I Live Forever With My Proficiency

Chapter 209 Spiritual Vein

Chapter 209 Spiritual Vein

When Chen Ping came back from Fangshi, he first went to Yun Haitang's house and returned 500 Middle Grade spirit stones to Yun Haitang.

Debt-free and light-hearted.

"You went... to hunt animals?" Yun Haitang was curious.

"No, I just sold some of my property."

Hunting animals?

Hunting animals is impossible, not in this life.

When Chen Ping came out of Yun Mansion and returned to his yard, he saw his neighbor Xia Houfeng sitting in his yard to rest.

Holding a cup of tea and drinking it slowly.

His expression was pleasant, completely different from yesterday's decadence.

What was different from yesterday was that there was an obvious sword mark on Xia Houfeng's face. The wound had not completely healed and was scarlet in color.

The burning feeling in his eyes has subsided quite a bit.

Chen Ping saw that Xia Houfeng was enjoying himself leisurely and didn't notice him, so he didn't bother him.

Turn on the psychedelic array and enter the house.

The inner court.

After Yu Lingchun's care in the past few months, many spiritual plants in the inner courtyard have begun to grow again.

Individual spiritual plants are already lush and lush.

Others are just sprouting.

They now have the "Spring of Dead Trees" spell, and Yu Lingchun has also learned this spell herself, as well as the "Spring of All Things" Law Weapon, which is very convenient for cultivating spiritual plants.

Of course, it can only be cultivated in the inner courtyard.

No more planting can be done in the outer courtyard, and spiritual plants cannot be exposed. This place is no more chaotic than the inner city of Yunzhong City. If someone sees you, you will inevitably be remembered.

Chen Ping moved a bench, holding a big bowl, and sat in the green yard to enjoy his meal.

Although he has gone without food, he does not need to eat. But since Body Refining, I have resumed the habit of eating every day.

Spirit rice and Demonic Beast meat are both very good Body Refining spiritual materials.

It is a supplement to taking Body Refining elixir.

"Demonic Beast meat is getting more and more expensive now. A Low Grade spirit stone can only buy five kilograms." Yu Lingchun brought a bowl of Demonic Beast broth and handed it to Chen Ping.

One spiritual stone weighs four pounds...

Almost more than tripled.

Chen Ping knew that it was not the price of Demonic Beast meat that had increased, but that prices here were generally raised.

Today's financial transfer in Qingyun Domain is a "zero-sum game", or Luoyue City is a "zero-sum game" of the Immortal Cultivation City. Previously, the belongings of eight monks were concentrated in the hands of one monk.

On average, people are getting richer.

Prices will naturally rise.

When some monks and mortals cannot stand it any longer and gradually die, and it becomes increasingly difficult to obtain resources from outside the city, prices will only rise further.

"Well, I will go to the market tomorrow to buy some Demonic Beast meat and try to stock up on more." Chen Ping said.

Lingmi is enough. I bought it for more than ten years.

But Demonic Beast meat has not been hoarded.

Mainly fresh ones taste better.

Moreover, the supply of Demonic Beast meat was sufficient before. No matter how dangerous it is outside, there will never be a shortage of monks who venture out to hunt beasts.

But if there are too many uncertainties in the future, even if the Demonic Beast meat that has been stored for too long is not very tasty, it is necessary to buy some and save it.

Chen Ping gulped down a large bowl of Demonic Beast broth:

"By the way, how do you feel about your recent practice? How do the demonic energy and demonic intentions affect you?"

Yu Lingchun did not have pure spiritual skills, so the demonic energy could not be purified.

You can only rely on awakening the Divine Pill to suppress the evil intention.

"It feels a little slower than before." Yu Lingchun recalled her feeling: "But it's not too slow. I heard many monks outside saying that they can't feel the benefits of the exercises when they practice. That’s it. By the way, is it enough to take the Divine Pill when you wake up? Should I take one pill every two days instead?”

Taking one pill every two days, or even more every day, can also delay the outbreak of demonic intent.

It's just that the improvement in cultivation level will further reduce it.

"No need to change, I know it well when I wake up Divine Pill. Don't worry about this matter." Chen Ping said calmly:

"You don't have pure spiritual skills, so you can't purify the demonic energy. Then spend more time on practice and make up for the slowed down progress."

Hearing this, Yu Lingchun nodded.

Looking at his man, his flawless face was filled with happiness.

After meal.

Chen Ping practices the "Golden Tortoise Armor Technique" in a quiet room. After more than ten years of practice, his Golden Tortoise Armor Technique has reached the "Golden Tortoise Armor* Foundation Building Chapter (Grandmaster): 999/1000."

It’s almost perfect.

Dzogchen's golden tortoise shell can withstand several blows without being broken even if Gold Core takes early action.

He sat cross-legged, and a golden tortoise shell appeared with a "bang" sound.

A golden cover with tortoise shell patterns enveloped him.

Chen Ping started to go through the process, silently reciting the magic formulas that he had recited countless times and was so familiar that he was no longer familiar with them.

An hour later.


A strong gust of wind blew past, causing items around Chen Ping to fly around, causing the beetle's shell to grow in size in vain.

[Golden Turtle* Foundation Building Chapter: Perfection. ]

'The second perfect Foundation Building spell. ’

Chen Ping observed it and saw that the thickness of the turtle shell reached a rare one foot, surrounding him like a translucent wall.

The spiritual power flows along the lines of the turtle shell, emitting a yellowish halo that is unusually thick.

Chen Ping uses his spiritual consciousness to control the golden tortoise shell, allowing its legal domain to expand infinitely. The halo expanded outward little by little, passing through a wall until it reached a radius of five feet before stopping, reaching the limit of the spell's scope.

‘With a radius of five feet, it can form a defensive mask with a maximum diameter of 30 meters. ’

‘The thickness of the turtle shell has not decreased after expanding the scope of the legal domain, which means that the defensive power has nothing to do with the size of the legal domain. ’

‘Not bad, it’s like having an extra moving castle. ’

Chen Ping suddenly took back the golden tortoise shell.

A strong wind blew again and items flew around.


There was a crisp sound, and a stone fell from the wall at the back of the quiet room.

Chen Ping was stunned for a moment.

Come closer and take a closer look.

A very important reason why he chose this house in the first place was that there were two quiet rooms backed by the mountain, which was not only convenient for cultivation, but also suitable for digging tunnels.

When I first moved in, I had the idea of ​​digging a tunnel, but I was worried that the mountain would be protected by Law Manifestation.

After all, this is what I saw and heard in Yunzhong City and what I saw in the rental manual. The inner city is protected by a Law Manifestation, even underground, to protect the city from all aspects.

The protective formation of Luoyue City has long been broken, but Chen Ping still dared not be careless. He didn't know if the formation inside the mountain was broken, and he thought he would have a chance to ask Yun Haitang from the side.

Now it seems that the formation is gone.

One of the important reasons why this house is a first-class house and its aura has reached almost level 1.5 is because it is close to the spiritual veins.

The spiritual veins are obviously within the body of the mountain.

In times of stability, the rulers of Luoyue City would inevitably build formations within the mountain in order to prevent the residents of these houses from destroying their spiritual veins at will.

As long as the formation is there, this stone wall will only be as solid as a rock.

But now, just retracting the scarlet shell spell once can make the stones on the wall fall...

Chen Ping knocked lightly on the stone wall.

‘If we continue digging inside, will we get closer to the end of the spiritual vein? Will the spiritual energy be more intense? ’

(End of chapter)

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