I Live Forever With My Proficiency

Chapter 301 I’Ll Take You On Your Way

Chapter 301 I’ll take you on your way

Chen Ping stepped into the light curtain. After a moment of dizziness, he came to his senses again and found himself in a forest.

Thinking back to just now, it seemed that one second he was still in the high tower of the Demon City, and the next second he appeared in this new world.

There was no feeling of tearing during this period.

‘This is Soul Refining Island? ’

Chen Ping came back to his senses and glanced around.

Looking at the past, there were towering trees and dense vegetation everywhere, no different from the countless endless forests he had seen.

He lightly jumped onto the crown of a big tree and looked around. This place should be a valley, and the view was not very good.

There was no sign of the other nine monks who came in with him.

‘The transmission of the light curtain should be random. ’

Chen Ping looked up and saw a high mountain not far away with a relatively good view.

He jumped down lightly and then sprinted towards the mountain.

There is no direct flight with the sword, this is a secret realm. It is his first time here and he has no idea about the situation here, so it is better to be cautious.

After half a stick of incense, Chen Ping stood on the top of the mountain.

After glancing over it, I felt that the terrain was a bit unfamiliar.

He took out the map and looked at it.

‘It should have fallen on the periphery, which is a blank space on the map. ’

‘But looking at the terrain in the distance, the central area should be to the east. ’

Chen Ping stopped, found a hiding place, and began to try to practice the 'Jade Raccoon Soul Refining Secret Book'.

While waiting for news at the inn a few days ago, he had been trying to practice this secret code to see if he could learn it without entering Soul Refining Island.

Although it was a pity that he didn't get started, combined with some of the information Bai Linye told him, he also had a more detailed understanding of this technique.

When you carefully meditate on this skill and release your spiritual consciousness, if there is the residual spiritual charm of Yuli Soul Refining around you, you can vaguely feel that charm.

The thinner it is, the lighter the perception.

But for Chen Ping, under the superposition of multiple buffs, his perception is very amazing. As long as he has Yuli's Soul Refining to comprehend the charm, even if it is very thin, he can sense it to some extent.


Chen Ping meditated and began to operate the exercises according to this secret book.

Slowly understand the mystery of this skill.

After half a stick of incense, Chen Ping couldn't help but shook his head.

‘Maybe it’s too far here, we need to get closer to the central area. ’

He looked at the sky. The sky here seemed to be the same as the outside world, with black and white rotating around, and a red sun in the sky.

It was still early at this time.

With this in mind, Chen Ping got up and sneaked towards the central area of ​​Soul Refining Island.

To be cautious, he walked very slowly. He usually used his spiritual consciousness to scan the place ahead. If he encountered an uncertain place, the Nine Nether Colorful Cicada would visit him first and confirm that it was safe before leaving.

Although it is slow, it is safer.

An hour later, Chen Ping tried to understand the technique again, but still could not sense the charm of the jade raccoon dog.

Continuing forward, after another three hours, he understood the technique again, which not only made him happy -

——There is a rare charm here.

Chen Ping opened the map and looked at it. From the topographic point of view, this should be the junction of the marked area and the blank area on the map.

It is considered the most fringe place in the central zone.

‘It’s fine just here, there’s no need to go any further. Although the spiritual energy becomes more abundant as you go further in, there are many dangers due to the Jade Raccoon and other Rank Three Demonic Beasts. ’

‘If we really encounter them, we won’t be able to defeat any of them. ’

‘There’s no need to take risks. ’

‘Although the charm here is thin. But I am different from other monks, I just want to get started. As soon as I enter the door, there will naturally be a panel at the back to guide me in my practice. What kind of bicycle do I need? ’

Chen Ping searched around the area and finally found an ideal habitat.

It was a water curtain cave covered by a huge waterfall.

The cave is quite wide, and I don’t know if it was a habitat for apes in the past. But it seems that no one (Demonic Beast) has been here for many years. It is overgrown with weeds and there are only some small animal hair and feces everywhere.

The humidity is very high.

Chen Ping didn't mind. He used Cleaning Technique and quickly made the cave clean.

Continue walking inside.

The Water Curtain Cave is not too deep, only about ten feet deep.

But that was enough for Chen Ping.

He repaired the cave well, isolated the innermost cave, and used the 'Dragon Gathering Water' to remove moisture.

Then a Rank One five-element psychedelic array was arranged at the entrance of the cave.

A Spirit Gathering array and Myriad Manifestations defense array were deployed inside the cave.


This was the place where I practiced for the next two years.

After doing all this, night has enveloped the earth.

Chen Ping entered the inner cave and began to practice the "Yu Li Soul Refining Secret Book" and try Soul Refining.

The so-called Soul Refining is refining the Primordial Spirit of the monks.

The so-called Primordial Spirit can be said to be the origin, true meaning, or inner meaning. It is the comprehensive Body Integration of the subconscious mind, soul, etc., and is a unique sense of the world.

Primordial Spirit has no thoughts and cares, and is naturally ethereal.

For cultivators, the Primordial Spirit gradually appears after entering the Foundation Building Stage. In this realm, when a monk concentrates on practice, he can forget about time, have no inner thoughts, no external thoughts, and can be alone.

That is to say, the five aggregates are all empty and the four bodies are false.

Of course, the Primordial Spirit at this time is still very weak and is an elusive and ethereal spirit. Only when it becomes the powerful Nascent Soul can the Primordial Spirit be able to 'focus on the divine baby'.

So for Foundation Building Stage monks, to be precise, it is not called ‘Primordial Spirit’.

It’s better to call it ‘Void Spirit’.

The Primordial Spirit of the Foundation Building Stage is more of a feedback on mood, Core Formation, and perception. The most intuitive manifestation is its outreach form——

——Divine consciousness.

Once entering the Foundation Building Stage, the spiritual consciousness has already been extended. The spiritual consciousness shines like light, grasping information, and just like the reflection of light, which gives people vision, it can feed information back to the monks, and then they can perceive the surrounding environment.

The spiritual consciousness was very weak in the beginning.

It can only perceive the environment within a distance of one or two miles. However, as the cultivation level increases, the range of spiritual consciousness will gradually increase. By the Foundation Building Late Stage, it can generally reach a distance of more than ten miles without Soul Refining.

Chen Ping's current spiritual consciousness range is more than ten miles.

For some talented monks, it can even exceed twenty miles.

The so-called Soul Refining is to refine the Primordial Spirit and benefit from the positive feedback of the powerful Primordial Spirit to the state of mind, consciousness, perception, consciousness, and even Core Formation.

Make the weak Primordial Spirit stronger.

Chen Ping ran the 'Yu Li Soul Refining Secret Book' according to the memory in his mind. When meditating on the exercises, I feel as if I am in a state of tranquility and nothingness. At this time, my state of mind is lingering, as if I am alive or dead.

In a daze, he felt the faint charm again - the remaining charm of Yuli Soul Refining.

This charm is very weak, indistinct.

But in this weak charm, he seemed to see traces of spiritual power wandering among the complex veins in the void, and the world became empty.

It was as if I saw a spiritually transformed kitten playing with a ball of yarn on the grass...

And he seemed to sense that some hidden laws between heaven and earth were being revealed to him...

But the next second, all these deep understandings suddenly disappeared, and he was the only one left in the vast world.

Chen Ping is not disappointed, just take your time.

This technique is not so easy to practice, otherwise there would be no need to build a separate Soul Refining Island.

He has a lot of patience.

An overnight retreat.

The next day.

Another place on Soul Refining Island.

After a day and night of rectification, Baili Jinshuang and Mr. Xuanyuan continued to walk slowly towards the depth of Soul Refining Island.

Like Chen Ping, they were randomly scattered in various places after entering Soul Refining Island, but it was not their first time entering Soul Refining Island and they had experience.

As Baili Jinshuang's loyal follower, Master Xuanyuan naturally knows which safe way Baili Jinshuang likes to take to enter the central area.

So I found Baili Jinshuang this morning.

"Should I continue moving forward as usual?" Mr. Xuanyuan looked towards the depths of Soul Refining Island and asked.

Baili Jinshuang continues to walk slowly:

"Where are we now? How can we understand the charm if it is so thin? Of course we have to keep moving forward."

"Well, I'll go ahead. It's my duty to protect His Highness." Mr. Xuanyuan smiled.

Baili Jinshuang ignored him and continued to move forward.

The two of them walked to a fast river, and suddenly two monks caught up with them from behind:

"His Royal Highness Qinghuai (Baili Jinshuang's honorific title), Brother Xuanyuan, I have finally found you."

Two monks rushed over.

Baili Jinshuang was a little surprised when she saw the two of them:

"Nanyang? Hanmo? Why are you here?"

The two of them are one of the Monster Race disciples of Soul Refining together, and they are both on the ninth floor of the Foundation Building.

Among them, Nanyang's cultivation and strength are very good, and his combat power is not weaker than Baili Jinshuang.

Baili Jinshuang was curious, why did the two Nanyang people come here? It is also not the first time for Nanyang to enter Soul Refining Island. It stands to reason that he has his own route and the best place to practice to finally get a glimpse of the charm of Yuli.

Nanyang smiled elegantly:

"Today is different from the past. A monk from the Soul Refining Island suddenly came to the island. To be honest with Her Majesty the Princess, I have always had a grudge against him, so I thought that we could work together with the Princess to take care of him."

Baili Jinshuang instinctively wanted to refute.

But his mouth moved, but in the end he said nothing.

She has already said what needs to be said. If these Monster Race disciples still don't trust Chen Ping, it will be useless for her to say it again.

"In that case, let's do it together." Baili Jinshuang said calmly.

Without waiting for anyone to reply, he took the lead and flew deep.

Young Master Xuanyuan followed closely behind.

Behind them, Nan Yang and Han Mo looked at each other. Nan Yang's eyes seemed to say - 'Old Mo, I want to eat fish'.

Looking at each other, the two immediately followed. The two of them had a tacit understanding, forming horns and flying behind Baili Jinshuang on both sides.

The next breath, he suddenly got angry.

A talisman was activated with lightning speed and headed straight for Baili Jinshuang. At the same time, under the control of Han Mo, a flying sword struck Baili Jinshuang like a snake.

Baili Jinshuang was horrified when she felt the magical aura being attacked.

She was completely unprepared for this.

‘Gold Core Demonic Beast? ’

Why does the Gold Core Demonic Beast suddenly appear?


As a monk on the ninth floor of the Foundation Building, Baili Jinshuang was very skilled. Under stress, she managed to dodge Hanmo's flying sword with all her strength by feeling.

But the next second, a silver needle whizzed past her without giving her a chance to react. The tendons of Baili Jinshuang's arm were suddenly severed, the bones and flesh were shattered, and the side of her lower abdomen was also penetrated. Rank Three method The robe actually burned into a big hole, and the defensive formation was broken with one blow.

There was a heavy flow of blood in the abdomen.

…This is no ordinary talisman! !

This is a real treasure! !

The so-called true treasure is an enhanced version of the talisman, which contains one-third of the power of the high-level Perfected Being or True Monarch Law Treasure, which is several times the power of the talisman.

The disadvantage is: it can only use one hit.

"Nanyang, how dare you plot against this princess?"

Baili Jinshuang was horrified, and when she saw that the attackers were actually Nanyang and Hanmo, she became even more puzzled and angry.

I didn't expect to be attacked by these two people at all.

These two people were chosen by her herself.

Fortunately, although the real treasures were powerful, they were disposable items and would become ineffective after one blow. This gave Baili Jinshuang a chance to breathe.

"Nanyang, Your Highness the Princess is usually very kind to me, but you actually repay me with kindness." Young Master Xuanyuan was as shocked and angry as Baili Jinshuang.

He attacked Hanmo fiercely and slowly retreated to Baili Jinshuang's side.

Nanyang ignored the two of them at all, and the movements of his hands did not stop for a moment. After the first real treasure was obtained, the second talisman was immediately activated:

"Princess, I'm sorry. Chen Ping wants you to die."




The rich second generation fights, and talismans fly everywhere.

The spell showdown between the four people has become a supporting role.

‘Why does Chen Ping want this princess to die? ’

‘Just because we had a fight with him that day? I was the one who suffered the loss in that fight. Are you so vindictive? ’

Baili Jinshuang felt that the spiritual power in her body was flowing out uncontrollably and rapidly, and even the Qi Gathering Pill could not replenish it.

The real treasure's damage may be more than just physical damage.

Her spells were fired one after another, her spiritual power was consumed very quickly, and she didn't dare to pause at all.

The talismans in his arms were also being consumed rapidly.

She had originally expected that the Nanyang two would not carry many talismans. After all, they were not princes, so they could not have as many resources as she did.

But now that I think about it, it’s not necessarily true.

The other party came prepared and must have made full preparations in advance.

On the contrary, she and Mr. Xuanyuan didn't bring many treasures because they thought they came to Soul Refining Island for Soul Refining rather than for experience.

If you continue to consume like this, you will suffer losses sooner or later.

Nanyang and Hanmo are both on the ninth floor of the Foundation Building, but on her side, Mr. Xuanyuan is only on the seventh floor of the Foundation Building. There is a huge difference.

Besides, her injuries were too serious.

Now, she can only hope that the movement is loud enough to attract others.

"Princess, don't expect others to save you, someone is looking for them. Chen Ping wants everyone to die." Nanyang grinned, the elegant smile disappeared, and his face was full of sinister looks.

"Do you know what the crime of plotting against the princess is according to my Qingluan law?"

Baili Jinshuang's face looked extremely ugly.

"I know, my family will probably be wiped out as well." Nanyang chuckled, his eyes red: "So, princess, please go die and disappear with all the secrets."


Law Treasure inspires more diligence.

Because Law Treasure is in charge, the consumption of each spell is actually smaller, which is a good thing for Baili Jinshuang.

The bad thing is that there are only a few talismans and they are almost gone.

"Nanyang, what benefit did Chen Ping give you? I, Xuanyuan, will give you double the amount?" Master Xuanyuan was protecting Baili Jinshuang. He was not injured, so he was outputting spells like crazy for free.

Hearing this, Nanyang was furious:

"Just you? What's your level? Are you worthy enough to interrupt when this young master is talking to the princess?"


"Let's go to the center." Baili Jinshuang's head was still clear. She felt that there was a lot of strangeness in this, and it was not necessarily that Chen Ping wanted to plot against her as Nanyang said.

Maybe there's someone else?

But this was not the time to think about this. She knew she couldn't waste it like this any longer.

They had to retreat to the central area of ​​Soul Refining Island, hoping to use Yuli's as a blocker to prevent the two from continuing to use the talisman.

After all, if you really anger Yuli, you will die.

But before she had time to react, Nanyang's talisman had already blocked her path. At the same time, Nanyang and Hanmo quickly moved to the direction with their backs to the central area.

Baili Jinshuang gritted her teeth, shouted "Xuanyuan, let's go" again, and then took the lead to fly towards the outside.

Escape is the only way out.

"Princess, you first."

Young Master Xuanyuan glanced at Baili Jinshuang's bloody abdomen and a limp arm. He gritted his teeth and decided to fight for a little more time for the princess.

He activated the last talisman and used his best secret technique to attack Hanmo.

Then he turned around and followed Baili Jinshuang.


A stream of light penetrated through Mr. Xuanyuan's body. His Dantian was shattered in an instant, and his consciousness seemed to be drained away.

He instinctively wanted to catch up with Baili Jinshuang, but his body fell uncontrollably.

Mr. Xuanyuan turned his head and glanced at the huge waterfall. His life was passing quickly like the water of the waterfall.


Baili Jinshuang turned around and saw this scene, and was shocked. Master Xuanyuan was falling rapidly to the bottom of the waterfall, like a dead thing.

She quickly turned around, faced Nanyang and the two of them, and after hitting them with a few blows, she used another talisman to block the way of Nanyang and the two of them. She no longer cared about the two of them, and flew down to the bottom of the waterfall, grabbing the falling magic weapon of Mr. Xuanyuan. Robe collar.

Quickly fly along the stream to the outside:

"Xuanyuan, this princess knows that you are fine, so stop pretending to be dead."

In the past, every time she shouted these words, Xuanyuan would follow her immediately, no matter how badly injured she was.

But this time, Xuanyuan just opened his dull eyes slightly.

Baili Jinshuang's heart sank.

Young Master Xuanyuan was held up by the collar by Baili Jinshuang. His body flew horizontally with Baili Jinshuang, and his arms naturally dropped downwards.

He felt that his soul was disintegrating, and there was not much life left.

He looked at the princess quietly and chuckled hard:

"Princess, she looks so beautiful from this angle. She is the most beautiful girl Xuanyuan has ever seen in his life."

"How long have you been talking about this?" Baili Jinshuang instinctively wanted to retaliate, but when she saw Xuanyuan's appearance, her heart began to be filled with sadness.

This is the person she trusts the most.

"Xuanyuan...can't accompany the princess anymore. The outside world is very...dangerous. There may be a lot of intrigues like this. If the princess ever leaves Luanluo City in the future, remember...don't do anything willful. Also..."

Young Master Xuanyuan's voice gradually disappeared.

At the same time, his vitality also collapsed and disappeared.

Baili Jinshuang's eyes were slightly closed, and a crystal clear tear slid down her smooth cheek.

She had never felt so heartbroken.


Baili Jinshuang looked up to the sky and roared, turned around and fiercely attacked the two Nanyang people who were pursuing them.

"go to hell!"

Seeing the princess changing her life-threatening fighting style, Nanyang actually refused to face the enemy head-on and kept retreating, consuming the princess's spiritual power and the treasures on her body.

After Baili Jinshuang vented her anger for a while, although Hanmo was injured, there was no fatal injury.

Calm down, she knew she couldn't die like this.

‘The person behind it has not been found out yet. ’

‘How can you be willing to die? ’

‘Furthermore, once I die, Baili Ye and Baili Xianling will also die. ’

‘No, at least I can’t die now. ’

She hesitated for a moment, then activated the only extremely precious escape talisman and quickly disappeared.

Another place.

A princess who was nearly two hundred years old but whose cultivation was only in the middle stage of Foundation Building was walking on the road leading to the central area. Then she saw a companion coming from behind and said in surprise:

"Liu Li, why are you here?"

The middle-aged monk who was called Liuli chuckled: "Princess, I'm here to take you on your way!"


There was no trace of the princess's body.

(End of chapter)

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