I Live Forever With My Proficiency

Chapter 337: Brother Manniu In The World, Young Immortal In The World

Chapter 337: Brother Manniu in the World, Young Immortal in the World

Northern Desert.

In a small mortal village.

This is the season of the Spring Equinox, when everything is revived, the breeze is green, and the drizzle is as precious as oil.

This is also the busiest farming season.

"Brother Manniu, our mission today is to water that field so that it can grow as quickly as possible, otherwise it will be late for the season." A bearded farmer said while picking up manure. Another young man who was carrying water from the river spoke.

The young man who was called a bully grinned:


The young man is wearing a straw hat and coarse linen clothes. He easily picked up two huge buckets and rushed briskly to the banker's field.

The bearded farmer followed behind with a load of farmyard manure. This load of farmyard manure was far less heavy than the two buckets, but he found that his speed could not keep up with the young man in front of him, and he couldn't help but laugh and curse:

"Hey, he's really a bull."

"Hey, brother Manniu, why are you so strong? Tell me, I also want to carry the cauldron with one arm." The bearded man struggled to catch up.

The young man smiled and said:

"I don't know either. I've eaten a lot since I was a child and I'm very strong. That's all my talent is."

The bearded peasant man chuckled:

"Brother, you are handsome and strong. Apart from anything else, in my opinion, all the good-looking girls in our village have taken a liking to you."

"Yesterday, Aunt Zhang came to our house again and asked if you are interested in the daughter of the village head Wang Mazi. Her daughter is just like her mother. She has no pockmarks on her face. She is pretty and fresh. She said she likes you. You Why don't you look down on her? Many boys are thinking about that girl."

The Manniu young man was carrying two buckets half as tall as a man. He didn't blush or breath, he just smiled and said:

"I'm still young and don't want to start a family."

"Hehe." The bearded man grinned:

"I'd say it's not a good idea. You've been living in my house all these years, and you don't have to go anywhere. Anyway, I won't be hungry, and you'll have enough food. I'll wait for my sister to come back in two years and introduce my sister to you. "

"Don't laugh. My sister doesn't look like me. She's pretty."


The two of them carried water and farmyard manure to the vegetable field.

In the vegetable field, an old man and an old woman were working. They were the parents of the bearded man.

"Here you come? Why are you picking so many things again? Slow down, slow down, don't hurt your waist. Pick less in the future, you know? Don't think you don't think so when you are young, but you will be in bad health when you get old. Like your uncle Likewise, he was very powerful when he was young, but now his waist is weak." The old woman asked Man Niu to put down the bucket.

"Why are you talking about me again?" The old man blushed.

"It's okay." Manniu grinned, glanced at the fields already planted with crops, and some fields waiting to be replanted, and said:

"Aunt Wang, which piece of land should I water first?"

"Sit down first, don't be in a hurry." The old woman took the Manniu young man and sat down on the field:

"Farmers like this must pay attention to the balance between work and rest. After you pick up a load of water, you don't have to rush to water it when you get to the field. You need to take a break to catch your breath before watering. After watering, take a break before continuing to pick the next one. Carry water.”

"Some young people are impatient and don't like to listen to what the elders say. They always want to do everything in one go. The result? Not only are they tired, but they also find these farm work more and more boring."

"As time goes by, I no longer want to do it."

"But, how can this farm work be finished? It's fun to stop and sit down occasionally. Look at it now, you and I are sitting here chatting. Isn't this a good thing?"

"My mother knows the truth." The bearded man joked.

"You brat, what do I know? You still know how to make fun of your mother." The old woman scolded.

The old woman patted the Man Niu on the shoulder and signaled the Man Niu to continue resting for a while, while she went to weed the crop fields.

The manniu young man had no idea.

It was as if he had entered a state of enlightenment.

This person is Chen Ping.

Sixteen years ago, he left the Lingxiao Sect and traveled across the land of Xizhou, just seeking some great insights.

But I always asked for it but couldn't get it.

Over the years, he has practiced almost all of his spells to the level of Dzogchen.

During this period, I also visited all the major cities of cultivating immortals, and except for the Liquid of Five Elements, most of the other resources I wanted have been auctioned.

But now, listening to the old woman’s labors and insights, it reaches my soul.


Hasn't he been on the road all these years?

Although he was wandering in the clouds, his mind was always seeking some kind of purpose and never stopped to rest.

Seek for the great perfection of magic, seek for the fluid of the five elements, seek for the jade bed, etc. Law Weapon, seek for great enlightenment, and seek for the understanding of the Tao taught by Gold Core...

Until he came to this small mortal village two years ago, he transformed into a bull and took up residence in this simple farmer's house.

Only then can we really ‘slow down’.

No desires or desires.

This is when the ‘wandering’ of mind has truly begun.

In fact, not only during the sixteen years of wandering, but also since he came to this world, hasn't he been 'on the road' all the time?

Because I am afraid of this dangerous world and know that there are too many unknowns outside, I dare not pause at all.

Force yourself to run forward without stopping.

‘Slow down, take your time. ’

‘Go slow and steady. ’

He doesn't know what other people's Tao is like, but maybe this is the 'Tao' he has been looking for since he wandered around.

this moment.

Chen Ping felt as if there was a shocking wave in his body, and countless spiritual energy was rolling inside his body.

The rapid flow impacts the Dantian.

On the contrary, his mood was extremely peaceful.

These rolling waves seemed to him like the ebb and flow of nature.

It’s a beautiful sight worth admiring.

He felt as if he was lying on an empty grassland, with no one in sight, only vast green grass, and layers of grass waves were rolled up in the breeze.

And he just put his hands behind his head, lying on the grass, admiring the rolling clouds and enjoying the feeling of the spring breeze blowing on his face.

That feeling is very comfortable.

Directly to the comfort of the soul.

At this moment, Chen Ping on the edge of the field entered a state of selflessness.

A Taoist image based on him gradually emerged and slowly rose into the sky.

The Taoist images of meditation and practice are getting bigger and bigger, covering the entire fields, villages, and sky.

The bearded man turned his head and saw this scene, and was shocked:

"Brother Niu Niu!"

The two old men also saw this scene and were breathing rapidly. The old woman was the first to react:

"It's an immortal."

The man who has been living in his home for more than two years, eating and living with him, is actually an immortal.

Not only them, but all the farmers working in the fields in the distance saw this scene.

The same goes for the villagers in the village.

Everyone admired the glorious immortal in the sky.

This is the first time countless people have seen True Immortal in their lives.

"That's the Taoist sign of an immortal. Don't look directly at it, or you'll hurt your mind." Someone shouted, and all the villagers knelt down and prostrated on the ground, not daring to look directly at this indestructible Taoist sign.

In the sky, Chen Ping completely let go of himself.

Let this great realization be free and complete.

All the experiences he had experienced over the years were playing before his eyes like a movie.

The experience of self-realization, the experience of listening, and the experience gained in actual combat. All the insights of practice seem to have become substantial substances and are separated from these pictures.

Like wisps of floating sand floating into Chen Ping's sea of ​​consciousness.

In Chen Ping's sea of ​​consciousness, sand gathers into hills, and it continues to gather and grow.

The principles that I couldn't figure out over the years gradually became clear, and the principles that I figured out but couldn't form a system gradually formed a complete system.

The Taoist signs in the sky are also growing.

Hundreds of miles away.

An old man was carrying a little girl through a forest, heading to the Demon Sect in the north.

"Grandpa, what are we doing in the Northern Desert?" the little girl with two pigtails raised her head and asked.

The old man smiled kindly:

"This continent is sick. Grandpa, come over and find the cause."

"Grandpa is a doctor?" the little girl curled her lips.

"Doctor? Haha, in a sense, grandpa is indeed a doctor."

The grandfather and grandson were chatting and walking slowly. At this moment, they suddenly saw a strange phenomenon floating in the sky from nowhere in the south and couldn't help but stop and watch.

"Grandpa, is that the Taoist phase you are talking about? Is someone enlightening it?" The little girl was well-informed and immediately recognized that this was the Taoist phase of the immortal.

The old man nodded:

"Well, that's the Taoist form."

"The Taoist form of great enlightenment."

"However, it is tangible but not gathered, colorful but not pure, powerful but not stable. This person's Primordial Spirit is not strong, so it is difficult for him to become a person."

"Oh!" The little girl scratched her head.

But in the next breath, the Dao phase floating in the air suddenly grew in size, the color became warmer, and the Dao Rhyme became more abundant.

The old man was stunned for a moment, then observed again and said:

"The 'color' is coming up, and the quality is gradually gathering. It's a pity, it's a pity, Dao Rhyme's bottom plate is unstable. At best, it can only be regarded as an average person. I'm afraid it will be difficult to become a great talent in the future."

"Oh!" The little girl scratched her head again.

But at this moment, Dao Rhyme once again grew in size. Dao Rhyme gathered together and never dispersed, showing great majesty.

The old man paused for a moment, then glanced back at the granddaughter he was carrying, cleared his throat and said:

"Ahem, I have underestimated this person. However, from the perspective of Taoism, it is tangible but lacks meaning. It can be seen that the strength and state of mind of the Primordial Spirit are not solid enough, and he is a little eager to achieve success. Well, it is difficult to become a true vertical and horizontal talent. "

"Your grandpa has always been very considerate of people."

Before the words were spoken, Tao and Tao were abundant again, combining form and meaning, overwhelming the sky and the earth.

"Ahem, this."

Seeing what grandpa wanted to say, the little girl covered his mouth with one hand:

"Grandpa, please stop talking. If you keep talking, this person will become number one in the world."

"Cough, cough!" The old man's face turned red.

He coughed in embarrassment and looked again at the gradually becoming more and more perfect Taoism. He stared at it for a long time before carrying his granddaughter on his back and heading north.

In the farmland.

Chen Ping sensed the incomparable understanding of his state of mind and knew that he had completed the ‘great enlightenment’ that he had been pursuing for sixteen years.

With a thought from his mind, the Taoist form in the sky suddenly disappeared.

There was a 'whoosh' sound, soaring straight into the sky.

Now that the great realization has been successfully completed, there is no need to stay in this simple village any longer.

Gotta go back.

Go to Core Formation.

After Chen Ping suddenly disappeared, the family of three, a bearded man, raised their heads slightly and looked at the empty sky.

"Mom, Dad, I heard Brother Manniu send me a message. Brother Manniu said thank you." The bearded man turned to look at his father and mother.

"I heard it too." The old woman nodded.

So does the old man.

That solemn voice was a thank you for taking care of them like a family these past two years.

It is also a thank you to them for making me realize.

The bearded man dropped his shovel and ran home, regardless of his legs being covered in yellow mud.

The two old men hurriedly ran behind.

Back in the simple thatched hut, the bearded man rummaged under the bed, and what he saw below suddenly shocked him.

It was a pile of golden gold and silver.

At least several thousand taels of gold.

There are also thousands of taels of silver.

It is an amount they will never earn in their lifetime.

The two old men running behind were also stunned in place.

"The bull has become an immortal. This is a good thing."

"He is still a kind and kind immortal. However, the food we have had in the past two years is not worth so much gold."

Chen Ping flew southward until night, when he stopped in a desert cave.

I didn’t rush back, but stopped to digest the mental benefits brought by the great insights.

It was not until three days later that the proceeds were fully digested.

‘The Soul Refining Technique, Body Refining Technique and realm have all been completed, and now I have achieved great enlightenment. ’

‘Just waiting for Core Formation. ’

'It's just that the five elements of liquid currently only have fire liquid and earth liquid, and they still lack the three liquids of gold, wood and water. ’

‘Forget it, I won’t look around anymore, I’ll go back to Tianyan City and wait to see if I’ll be lucky enough to show up at the auction. If it happens, that's the best, if it doesn't, forget it. ’

‘Wait for half a year, if you can’t get it within half a year, just Core Formation. ’

This Five Elements Liquid was hard to find. Over the years, he had inquired about it every time he passed through Independent Cultivator City. He had also participated in several auctions, but he had only seen this kind of spiritual liquid being released at two auctions.

It’s not easy to force it.

If it doesn't work, you can only wait for Core Formation and then use other methods to make up for it.

Thinking of this, Chen Ping put away the formation and the Rank Three Middle Grade futon, walked out of the grotto, and drove the split wind shuttle to the south.

Although I have been wandering around the Northern Desert in the past few years, for safety reasons, I have not gone deep into the hinterland of the Northern Desert. Instead, I have been wandering around the southern edge of the Northern Desert.

As long as you cross a few forests and deserts, you can enter the border of the Western Wilderness.

A month and a half later, Chen Ping appeared in Tianyan City.

I booked a hotel room and meditated for a day and a night to recover from my fatigue.

After that, he had another long sleep, and when he woke up, he asked the inn maid to take a bath in a medicated bath.

Sixteen years of dust and dirt were wiped away in one go.

"It's so refreshing!"

Chen Ping put on brand new clothes and felt like she was back in a familiar life.

It's still reassuring to be in a familiar environment.

‘It’s been sixteen years and I still don’t know if Yun Haitang is okay? ’

'Fairy Xiyue has been without food for more than a year. I wonder if that lady has given Yu Lingchun any treatment. ’

‘I’ll go see Yu Lingchun later. Then he will stay in Tianyan City for another half year, at most half a year, and then return to Xiaozhu Peak. ’

Now that he had decided, Chen Ping set off immediately and went to Tianyan Sect.

I saw the disciple guarding the mountain gate again.

Only this time, the disciple guarding the mountain became more enthusiastic. He led Chen Ping into the inn VIP room to rest and poured tea.

He also asked his disciples to go and report the news.

Other than that, everything else is the same as what I saw during my trip more than ten years ago.

"More than ten years" is just a blink of an eye in the long journey to immortality.

Chen Ping waited for a while at the mountain gate, and soon Yu Lingchun came with a sword.

Not seen for many years, Yu Lingchun seems to have not changed much in appearance.

Wearing her favorite white green flower robe, she outlined her youthful figure. Her oval face is pink and translucent, her big eyes are clear and pure, and the two shallow silkworms under her eye sockets make me look pitiful for her.

Decades later, she is still a young girl.

A girl full of youthful spirit.


When she saw Chen Ping waiting in the inn, she threw herself into Chen Ping's arms regardless of her image.

Hugging Chen Ping tightly.

Not seen for decades.

"Husband, Lingchun misses you so much."

…This girl doesn’t care about the occasion.

…There are still people.

Chen Ping smiled awkwardly until the guide left with a smile and they were the only two left in the inn.

Chen Ping rubbed her head:

"Okay, isn't this coming?"

(End of chapter)

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