I Live Forever With My Proficiency

Chapter 120 The Last Day

Chapter 120 The Last Day

Time flies by like a white horse.

Eighty days flew by.

Chen Ping practiced the technique for five hours. Seeing the experience value getting slower and slower, he felt a little irritated, so he practiced the 'Rejuvenation Technique' intermittently for a while.

He picked up a knife for making talisman skins and stabbed his arm with a "swish" sound.

Blood flowed.

Then quickly perform the rejuvenation technique.

Suddenly, a holy light enveloped him.


Chen Ping couldn't help but make a melodious and weird sound.

Very comfortable.

No wonder Zhang Zheng's wife fainted and seemed to be enjoying herself during the migration.

There was even a moment when it seemed as if I had entered the time of the sage. My whole body felt comfortable, my mind was empty, and I didn't want to think about anything.

It's amazing.

‘This skill may be used as a control skill at critical moments in battle. ’

Chen Ping looked at the scars on his hands.

The blood hole with a depth of about one centimeter is healing slowly and the blood is coagulating.

After half a finger of incense, when the spell state faded, Chen Ping gave himself another shot.


Half an hour later, all the wounds as long as the length of the talisman pen were healed.

In mint condition.

Well, the proficient level rejuvenation technique is really good, but the speed is a bit slow, it took a full half an hour.

After more than half a year of practice, the Rejuvenation Technique has now reached the proficiency level, which is ‘Spell: Rejuvenation Technique (Mastery): 12/1000’.

‘Whether it is the beam of light, the depth of the color, or the intensity of the spell, they are all comparable to Miss Seven’s original effect. ’

‘If you continue to practice, maybe the healing speed can continue to increase. ’

At this time, I may have heard Chen Ping making several inexplicable sounds in succession.

Yu Lingchun walked in:

"What's wrong?"

Chen Ping was happy, but worried that there were no experimental subjects:

"Just in time. Come on, come over and try my new spell."

A ray of holy light enveloped him.

Yu Lingchun, who was caught off guard, let out a gasp, then held it back, and her face turned red.

After a while, he said in surprise:

"Is this a healing spell? I feel like all the veins in my body have been smoothed, and I feel very comfortable all over."

"Then again?"

"No, no, husband, I'm going to prepare the meal." Yu Lingchun ran away in a flash.

Dining room?

Chen Ping grinned and followed.


In the dining room, the flames in the stove flickered a few times and eventually went out because no new fuel was put in.

Chen Ping and the two were completely unaware.


An hour later, the flames in the stove reignited.

Chen Ping took two pictures of cleaning charms for himself and helped Yu Lingchun prepare meal ingredients.

"Go and wash your hands." Yu Lingchun scolded.

Chen Ping made a promise and went to take out a basin of water from the water tank. He caught a glimpse of himself reflected in the water and was stunned for a moment.

I haven't paid attention to my appearance for a long time. It seems that the lines on my face are stronger and I am more energetic.

His temperament is completely different from when he first arrived two years ago.

Chen Ping stood up and looked at his body again. His muscles were more developed and he felt full of strength.

This is due to the effect of continuous Body Refining.

In fact, there are very few monks who start to try Body Refining during the Qi Refining stage. Body Refining may require medicinal baths or elixirs... This is very expensive and many Independent Cultivators cannot afford it.

There are even fewer people like Chen Ping who take three Golden Marrow Pills every day without interruption.

However, Body Refining in advance is beneficial to Foundation Building. The process of Foundation Building is essentially the process of cleansing and cutting the marrow.

Body Refining advances this process.

While the two were busy preparing the meal, there was a noise outside.

Chen Ping hurriedly went out to take a look.

Just then, he saw a group of people coming to look for Lu Zhengzhong in a ferocious manner.

We will capture Lu Zhengzhong when we come here.

Chen Ping didn't know why. After listening for a while, he finally understood the general reason. The visitor was a disciple of a vassal Foundation Building family in the inner city. He said he suspected that Lu Zhengzhong had killed an outstanding disciple of his family.

So I came here to capture someone.

"Fellow Daoist, I have misunderstood. This monk is sitting upright and has no enmity with Fellow Daoist Tang. How could he harm him?" Lu Zhengzhong defended.

"If someone saw it with their own eyes that it was you, how could they accuse you unjustly?" A disciple of the Tang family in the inner city said coldly, and then ordered his companions:

"People take it away."

Lu Zhengzhong's eyes suddenly turned cold.

But Mo Xuebi held her hand and calmed down: "Everyone, are you not ready to be reasonable?"

"It's only to convince people with reason that they take you into the inner city. If you were really unreasonable, you would be dead by now." The young man from the Tang family had a frosty face.


After a while, the disciples of the Yun family also came to coordinate and promised to find out the truth.

And finally took Lu Zhengzhong away.

The Tang family also followed suit with a cold face.

‘This Tang family disciple doesn’t seem to be following the Yun family’s lead! ’… Chen Ping thought to himself.

"Mo Fellow Daoist, what is going on?" Chen Ping asked.

Mo Xuebi's face was full of worry:

"Fellow Daoist Chen also heard what happened just now. I don't know what happened behind the scenes. But I know that Lao Lu is not the kind of person who robs and kills other Fellow Daoists at will."

Chen Ping opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

He didn't know what happened behind the scenes and didn't dare to jump to conclusions.

I can only console myself sadly:

"Don't worry, since the Yun family has appeared. This is the place under the jurisdiction of the Yun family. The Yun family will definitely not allow anything to happen. Maybe they will let Lao Lu back after finding out the cause."

Yu Lingchun also quickly comforted her with a few words.

She and Mo Xuebi were quite able to chat.

This Cloud City may not be as simple as imagined... Chen Ping sighed.

More than ten days later, crisp sounds echoed over Yunzhong City from time to time.

Chen Ping did not practice today and was busy at home with Yu Lingchun.

Today is the annual ‘Shangshang Festival’.

One of the most lively festivals in the world is the Spring Festival.

The entire Yunzhong City is filled with festive elements. The monks who have been practicing for a year have stopped practicing and enjoying the rare leisure time.

The same is true for Chen Ping.

All in all, this is the third festival in this world. The first two were the most chaotic moments in Cloud Link City. There was no time to take care of any festivals, and they were just busy trying to survive.

In this third holiday, it’s natural to relax and unwind.

On the day of the festival, Lin Changshou, who lived in the same street, came to visit, and Guo Zizhao also came to sit with him.

Then, the head of the Ning family unexpectedly appeared.

It turns out that Ning Xiaoqi has successfully entered the Lingxiao Sect, and there is no shortage of sects to take a genius like her wherever she goes.

The head of the Ning family and his family stayed in Lingxiao Sect for a while, after confirming that Ning Xiaoqi's foundation had been completely repaired. A few days ago, the family had moved to Yunzhong City.

For another family, the palace did not move here, but went to another Independent Cultivator city.

At present, Ning Mansion has moved his family into the inner city.

"I didn't know that Senior Ning has moved to Yunzhong City, otherwise I would have to visit Senior Ning no matter how busy I am." Chen Ping said.

The head of the Ning family laughed:

"It's the same when I come here. I don't have to pay attention to those red tapes. I just moved in a few days ago and there were too many things. I didn't rush to do it, so I postponed it until now. The family has made arrangements. Chen Fellow Daoist must go there when he has time. Have a cup of tea.”

"Definitely, definitely." Chen Ping said.

I thought that I should pay him a return visit. After all, the head of the Ning family was much older than me, so I should pay him a visit myself.

What's more, the head of the Ning family has the grace to give the token.

"Huh? Fellow Chen Daoist Qi Refining reached the ninth level of Dzogchen?"

Lin Changshou and Guo Zizhao couldn't feel anything. As a ninth-level monk of Qi Refining, the head of the Ning family paid attention and immediately felt that Chen Ping's cultivation seemed to have improved again, and he guessed that he might have reached the Great Consummation.

Hearing this, Lin Changshou was stunned.

In Lin Changshou's impression, Chen Ping was a monk not much better than himself.

This Chen Fellow Daoist is almost catching up with Big Brother Chen Changsheng?

Unlike Lin Changsheng, Guo Zizhao was calm and calm. He had already guessed that Chen Ping was Chen Changsheng. This is why he took Lin Changshou's car to visit Chen Ping today.

"Never, it's still early. I don't know when we can take a step further." Chen Ping told the truth.

We are still a little far away from Dzogchen.

But after some calculations, I estimated that it would only take a month or two at most.

"Take your time, there is no need to rush this matter. With Chen's Fellow Daoist qualifications, it will always be a success." The head of the Ning family said knowingly.

The head of the Ning family felt a little lonely when he thought about his situation, but when he thought that his granddaughter was already preparing for the Foundation Building, all the gloom disappeared.


The head of the Ning family chatted for a while and then stood up to leave. He had to go back to preside over the affairs of the family last Sunday.

Lin Changshou and Guo Zizhao also left one after another.

In the evening, Chen Ping and Yu Lingchun walked through the thick snow and went to the outer city.

Compared to the central city, the outer city was countless times more lively, with festive ribbons hanging everywhere and children laughing and playing in the streets.

The shouts of merchants are endless.

In the artificial river, cruise ships rowed by one after another, and many girls on the bank lit up colored lanterns while making wishes.

So lively.

However, in view of the safety period, the two of them walked around for a while and felt that they had enjoyed themselves, so they returned home early.

(End of chapter)

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