I Live Forever With My Proficiency

Chapter 2 Don’T Take This Opportunity

Chapter 2: This Opportunity, Better Not to Have

Outside the kitchen courtyard.

Facing the tedious and tasteless task of dissecting Demonic Beasts, Chen Ping became more and more enthusiastic.

After half a day's work, he raised his "Anatomy (Beginner): 761/1000" to "Anatomy (Proficient): 109/1000".

Seeing these numbers fluctuate, Chen Ping felt a sense of accomplishment.

Colleagues found this work boring because it yielded no results and skill improvement was imperceptibly slow. But he could clearly see the numbers jumping.

This is probably why games in the future are so attractive to players.

"You there."

"I never realized your skills were so excellent before?"

Seeing Chen Ping becoming more and more skilled in dissecting, surpassing him by a large margin in speed, his colleague felt extremely surprised.

After all, he was at the Qi Refining Second Layer.

Chen Ping glanced at his colleague while busy working, and was startled, quickly lowering his head.


In his eyes, his colleague was no longer a complete person.

He was made up of muscles and bones, like a work of art.

Just by looking at him, Chen Ping worried that he might attack his colleague out of professional habit.

Chen Ping shook his head and smiled, saying, "Please call me Master Butcher."

"Butcher? What's that?"

"It's nothing," Chen Ping replied calmly. "Just keep working. You cut the meat on the belly, and leave the parts with more bones to me."

In his eyes, this Demonic Beast was a good material for practicing his skills. The more complex the part, the more it could increase his proficiency.

He didn't want to stop for a moment.

By the time it was noon on the third day, the entire Demonic Beast had been perfectly dissected.

Dissecting a Demonic Beast is a very complex task, not the same as killing ordinary wild beasts. Every part of a Demonic Beast is valuable, including its bones, fur, skin, meat, and even its internal organs.

The dissection process needs to maintain the integrity of the materials in order to maximize their value.

The perfect dissection in front of them left his colleague and the supervisor in awe.

Of course, the reason it took three days was because Chen Ping intentionally slowed down his speed.

On one hand, he didn't want to attract attention.

Otherwise, it would be hard to explain.

Dissected in two days?

What a joke.

Even the best meat seller in Cloud Link City couldn't achieve this level.

On the other hand, he intentionally slowed down his speed and instead pursued the precision of the dissection.

Now, back at his residence.

Chen Ping brought up the panel.

[Name: Chen Ping]

[Lifespan: 22/71]

[Cultivation: Qi Refining (First Layer): 25/100]

[Cultivation Technique: Evergreen Technique (Beginner): 16/100]

[Spell: Micro-Wind Nine Swords (First Style): 241/1000]

[Skills: Anatomy (Expert): 14/1000, Culinary Arts (Proficient): 101/1000]

In three days, his Anatomy skill had already progressed from "Beginner" to "Proficient" and "Master," entering the "Expert" level.

This was quite good.

In addition to dissecting Demonic Beasts, he hadn't been idle for a moment in these three days. Occasionally, he secretly practiced other skills or spells.

For example, he had increased a few points in Micro-Wind Nine Swords.

He sneaked into the kitchen and helped Aunt Li cook for a while, adding the "Culinary Arts" skill to his panel.

Chen Ping thought that the reason why his Culinary Arts skill started at the "Proficient" level might be due to the future, where he would already know how to cook.

"Oh, isn't that Fellow Daoist Wu? Injured again?"

A voice brought Chen Ping back to reality.

He turned his head and saw a team returning from a mission.

He didn't know what mission they had undertaken, but many of them were injured.

Some even had half of their arms covered in blood and flesh.

"It's just injuries, it's considered good."

"Yes, as long as no one dies, it's a good thing."


Listening to his colleagues' chatter, Chen Ping secretly glanced at the string of numbers on his panel, gradually forming an idea in his mind.


He must resign.

He didn't want to continue this damn servant job for a moment longer.

It was too damn dangerous.

"Chen Fellow Daoist, we found out about tomorrow's mission. We're going to make a fortune this time." At this moment, Ding Liu, a colleague who had been dissecting beasts with him, walked over, unable to conceal his excitement on his face.

Chen Ping: ???

A sense of foreboding arose.

"What mission is it?" Chen Ping asked.

Ding Liu's eyes gleamed with excitement as he said,

"The specific task is still unclear, but I heard two pieces of information from Manager Wang. First, this mission is to go to the Endless Forest, but it's not hunting beasts. The specific target is not something we should ask about. Second, guess what? You guess."

Chen Ping, as a low-level Qi Refining cultivator, is not aware of the specific tasks until the night before departure, so he doesn't know yet.

Even if they are informed of the task content as low-level Qi Refining cultivators, they are not informed of the confidential details such as the mission objective.

However, some minor details are shared, such as where they are going, what equipment to prepare, and approximately how many days.

Upon hearing Ding Liu's words, several other cultivators became curious and gathered around.

Seeing everyone's curiosity piqued, Ding Liu whispered, "This time, Miss Seven will personally lead the team."


As soon as this statement came out, the other cultivators were in an uproar.

Who is Miss Seven?

She is the face of Ning Mansion, a talented young girl, and the direct disciple of Azure Cloud Sect.

Miss Seven rarely returns to Ning Mansion, and she may not even come back once a year. When she does come back, she disappears without a trace.

The fact that she is leading the team this time can only mean that the mission is definitely not simple, and the reward must be high.

Of course, that's not the most important thing.

The most important thing is that Miss Seven is beautiful.

Like a fairy.

A group of old perverts started gossiping.

"Chen Fellow Daoist, Ding Fellow Daoist, congratulations. Ah, why don't I have this opportunity? People compare themselves to others and get frustrated."

"Yes, yes, to be able to travel with Miss Seven for a few days, this life will be without regrets."

"I don't need the reward, I'm willing." A Fellow Daoist in his fifties sighed.

"Ah, I envy you."


Among the sighs, one-third of them came from a Fellow Daoist named 'Xu Bu Duo'.

Hearing these conversations, Chen Ping's scalp went numb.


I must resign now.

If a genius girl is leading the team, it can only mean that the mission is extremely dangerous. Others are not afraid because they have high cultivation levels, but I am afraid.

I am only at the first level of Qi Refining.

Isn't this going to my death?

Who can bear this?

Chen Ping's face turned dark, he steadied his mind, and asked Xu Bu Duo, "Fellow Daoist Xu, do you want to go?"

Xu Bu Duo was taken aback, "What do you mean, Fellow Daoist Chen?"

"Nothing." Chen Ping spoke honestly, "I'm just sighing. I've always wanted to see Miss Seven up close. It's my lifelong wish, and this time it's fulfilled. But my strength is weak, only at the first level of Qi Refining. I'm afraid I'll be a burden to Miss Seven."

"I need money urgently tonight."

The last sentence was muttered.

Half-truths are the easiest to confuse people.

Chen Ping even subconsciously touched his flat pocket.

Xu Bu Duo couldn't misunderstand this, it wasn't the first time he had done something like this.

"Fellow Daoist Chen is absolutely right. In that case, how about transferring the task to me?" Xu Bu Duo was excited and quickly took out his pocket, "I understand, I understand."

He handed over three Low Grade Spirit Stones.

In principle, it is not allowed to privately transfer servant tasks.

But Manager Wang, who is responsible for assigning tasks, is very good at 'flexibility'. As long as you secretly give some money, it can be done.

It is common for a certain cultivator who was originally assigned a task to suddenly feel unwell and unsuitable for the mission. Changing personnel is reasonable.

This kind of thing happens frequently in Ning Mansion.

Of course, it mainly happens to low-level Qi Refining cultivators. It is not easy to change the core cultivators of higher levels, as it will be investigated.

Chen Ping calmly glanced at the three Low Grade Spirit Stones and pretended not to understand, "Half a year ago, I had the honor of seeing Miss Seven once. I have to say, she is as beautiful as a heavenly fairy."

Xu Bu Duo gritted his teeth, "Four, how about that? Ah, five, at most five. I won't do it if there are more."

That's about right.

Both Chen Ping and Xu Bu Duo are low-level Qi Refining cultivators, and they are usually peripheral figures in such important missions, doing some miscellaneous work with not much reward.

Five Spirit Stones is not a small amount.

Many tasks only reward gold and silver.

"Let me make it clear, the mission led by Miss Seven is definitely not low in danger. If something happens, don't blame me." Chen Ping said seriously.

"How can this be blamed on you? We cultivators compete with the heavens, the earth, and our lives. We naturally have to fight for opportunities. I am grateful to you, how can I blame you? Besides, who can predict the future? It's impossible, impossible." Xu Bu Duo quickly said, afraid that Chen Ping would change his mind.

After listening, Chen Ping fell silent.

In fact, Xu Bu Duo saw through it very well, but he still wanted to fight for it. Xu Bu Duo said he admired Miss Seven's beauty, but Chen Ping guessed that he actually wanted to climb the big tree of Miss Seven.

As long as he can achieve something in front of Miss Seven, win her favor, why worry about not being able to stand out? This is probably the opportunity Xu Bu Duo is thinking about.


Chen Ping put the five Spirit Stones into his pocket.

This kind of thing, one is willing to do, the other is willing to bear.

A fair trade.

(End of this chapter)

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