I Live Forever With My Proficiency

Chapter 316 Seven Stars Longyuan

Chapter 316 Seven Stars Longyuan

On the third day after Chen Ping moved into the outer city mansion for renovation, Bai Linye appeared there, bringing with him the compensation and property given by the Helianzheng family.

"Fellow Daoist Chen should keep these belongings by himself. When speaking to the outside world, he will still claim that I, Bai Linye, will keep them on his behalf." Bai Linye handed the storage bag containing the belongings to Chen Ping.

Chen Ping took the storage bag:

"Thank you Baili Fellow Daoist."

"No need to say thank you. If we really want to talk, we should thank Chen Fellow Daoist. Without Chen Fellow Daoist's intervention, Xianling might not be able to return to Luanluo City, and the same goes for Bailiye." Bailiye said with a smile, and then said road:

"I have checked these elixirs for Fellow Chen Daoist. The quantities are consistent and the quality is no problem. Fellow Chen Daoist can use them with confidence."

Chen Ping thanked him again.


After communicating for a while, Bai Linye stood up and left.

After Bailiye left, Chen Ping refined and opened the storage bag.

[1 ancient sword, 61 bottles of pills. ]

One of the bottles is Gold Core.

Chen Ping is not needed now, it is the elixir that will be used when attacking Core Formation one day in the future.

But Chen Ping couldn't help but open it and take a look.

In the porcelain bottle, a golden elixir lay quietly inside. The elixir was roughly the size of a coin and exuded a soft luster.

As soon as the porcelain bottle was opened, a refreshing fragrance immediately hit the nostrils.

The scent is soothing.

Chen Ping quickly capped the porcelain bottle and sealed it with a ban to prevent the medicine from losing its effectiveness.

Gold Core is extremely precious, and you may not be able to get it even if you have spirit stones. Even in a large sect, it requires tremendous meritorious deeds to obtain it, and it also depends on chance. Small sects may not have it.

Lingxiao Sect is a small sect.

‘What a good thing. ’

‘With this Gold Core, there is no need to enter some dangerous places or do dangerous things for the Gold Core after the ninth floor of the Foundation Building. This saves a lot of trouble. ’

For Chen Ping, this Gold Core is the most important treasure among these possessions.

After carefully preserving the Gold Core, Chen Ping set his sights on the 60 bottles of elixirs again.

20 bottles each of Peiyuan Pill, Snake Crystal Sloughing Bone Pill, and Purple Heart Marrow Pill.

Peiyuan Dan is used to temper Primordial Spirit. Baili Xianling had given him 5 bottles before, and Chen Ping had already finished them all.

This is another factor why his Soul Refining is so fast.

Now that I have left the Soul Refining Island, I lack enough Yuli Charm. With these Monster Race special Peiyuan Pills, I can make up for it.

Snake Crystal Bone Sloughing Pill is a pill used for Bone Refining.

This elixir is a secret elixir unique to the Qilin clan. According to Baili Xianling, this elixir requires hundreds of medicinal materials. Each furnace requires seven or forty-nine days to refine. Each furnace can only be made at most. Can produce 1-3 pieces.

The refining process is quite difficult.

Chen Ping didn't know if Patriarch Helian could really only collect 20 bottles of elixirs, but this bottle of elixirs contained 10 pills. A total of 20 bottles was indeed not a small number.

Zixinmuidan is the elixir used for Marrow Refining.

It is similar to the Snake Crystal Sloughing Bone Pill. They are secret elixirs with strict refining conditions, low production, and low success rate.

Likewise, you may not be able to buy spiritual stones.

This shows that it makes sense that these elixirs were lost or were only in the hands of a few people who did not lack resources.

'These three elixirs are all secret elixirs, and their effects are much better than similar elixirs sold publicly on the market. From this point of view, just enduring the weakness caused by a soul split in exchange for so many resources is absolutely worth it. ’

at last.

Only then did Chen Ping focus on the ancient sword.

In fact, Chen Ping's demand for High Level swords is not strong. He is not a pure swordsman. On the contrary, legal training is his main direction.

Swordsmanship is just a minor.

This is completely different from Jianxiu Road heading north.

Because of this, when Patriarch Helian offered to use this sword in exchange for the Qilin Fire, Chen Ping decisively refused and asked for the elixir.

But at this moment, when the ancient sword was unsheathed and held in his hand, he was still quite shocked.

‘What a sword! ’

The sword is two feet and three inches long, like an aloe leaf. The sword body is made of unknown materials. It resembles black iron, but is darker and colder than black iron.

The body of the sword is engraved with the unknown Monster Race totem of a closed-eyed Nurturing Spirit.

The totem has seven stars at its feet.

The workmanship of the entire sword does not seem to be very refined and particular, and even the totem pattern seems a bit crude.

It looks unremarkable.

But when he held the ancient sword in his hand, an indescribable sense of swordsmanship suddenly filled the air. This was what shocked Chen Ping.

This is a low-key sword without losing its connotation.

The name of the sword is engraved on one side of the sword——

——Seven-star Longyuan Sword.

"Seven-star Longyuan Sword!"

Chen Ping couldn't help but read it out. This was the first time he owned a sword with a name. All the magic swords he bought before had no names, and were just generally called 'Rank One Magic Sword', 'Rank Two Magic Sword'. Magic Sword'…

This sword comes from ancient times and has no grade.

Chen Ping wanted to see what level of magic sword it was, so he poured Entering Spirit and felt it.

Surprisingly, the ancient sword itself did not appear to have any reaction.

Not even the potential forbidden lines were illuminated.

Like a dead thing.

After many attempts, it was the same.

Chen Ping couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

But he had a vague feeling that this sword was by no means as ordinary as it seemed.

He held it in his hand and waved it twice. He wanted to try using this sword to perform the Qingmang Sword Technique and what effect it would have.

Considering that this is a demon city, I put an end to this idea.

‘Wait until the time comes when you get out of the Demon City and try again. ’

Chen Ping put the 'Seven Star Longyuan Sword' back into his storage bag.

‘4 items of property, all good! ’

Everything is precious.

After recovering from the joy, Chen Ping took out a snake crystal bone shedding pill and swallowed it.

After eating more than ten Qiushi Fruits on Soul Refining Island, his physique has become more suitable for practicing the Bone Refining Technique, and the speed will be faster.

But on Soul Refining Island, his focus was on Soul Refining, and he didn’t pay much attention to Bone Refining.

Now is a great time for Bone Refining.

After a grain of Snake Crystal Bone Sloughing Pill entered his abdomen, he felt the strong medicinal power spread rapidly in his body. Chen Ping immediately used the Bone Refining technique to weave a spiritual network composed of 206 orifices.

Under the stimulation of the medicinal power of the elixir, a numbing sensation suddenly spread across the bones of his body.

This numbing feeling is very similar to when a broken bone is reborn.

This feeling is more intense and powerful than other pills I took during Body Refining.

Chen Ping knew that this was the effect of the elixir, so he immediately focused on practicing without wasting any of the medicine's power.

After four hours, Chen Ping stopped practicing.

A rough calculation shows that based on the past intensity of Body Refining, it usually takes 4-5 years of practice for a Body Refining technique to reach the 'Grandmaster' level.

But now, with the blessing of Qiu Shiguo, secret elixirs, etc., this goal may be achieved in more than 3 years.

If you focus on Body Refining and increase the daily Body Refining time, for example, double the Body Refining time, then I am afraid that this goal can be achieved in 2 years.

This will be much faster.

‘Set a small goal and complete Bone Refining and Zang refining before striving for Gold Core. ’

‘As for Marrow Refining, try your best. ’

Although the palace city and the outer city are far apart, flying is prohibited and transportation is inconvenient. But while Chen Ping was practicing in the outer city, Baili Xianling would appear in the mansion from time to time.

Sometimes I would ask Chen Ping for some advice on the essence of Soul Refining, and more often I would just have a casual chat.

Just like this moment.

"Na Qingde is very hateful. Both of us know very well about Soul Refining Island. Today, he deliberately asked me for help in the name of his brother." Baili Xianling said angrily.

When she was angry, her slender eyebrows were slightly frowned and her mouth was pouted, as if she was about to perform the lion's roar at any time.

Very interesting.

Chen Ping smiled and said:

"When Fellow Xianling Daoist and your brother were going to deal with Qingde, didn't they collect some information about him in advance? Only by knowing your enemy and yourself can you win every battle."

"We all know each other quite well. Is there anything we can collect?" Baili Xianling said unhappily.

Chen Ping induced:

"Then tell me, what are the unique features of Emperor Qingde?"

In Baili Xianling's narration, Chen Ping learned more about Qingde.

Qingde has a faction of his own, which also has certain support in the dynasty.

This man had previously been obsessed with spiritual practice. He kept a low profile in government affairs and power struggles, and was very low-key. He rarely walked in front of many princes and princesses, making people almost ignore his existence.

This was one of the reasons why Baili Jinshuang and others had not suspected him before.

The current level of cultivation on the ninth floor of the Foundation Building.

This person rarely leaves Luanluo City. He spends most of his time in the palace city and occasionally goes out to the imperial city and outer city.

"He was actually quite flamboyant before. Then something happened and someone took the opportunity to suppress him. Since then he has kept a low profile. I never thought that instead of being low-key, he has become more insidious." Baili Xianling said with itchy teeth. .

Chen Ping was curious: "What happened?"

"He fell in love with a human woman." Baili Xianling gossiped.

"What? Your Monster Race also prohibits being a Taoist companion with a human monk?" Chen Ping asked in surprise.

Baili Xianling observed Chen Ping calmly, and when she saw Chen Ping straighten her waist unconsciously, she felt happy that her conspiracy had succeeded, and then she added seriously:

"That's not true, but the woman he likes is a demon cultivator. The demon cultivator has never been tolerated by our imperial demon clan, so the elders forcibly broke off the marriage."

"Then what?" Chen Ping was curious.

"It's nothing more, let's just end it like this. I just heard that the woman returned to Bei Desert, and the two of them have never seen each other again, that's all."

Chen Ping:…….

I heard it with great interest. Why is it going to end like this?

You can’t do this either.

Before I put it down, if I wrote a book like this, I would be scolded as a mess.


"Is there any more?" Chen Ping asked.

"No more." Baili Xianling didn't know why Chen Ping listened to Qingde's story with great interest for so long. But she didn't care. Chen Ping is easy-going, doesn't mind her status as a princess, and speaks nicely. It's much more interesting than her being alone in the palace and listening to flattery and outspoken remarks.

"By the way, are you here today for something?"

"It's alright."

"Why don't you go back to the palace as soon as possible? As a princess, it's unbecoming to run here and there all day long. What if your mother is worried?"

Since there is no more, why don’t you leave quickly?

Delaying my practice.

Baili Xianling:...

This was not your attitude when you asked me for gossip just now.

For the next time, Chen Ping spent his time practicing secretly in a luxurious mansion.

On the one hand, I practiced Qigong to restore my soul, and on the other hand, I concentrated on Body Refining, increasing the Body Refining time to twice the previous time.

As for some other spells or formations, I practice one or two occasionally.

At the same time, he would go out of the mansion from time to time and walk around the outer city. There was a sex palace a few streets away from the mansion, where you could find out all the gossip.

In the past month, Prince Qingde went out once, stopping briefly in the outer city and going to a restaurant to listen to music.

Judging from the information obtained, that restaurant is Qingde's property.

Of course, such a prince may have many businesses behind him, and a restaurant is not surprising. But the gossip I had heard from Baili Xianling before was that it was in this restaurant that Qingde met and got to know the demon nun.

From this point of view, Qingde's appearance in the restaurant may not be accidental.

Whether it’s nostalgia or something else, there’s bound to be a next time.

What made Chen Ping even more curious was that Qingde was not as fully armed as Chen Ping imagined when he traveled, and there were not many high-level monks following him.

This may be because there are many Gold Cores in Luanluo City, and even Nascent Soul exists, so no one dares to mess around.

Moreover, as a prince, Qingde must have talismans or even real treasures on his body, and he is on the ninth floor of the Foundation Building. As long as the opponent cannot succeed in one move, there will definitely be a big commotion, and this commotion will definitely be noticed in Luanluo City. arrive.

It is almost impossible to kill Qingde directly.

But Qingde must die.

Based on the news he learned during this period, Chen Ping tapped his fingers lightly on the table and looked out the window, thinking vaguely.

A plan slowly emerged in his mind.

In the third month of his retreat in the outer city mansion, Chen Ping practiced spells in the courtyard for a while, then returned to the retreat room to continue practicing the Three-turn Qingyuan Gong.

His level has reached the critical point "99/100", and this is the breakthrough.

In the Qingxiu room, Chen Ping sat cross-legged and started to run his exercises. The rich spiritual energy began to gather towards him, which was quickly absorbed and purified by him, and then quickly transformed into true essence.

As the practice of the technique continued to deepen, the liquid primeval energy stirred up turbulent waves in the originally calm Dantian, and the gaseous primeval energy above the liquid primeval energy also rolled and relaxed.

Chen Ping knew he had reached a singular point of breakthrough.

He meditated on the exercises, looked inside himself, and felt that he was like a cheating fisherman, pulling in big fish one after another without interruption.

Two days later, the liquid essence in his dantian suddenly exploded, causing a thousand waves.

As the waves rolled up this time, Chen Ping seemed to see a wider sea area, endless. After a violent turmoil, the sea area returned to calm again.

Chen Ping suddenly regained consciousness.

[Realm: Foundation Building (eight floors): 1/100. ]

… The Foundation Building is eight stories tall.

From the seventh floor of the Foundation Building to the eighth floor of the Foundation Building, it only took two and a half years, which is considered the fastest breakthrough since the Foundation Building.

On the one hand, he benefited from the supply of spiritual fruits and spiritual materials from the entire Soul Refining Island for two years, and on the other hand, he spent a lot of time on cultivation in the past two years.

Except Soul Refining is just practicing.

These two factors made this move fast.

Chen Ping closed the panel.

‘On the eighth floor of the Foundation Building, the spiritual power reserve has greatly increased. Whether it is a long-distance migration back to the Lingxiao Sect or dealing with a crisis, there is an extra layer of protection. ’

Chen Ping walked to the window and looked out the window. The scene from three months ago reappeared in front of me unconsciously - Qingde's contemptuous and disdainful look when he met Qingde in Miyagi City.


Chen Ping took a sip of the steaming spirit tea.

…Next, before returning to Lingxiao Sect, there is only one last thing left to do in the demon capital.

The time we have to wait for is almost here!

(End of chapter)

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