Chapter 13: Miss Seven

In the Eastern District of Cloud Link City, there are several scattered markets. These markets are somewhat similar to the pedestrian streets in the cities of Chen Ping's future. They are interspersed between residential areas, with numerous shops, making it convenient for cultivators to store their belongings.

The butcher shop where He Xianxiang works is located in one of these markets.

The stalls in these markets are fixed, and the shops have permanent storefronts. Rent is paid monthly, and security is relatively good.

The downside is that temporary stalls are not allowed because it would be difficult to manage.

As a result, cultivators who need to set up temporary stalls to sell their goods gather spontaneously in a specific area.

This has formed the "Eastern Market."

As the name suggests, the Eastern Market is located in the easternmost part of the Independent Cultivator District. This area was originally a barren area near the city wall, stretching for several miles. Now it is filled with temporary stalls set up by cultivators, bustling every day.

Chen Ping went to the Eastern Market.

The Eastern Market also has some fixed shops, but there are more stalls set up by independent cultivators. The two are mixed together, somewhat resembling the small town market in Chen Ping's future.

People come and go, and it is quite lively.

Chen Ping didn't rush to set up a stall but strolled along the market road.

While wandering, unexpectedly, he ran into a familiar face.

"Fellow Daoist Ding?" Chen Ping was somewhat surprised.

This person was Ding Liu, who had worked together with Chen Ping at Ning Mansion. Before leaving Ning Mansion, Chen Ping had been selected to participate in Miss Seven's mission together with Ding Liu.

They were the only lucky low-level Qi Refining cultivators.

However, Chen Ping sold this luck to another Fellow Daoist, while Ding Liu chose to seize the opportunity.

After two months, Chen Ping didn't expect to see him in the Independent Cultivator District.


Ding Liu's hair was disheveled, and his complexion was haggard, completely devoid of the vitality he had before.

"Fellow Daoist Chen? I didn't expect to see you here. I thought you left with the merchant group," Ding Liu greeted his old friend excitedly.

The two found a less crowded place to sit down, and only then did Chen Ping ask,

"Fellow Daoist Ding, why did you come to the Independent Cultivator District? And... what happened to your leg?"

Ding Liu's leg was limping as he walked.

It wasn't like this over two months ago.

Ding Liu patted his lame leg and self-deprecatingly said,

"This is considered fortunate. It's just a lame leg, at least I'm still alive."

Chen Ping asked in confusion,

"What happened?"

At the mention of this, Ding Liu sighed repeatedly and then began to recount what had happened.

It turned out to be that mission.

The ten-person team entered the endless forest as scheduled on the second day after Chen Ping left Ning Mansion.

Leading the team was Miss Seven.

In addition, there were two other cultivators from Azure Cloud Sect. The highest cultivation level among the ten people was a guest disciple of Azure Cloud Sect.

Foundation Building cultivation.

Having a Foundation Building cultivator and the talented young lady Miss Seven made Ding Liu and the other low-level cultivators feel unusually at ease on this journey.

They also felt very honored.

This was their first time going on a mission with a Foundation Building cultivator.

Many colleagues had never even seen a Foundation Building cultivator in their entire lives.

In the days after the ten-person team entered the endless forest, everything went smoothly. They didn't encounter any danger and cautiously advanced deeper into the forest.

However, Ding Liu and the others discovered that this mission seemed to be not simple. Along the way, they encountered two Rank One Demonic Beasts. According to the Foundation Building cultivators, Rank One Demonic Beasts were nothing more than small fry. They weren't even considered Demonic Beasts, but rather walking spirit stones.

But Miss Seven and that Foundation Building cultivator had no intention of hunting the beasts. Instead, they chose to detour.

Clearly, this operation was not about hunting beasts.

During their journey, Miss Seven and that Foundation Building cultivator would occasionally stop and look at the map.

Ding Liu and the other low-level Qi Refining cultivators had no idea what was marked on the map.

They also didn't dare to ask.

This was the minimum quality of a qualified retainer.

Ding Liu didn't mind either way, as long as he followed Miss Qi, he would be fine. With Miss Qi and the Foundation Building cultivators leading the way, they wouldn't be in danger.

This situation continued for five days.

On the sixth day, there was a sudden downpour in the forest, and there was no sign of it stopping even after a day and night. The number of mosquitoes in the forest increased, the miasma grew stronger, and the dampness seeped into their bodies.

Staying in this environment for a long time, even Qi Refining cultivators began to struggle.

In this situation, the best choice was to turn back.


Miss Qi still chose to go deeper.


On the third day of continuing deeper into the forest after the rain, they encountered a fierce Rank Two Demonic Beast.

If it was just a Rank Two Demonic Beast, with the Foundation Building cultivators present, even if they couldn't kill it, it wouldn't be difficult to retreat safely. But that Demonic Beast had already been possessed by evil spirits, constantly changing and impossible for Foundation Building cultivators to deal with.

That battle.

Five dead, five injured, forcing them to retreat in a sorry state.

Miss Qi was seriously injured, and the Foundation Building cultivators were not in good shape either. Miss Qi was basically carried back, and as soon as they returned to Ning Mansion, she was taken away by Azure Cloud Sect.

After listening, Chen Ping sighed.

"Fortunately, I gave up the opportunity back then, otherwise I would probably have no place to bury myself now."

"Indeed, it's impossible for a talented girl like Miss Qi to lead a simple mission."

"But I wonder what they were doing in the Endless Forest?"

"But, it has nothing to do with me. I just want to live quietly."

Chen Ping felt lucky after his narrow escape.

He felt fortunate for his wise decision... This world is very dangerous, it's better to keep a low profile.

"What about Xu Bumo? Is he okay?" Chen Ping asked absentmindedly.

He had transferred the opportunity to Xu Bumo before he "resigned."

"He... couldn't get out of that forest. Sigh... But he fulfilled his wish by taking a hit from the evil spirit for Miss Qi," Ding Liu sighed.

Chen Ping was speechless, not knowing what to say.

"We cultivators fight against the heavens, the earth, and our fate. Naturally, we have to fight for opportunities," Chen Ping still remembered Xu Bumo's impassioned words when he exchanged opportunities.

He felt quite emotional.

Chen Ping snapped back to reality.

"I've never heard of Demonic Beasts being able to be possessed by evil spirits. What's going on?"

Upon hearing this, Ding Liu shook his head. "I don't know. We're all very puzzled, but that's a Demonic Beast possessed by evil spirits, and its attack power is too strong."

Chen Ping unconsciously looked in the direction of the forest and then turned back to ask, "And how about you? Why do you look so haggard?"

"Ah, I've been out of Ning Mansion for over a month now. I'm living on the east side of the city, without any resources. I have to rely on myself for everything, so it's inevitable," Ding Liu's eyes were filled with sadness.

Chen Ping felt indignant for him. "You were injured for Ning Mansion, and they treat their servants like this? Even if they don't spend a lot of resources to heal you, they can't just kick you out when you have health problems, right?"

Ding Liu shook his head. "It's not like that. I resigned on my own. My feet are crippled, and I can't take on any more tasks. How much resources can I earn by doing odd jobs? It's not worth it."

"This is fate, and we can't blame Ning Mansion for everything. Miss Qi did her best in the battle. I overheard the conversation between those high-level cultivators on the way. Miss Qi had no choice but to go deep into the forest. Although I don't know the reasons behind it, everyone has their own fate, and she may be burdened with too much."

Chen Ping nodded, not taking sides.

He couldn't interfere with other people's choices, but he could decide his own path.

Miss Qi was too fierce. It would be best to have no connection with her in this lifetime, or else there would be countless troubles.

As for Ding Liu's choice to leave Ning Mansion, Chen Ping didn't know what to say either.

It's not easy to be an Independent Cultivator. How can one earn money so easily?

He had been relying on his savings all this time.

Today was the first time he was doing a money-making job.

Thinking of this, Chen Ping didn't chat with Ding Liu about personal matters anymore. He still had to sell talisman skins.

Before saying goodbye, Chen Ping left Ding Liu with the address of his current residence, but he didn't leave his own address for Ding Liu. He could visit him when he had the time.


(End of this chapter)

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