I Live Forever With My Proficiency

Chapter 213 Knowing Medicine And Teaching Students

Chapter 213 Knowing medicine and teaching students

Chat for a while.

Following the announcement from the disciples of Lingxiao Sect, everyone who gathered together in twos and threes and whispered, all sat down.

Chen Ping also sat down in his seat.

He, Yun Haitang and Ji Yan were both monks in Yunzhong City and were arranged together.

All those who came to listen to the teachings this time were Foundation Building monks, including those from the outer sect, more than two hundred people.

Except for a few who went out for business, the rest were all present.

Although the more than two hundred foreign sect Foundation Buildings still belong to the foreign sect in name, they are currently staying within the Lingxiao Sect for a long time and cannot leave the Qingyun Domain. Amid internal and external troubles, although they do not have the names of disciples or guest ministers, they are all It came under the jurisdiction of Lingxiao Sect.

This was a decision made by the two Gold Cores after discussion.

Everyone who originally wanted to come to Lingxiao Sect to share the pie is now working together, at least on the surface.

Somewhat ironic.

"Has Fellow Yun Daoist collected medicine before?"

Before teaching, Chen Ping asked Yun Haitang, who was sitting on one side, softly.

The two were very close. Chen Ping sat side by side with her. When he turned his head, he could even smell the faint fragrance of her body.

Yun Haitang nodded:

"Of course there is. In the past, there was a special medicine hall, and a ninth-level disciple of Qi Refining was the hall leader. Unfortunately, the hall master died after the last demon cultivator attacked the city. Now among the disciples of the Yun family There are still some who have experience in collecting herbs and have participated in the sect’s recruitment operations before, but their skills are not outstanding.”

The Yun family is different from the Liang family in Crane City. The Liang family has its own major manufacturing industry, which is robe weaving.

The Yun family didn’t.

Its business model is more of a commercial operation, monopolizing the sales of various resources such as elixirs, robes, talismans, and law weapons in Yunzhong City. Through its own caravan, special products from this region and rare treasures from outside the region are exchanged and sold.

Because of this, the picking of some medicinal materials abundant in the region is an important industry of the Yun family.

"Do you have any experience in finding medicinal materials for elixirs such as Divine Pill and Qi Refining Pill?" Chen Ping asked casually.

The affairs of scholars are not considered free prostitution.

Chen Ping understands the importance of this knowledge.

Many people can teach theoretical knowledge. But the experience from the bottom-level practitioners is the real information.

Yun Haitang did not hesitate to teach:

"I have a lot of experience in picking medicinal materials for qi-tonifying elixirs, but I don't have much experience in Xing Divine Pill. Xing Divine Pill is too niche, the demand is small, and Lingxiao Sect rarely refines it."

"There are some books in the house. They are manuals left by the previous hall masters. They are all words of experience. I will take them out and show them to Fellow Daoist Chen when I get back."

very nice! !

Chen Ping was deeply moved.

Quick thanks:

"Thank you, Fellow Yun Daoist."

While the two were communicating softly, it was almost time for the teaching to begin. When the new leader of Gold Core walked out from behind the scenes and appeared on the high platform, the original buzzing and whispers suddenly disappeared, and the whole place became silent.

The leader of Gold Core first gave everyone a pep talk.

He said that he and another Gold Core colleague are actively researching the fog formation, and the progress is pretty good. It is hoped that results will be achieved within a few years.

Moreover, the leader firmly believes that the righteous colleagues outside will not give up on the monks in Qingyun Domain easily.

In a word: The future is promising! !

Then, the leader changed the subject:

"Fellow Daoists, there is no need to belittle yourselves. Even if we cannot destroy the fog formation, the way out of the formation may not be completely closed. ... However, the most urgent thing at the moment is that we need to survive within a few years without falling into the devil. Otherwise, even if we arrive What’s the point of figuring out how to get out of the big formation?”

This is the real intention that the leader wants to express.

The leader immediately announced the real reason and expectations for this award, just as Chen Ping guessed:

The weather and environment are deteriorating, but the elixir cannot be stopped.

Otherwise you can't survive.

Under the current environment, disciples in the Qi Refining stage can no longer play a leading role in collecting herbs.

It’s time for Foundation Building to take action.

"…Every Foundation Building member of Lingxiao Sect needs to go out to collect medicinal materials three times a year. If the number of single pickings is too small, the number of trips to the city needs to be increased. Of course, if the quantity of single pickings is large enough, it can also offset the number of subsequent trips to the city..." After the leader finished speaking, the deacon stepped forward to announce the rules.

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the audience.

Chen Ping has a headache.

Three times a year. If you stay in Luoyue City for three or four years, wouldn't it mean that you have to go out more than ten times?

What if I stayed for eight or nine years?


In today's Qingyun Territory, every time you go out means danger, it's okay to go out alone once or twice. But if you go out too often...

The probabilities are superimposed, and something will happen sooner or later.

As for what the deacon said, "A single picking quantity is enough to avoid subsequent trips out of the city," I'm afraid it won't be that easy to meet the standard.

Although everyone was talking about it, because everyone was treated equally, there was no violent opposition. There were several objections, but the deacon pushed them back.

Then everyone asked some more questions, and the deacon answered them one by one and distributed the registration books.

One of the brochures records the minimum picking standards for these various types of medicinal spiritual plants and the quantity standards that exempt them from picking the next time they go out of the city.

There are dozens of medicinal plants.

Among them, the quantity requirements for the medicinal materials used to refine the Divine Pill are the loosest. As long as the quantity of any medicinal material picked reaches 5 each time, it is qualified.

‘It would be great if we could go out to the city once to collect herbs and meet the demand in the next few years. ’ Chen Ping thought to himself.

But then he denied:

‘No, no. Not to mention whether it is possible to find such a large amount at one time. If you really pick too much at one time, you will probably be recognized by the sect as a genius for picking medicine. In this case, how can the two Gold Cores let you live happily for the next few years? ’

‘I’m afraid there will be all kinds of coercion and inducement. ’

‘It’s all a routine. ’

‘...We have to think of a perfect solution! ’

"Everyone, next I will introduce my humility to fellow fellow Daoists on the essentials of collecting herbs..."

After the deacon read out the rules, the teaching officially began.

The teacher being taught this time was an elder from the ninth floor of the Foundation Building of a sect in the Western Barbarian Region. He was very familiar with the herb collection business. The Western Barbarian Region is also rich in various medicinal materials.

The herbalist was very patient and explained one by one the growth habits, appearance, changes in branches and leaves at different growth stages and value differences of dozens of medicinal plants, precautions when picking, storage requirements, environmental characteristics, etc.

Chen Ping recorded everything in his mind.

for example.

This awakening Divine Pill is made from yellow willow wood, blue frost grass, warm vine, tiger nose flower, seven-bearded and five-noded root, and mineral auxiliary materials.

Among them, yellow willow wood is the main material. This kind of yellow willow tree is everywhere in the Qingyun Domain and is not difficult to find.

Because of this, this wood is not on the to-do list.

Tiger-nosed flowers and seven-bearded and five-nodulated roots are easy to cultivate, and there are many of them in the cemetery under the jurisdiction of Lingxiao Sect.

Also not on this to-do list.

There are only blue frost grass and warm vine, which grow slowly, have complicated cultivation methods, and have harsh living environment in the wild, making them difficult to find.

These two spiritual plants are the key medicinal materials to be found in this mission.


The medicinal materials in the Heqi Dan are also very similar.

The items on the list are medicinal plants that are difficult to find or cultivate.

In addition, there are some special Demonic Beast materials that are also raw materials for elixir refining.

Such as demon bones, hair, teeth, internal organs, etc.

The same goes for some rare ores.

After talking about the identification of medicinal plants, the herbalist Foundation Building continued to explain the current peripheral environment.

Chen Ping listened thoughtfully.

According to herbalists, sometimes it takes several days or even dozens of days to find some good spiritual materials, which means that you may need to stay outdoors.

In this case, you have to prepare some self-defense formations.

(End of chapter)

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