Chapter 23: Yu Lingchun

Chen Ping knocked on the door of Yu Qingyi's house and was about to introduce himself when the door creaked open.

"Fellow Daoist, who are you looking for?"

Standing at the door was a young girl who still had a childish air about her.

Her voice was clear and pleasant.

She looked to be around sixteen or seventeen years old, at the age of blooming youth.

At the moment, she was wearing a white emerald flower robe, revealing her well-endowed chest and slender waist. Her young face emitted a strong youthful aura.

If it weren't for the fact that their houses were adjacent, Chen Ping would have thought he had come to the wrong place.

"Have I come to the wrong place? I was looking for Yu Qingyi, has he moved?" Chen Ping asked uncertainly.

Is there no chance of getting a student apartment?

"Are you looking for my grandfather?" the girl asked crisply.

Your grandfather?

Chen Ping was taken aback. He had never heard He Xianxiang mention that Yu Qingyi had a granddaughter.

No, wait, He Xianxiang never said there wasn't one either.

He took the initiative.

Chen Ping immediately accepted this reality.

"So you're Fellow Daoist Yu, I live next door. I've heard of Senior Yu's great name and heard that he has returned, so I came to visit."

Upon hearing "Fellow Daoist Yu," the girl's eyes flickered twice. It was the first time she had been called that.

"Grandfather is not at home. Please come in and have a seat."

The girl said this, but she tilted her head for a moment, as if she remembered something. Her mouth moved as if she wanted to change her words, but in the end, she didn't say anything.

Chen Ping smiled.

"Since Senior Yu is not here, I will visit another day."

After saying this, he said a few more words and left the braised meat behind, returning home himself.

It was already late, and it was obviously inappropriate to stay with a girl.

His current focus was on cultivating immortality.

A Qi Refining cultivator didn't deserve to have a woman.

Women would only affect his sword-drawing speed.

Chen Ping returned home and thought about what he had seen and heard in the market today. He got up and went to He Xianxiang's place to inquire about the news.

It was wise to know something about the safety of Cloud Link City.

It was closely related to his own safety.

After chatting with He Xianxiang for a while, Chen Ping asked, "Has something happened to Azure Cloud Sect?"

In front of He Xianxiang, he didn't have many restraints. He could ask whatever he wanted without beating around the bush.

There was a hint of worry in He Xianxiang's eyes.

"Well, I did hear some news, and it's not good."

"Do you remember the loud noise three days ago? It is said to be a battle between the Gold Core ancestor of Azure Cloud Sect and a demonic cultivator ancestor. Both of them were seriously injured in this battle."

"As for why the conflict erupted, it is said that the demonic cultivator had some ulterior motive deep in the Endless Forest. The specific motive is still unknown."

"Ah, it seems that the days won't be peaceful."

Demonic cultivator?

Ulterior motive in the forest?

Chen Ping frowned, thinking of what He Xianxiang had said before about the increase in Demonic Beasts on the outskirts of the forest, making it easier to hunt them.

Could this be related to the demonic cultivator's plot?

He just hoped it wouldn't involve Cloud Link City.

Otherwise, he would really have to run away.

"By the way, Yu Qingyi has returned. Have you seen him?" He Xianxiang asked while eating meat.

Chen Ping nodded.

"I went to visit, but I didn't see Senior Yu. Instead, I met his granddaughter."

"Well, her name is Yu Lingchun. Her talent is passable. Some time ago, that old Yu Qingyi wanted to send his granddaughter to Azure Cloud Sect to be an outer disciple after observing her as a probationary disciple. As long as she passed the observation, she could become an outer disciple. But today, he came back. Do you know why?" He Xianxiang asked in return.

"Why?" Chen Ping shook his head.

"Azure Cloud Sect is temporarily not accepting disciples. They have temporarily closed this channel. The news I heard is that a large number of core disciples of Azure Cloud Sect were injured some time ago, and the resources of Azure Cloud Sect are in short supply. They don't have the resources to accept outer disciples in the Qi Refining realm anymore," He Xianxiang said.

After finishing speaking, Chen Ping saw Chen Ping frowning and added, "You don't need to worry too much, just temporarily stop accepting disciples. After getting through this period, we will continue accepting disciples, and you will have a chance."

Chen Ping smiled and said, "That's true, Senior He is right."

What he was worried about was not this.

It was the safety of the living environment.

Whether to go to Azure Cloud Sect or not was not important.

Seeing that He Xianxiang seemed to want to mention this, Chen Ping quickly changed the topic, "What's the situation with the large number of core disciples from Azure Cloud Sect being injured?"

"You only came out because you didn't want to participate in Ning Mansion's mission," He Xianxiang glanced at Chen Ping.

What does that mean?

Chen Ping suddenly thought of something, "Are you saying that many core disciples, like Miss Qi, have also been to the Endless Forest?"

He Xianxiang did not comment and said lightly, "The rumors suggest that, but we don't know the true situation. This is not information that we Independent Cultivators can verify."

Chen Ping furrowed his brows.

So, Miss Qi went to the Endless Forest because of the family's mission?

No wonder Ding Liu said that there were Foundation Building cultivators from Azure Cloud Sect accompanying her.

It's terrifying to think about it.


Too dangerous.

"By the way, will this matter affect Cloud Link City?" Chen Ping was concerned about this and wanted to hear He Xianxiang's opinion.

In terms of survival experience in Cloud Link City, if Chen Ping was on the first level, then He Xianxiang was at least on the third level.

"It will have some impact," He Xianxiang said slowly, paused, and continued, "But it won't have a major impact. The Patriarch of Azure Cloud Sect is injured, not dead. The demonic cultivators also only have one Gold Core Patriarch. Unless Azure Cloud Sect completely collapses, Cloud Link City won't have any major problems. At least for the next two to three years."

Chen Ping nodded.

There were many things that he couldn't touch at his level.

The only thing he could do was to assess the situation and plan before taking action.

In chaotic times, strength is everything.

If what He Xianxiang said was true and it would still take two to three years, by that time, wouldn't I have reached Foundation Building?

Cloud Link City still doesn't have any Foundation Building cultivators.

Once I reach Foundation Building, the world will be different.

"He Xianxiang, how do you know so much? You might as well sell information and make money," Chen Ping casually praised.

Unexpectedly, He Xianxiang sneered, "What do I know? It's just some after-dinner conversation. Selling information? Others have done it long ago. Why would I have the chance?"

"Is there really someone doing that?" Chen Ping was curious.

"Of course there is. Don't think that Cloud Link City is a small border town. It has tens of thousands of households and has been built for over a hundred years. Although it's small, it has everything. What can't be sold? Have you never heard of the Hong family's cloth shop in the west of the city that sells information?"

Chen Ping shook his head, surprised that such a shop actually existed in Cloud Link City.

Before Chen Ping could answer, He Xianxiang continued, "Not only selling information, but the cultivators in Cloud Link City have no secrets there. If someone wants to kill you, they don't need to inquire about your cultivation level everywhere. They can just spend money there to find out."

"???" Chen Ping couldn't help but sit up straight.

There is actually such a thing in Cloud Link City?

What is this?

But thinking about it, it's true. The Immortal Cultivation World is also trapped in a cycle of fighting and killing. Where there is fighting and killing, there will naturally be intermediaries for the circulation of information.

Cultivation is about understanding human relationships.

Chen Ping silently noted this point and even asked He Xianxiang about how to purchase information there.

He hoped that he would never have to use this.

Consider it as being prepared for the worst.

(End of this chapter)

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