I Live Forever With My Proficiency

Chapter 205 Dispute, Split

Chapter 205 Dispute, split

In front of a stall.

"Fellow Daoist, I was obviously the one who came here first. We have already agreed on the price and are ready to pay the spirit stones. Fellow Daoist just stepped in. What does this mean?" asked a young male cultivator dissatisfied.

Chen Ping recognized this person.

He is a young disciple of the Yun family.

Another middle-aged monk wearing Luoyue City's standard robe had a sullen face, with a ferocious sword mark on his face, and he snorted coldly:

"Fellow Daoist, this business involves buying and selling. Naturally, it's all about mutual consent. This monk is willing to pay the same price, and the stall owner is also willing to sell. What? Fellow Daoist still wants to buy and sell by force?"

The Yun family disciple glanced at the jade pendant, and finally turned to look at the stall owner, as if waiting for the stall owner's explanation.

The stall owner smiled awkwardly:

"Fellow Daoist Yun, how about giving it to Fellow Daoist Hong? After all, Fellow Daoist Hong is from Luoyue City."

As soon as these words came out, even Chen Ping couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

The disciples of the Yun family were stunned and said angrily:

"People from Luoyue City? Now Luoyue City is under the personal jurisdiction of Lingxiao Sect. You and I are all monks under the protection of Lingxiao Sect. Besides, buying and selling a jade pendant has nothing to do with where you are from? I'm afraid Hong Fellow Daoist is targeting Is this a monk?"

Both sides became angry.

In a tense situation.

A lot of melon-eating people gathered around.

"That's right, it's aimed at you."

Brother Jianscar took over the conversation, not to be outdone, his voice was cold:

"This monk just doesn't like the Yun family. If you, the Yun family, hadn't neglected your duty and allowed the Gold Core demon cultivator to hide in Yunzhong City for many years without noticing, why would the Lingxiao Sect be like this? Everyone who died in the Lingxiao Sect, you, the Yun family, would have You have the responsibility. None of you monks in Yunzhong City are good."



Disciples of the Yun family are accustomed to being the masters of power in Yunzhong City. How can they bear being targeted like this all of a sudden?

And the Jianscar monk who likes to fire map cannons is just looking for trouble, and he doesn't take the Yun family monks seriously.

Seeing that the contradiction seemed to be uncontrollable and getting more and more intense, Chen Ping couldn't help but sigh.

After taking a look at the situation in the city, I saw no Foundation Building or Lingxiao Sect patrols nearby.

Chen Ping Weiwei knew what was going on.

He turned around and went to the alley to change his appearance and put on an ordinary Taoist robe.

Returning to Fangshi, he intervened in the fight as the guest minister of Lingxiao Sect and said in a deep voice:

"I am Shi Chensheng of Akaishi City. I am making a lot of noise in broad daylight. Why?"

When the two saw the monks from the Foundation Building appearing, they immediately restrained their arrogance.

He quickly bowed respectfully:

"I've met senior."

"I've met Senior Shi."

"Tell me what's going on?" Chen Ping's face was cold.

The disciples of the Yun family respectfully described the situation of the dispute.

Of course, the initial point of contention was the sale of the jade pendant, but later on, the core point of contention became whether the Yun family was the culprit of this disaster.

After the Yun family disciple finished speaking, Brother Jianscar quickly added:

"Senior Shi, what this junior said is completely true. As we all know, this demonic cultivator found a good opportunity from Yunzhong City, which caused us heavy losses. The cultivators of Yunzhong City should be held responsible."

…You mean, I’m also responsible?


Chen Ping slapped the Jianscar monk on the face and scolded him sternly:

"How long has it been since? Are we still engaged in separatism? We, the Lingxiao Sect, should unite as one at this time and work together to deal with the demonic cultivators. I, Shi Chen, hate separatist dogs the most in my life. What happened to the Yun family? The Yun family has been protecting the city of my Lingxiao sect for hundreds of years. , I’ve killed countless demon cultivators, and it’s your turn to slander me?”

The sword scar monk's eyes widened.

I originally thought that Senior Shi was from Red Rock City and should also have resentment towards the Yun family.

I never thought that Shi Chensheng could be so righteous.

A look of disbelief.


Chen Ping saw his eyes widening and slapped him again:

"Still not convinced? As a Foundation Building, I, Shi Chensheng, am your senior. As a guest of Lingxiao Sect, I am your superior. So what if I teach you a lesson? I, Shi Chensheng, hate to see you people who disrespect my seniors the most in my life."

The Sword Scar monk's cheeks instantly became red and swollen.

I felt bitter in my heart, thinking that I was not dissatisfied, I was just surprised.

He quickly said:

"Senior Shi, please calm down. I realize my mistake, and I have no intention of causing division. In this way, Fellow Daoist can just buy this piece of jade pendant cloud. No, I bought it and gave it to Yu Yun, Fellow Daoist, as an apology."


That's right.

What did you do early?

Chen Ping was very satisfied with his attitude and nodded, indicating that that was the end of it.

Then he went about his business and brushed off his clothes.

With his hands behind his back, he slowly left under the gaze of other monks.

After turning the corner, I saw no one, so I accelerated in vain and left quickly.

This matter must be resolved quickly.

It would be difficult to explain if the patrolling Lingxiao Sect disciples came, and it would be even more troublesome if Shi Chensheng really came.

Turning around an alley, he changed into a bearded appearance.

Then he walked out of the alley and walked back along the way. On the way, he saw Yun Haitang and a Yun family disciple hurriedly heading towards Fangshi.

Chen Ping was wearing a beard at the moment and did not say hello to Yun Haitang.

Hidden merit and fame.

Chen Ping returned to the street where the house was located. When he passed by Ji's mansion, he saw Ji Yan sitting in his yard, looking at the way he came.

Seeing Chen Ping passing by, Ji Yan quickly stood up.

I found out after some conversation.

Ji Yan had just been to Chen Ping's house and knew that Chen Ping was out, so he waited in his yard.

What we want to talk about is waking up from the Divine Pill.

"I asked a monk I know well in the sect to get 150 bottles of Divine Pill, and I got another thirty bottles in the market. In this way, you, me and Yun Fellow Daoist will share it equally. How does Chen Fellow Daoist feel about this distribution? ?" Ji Yan said, and then:

"Sigh, the current sect is very strict about elixirs, so we really can't get more."

Ji Yan knew very well that without Chen Ping's information, how would he have thought of buying the Divine Pill to wake him up? Previously, I had only bought ten bottles before the demon-slaying battle.

The awakening Divine Pill should be shared with each other.

Chen Ping nodded.

…not much.

...The Lingxiao Sect must be far more than this. It seems that the sect has already paid attention to rare elixirs.


Chen Ping didn't know if Ji Yan was hiding anything, but he just felt intuitively that this person was quite honest and honest.

"Give me 20 bottles, and you can share the rest equally with Fellow Yun Daoist. I also bought some at the market. Fellow Ji Daoist will have some important information in the future, so just remember to share it with me in time." Chen Ping was indifferent.

One bottle is definitely not enough.

But asking for more doesn't mean much to him, after all, he now has more than 500 bottles.

Ji Yan knows a lot of monks in Lingxiao Sect. Instead of asking for a few more bottles of Divine Pill, it is better to exchange for Ji Yan's future information sources, so that he can legitimately ask him to inquire about information on his behalf.


Chen Ping returned to the house and began to practice the exercises. After entering the second round of his exercises, he became more and more familiar with them.

Currently it is the ‘Third Turn Qing Yuan Gong (Second Turn) (Mastery): 99/100. ’

He is still a little short of becoming an ‘expert’.

As his proficiency in the exercises improves, Chen Ping's understanding of the exercises becomes more and more in-depth, and he understands its various modes of action on improving cultivation.

The shackles of the body and mind are transparent to the practice.

This is like when fishing, the deep water in the fish pond is completely clear and transparent in front of him, and he can clearly see where the fish are? What fish are there? Are big fish interested in eating bait?

Can you see whether the fish has taken the bait?

And can you clearly understand when to pull the lever? With what intensity? At what angle should you pull up the hooked big fish? etc.

This is an effect that the ‘first turn’ does not have.

When the skill is in the first turn, even if it reaches the 'Dacheng' state, it will only become a king fisherman.

Full of fishing skills.

But there is no cheating.

After this 'second turn', it is equivalent to opening a plug-in and possessing skills that a normal human fisherman does not have.

Chen Ping doesn’t know what the effect will be after reaching the ‘third turn’.

Just looking at the second turn, it’s already quite impressive.

Chen Ping sat down to practice the exercises.

(End of chapter)

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