I Live Forever With My Proficiency

Chapter 314 One Gold Core

Chapter 314 One Gold Core

The East China Sea District is as vast as the West Wasteland District.

Luanluo City is located in the west of Donghai District, and the place where Chen Ping and his two men landed is in the easternmost part of Donghai District, which is very far away.

After falling into the mainland, Baili Xianling resumed her status as a princess. According to Baili Xianling's memory, she found an affiliated sect that was very closely related to her sect.

The head of the Gold Core of the sect personally escorted the two back to Luanluo City.

A few days later, the two of them traveled across the entire Donghai District and returned to Luanluo City after a long absence.

The three of them entered Miyagi directly.

Because they were not summoned in advance, the three of them did not receive special welcome or reception after entering the palace.

When the three of them entered the city, a group of palace maids saw this person coming from a distance, bowed their heads and stood on both sides of the road to give way.

Baili Xianling recognized one of the people in the group as her maid and said:

"Chunhua, what are you going to do?"

The palace maid bent her knees slightly without raising her head. She seemed to be in a bad state and answered listlessly:

"Come back to me, my lord. I will go and offer incense to the little princess."

After speaking, he sniffed.

Baili Xianling was stunned for a moment and scolded: "This princess is not dead yet."

"not dead?"

The palace maid suddenly raised her head and saw that it was Princess Baili Xianling standing in front of her. She was startled and stunned.

He raised his head and looked at the red sun, then regardless of his status, he rushed over, knelt in front of Baili Xianling, hugged Baili Xianling's legs and cried loudly:

"Her Royal Highness is still alive."

"Your Highness, your legs are still warm, you are really alive."


Baili Xianling:.

Chen Ping couldn't help laughing.

I haven't seen anyone for almost a month. Isn't this already buried in the grave?

The three of them originally wanted to enter the palace quietly. When entering the city gate, Baili Xianling even deliberately told the city defenders not to make a fuss. She could just go in and pay her respects to the queen.

As a result, after this commotion, the news spread all of a sudden.

After entering the palace, the sect Gold Core went to pay homage to the Demon Queen (actually to ask for merit), while Chen Ping and Baili Xianling were waiting in the main hall.

After a while, Baili Ye, Baili Jinshuang and others came after hearing the news.

These people originally thought that Chen Ping and Baili Xianling had returned. After all, Bailiye knew that the two were going to the center of the island to lure the two Nanyang people to death, and they had agreed to go to Shuiliandong to find him after success.

But then disappeared for two full years.

We have to suspect that both of them are dead.

Seeing the two of them at this moment, it is inevitable to cry with joy.

Some communication is inevitable.

Each shared their own experiences.

When Chen Ping talked about his own affairs, he avoided some important points and ignored them.

For example, the octopus encountered in Canghai Sea only said that they got rid of the octopus' pursuit. Anyway, He Lianzheng fainted later and didn't know many things.

In fact, it doesn't hurt to say it bluntly. Octopus has no heel, but killing the Gold Core Demonic Beast feels too shocking and unnecessary.

During the conversation, Chen Ping learned about what happened to Baili Jinshuang, and also learned that Master Xuanyuan had returned to the Dao, and that another older princess seemed to have returned to the Dao as well.

As for Baili Ye and Baili Jinshuang, after they recovered, they did not see Chen Ping and Baili Xianling return for a long time. Although it was not known whether Nanyang and others were still alive, they still ventured into the core of the island. area and went to the place where Chen Ping fought.

It's a pity that we didn't see the two of them.

He never gave up and wanted to continue searching, but for some reason Demonic Beast suddenly became chaotic. Both of them were injured and were trapped in the Water Curtain Cave.

It wasn't until the Soul Refining Island opened again that I was able to escape from the official exit thanks to the fact that the Water Curtain Cave was not too far away from the official exit.

After that, Elder Gold Core and the Demon Queen entered Soul Refining Island one after another, but found nothing.

"Hey, Chen Fellow Daoist, you don't know that when the Soul Refining Island is about to open again, those high-level Demonic Beasts seem to have gone crazy, and they all rush towards the exit area, as if they are looking for something. Want to If those Demonic Beasts had not dispersed on their own in the end, Huang Jie and I would have been trapped and died in the cave, not daring to use any spiritual power." Bai Linye is still frightened when he talks about it now.

Chen Ping felt apologetic, but where Demonic Beast went to look for people was beyond his control.

I can only sigh:

"Yes, it's really a ghost. Princess Xianling and I have had the same experience, and I don't know what happened."

Bai Liye sighed with emotion: "Yes, yes."

Baili Xianling was obedient and didn't say a word.

Chen Ping saw that Bailiye seemed to want to delve deeper into this issue, and said quietly:

"Is this the first time for Bailine Fellow Daoist to enter Soul Refining Island? Has the situation been so dangerous in the past?"

"Yes, it's the first time." Bai Linye replied subconsciously.

Suddenly I thought of what Chen Ping said before - 'When I went to the Qingyun Territory, the Qingyun Territory was covered by the fog formation; when I returned to the Demon City, I encountered a disaster.'

Then this time.

Bailiye suddenly turned to look at Chen Ping, and sure enough he saw Chen Ping's meaningful smile.

Bai Liye pretended not to understand and decisively changed the topic:

"Ah, don't... don't talk about these things, it's all over."

"By the way, didn't Fellow Daoist Chen say that He Lianzheng also came back with you? He returned to the family?"

Speaking of this, Chen Ping became serious and recounted what happened to the three of them after escaping from the backup exit. Finally, he took Helianzheng's body out of the Spirit Beast bag:

"Fellow Daoist of Bailiye, please return the body of Fellow Daoist of Helian to his family, and inform him about the soul fusion. The soul must be split as soon as possible."

The shorter the soul fusion time is, the easier it is to split the soul.

Afterwards, Chen Ping's period of mental weakness became shorter.

It would have taken a year for the soul to fully integrate into the Union, but now less than a month has passed. This is a complete surprise for Chen Ping.

I didn't expect the journey to be so smooth.

Baili Ye looked at He Lianzheng's body with mixed feelings. After a while, he solemnly nodded:

"Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Chen, I will send someone to send you there right away, no, I will take someone to send you there myself. Fellow Daoist Chen, just wait here for your mother."

Chen Ping clasped his hands:

"Youlao Bailiye Fellow Daoist!"

After Baili Ye left, Baili Jinshuang moved over, stretched out her long white fingers and poked Chen Ping's arm:

“Fellow Daoist Chen is really lucky!”

Chen Ping also poked her: "Isn't it the same for Her Royal Highness?"

Baili Jinshuang:.

The little princess Baili Xianling blinked her big eyes, walked over, sat next to the imperial sister, and took Baili Jinshuang to talk.


"Why did the emperor change the aroma to a different kind of fragrance? Doesn't the emperor dislike such a strong aroma?" Baili Xianling lay next to Baili Jinshuang and sniffed.

"No, no." Baili Jinshuang felt guilty:

"This is a new aromatherapy. Just give it a try and change it back after a while."

She had used mud to cover her smell for so long on Soul Refining Island, and it was inevitable that there was still a trace of mud smell left on her body.

After coming back, I can’t wait to soak in the aromatherapy bath every day.

"By the way, Princess Jinshuang and His Highness Baili Ye have been hiding in the Water Curtain Cave without changing places. Aren't they worried about Nanyang coming to find you?" Chen Ping interjected. If it were him, he would have changed places long ago.

"What's the point of changing places?" Baili Jinshuang hesitated and rolled her eyes at Chen Ping:

"At that time... well, that wasn't an injury. Hey, it's true, I was chatting with Xiao Xianling. Why did I interrupt? I don't understand etiquette at all. Let's not talk about this, Xiao Xianling, tell my sister about you coming from the sea. encounter."


Not long after, Queen Silver Moon True Monarch appeared in the main hall. After Chen Ping greeted her, he once again explained his experiences on Soul Refining Island and Canghai.

Yinyue put her four arms gently on her lower abdomen and thighs, listened attentively, and asked a question or two from time to time.

Chen Ping then dealt with two more waves of people before ending his journey back to the city.

After coming out, Chen Ping did not leave the palace because of the soul splitting issue, but temporarily lived in the side hall of Bailiye.

After rejecting the maids arranged by Baili Xianling, Chen Ping closed the door and opened his own panel to take a look.

[Name: Chen Ping. ]

[Realm: Foundation Building (seventh floor): 93/100. ]


‘Now that we have come out of Soul Refining Island, Yuli’s Soul Refining Codex has also reached the Dacheng level, so there is no need for the Soul Refining technique to be the main direction of attack. ’

‘In more than two years, with the double blessing of taking a large amount of spiritual fruits and practicing high-intensity exercises, my state has reached the eighth floor of the Foundation Building. ’

‘There will still be a period of weakness after the soul is broken. It is not suitable to go out during this period. It is just enough time to focus on cultivation and strive to improve the state to the eighth floor of the Foundation Building. ’

‘In addition to realm cultivation, another benefit point on Soul Refining Island is taking a lot of Qiushi Fruit. ’

‘Next, you can focus on applying the Bone Refining technique to your liver, so that your bones will not suffer in every battle and become Achilles’ heel. ’

Chen Ping decided on two key points that need to be practiced in the near future.

One is realm.

The second is Bone Refining.

With this thought in mind, he immediately began to practice the Three-turn Qingyuan Gong.

Two flowers bloom, one on each side.

Helian Mansion.

After sending Baili Ye away, the Helianzheng family exploded.

They originally thought they had lost this junior, but they didn't expect that not only did he not die, but he also gave birth to the precious Qilin Fire. What was originally a misfortune suddenly turned into a happy event.

White turns red.

"We will quickly arrange the soul-breaking ceremony. Zheng'er's soul is still in Chen Ping's body. It is better to do it sooner rather than later, which will help Zheng'er recover quickly." A middle-aged monk with a short beard said.

Seeing everyone looking at him, the middle-aged short-bearded monk said without blushing:

"What are you doing? Why are you looking at me like that? Zheng'er is my nephew, isn't it normal to be worried about him?"

Everyone was speechless. They had never seen you so anxious when the news came out that He Lianzheng was dead.

Another weak woman said softly:

"Now that my son and Chen Ping are back, we can indeed arrange the soul splitting as soon as possible. I have to thank Chen Ping very much. Not only did he save Zheng'er's life, but he will also be Zheng'er's soul melter for decades to come. I share the honor and disgrace with Zheng'er."

The weak woman was obviously Helian Zheng's mother, Helian Xiuhong. Before Helian Xiuhong finished speaking, the middle-aged short-bearded monk immediately interrupted:

"Jiu Mei is confused."

"Why share weal and woe with Chen Ping?"

"This time when the soul is broken, of course, we must take out the Qilin Fire and find another master."

"Then what kind of monk is Chen Ping? You may not have heard of it, but I have heard a little bit about it. He is only Rank One Independent Cultivator, has no roots, and is not a powerful direct disciple. How can such a monk be worthy of my genius? Nephew Zheng'er's soul melts?"

"But..." Helian Xiuhong still wanted to speak.

But maybe it has something to do with her personal character, her low cultivation level, or maybe the status of a woman in her family is not high. Before she could finish her words, she was interrupted again by the middle-aged short-bearded monk:

"Jiu Mei, don't let your soft-heartedness delay Zheng'er's journey to immortality. This is the most important moment in Zheng'er's life, and it is also the time when our Helian family receives a powerful boost."

After finishing speaking, the middle-aged short-bearded monk glanced around:

"What do you think? Don't just let me have my say."

Among the people who were originally silent, a monk came out:

"What Zhongda (middle-aged short-bearded monk) said is true. This is not the time to act on impulse. You have to think carefully about Zheng'er."

"Then Chen Ping is indeed not qualified to fuse souls with Zheng'er for a long time."

"Before Zheng'er entered the Soul Refining Island, I had learned about his situation in detail because Chen Ping was the only stranger. This cultivator was an Independent Cultivator that His Highness Weihuai (the honorific title of Baili Ye) met during his training in Tianyan Domain. Now he is the peak master of a small sect, but he is only a monk on the seventh floor of the Foundation Building. Whether it is his own cultivation strength or his strong sect background, it is difficult to bring better opportunities to Zheng'er. "

"Not the best habitat for Qilin Fire."


As soon as these words came out, everyone started talking.

More tended to strip away Qilinhuo, and voices like Helianzheng's mother were completely drowned in the discussion.

"According to Your Highness Weihuai, Her Royal Highness the little princess was a witness at that time. It was Zheng'er who wanted to fuse the soul with Chen Ping and promised to only split the soul and not take out the Qilin Fire." A monk said with scruples.

Helian Zhongda (short-bearded monk) said disdainfully:

"Your Highness, the little princess, is just a witness. When Zheng'er was on the verge of death, would it count if he begged Chen Ping? Chen Ping was kind to my Helian clan, so he just gave me treasures as a thank you gift. How can he be confused with Soul Fusion? "

"This has to be about strength. He is weak. Who can blame him?"


After a discussion, everyone focused on the old lady sitting at the end.

The old lady was clearly the ancestor of the Helian clan with the highest level of cultivation today - the Gold Core monk.

The old lady paused the wooden stick in her hand and said slowly:

"Since everyone has reached an agreement, let's do this. Zheng'er's future is indeed the most important, and everything else can be discussed."

"Get ready. Arrange the soul splitting as soon as possible. I will also meet Chen Ping. After all, I saved Zheng'er's life."

"Yes, ancestor." *N.

Miyagi City, Bailiye Side Hall.

After Bai Linye returned, he returned the two formations brought back from Shuilian Cave on Soul Refining Island to Chen Ping.


While the two were chatting in the side hall, the ancestor of the Helian family came to visit with several core members. Everyone chatted for a while and introduced each other.

Chen Ping met He Lianzheng's mother for the first time. She was a frail woman. And his uncle always seemed to have a look of arrogance in his eyes.

The ancestor of the Helian family is an old lady who looks very old.

During the conversation, most of them were words of thanks from the Helian family to Chen Ping.

"Your Highness, can I talk to Xiaoyou Chen alone?" After sitting for a while, Patriarch Helian said.

Baili Ye smiled and said:

"Okay, Your Highness happens to have something to do, so I won't disturb you all. Please tell me slowly. If you have something to do, just tell the maid."

After all, this is about He Lianzheng's soul fusion, so it is normal that it is not convenient for outsiders to listen.

After Bailiye left, he said he was chatting alone, but several members of the Helian family were there.

Ancestor Helian paused his cane and said:

"We never imagined that our trip to Soul Refining Island would encounter so many things. I, Zheng'er of the Helian family, was saved by Chen Xiaoyou. I am truly lucky. I would like to thank Chen Xiaoyou for this."

Chen Ping looked at the old lady in front of him and said:

"Senior, there is no need to be polite. This junior has been with Helianzheng Fellow Daoist all the way. It can be considered a fate."

"Okay, what a fate." The old lady smiled: "It seems that Chen Xiaoyou and Zheng'er can be considered good friends. If that's the case, why don't I just say some things directly?"

Chen Ping didn't know what she was going to say and said:

"Senior, it doesn't matter."

"I wonder what Chen Xiaoyou thinks about the soul fusion and soul splitting with Zheng'er?" the old lady asked tentatively.

Chen Ping thought to himself: How can we look at this? What's there to discuss? Truthfully said:

"Senior, please arrange this matter as soon as possible and split the soul as soon as possible. Whether it is for me or Helianzheng Fellow Daoist, it is better sooner rather than later."

By splitting the soul as soon as possible, the period of weakness of Chen Ping's soul will be very short, while Helianzheng's soul will not be assimilated and destroyed, which will help to recover as soon as possible.

Seeing that Chen Ping didn't get to the point, the old lady didn't have time to say anything more. Uncle Helianzheng and middle-aged monk Helian Zhongda behind her said:

“Fellow Daoist Chen, let’s put it this way.”

"This soul splitting requires not only splitting Zheng'er's soul, but also extracting the Qilin Fire. I believe Fellow Daoist Chen can understand this, right?"

Chen Ping's eyes narrowed.

Not only Helian Zhongda, but also several other people were silent.

Chen Ping understood why they wanted to talk alone.

He couldn't help but squint his eyes, feeling a little angry.

He originally had no intention of merging souls with He Lianzheng for a long time. Although this would be good for him, it would also bring countless troubles and push him to the forefront of public attention.

But giving up voluntarily and being forced to give up are two different things.

What Chen Ping heard in Helian Zhongda's tone was not a discussion or a question for his own opinion.

Rather, it is ‘informed’ unilaterally.

Seeing that Chen Ping did not answer, Helian Zhongda continued:

"Fellow Daoist Chen, a disciple of my Helian family, once the Qilin Fire is born, over there is the master of the Qilin Fire, then he cannot only represent himself, but belongs to the entire family."

"Besides, since Fellow Daoist Chen is Zheng'er's friend, he should also consider Zheng'er, right? To put it bluntly, he needs to fuse his soul with a genius disciple to bring him infinite possibilities."


This is looking down on my talent.

Chen Ping looked at these people calmly, and basically adopted the default attitude. It seemed that they had already discussed it before coming.

Only Helianzheng's mother hesitated to speak several times, but in the end she just lowered her head.

Ancestor Helian listened to his own people's words and saw that Chen Ping's face was not good-looking, so he secretly thought that Chen Ping really coveted the Qilin Fire Heart.


Who can refuse a ray of unicorn fire that brings endless opportunities?

Ancestor Helian waved his hand and said:

"Zhongda speaks quickly, and please Chen Xiaoyou not to be offended. Previously, Her Royal Highness the Little Princess asked Her Royal Highness Weihuai to mention Zheng'er's instructions, but there are not many Qilin Fire Lords in our Helian family, and everyone is very special. precious."

"My Helian family has an inherent selection process for soul fusion objects. The owner of the Qilin Fire cannot decide alone. Otherwise, the Helian family would have been in chaos."

"Please forgive me for this, Xiaoyou Chen."

"Of course, Chen Xiaoyou can also recommend himself to be the soul fusion target. After Zheng'er recovers, we, the Helian family, will choose him as the soul fusion target in a fair and impartial manner."

"What do you think, Mr. Chen?"

After all, the meaning is very clear.

The last sentence sounds kind and fair, but it is actually more provocative.

This is to make Chen Ping retreat in spite of difficulties.

How could Chen Ping not understand?

Come to think of it, if it hadn't been for his own soul fusion, He Lianzheng would have died long ago, and how would he have said anything about the precious Qilin Fire Lord?

But now, the Helian family doesn't mention this matter at all.

Opening the mouth is to extract the Qilin Fire.

It’s almost like I’m not ready to talk about any affection at all.

Chen Ping looked a little ugly and said coldly:

"Senior has already known His Highness Xianling's message, so he naturally knows the agreement between He Lianzheng and me. To be honest, I was willing to take many risks to bring Helianzheng Fellow Daoist back from the sea, and also took further risks to fuse the soul. , for the Qilin Fire."

"Now, senior has proposed to take out the Qilin Fire. Isn't this inappropriate?"

Chen Ping looked at the people across from him with a cold face. Whether it was soul fusion or soul splitting, it required the active cooperation of the parties involved and subjective consent, otherwise it would not be completed.

He holds absolute initiative.

Patriarch Helian raised his hand to stop Helian Zhongda who wanted to speak again, and said:

"I have already mentioned the importance of the Lord of Qilin Fire to our Helian family. I believe Fellow Daoist Chen already knows it."

"Young Chen's life-saving kindness to Zheng'er will be forever remembered by our Helian family."

"If Chen Xiaoyou is willing to give up the Qilin Fire, it can be regarded as saving Zheng'er's immortal path again. I, the Helian family, will naturally send you a large thank you gift, how about it?"

Chen Ping has been waiting for this moment.

If the Helian clan is really very polite and is even willing to let Chen Ping choose whether to keep the Qilin Fire, then Chen Ping is really not a good person.

After all, the Helian clan belongs to the Bailiye sect, and it was all thanks to Bailiye that he was able to enter Soul Refining Island to practice.

But it's different now.

Since there is no need for affection, let’s do business.

"What can senior provide?" Chen Ping asked calmly.

Ancestor Helian calmed down and said calmly:

"How about a sword? The Helian family has an ancient sword, which is very precious, but the Helian family has not produced a sword for many years. How about using this sword in exchange for Chen Xiaoyou to give up the Qilin Fire?"

That's it?

Everyone knows the value of Qilin Fire. For this sword to be brought up by Ancestor Helian, it must be something extraordinary. But this obviously did not meet Chen Ping's expectations.

Chen Ping took over the topic and said straightforwardly:

"Senior, since it's an exchange, how about letting the junior raise the money?"

"Young Chen, it's okay to say so."

"2 Gold Cores, 50 bottles of special Peiyuan Pill, 50 bottles of special Bone Refining Pill, 50 bottles of special Marrow Refining Pill." Chen Ping opened his mouth wide.

I learned this through Baili Xianling.

Not to mention the two Gold Cores, this thing is hard to come by and very precious. Every time it appears in some high-end auctions, it attracts the attention of countless forces.

The last three elixirs are also not simple.

There are often many types of elixirs that achieve the same effect, and there are often some differences in the elixirs produced by different alchemists.

Good elixirs are more effective and less resistant to medicine.

The elixirs sold on the market are often the most common elixirs. Really good, specially formulated elixirs are often secretly made and passed down from family to family.

Or because the refining efficiency is extremely low, the spiritual material requirements are too rare, and the cost is too high, it has not been popularized, or even eliminated or only in the hands of a few families.

This is the case with the Bone Refining Pill and Marrow Refining Pill possessed by the Helian family.

This type of elixir is often produced in very small quantities.

Calculated in grains.

As soon as Chen Ping finished speaking, Helian Zhongda was shocked and said first:

"Here, Fellow Daoist Chen, don't be joking. What do you think the Gold Core is? You can get it casually? My Helian family doesn't even have one. And the Bone Refining Pill, the Marrow Refining Pill..."

Before he could finish speaking, Ancestor Helian raised his hand to stop him and said with a smile:

"It seems that Chen Xiaoyou knows a lot about our Helian family."

"Now that you know something, you should also know something about the current stock of elixirs in our Helian family. There is only one Gold Core, which can be given to Chen Xiaoyou, but it is only one pill. Gold Core is not that easy to obtain."

"The Helian family's secret Bone Refining Pill and Marrow Refining Pill can be refined by oneself, but the raw material requirements are extremely demanding, so they cannot be refined just because they want to."

"To be honest, little friend Chen, even if we collect all the current elixirs, we can only get about 20 bottles. I can only promise so much to my little friend."

"How about this, one Gold Core, 20 bottles of each of the three types of elixirs, and the ancient sword still belongs to Chen Xiaoyou, how about it?"

"This is the greatest benefit I can promise."

Chen Ping had already obtained some information about the Helian family from Baili Xianling on his way back from Canghai.

The raw materials and refining conditions for these elixirs are very demanding, so the Helian family does not have many.

…that’s almost enough.

If you want to make more demands, if Patriarch Helian gives up his burden and lets Chen Ping melt his soul, he will be in trouble.

"I also ask senior to send the elixir and ancient sword to His Highness Baili Ye, and he will keep it for me. I will wait for senior to inform me about the soul splitting." Chen Ping nodded.

These belongings are not simple. I am in a foreign land and I may not be able to keep them with my Foundation Building skills.

It is made clear that it will be much safer if Bailinye manages it.

In Miyagi City, no one would think twice about Baili Ye.

But for Chen Ping, that’s not necessarily the case.

"Okay." Ancestor Helian breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Chen Ping agreeing. These assets are not simple. Among other things, a Gold Core requires a huge amount of merit from the Qiuji family to exchange for it. It also depends on chance. It must be available at any time.

But the Helian family has to deal with their mistakes first. For Helianzheng's bright future, these efforts are necessary.

Ancestor Helian continued:

"Without further delay, I have arranged to split the soul tomorrow and will notify Xiaoyou Chen at that time."


Now that the deal had been reached, the two parties did not discuss it further, but only agreed to split the soul tomorrow.

The group left immediately.

(End of chapter)

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