I Live Forever With My Proficiency

Chapter 342 Village In The Wasteland

Chapter 342 Village in the Wasteland

Before the suffocating pressure came, Chen Ping stepped into the ancient formation.

What came immediately was a feeling of dizziness.

The huge pulling force caused severe pain all over his body, as if countless sword energy penetrated the layers of defense and reached his physical body.

Chen Ping tried his best to mobilize his spiritual power and wrapped the two of them together. His arms subconsciously hugged Xiyue tightly. He felt that the position of his hands was wrong, so he immediately moved up a little and hugged her waist.


The golden armor talisman's light shield instantly fell apart.


The robe of Rank Three Low Grade was torn apart by the space crack.

His consciousness began to blur.

It was as if I could see the boundless sky.

Under the sky, there is an endless wilderness, with only desolate weeds, not a single tree, and no trace of human existence.

An endless feeling of loneliness came over me.

Chen Ping felt extremely depressed and was startled subconsciously. When he came to his senses, he found that the tearing force on his body was rapidly decreasing.

Then suddenly it was empty.

He jumped forward and stood still. Then I looked around and found myself under a huge reed.

"This is where?"


Before he could think about it, the physical pain brought him back to reality.

Chen Ping quickly untied the soul whip that tied him and Xi Yue together, put down Xi Yue in his arms, and let her sit against a huge reed pole.

"Master, how are you?"

Xiyue showed no reaction.

Chen Ping's heart sank, and he quickly reached into his consciousness to feel it.


not dead.

The Primordial Spirit is weak, but it's there.

The body is still hot.

But the Primordial Spirit has become weaker, much weaker than before entering the ancient formation.

After all, the soul whip is just a good Law Weapon, not even a Law Treasure, and 'soul protection' is not its main function.

It is impossible to completely stop the collapse of the Primordial Spirit of the Nascent Soul monk.

Chen Ping tied the soul whip to Xiyue's body again, hoping to slow down the collapse as much as possible.

Then he immediately gave her two pillars of rejuvenation.

Only then did he check his injuries.

Before entering the ancient formation, he was not seriously injured, but more than half of his spiritual power was consumed. After entering the ancient formation, he further squandered his spiritual power. At this moment, his spiritual power was almost exhausted.

Not only was he feeling weak due to the lack of spiritual power, but his body was also injured in many places during the teleportation formation.

The robes were torn in many places.

Chen Ping took a rejuvenation pill and gave himself two rejuvenation spells.

In my heart, I paid my respects to the eighteen generations of ancestors of the people who originally set up the formation——

…This ancient formation is too crude.

…too silky.

When Luanluocheng entered Soul Refining Island, it was also a teleportation array. I didn't feel anything after entering, it was quite smooth.

Fortunately, this time it was all skin injuries.

Chen Ping wanted to take out a robe and put it on, but after all, the one on his body was torn. Only when he reached into the storage bag with his spiritual consciousness did he realize that the storage bag was a little unstable.

I quickly checked the other storage bags.

I was surprised to find that the space of two small storage bags had completely collapsed. These two storage bags were obtained by touching corpses after a battle, and they may have suffered some damage.

On the contrary, the few brand-new storage bags I bought are still in good condition.

so far so good.

If this 30-square-meter storage bag collapses, I will really have nothing.

‘When I go back this time, I will definitely buy a storage bag with better quality. ’

'The risk is too high. ’

‘This trip was really a big loss. Not only was a Rank Three robe scrapped, but two storage bags were also damaged. ’

‘How many talismans need to be drawn? ’

Chen Ping felt heartbroken when he thought of the heavy losses.

But when I think about it, I feel lucky to have survived the Nascent Soul-level Demon Race.

He took out a robe and put it on for himself.

He glanced at Xiyue again.

The quality of her robe is quite good. The whole gorgeous burgundy robe is not damaged at all.

After a pause, he gave Xiyue another rejuvenation spell, then took out a body restoration pill and drew her spiritual power to make her swallow it.

Seeing that she didn't seem to wake up for a while, Chen Ping sighed before focusing on the current environment again.

This is a dense reed field.

Reed is very tall, almost as tall as Chen Ping. Even if he stood up and walked under it, it would be completely fine.

He flew up gently, stood in the air and looked around.

Looking at the past, there are reeds or tall weeds everywhere in the field of vision, with no end in sight.

There wasn't a tree in sight.

‘This is a wasteland? ’

‘It seems that what I saw in the ancient magic circle was not a fantasy, but my spiritual consciousness sensed it in advance before entering this wasteland. ’

Just thinking like this, a Demonic Beast suddenly appeared within the scope of his consciousness. The Demonic Beast had huge wings, like a bat that had been enlarged countless times.

It's only a few dozen miles away from here.

And the smell is very strong.

… Rank Three Demonic Beast.

Chen Ping was shocked and quickly landed into the reed field.

‘It was raining all night, and we encountered a Gold Core-level Demonic Beast. ’

‘Where is this place? ’

Sixteen years ago, he bought a map of Xizhou during his travels. During his travels, he also visited many places in Xizhou and heard people talk about many places.

But there is no such wilderness in my mind.

But Chen Ping didn't have time to think too much at the moment. With his consciousness outside, he concentrated on every move of the Rank Three Demonic Beast.

Damn it.

Coming this way.

It seems that I have been found.

Chen Ping couldn't help but tremble at the corner of his mouth. His current spiritual power reserves no longer support him in another cross-realm battle.

He helped Xiyue up neatly.

After thinking for a while, he laid her on his back, and then tied her up with a soul whip. He supported her with one hand, freeing up the other hand to deal with extreme crisis situations.

Then he quickly fled in the reed field.

He originally planned to cover himself with reeds, but after running for a while, he found that it was useless. The Demonic Beast seemed to have locked onto him. The main reason was that the distance was too close and he could not avoid its consciousness.

He simply jumped up and sped in the opposite direction with the flying shuttle.

Swallow one pill of Qi Gathering at the same time.

While galloping, release your spiritual consciousness and pay attention to the situation in a radius of more than a few hundred miles to see if there are other Demonic Beasts or other dangers.

This observation didn't matter. Another Demonic Beast was found dozens of miles away on the left. It looked exactly like the first one. It seemed to be alarmed and was flying towards this direction quickly.

Is this a bat nest?

Chen Ping took a photo of himself, which was better than nothing, and accelerated his flight.

"Fellow Daoist, go underground. The Demonic Beast cannot escape from the earth. There are currently no other earth beasts underground. It is safe for the time being." Suddenly, a dull voice came out.

"Who?" Chen Ping asked subconsciously.

Fingers clasped together, ready for battle.

Are there any monks here?

"Stop looking for Fellow Daoist. I'm underground. I have no ill intentions towards Fellow Daoist." The dull voice came again. Seeing that Chen Ping was still flying quickly, the voice said again:

"Does Fellow Daoist not know how to escape from the earth?"

Really not.

Escape spells are all Gold Core spells.

Chen Ping remained vigilant and took the opportunity to ask:

"Fellow Daoist, what is the Demonic Beast, and what is its strength?"

A voice came from underground:

"Hey, it's a long story. Fellow Daoist, have you seen the small river on the right? Fly forward along the river. When you encounter the Demonic Beast, hide in the grass to avoid its sharp edge. Try not to fight or make any noise. It will only attract more Demonic Beasts.”

"There are many Demonic Beasts here, and they are not weak in combat. There is a village a thousand miles away. Once you go there, you will be temporarily safe. I will lure these two Demonic Beasts away for Fellow Daoist."

Chen Ping was stunned when he heard this, paused and said:

"Thank you Fellow Daoist."

Regardless of what happened behind them, they flew forward quickly along the river.

At the same time, his spiritual consciousness paid attention to the situation behind him. After flying hundreds of miles, I don't know what method the monks underground used to lure the two Demonic Beasts away. Demonic Beast did not pursue him again.

Chen Ping quickly landed into the reeds.

Concentrate your breath, stagger the stream, and sneak forward on foot with caution.

He didn't know who the monk who suddenly appeared was. Although he helped him on the surface and seemed harmless to him, Chen Ping was used to being cautious.

The monk who suddenly appeared in a strange environment seems to be not weak in cultivation, at least Gold Core

With these factors added together, he couldn't easily hand over his life to such a person.

After Chen Ping walked cautiously for a long time, Xiyue on his back slowly woke up and felt that he was lying on Chen Ping's back. He looked at Chen Ping who was focused on his way, and felt complicated for a moment.

She knew that she and Chen Ping should have teleported to another place, and that she had obviously passed out.

This temporary apprentice once again did not give up on himself.

The ground was uneven, and when Chen Ping was bumping along the road, she followed the bumps on Chen Ping's back.

Only then did she realize that her body was pressed against Chen Ping's back. She, who was always carefree and never cared about this, was breathing rapidly for no reason.

She quietly leaned back and propped herself up at a slight angle, hoping to avoid direct contact between her chest and Chen Ping's back.

But...can't do it.

She let out a frustrated breath and gently lay back on Chen Ping's back.

Feeling the movement behind him, Chen Ping glanced back with his consciousness and said in surprise:

"Master is awake?"

"Yeah." Xiyue said softly.

Chen Ping stopped quickly, and with a movement of his spiritual power, he took off the soul whip, held Xiyue in his backhand, put her down, and helped her sit down against the reed pole.

"Sorry, I could have used my spiritual power to carry you forward, but after coming out of the ancient formation, the spiritual power deficit was too serious, and I had to save my spiritual power to deal with the crisis, so I had no choice but to carry you on my back." Chen Ping said.

After all, one hand was needed to support her buttocks most of the time. As a master, she still had to explain herself.

Although he was garbled when he first entered the ancient formation, he actually respected Xiyue in his heart.

He is a master to say the least.

A great True Monarch whose realm is two levels higher than his own.

"It's okay." Xiyue said lightly without looking at Chen Ping, "Thank you for your hard work."

Chen Ping sat down opposite her:

"how do you feel?"

"You can't die for the time being. But you have to find a secluded place to recover the Primordial Spirit as soon as possible, otherwise there will be endless trouble. A place where even if there is a noise, the Demonic Beast will not be attracted." Xiyue said weakly.

Seeing Chen Ping nod, he asked again: "Where is this?"

Chen Ping shook his head:

"I don't know either. There are wastelands everywhere here, stretching as far as the eye can see. Overgrown with reeds and tall weeds, as well as giant Great Monsters similar to bats, Rank Three. Have you heard of this place?"

Xiyue moved her body with difficulty:

"There are quite a lot of wastelands in the human world. It's impossible to determine where this is based on this information alone."

She released her consciousness slightly, and her beautiful eyebrows couldn't help but frown together, as if she was in pain. After a while, she relaxed her beautiful eyebrows and said:

"My spiritual consciousness can only extend for a few hundred miles. I don't know if it's because my Primordial Spirit is damaged, or if this world itself is abnormal."

"However, there are many Demonic Beasts here, and there are traces of Demonic Beast activities everywhere. Most of them are the bat-like Demonic Beasts you described."

She looked at Chen Ping and wondered how you managed to avoid the Demonic Beast for a long time and come here to drive, but she moved her mouth and continued without asking:

"There is a village less than four hundred miles away from here. There are many monks in the village, but there is a Law Manifestation in the center of the village, so it is impossible to peek into the situation inside."

Chen Ping nodded and told Xiyue about the encounter with the Demonic Beast and the strange monk.

After hearing what Chen Ping said, Xiyue did not make a decision, but looked at Chen Ping.

Chen Ping looked around and said:

"I have been looking for a place to stay along the way, but it seems difficult to find. I will wait and look in this area. If I can't find the secluded place you need to restore your Primordial Spirit, then go into the village."

Although he was cautious and did not rush into the village directly, he actually vaguely felt that the underground monk had no ill intentions towards him.

Otherwise there is no need to help him.

No matter how bad it is, you should just sit back and watch the tiger fight and reap the benefits. Instead of luring the Demonic Beast away.

And if the monk sneaks up on him from underground, Chen Ping may not be able to react immediately.

"Yeah." Xiyue nodded.

After taking a rest, Chen Ping carried Xiyue on his back and set foot on the road again.

But this time Xiyue has woken up, with her own spiritual power as support, and Chen Ping's spiritual power has also been fully restored, so there is no need to hold her back.

He was really embarrassed to take action when the master was awake.

After entering this wasteland, Chen Ping spent most of the day sneaking slowly for thousands of miles, but he could rarely find the kind of hidden, secluded and even sheltered place from the Demonic Beast that Xiyue needed.

This wasteland is too monotonous.

Moreover, there are many Demonic Beasts, and Demonic Beasts are of high level, so you can attract Demonic Beasts if you are not careful.

"Your consciousness is very strong." Xiyue said from behind.

She realized that Chen Ping had been using his spiritual consciousness to explore the road. During several exchanges, she discovered that Chen Ping could actually detect situations more than three hundred miles away.

She wasn't too worried at first, and she was also using her spiritual sense to detect it. But later he discovered that Chen Ping's consciousness was good, so he no longer wasted his already weak consciousness.

I finally know why Chen Ping was able to sneak all the way here safely.

Not only that, she couldn't sense the volatility of Chen Ping's consciousness.

No volatility means high concealment.

Even she may not be able to do this stably.

Chen Ping smiled and said nothing.

His Soul Refining Technique has reached the full level, and he practices the High Level Soul Refining Technique, which is highly confidential in the Qingluan Monster Race Palace, and is a forbidden technique from the human race.

It’s just the effect of multiple overlays.

"It seems I'll have to enter the village." Chen Ping looked at the front and said.

It was getting late, and it was obviously not a good idea to spend the night in such a dangerous wilderness.

After getting closer, he found that there were actually men farming and women weaving in the village, and there were many spiritual fields outside, making it a prosperous scene.

It doesn't look like a dangerous place.

The most important thing at the moment is to find a safe place for Xiyue to recover as soon as possible. As long as she recovers, these current dangers will be trivial.

The village seems to provide such conditions.

"Then let's go into the village." Xiyue had no objection.

Chen Ping took a deep breath and sneaked steadily towards the village.

When we were dozens of miles away from the village, we saw a monk walking out of the village and standing at the entrance of the village.

It seemed that they were waiting for Chen Ping.

Chen Ping put Xiyue down and sensed that there were no Demonic Beasts around the village, so the two of them moved forward with their swords together.

"I haven't seen the Fellow Daoists show up for so long. I thought they were in trouble. It's a blessing to be here. Fellow Daoist, please come with me." Waiting at the entrance of the village was a middle-aged monk. , in Chen Ping's perception, he is probably a Gold Core monk.

They seemed neither sad nor happy about the arrival of Chen Ping.

From the first words he spoke, we knew that he was the monk who transmitted the message underground.

Chen Ping remains vigilant:

"Thank you, senior, for the rescue just now, and thank you for your acceptance. It's not easy for me and my sister to survive in such a predicament. No offense, but can you tell me what the situation is in this village?"

The middle-aged monk was not angry, he just smiled:

"It's okay. Every monk who comes here for the first time is just like you. It's normal to be cautious."

"Everyone in this village is just like you. They are all monks who were unfortunate enough to enter this world. But they are all lucky enough to find this place. They gather together to stay warm and survive hard."

The middle-aged monk smiled bitterly, shrugged and said:

"Let's go, talk as we go."

Chen Ping and Xi Yue looked at each other, clasped their hands and said, "Senior, please lead the way."


(End of chapter)

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