it my turn? ’

‘Then come, let me see who you really are. ’

‘Look who dies and who lives. ’

Chen Ping kept his tone calm and said:

"Okay, that's it for today. You go back to the bedroom and rest first. I'll come back later."

Yu Lingchun seemed to be aware of the abnormality, and stood up suddenly, regardless of Fu Mo knocking over the ground:


Chen Ping said relaxedly:

"It's okay, I'll take care of it. You go back to the bedroom and bring the evil-repelling charms and evil-suppressing charms. I won't take care of you when you encounter danger."

Yu Lingchun pursed her lips and her chest rose and fell.

Chen Ping is much more relaxed.

The relaxation at this moment is not fake, but a kind of indifference when danger is inevitable.

Even with a hint of excitement.

‘Isn’t it just evil spirit? Flower demons have seen it. ’

After Yu Lingchun hurried back to the bedroom, Chen Ping took two steps and saw a person standing in his yard through the window.

That look was all too familiar to Chen Ping.


Cao Yabo.

It’s actually Brother Cao!

"Fellow Daoist Cao?" Chen Ping opened the door and stared at the person in front of him silently, maintaining 120% vigilance.

It is said that it is Cao Yabo, but it is not.

The face is somewhat sunken and deformed, the eye sockets are sunken and crimson, and there is an evil smile on the face.

‘Sure enough, the evil spirits have turned. ’

‘Why did the evil spirit come to me instead of just dying? Didn’t everyone else just die? ’

'Or is it that the other dead people were not infected by evil spirits outside at all, but were killed by Cao Yabo after being transformed by evil spirits? ’


Chen Ping was shocked by his idea.

if it is like this.

Why did Brother Cao kill these people?

Suddenly, a suspicion struck Chen Ping like lightning. I bought spiritual plants from Cao Yabo, and so did the one who died last night.

What about the others?

Could it be the same?

If this is the case, it seems that the superficial logic makes sense, but the underlying logic is unknown and beyond his cognition.

At this moment, there was no time to think too much, because when Chen Ping called out "Cao Fellow Daoist", Cao Abo did not answer, but showed a dark smile, but did not dare to get close, obviously afraid of the talismans in Chen Ping's arms and in the house.

Then, Cao Abo turned around and flew out without touching his feet.

‘Gotta chase! ’

Chen Ping chased after him decisively. Since he was targeted, there was no reason to continue to cower.

The evil spirits are in the dark, and you are in the light.

If you miss this opportunity, you will be better able to deal with it in the future.

It was already late at night, the sky was dark, there was no moonlight, only a few pitiful starlights, all the lights in the houses were extinguished, and the middle city was extremely silent.

Cao Yabo was very fast, drifting all the way east of the city.

Chen Ping was not slow and followed closely. He needed to find the best opportunity to take action.

At this time, we entered a period of silent wasteland.

‘That’s it. ’

Chen Ping's mind moved, and Wan Lei Zhu made a move and whispered "Broken". A slender bolt of lightning pierced the sky, lighting up the dark night, and there was a loud crack of thunder, hitting Cao Yabo.

Cao Yabo had a premonition of danger, and with a strange flash, he appeared two meters away as if teleporting.


The Tiangang Thunder struck the ground, exploding a huge deep pit.

Cao Yabo also seemed to be irritated, he let out a weird laugh, a male voice mixed with a female voice, and he rushed towards Chen Ping.

But a dozen evil-suppressing talismans emitting golden light came speeding towards him, as if they were stuck in the air, completely blocking Cao Abo's path.

Immediately, dazzling lightning beams completely blocked all Cao Yabo's escape routes.

"Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!"

Surrounded by dense lightning beams, Cao Yabo let out desperate screams, and even for a moment, a woman's face appeared, twisted and terrifying.

Thunder spells are inherently capable of defeating evil spirits.

The dense lightning beam left Cao Yabo with nowhere to escape.

Finally, a bolt of lightning struck Cao Yabo.

Then the second bundle, the third bundle, the fourth bundle and the Nth bundle...

It wasn't until more than a dozen beams of Tiangang thunder were fired, and Cao Yabo in front of him had been smashed into pieces, that Chen Ping suddenly stopped.

From a distance, he saw that the torn fabric of the Taoist robe seemed to move, and Chen Ping was struck by another Tiangang lightning.

Really dead?

Still not at ease, he touched the burnt leftovers of the Taoist robe twice more.

Chen Ping touched the evil-suppressing talisman in his arms and found that he no longer had any fever.

The evil spirits were completely defeated.

Suddenly he breathed a long sigh of relief.

I touched it with my backhand and found that my back was soaked.

Although he acted calmly when he had no choice but to retreat, he was still a little wary when he actually faced evil spirits. So even though the accuracy of his Tiangang Thunder is 90%, he still doesn't dare to pursue accuracy from the beginning. Instead, he first uses dense lightning beams to surround Xie Sui, and then seeks to kill him.

Chen Ping looked at the horribly huge sunken ground in front of him to calm down the turmoil in his heart. He grabbed an evil-suppressing talisman in his hand and walked over to check it out.

Cao Abo has long since disappeared.

(End of chapter)

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