Chapter 311 Mr. Frog

The distance from the center of the island to the No. 2 backup exit is about 90,000 miles. If Chen Ping follows Chen Ping's current full-speed driving mode of traveling day and night without stopping, it will only take about five or six days.

When we left the center of the island, there were still twelve days before Soul Refining Island opened.

Very rich in time.

Chen Ping and the others would have to stay outside for a few more days, but there was no way, it was impossible to completely calculate the time.

After Chen Ping left the core area of ​​Soul Refining Island, he slowed down a little and focused more on concealment.

Although there is no habitat for Rank Three Demonic Beasts in the periphery, 1. Rank Two Demonic Beasts are denser and you must avoid encountering them.

It's not that I'm afraid of them.

But to avoid making a scene.

On the fourth day after hurriedly leaving the center of the island, the two of them were only more than 20,000 miles away from the backup exit.

Since then, they have basically gotten rid of the pursuers.

The tense nerves along the way finally relaxed a little.

In order to reduce the volatility of spiritual power and avoid being detected, the two simply gave up driving the split wind shuttle, gathered their breath and walked slowly.

Anyway, there is plenty of time.

"Brother Chen, just focus on finding your way. Xianling will pay attention to the surrounding situation." Baili Xianling said walking beside him.

Chen Ping smiled:


Having said that, Chen Ping did not withdraw his consciousness and investigated the situation outside together.

After walking like this for two hours, an aura similar to the Rank Two Demonic Beast suddenly appeared within Chen Ping's consciousness.

After entering the range of clear consciousness, Chen Ping discovered that it was a huge frog.

Chen Ping didn't pay attention. It was normal to encounter Demonic Beast in the forest.

At worst, avoid it and let it pass first.

But what surprised Chen Ping was that the frog jumped and suddenly turned into a monk.

"He Lianzheng?"

Chen Ping was surprised.

Although the number of meetings was good, there were very few monks who entered Soul Refining Island. Chen Ping clearly remembered everyone's appearance.

This frog turned out to be Fatty He Lianzheng.

Isn't Helianzheng from the Qilin clan?

Why is it the original form of the frog again?

"What?" Baili Xianling was stunned for a moment when she heard Chen Ping's soft call, and leaned her head over.

Chen Ping carefully identified it for a while and then said:

"I saw Fellow Daoist He Lianzheng. Judging from the route, it seems that he is also heading towards the backup exit No. 2."

"He Lianzheng?" Baili Xianling was surprised:

"Is he still alive?"

Chen Ping was also surprised.

When he and Baili Xianling were on their way to find He Lian Zheng, the Liuli they met came from the route He Lian Zheng had originally planned. It seemed that they had gone to find He Lian Zheng in advance.

Unexpectedly, He Lianzheng actually survived Liuli's hands.

If he hadn't asked about Liuli's soul, Chen Ping would have had to suspect that He Lianzheng was also from Nanyang's group.

"Let's go forward. From the direction, the route of Fellow Helian Daoist will overlap with ours in front." Chen Ping nodded.

It was confirmed that there was no tail behind Helianzheng.

The two of them immediately moved forward quickly. As the distance got closer, Baili Xianling's consciousness finally saw clearly that it was He Lianzheng.

'etc. ’

Baili Xianling's pretty face was crooked and she looked at Chen Ping.

‘I didn’t see clearly until now that it was He Lianzheng. Why did Brother Chen see clearly so early? ’

‘No, what treasure does Brother Chen have? ’

‘However, it was clear that I was the ‘eye’ when chasing Nanyang. ’

Baili Xianling looked at Chen Ping with her big eyes:

"Brother Chen, are you the Helianzheng Fellow Daoist you saw through your spiritual consciousness?"

Chen Ping turned around and saw her surprised look and said with a smile:

"I have been Soul Refining for almost two years. Isn't it normal for my spiritual consciousness to be alert to others?"

Baili Xianling's light steps paused.

Two years...

Is this normal?

This is not normal at all.

Remembering that she had volunteered to investigate the situation outside just now, she thought that Chen Ping's consciousness was far inferior to hers, and she never thought that Chen Ping would have detected her... Her face turned red.


Doesn’t it mean that this secret art is unfriendly to humans?

However, thinking about the past two years, Chen Ping has been practicing almost all the time, and he even has very little time for rest and leisure.

This ascetic mentality was unique among the monks she knew.

"Hurry up, it's getting dark soon. We'll try to drive more distance today." Chen Ping urged.

"Yeah." Baili Xianling followed.

She looked at Chen Ping and felt that it didn't matter if it was dark, Chen Ping was the light source.

Although she was shocked, she didn't ask any more questions.

On the road of spiritual practice, everyone has something they are good at. This is everyone's own privacy, just like her own Qingluan, few people know about it.

As the two continued to move forward, He Lianzheng seemed to notice Chen Ping and Baili Xianling. He paused for a moment, and then turned around and ran away.

What surprised Chen Ping even more.

He Lianzheng ran for more than thirty miles and then stopped again.

Then I changed my route and continued towards the alternate exit No. 2.

"Why did Helian Fellow Daoist run away?" Baili Xianling only saw Helianzheng turning back, but could not see Helianzheng's route of action after returning more than 30 miles.

Chen Ping said calmly:

"Helian Fellow Daoist is probably still worried about my identity. Don't worry about him. He is also sneaking towards the exit."

He Lianzheng is a loyal supporter of Baili Jinshuang's lineage. With this status, in principle, Helianzheng should not have to worry about Baili Xianling murdering him.

I can only worry about Chen Ping.

From this point of view, He Lianzheng should not have met Baili Ye, otherwise he would not know their true identities.

Continuing to move forward, Chen Ping went to the outer edge and found more low-level Demonic Beasts running around.

"Brother Chen, they are all looking for spiritual fruits for you." Baili Xianling laughed.

"Ahem." Chen Ping couldn't help his Adam's apple twitching: "It's the demon king who went crazy on his own, what does it have to do with me? I don't want to talk nonsense when I'm out."

"I know." Baili Xianling pursed her lips and smiled.

Due to the interference of these restless Demonic Beasts, the two had to slow down again and sneak slowly. It wasn't until three days later that we reached our final destination.

Look up.

Standing in front of Chen Ping is a towering cliff. The cliff is vertical and as flat as a knife, with only some moss and vines clinging to it.

The place where Chen Ping is located is a valley and depression, and behind the wasteland is an endless forest.

"Are you sure it's here?" Chen Ping couldn't help but ask.

On the surface, this place looks like countless primitive forests, unremarkable.

Can't see any trace of export settings.

"According to the records, it should be here. Before the Soul Refining Island is opened again, there will not be any external traces to be found." Baili Xianling said.


It was originally designed to deal with emergencies.

Concealment is needed.

Chen Ping released his spiritual consciousness and searched within a radius of dozens of miles, and finally found an extremely hidden place, which was backed by a mountain with a swamp, and the swamp was a natural barrier.

After choosing the place, Chen Ping used his full-level Earth Shaker skill to quickly dig out a good cave in the mountain.

While digging the hole, pay special attention to the ecology outside the hole to ensure that the vegetation is not destroyed.

Even the excavated gravel and soil are temporarily placed in the storage bag, leaving no flaws or hidden dangers.

Then a five-element psychedelic array was arranged at the narrow entrance of the cave.

It's safe.

As long as they completely restrain their aura, no one can easily find this place in just a few days.

Chen Ping and the two entered the cave. In order to avoid leaking their aura, they did not even practice any martial arts. They just kept holding their breath and sitting quietly without causing any fluctuations in spiritual power.

Only a weak sense of consciousness is released.

One day later, He Lianzheng appeared within Chen Ping's consciousness.

He Lianzheng seemed to have taken a liking to this large swamp. He furtively looked at it step by step, and finally stopped in front of a dark swamp.

‘What is he going to do? ’

Just when Chen Ping was confused, He Lianzheng made a "plop" and his round body jumped directly into the dark mud.

He even used a little force to force himself completely into the mud, even his head was completely covered.

Chen Ping was stunned.

He is a cruel person.

Not even the slightest hesitation.

Chen Ping thought that when he met Bai Liye on Soul Refining Island, he was also covered in mud, and when he was in Luoyue City, he used various wastes to cover himself Monster Qi.

Do these Monster Races like to have bad smells to cover up their own smell?

Chen Ping couldn't help but glance at Baili Xianling beside him.

"Xianling... no... no." Seeing the meaningful smile on Chen Ping's face, Baili Xianling quickly waved her hands and defended.


Chen Ping continued to look around.

What the mud can cover is the smell of the monks, not the spiritual fluctuations caused by their own cultivation.

The former is the key for Monster Race to find others, and the latter is the key element for high-level monks to find those hidden monks.

The former relies on masking the smell.

The latter relies on collecting interest.

At present, Nanyang and the others are all dead. Without the Monster Race enemies, there is no point in using mud to cover the monk's own unique smell. Demonic Beast does not have the ability of Monster Race. If Yuli can find them, it must rely on its powerful spiritual consciousness.

Thinking of this, Chen Ping sent a message to Helianzheng's spiritual consciousness in the swamp far outside the cave:

"Helian Fellow Daoist, I am Chen Ping. I admire the decisiveness of Helian Fellow Daoist in jumping into the mud, but there is no need to hide in the mud. How about you hide from me?"

He Lianzheng was hiding in the swamp, releasing his spiritual power to ensure his safety.

His needs are different from Chen Ping's. Chen Ping needs to hold his breath to hide from the jade raccoon, while he needs to cover up his scent to hide from the glass. It's not a big problem to release some spiritual power.

At this moment, I was shocked when I heard Chen Ping's voice transmission.

… As expected, Chen Ping also came here.

Subconsciously, he was preparing for a fierce battle.

But he was stunned again the next time he took a breath... Since Chen Ping knew that I was hiding here, if he really attacked me, I would be dead. Why didn't he do this?

Isn’t Chen Ping the mastermind behind this?

Thinking like this, I heard Baili Xianling's message again: "Helian Fellow Daoist, Xianling is here too. Come out, Fellow Chen Daoist is not the mastermind behind this, it's a long story..."

Baili Xianling briefly gave He Lianzheng some popular science. When he heard that the three people in Nanyang were the real masterminds, all the logic was reasonable, much more reasonable than the logic that Chen Ping was the mastermind.

Coupled with the fact that his position was exposed but not attacked, and with Baili Xianling, a princess worthy of his trust, He Lianzheng finally chose to come out.

"Helian Fellow Daoist, you go two hundred feet to the right." Chen Ping continued to transmit the message.

He Lianzheng thought that was where Chen Ping was currently staying, so he decisively followed Chen Ping's advice and headed right.

"Did you see that pool of clear water?" Chen Ping asked again.

"I saw it." He Lianzheng was confused.

"Well, please Helian Fellow Daoist, please jump down and wash it with the Cleaning Technique before coming back."


In the cave, He Lianzheng once again asked some questions in his heart. After receiving the answers, he was both emotional and lucky.

What’s sad is that Soul Refining didn’t expect it to be so dangerous this time.

Fortunately, I survived.

As for why He Lianzheng came here instead of the official exit?

It's because He Lianzheng's hiding place is closest to here and far away from the official exit. With the current Demonic Beast situation on Soul Refining Island, he doesn't have the confidence to walk such a long distance to the official exit, so he came here.

"By the way, has Fellow Daoist Helian met Fellow Daoist Bailiye in the past two years?" Chen Ping asked.

"Hey, I haven't seen anyone before. It's been really hard these past two years." He Lianzheng said with a bitter look on his face:

"I was lucky enough to survive from Liuli two years ago. I sneaked all the way to the outskirts of Soul Refining Island with my injured body and found a place to hide. At that time, I didn't know that Liuli had been killed by Fellow Daoist Chen and Her Royal Highness the Princess."

"I've been on tenterhooks all day."

"Fortunately, I haven't seen them come. I hid there for seven or eight months before recovering from my injuries. During this period, in order to collect my breath, I didn't dare to practice any martial arts, let alone Soul Refining."

"Oh, eight months were wasted."

"I haven't seen Liuli since then, and I finally made up my mind to leave there and go to the core area to find a place to Soul Refining. I never thought, well, I don't know why, but this Demonic Beast on Soul Refining Island is running around like crazy."

"What a crime."

"I haven't fully recovered from my injuries. I met a Rank Two Demonic Beast when I went out. How dare I go to the core area? I went back to the cave to hide, hey."

Chen Ping turned his head away.

You really can't blame me for this.

At first, Yu Li was asked to command his subordinates to search for spiritual fruits in the core area of ​​Soul Refining Island. Who would have thought that the guy's ambition would expand and he would take the initiative to let all the Demonic Beasts move around the island, and then completely lose control.

As for Chen Ping asking Yu Li to go to the periphery, that is actually a matter later.

"Has Helian Fellow Daoist ever achieved his goal in Soul Refining?" Baili Xianling asked.

Speaking of this, He Lianzheng patted his thigh in distress, and the fat on his body trembled against the robe:

"Hey, don't mention it, what kind of god are you still cultivating?"

"The cave is on the outskirts, just like here, and the charm is pitifully thin. Even after practicing for a long time, I can't catch even a trace of the charm."

"What's more, the Demonic Beasts outside are always howling and screaming, which makes people panic. They are always worried about those Rank Three Demonic Beasts coming, and they have to worry about Liuli coming. They are always worried, so how can they have any thoughts on Soul Refining?"

"Hey, this opportunity is wasted."

He Lianzheng looked frustrated.

But what I heard from Chen Ping just now is that the whole island is in chaos, not just his place. In fact, everyone is the same.

...I am not the only one who is unlucky... Although this thought is not kind, it inexplicably made him feel relieved.

He Lianzheng felt the same and said:

"Your Highness, there is no need to worry. Although Soul Refining has been blocked this time, there will be many opportunities to come in in the future. Fellow Daoist Chen and I will just...hey..."

Hearing He Lianzheng's emotion, Baili Xianling didn't want to lie to him and said:

"Actually, I have already understood several Soul Refining barriers that I have encountered before."


He Lianzheng was stunned for a moment and looked at Chen Ping again.

Chen Ping smiled and said:

"I have also started and made some progress."

"This..., you..." He Lianzheng looked in disbelief, with mixed feelings in his heart.

"When Princess Xianling and I met Nanyang, we worried about being implicated because of the talisman we used, so we ran away decisively and hid in a cave in the core area, which is very rich in charm..." Chen Ping said.

"Fellow Chen Ping and Her Royal Highness Princess are very lucky. Alas, I came here in vain this time." He Lianzheng couldn't help but sigh after hearing Chen Ping's statement.

"I don't know what happened this time? The sneak attack by a few people from Nanyang seems reasonable now. But why are the Demonic Beasts all over the island crazy?" He Lianzheng slapped his thigh.

Chen Ping echoed:

"Yeah, who knows."

"But according to my guess, it was definitely a few people in Nanyang who angered Yuli, causing Yuli to look for me everywhere for revenge. Damn Nanyang."

He Lianzheng fully agreed:

"It's most likely so."


(End of chapter)

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