I Live Forever With My Proficiency

Chapter 303 It’S Okay If You Don’T Want This Sister

Chapter 303 It’s okay if you don’t want this sister

Soul Refining Island.

After Chen Ping released the Nine Nether Colorful Cicada, he realized that it was useless. The opponent's speed was too fast and he was coming straight towards him.

At this rate, even if Jiuyou Colorful Cicada brought back the picture, he would not have time to empathize.

Chen Ping has not practiced spiritual practice yet and his spiritual consciousness is weak. But as the person advanced rapidly, the distance quickly narrowed, and he finally saw clearly who the other person was.

A beautiful nun.


"Fellow Daoist Nan, why are you here alone? Where is Fellow Daoist Han?" Liuli quickly appeared in Chen Ping's field of vision, and the breeze blew up her black hair.

Chen Ping relaxed his body and said calmly:

"Hanmo followed Baili Ye. How is the situation here at Liuli Fellow Daoist? Where is He Lianzheng?"

Liuli walked over with her graceful body swaying:

"Dead. If the princess takes action, can she survive?"

He was actually in the same group as Nanyang!

The person behind the scenes spent a lot of money this time. He bought all three people with backgrounds on the ninth floor of the Foundation Building.

Or maybe he has the leverage and is being forced?

"Would you like to go take a look?" Liuli licked her red lips with a smile on her lips, her eyes staring seductively into Chen Ping's eyes.

Chen Ping imitated Nanyang and snorted coldly, and said coldly with a crooked mouth:

"Humph, you are confident? Let's go and see if there are any clues left."

"Nan Fellow Daoist please."

"Liu Li Fellow Daoist leads the way!"

Liuli showed an evil smile, nodded, and galloped forward, Miaoman's body swaying in front of Chen Ping.

Chen Ping narrowed his eyes and followed her footsteps.


A green sword appeared out of thin air in the sky, making an inaudible sound.

In an instant.

A huge green sword rushed straight towards Liuli's back.


The green light roared down, rushing towards Liuli with lightning speed.

Just when he almost succeeded, an activated talisman suddenly appeared in the air, and a ball of cotton-like white mist splashed out, meeting the green light at once, making a huge sound of spiritual collision.

The green awns and cotton balls disappeared at the same time.

At the same time, Chen Ping and Liuli jumped apart, standing on the ruins dozens of feet apart.

Tens of miles behind Chen Ping, Baili Xianling's spiritual consciousness, which had been trained as a god, sensed a wave of spiritual power, followed by a sound.

Her pink ears perked up.

Speeding up and running in vain.

Battle scene.

Liuli looked at Chen Ping and sneered:

"Hmph, you want to make a sneak attack? I have long realized that something is wrong with you. You were more than ten miles away from my princess before you landed. What's wrong? Haven't you ever practiced spirituality? So weak? This princess's spiritual consciousness is more than ten miles away."

Although she spoke so easily, one of her hands was trembling slightly.

There is lingering fear in my heart.

Fortunately, he used the most defensive talisman from the very beginning, otherwise he might not be able to block the sword.

That sword is too strong.

"You can still send me home even if you haven't practiced as a god. Ah!" Chen Ping took the opportunity to activate the "Hu Jue Luo Sword Technique" while he was talking.

At the same time, the 'Green Cockroach and Mother Jiao' in his arms suddenly flew out, and the talisman flew in the air, and then burst out with a bright light of spiritual power.

Chen Ping didn't dare to be careless.

You have to use your ultimate move as soon as you come up.

He didn't know how many trump cards Liuli had.

The Talisman Treasure is made by dividing and refining the Law Treasure of the Gold Core and the Nascent Soul. It is a fraction of the power of the Law Treasure. There are strong and weak ones. The weak ones can only compete with the monks of the Late Stage Foundation Building. , strong enough to kill the fake Perfect Being, and even defeat a few moves in the hands of Gold Core monks.

Judging from Liuli's resistance to the giant green sword just now, this girl's upper body is not simple.

Better to do it quickly.

Liuli licked her red lips and didn't pay attention to Chen Ping's soul attack. Instead, she squinted at the twin dragons in the air and threw out a talisman without pausing for a second.

But when the ripples of spiritual power from that 'Ah' sound came, the bead in the ravine before her murder first inspired a burst of cotton mist, absorbing the spiritual power ripples from the divine soul attack technique.

But in the next breath, the beads shattered.

Liuli's soul was in a trance.

The person took a few steps back involuntarily.

Before she could stand firm in the future, a second attack followed. She was shocked why this attack was so powerful?

This time she was not careless at all. She reached out with one finger and quickly drew a circle on her chest. The circle was filled with sparks, like a welded iron ring, and instantly eliminated the attacking spiritual power of the soul.

Only a small amount of ripple power remains to hit the soul directly.

But it also made her soul wander.

‘What a powerful soul attack spell. ’

Liu Li was horrified, but she was not ready to give Chen Ping a third chance. She shook her palms and poured spiritual power into the intensified talisman.

A huge humanoid phantom with a phoenix crown appeared in the sky. Facing the rushing green dragons, the phantom stretched out its big hand and blocked the sky and the sun.

With just that one shot, the phantom's big hand directly grabbed the young flood dragon, put it into his mouth and bit it, causing the Flood Dragon to turn into powder immediately.

Seeing this, the mother dragon roared and angrily rushed towards the phantom, fighting each other.

The coercion radiated flattened the surrounding area, and Chen Ping retreated several feet back again.

Then he took out the talisman at the bottom of the box - the Taiyi Scepter.

After all, the green clam dragon has been used once, and the power of the Law Treasure contained in it has been exhausted. It is already good to be able to consume part of the phantom's spiritual power.

Chen Ping throws the Taiyi Staff Talisman.

After silently reciting the spell, he quickly summoned a wooden staff that looked ordinary on the surface.

But in an instant, the wooden staff seemed to come alive, with spiritual energy surging throughout the body and golden lines covering the wooden staff.

Like being fished out of lava.

The talismans and spells on Liuli's side were also constantly being thrown out.

For a moment, the power of the talisman enveloped the earth, and the sound was deafening.

Liuli was not idle. She concentrated her energy and spared no effort in spiritual power. While avoiding the power of the talisman, she kept hitting Chen Ping with her spells.

What I don’t know is.

Behind her, Baili Xianling completely suppressed her aura without using any spiritual power. She hid in the grass and moved forward with her butt raised "GuYong~GuYong", her eyes fixed on Liuli who was focused on the duel with Chen Ping.

‘Right now! ’

Baili Xianling instantly unleashed the strongest attack.

Baili Xianling did not use the talisman. Using the talisman in this situation would easily cause other guardians in the sky to intensify the talisman.

Instead, it unleashes a powerful spell.


After Liuli felt the fluctuation of spiritual power behind her, her hair stood on end, but she had no time to react. She had focused all her attention on Chen Ping just now, and she did not expect that Chen Ping would have a helper who had not taken action after waiting for so long. pop up.

...This old man is pretty good... Chen Ping sighed secretly.

With one blow, the defense on Liuli's body completely collapsed, and her thighs turned crimson.

Under the cover of Fu Bao, Liuli slammed towards Baili Xianling behind him, and said with a sharp smile:

"Another Foundation Building seventh floor."

"Then let's all die!"

Baili Xianling flew backwards under Liuli's full attack.

Although Baili Xianling is in the Foundation Building Late Stage, because her level rises very quickly, she cannot keep up with the practice of many spells, which is a bit weak. In terms of combat effectiveness, it is far from comparable to Chen Ping.

"Xian Ling Fellow Daoist, use the talisman and bring out all the talismans." Chen Ping immediately used his spiritual consciousness to transmit the message.


"Yes, all of them."

Chen Ping needs to consume the treasure in Liuli's hand. In the presence of the talisman, he has many concerns. The talisman has spirituality and will protect the owner. On the other hand, he also needs to guard against being attacked by the talisman.

This prevented him from killing Liuli wholeheartedly.

Without these talismans, he had absolute confidence in sending Liuli back. After the duel just now, he found that Liuli was not as talented as Lu Xiangbei.

Can be killed.

I have this strength.

With a "OK", three talismans flew out of Baili Xianling's hand one after another. Liuli's mouth twitched and she had no choice but to throw out the talismans one by one to fight.

For a time, talismans were flying all over the sky.

The sky shattered and the earth shattered, deafening.

Hundreds of miles away, in a swamp, Bailiye poked his head out of the dark mud and listened.

After escaping that day, Baili Ye did not escape toward the periphery or the center of the island, but fled within the nearby area.

Bai Liye knew that he was only on the first floor of the Foundation Building. Whether he escaped to the periphery or the center of the island, he was gambling with his life. Once Nanyang and the two split up to pursue him, he would definitely die if he was guessed in the right direction.

He only had two talismans left in his hand.

One for defense and one for attack.

Not enough to save a life.

So he simply fled into a nearby swamp and submerged himself into the smelly mud.

Bailiye has experience in using the stench of filthy things to cover his breath.

This is what was done in Luoyue City back then.

Hearing such a loud noise at this moment, Bai Liye knew that there were monks fighting together nearby.

And judging from the intensity and duration, they seem to be evenly matched.

‘You can hide in the mud for a while, but you can’t hide for a lifetime. When Nanyang and the others come back to their senses, they will definitely find this place. ’

‘The fighting there is fierce now, so why not take a gamble. ’

‘The appearance of two talismans may change the situation of the battle instantly. ’

'If I can't kill Nanyang and the others, I will be divided and attacked by them. In the end, I will definitely have no choice but to die. ’

Thinking of this, Baili Ye gritted his teeth and rushed out of the swamp.

Just after running a few steps, he thought of something, immediately braked, turned back immediately, filled a large bag of stinky sludge in a storage bag, and then quickly headed towards the direction of the battle again.

Battle scene.

The talisman is being consumed rapidly.

Chen Ping has also been looking for opportunities.

With Baili Xianling joining the battle, the balance of victory quickly tilted towards Chen Ping and the others.

Liuli was surrounded and had to deal with both sides, which was a bit uncomfortable. Fortunately, she had more talismans.

Baili Xianling only has three pieces, and Chen Ping only has one and a half pieces.

But Chen Ping is better because of his powerful spells.

He summoned Liuli with the Hujueluo Sword Technique and the Heavenly Punishment Thunder, and also fired the Qinggang Sword twice, destroying Liuli's two talismans.

Chen Ping's green light sword is close to Dzogchen and has unstoppable power. But on the other hand, the greater the power, the greater the consumption of spiritual power. He could not continue to use this skill.

With his rare spiritual power reserve now, he can only use the green light sword four or five times.

So we can only find the right time and use it sparingly.

As the battle continued, Liuli became more and more panicked. She originally used up one of her talismans when killing the elder princess, and later used some more when chasing He Lianzheng.

Now Chen Ping used spells to consume three of them in vain.

She had only one last defensive Law Treasure left in her arms.

Liuli originally thought that after the Law Treasure was consumed, the two Baili Xianling and Chen Ping from the seventh floor of the Foundation Building would be the meat on her desk and the food on her plate. It can be seen that after seeing Chen Ping destroy the talisman with one sword several times in a row, she had a vague feeling that it might not be simple.

What was even more irritating was that she found that Chen Ping's spiritual power seemed to be quite strong.

This damn Foundation Building seventh-floor human monk!


Judging from his aura and cultivation level, Liuli already knew that this monk with Nanyang appearance was Chen Ping.

There were only ten people, so it was easy to guess.

"Fellow Chen Daoist, the overall situation has been decided now. You can't defeat Nanyang and the others. Now you and I join forces to send Baili Xianling back home. I will introduce you to you, and I will protect your life." Liuli persuaded loudly.

"Fellow Daoist Chen, don't believe her, this person is a liar." Baili Xianling was anxious.

She was afraid that Chen Ping would point the gun at her.

Chen Ping ignored her, activating the spell while always looking for a chance to succeed.

Seeing that Chen Ping was speechless, Liu Lisi did not hesitate, she found the gap where Baili Xianling was distracted in talking, and flew away instantly with a 'whoosh' sound.

In her opinion, she and Nanyang were sure of victory, and there was no need for her to have to fight to the death with Chen Ping here.

Where there is life, there is hope.

She was on the ninth floor of the Foundation Building. Even if she couldn't kill these two people, with her speed, they couldn't keep her.

"Hmph, you two are on the seventh floor of the Foundation Building? Do you want to keep me?" She flew with her sword and sneered when she sensed that Chen Ping was chasing after her.

But something felt wrong in the next breath, the speed was too fast.

He couldn't help but look back.

But just as he turned around, the flying body collided with a huge sword that came in an instant.

There was a loud "bang" sound.

The Apex Level defense on his body instantly disappeared, and the layers of golden light faded away, replaced by scarlet blood mist.

Half of the body is gone.

"Why is this happening?" Liuli's last thoughts drifted away, and her life was gone.


Chen Ping landed.

He was the first to check his own body. Due to the activation of multiple talismans, he was inevitably injured all over during the melee.

'The left arm is broken. ’

"Fortunately, the bones were only broken and the meridians were not completely broken, otherwise it would not be easy to recover."

‘There was a bloody hole in the abdomen. ’

‘Fortunately, the internal organs and six internal organs were not injured. Physical wounds heal easily. ’

‘Damn, fighting with the rich second generation is really not an easy job, you can earn money at every turn. ’

Chen Ping took a Restoring Pill, another Qi Gathering Pill, and then gave himself two consecutive rejuvenation spells.

The injuries on his body recovered quickly.

"Fellow Daoist Chen, are you okay?" Baili Xianling rushed over, her face pale.

In fact, her injuries were more serious.

Originally, she had not fully recovered from the injury she suffered from the real treasure. She had been traveling for a day, and now she was fighting Liuli, who was two levels higher than her, with her injured body.

Being able to stay alive depends on a strong defensive treasure.

"It's nothing. I'll clean up the scene, and you can meditate as soon as possible to repair your injuries. I'll leave here as soon as possible later." Chen Ping returned to his original appearance.

Baili Xianling saw that Chen Ping seemed to be in good condition, unlike someone who was seriously injured, so she just nodded and meditated on the spot.

While meditating, I secretly opened my eyes and glanced at Chen Ping.

She now finally understood why her brother asked her to come to Chen Ping for help.

Among those who entered Soul Refining Island, except for Baili Jinshuang, no one could surpass the level and kill Liuli.

Having seen Liuli and Chen Ping fighting together before, she stepped forward to attack Liuli with death in mind. They were both Monster Race disciples, so she knew Liuli's strength well, and Liuli inevitably brought many talismans with her.

Unexpectedly, Chen Ping turned the tide of the battle.

Moreover, Chen Ping did not fight recklessly in battle.

Soul attack techniques, lightning control techniques, flying swords, and water spells. All kinds of spells can be used together appropriately.

Liuli was overwhelmed and her strength was greatly reduced.

This is the key to defeating Liuli.

Chen Ping glanced at Baili Xianling and saw that one of her eyes had opened slightly, but she immediately closed it when she saw him looking over.

Chen Ping ignored her.

Priority was given to finding only one-fifth of Liuli's body.

Even though it's like this, I don't know if I can summon spirits.

Give it a try.

"How can the wandering souls survive? The three souls have already arrived, and the seven souls are coming. Now I invite the five souls to collect the souls and leave the body."


With Chen Ping's low roar, a faint soul floated out of the body, and the body of the soul kept flickering.

It looks like it won't last long.

Chen Ping hurriedly asked.

"Of the ten people who entered Soul Refining Island this time, which of them are your accomplices?"

"Who is behind this?"

"Why are you plotting against me?"

"How many talismans do Nanyang and Hanmo still have? How do they plan to find us?"

As soon as the four questions were asked, before the fifth question could be asked, the soul became increasingly dull and lost the ability to answer.

and eventually dissipated.

'Why. ’

‘The intrigues in the dynasty are really a headache. I was innocently involved. ’

‘Even being treated as a scapegoat. ’

‘Once he really becomes a scapegoat and murders several princes and princesses, most people in the Lingxiao Sect will die. If nothing else, Yun Haitang would definitely not survive. ’

‘Very well, the account has been recorded. ’

‘As for the talismans on Nanyang and Hanmo, Liuli doesn’t know, but Liuli asserts that they must have several more. ’

‘We can’t fight forcefully. This time we will suffer the loss of Fu Bao. Besides, Nanyang and the others are stronger, and there are two of them, so they have to plan carefully. ’

Chen Ping looked at Liuli's smaller body, and a plan slowly emerged.

He put away half of his body and stood up to sort out his belongings scattered on the ground.

The storage bag is still there.

Apart from this, all other external belongings had been destroyed.

The storage bag on the ninth floor of the Foundation Building was difficult to refine. Chen Ping put the storage bag away and did not refine it immediately. He would wait until he had time.

There is too much movement here and it is no longer suitable to stay for a long time.

"Xianling Fellow Daoist, how is your recovery?"

Chen Ping looked at her who was still extremely pale. The robe was torn in many places and there was blood on one side of her abdomen:

"Just taking pills won't do. Just be patient and I'll give you some treatment."

Baili Xianling was curious about what kind of treatment she needed to endure, but her next breath was shrouded in holy light, and she suddenly understood, her face turned red from holding back:

"Thank you, thank you Fellow Daoist Chen!"

"We have to go. The noise just now was so loud, I don't rule out that Nanyang and the others might hear it." Chen Ping said with a serious expression.

"Yeah." Baili Xianling knew the importance.

She came back to her senses from the feeling of relief just now. As soon as she stood up, she suddenly paused and her eyes widened:

"Wait, my brother is here."



Baili Xianling has practiced spiritual training, and the range of her spiritual perception is wider than that of Chen Ping. In addition, as a brother and sister, they are very familiar with each other, and they immediately sensed that Baili Ye was rushing here.

"Where are Nanyang and the others?" Chen Ping asked worriedly.

"They didn't come."

"Okay, I'll wait for a moment while you pay attention to Nanyang's scent." Chen Ping explained, and at the same time, just in case, he released the Jiuyou Colorful Cicada.

"Xianling, Fellow Daoist Chen, how are you?" After a while, Bai Linye appeared at the battle scene.

He originally came looking for the sound of fighting, but the sound suddenly stopped midway, and after waiting for a while, he didn't see the sound coming again.

Bai Linye knew that he was late.

I originally wanted to go home.

But he smelled the scent of Chen Ping and his sister Xian Ling in the air.

This made his heart suddenly tighten.

He gritted his teeth and took the risk and ran over.

After hearing Chen Ping's description of this place, I was filled with emotion:

"Thank you to Fellow Daoist Chen for saving Xianling's life. This time, Bailiye owes Fellow Daoist Chen a great debt of gratitude."

Chen Ping waved his hand:

"Don't talk about kindness or kindness. Without Xianling Fellow Daoist, my attack this time will be much more difficult."

"By the way, the one who wants to plot against you is a prince named Qingde. Is he the brother of Baili Fellow Daoist?"

"Is it him?" Baili Ye was stunned.

It's incredible.

"What? Isn't this person from the hostile faction of Baili Fellow Daoist?" Chen Ping didn't know the situation in their dynasty.

Baili Ye's face was extremely ugly and he shook his head:

"I didn't expect it to be him."

"Qingde is not from the faction of Imperial Sister Baili Jinshuang, but it is not a hostile faction either. There has always been peace between the two factions."

"I originally thought it was the Qingqing faction. By the way, the imperial brother who was tit-for-tat with me outside the hall at that time was one of the princes of the Qingqing faction."

"He's really vicious. By the way, why is he plotting against us?" Bai Linye turned to Chen Ping again.

Chen Ping glanced at Baili Xianling, whose face had returned to a slightly normal color:

"Maybe he is jealous of Xianling Fellow Daoist's talent."

Baili Ye's face turned dark and he gritted his teeth:

"Okay, in that case, if he can leave Soul Refining Island alive this time, I want to see if he can survive."

"No one can save a prince and three princesses from plotting against him."

At this time, Baili Xianling came over:

"That's for the future. We have very few talismans left. We still have two years to go. It's not certain whether we can make it out alive."

"Brother, how is your injury?"

Bailiye's expression softened and he smiled:

"Nothing's wrong, I'll recover soon."

In fact, under Nanyang's soul attack, his soul was seriously damaged, and his internal organs were also injured, but he just didn't say it in front of his sister.

"Brother, why are you covered in mud? Are you hiding in the swamp?" It wasn't until they finished talking about business that Chen Ping and Baili Xianling noticed that Baili Ye was like a clay figure, covered in filth.

It exudes a stench.

"Why are you hiding in the swamp?" Bailiye's dirty old face turned red and he said seriously:

"Why would I, the Nine Lords, hide in such a dirty swamp? I just accidentally fell into the swamp on my way."

You can pull it down.

Return the body of the nine gods.

When you were in Luoyue City, you even smeared animal feces on the walls.

Besides, you are covered in mud. It is obvious that you wrapped it with spiritual power to prevent it from falling off. Otherwise, you would still have mud on your body while running fast?

Doesn't the robe have a dust removal technique?

Seeing Chen Ping's smile, Baili Ye quickly wanted to change the subject, then heard Baili Xianling say:

"Brother, you are already Foundation Building and still fall?"

The air suddenly solidified.

This damn girl!

"Look at you, following Fellow Chen Daoist, you have to learn more about how to fight. Why are you paying so much attention to these trivial matters? How old you are, you still don't make people worry." Bai Linye scolded.

"Oh!" Baili Xianling said innocently.

Baili Ye gave his biological sister a hard look, then turned to Chen Ping:

"Fellow Daoist Chen, what are your next plans?"

Chen Ping looked towards the center of the island:

"What else can we do? There may be a tough battle ahead. Does Baili Fellow Daoist still have any talismans?"

"There are two more." Bai Linye took it out without hesitation.

Chen Ping looked at it and took one of the talismans:

"Give me this defensive talisman. Keep the attacking one for yourself."

Baili Ye was stunned for a moment:

"Fellow Daoist Chen, what do you mean? Are you trying to drive me away? One more person and one more helper."

Chen Ping shook his head:

"The next ones to plot are Nanyang and Hanmo. Baili Fellow Daoist's cultivation may not be able to help in this kind of battle."

After a pause, Chen Ping took out three tokens, took out a map and pointed out the location of his Shuilian Cave to Bailiye:

"Fellow Daoist Baili will go here and wait. If there is no problem with Fellow Daoist Xianling, I will go here to find you. There is a formation I have set up there, and this is the corresponding token."

Chen Ping was walking in such a hurry that he didn't even have time to dismantle the three formations, and they all remained in place.

Bai Linye took the token, weighed the left and right, and nodded.

Chen Ping is right.

This is not the time to show off, and there is no point in being passionate.

In this kind of battle situation, there is really no use for him to stay. On the contrary, he can easily become a burden.

Finally, he handed the only talisman in his hand to Chen Ping and solemnly said:

"Okay, Bai Linye will be waiting for you to come back there. Fellow Daoist Chen, Xianling will leave it to you."

Bai Liye turned around silently.

Seeing her brother like this, Baili Xianling couldn't help but comfort him:

"Brother, don't worry. You see, Fellow Daoist Chen and I both killed Liuli. We were both injured when we fought together with you."

Bailiye's steps stagnated, and pain instantly hit his whole body.

It hurts my heart!

This sister, it’s okay if you don’t want it!

This chapter will be published first and revised later. There may be many typos. Feel sorry.

(End of chapter)

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