Chapter 359 Runes

In the valley of the mysterious ruins, after a life-and-death battle involving more than 200 Foundation Building and Gold Core monks, rivers of blood flowed and corpses were everywhere.

The air is filled with the smell of blood.

While Chen Ping retreated quickly, he picked up a relatively complete corpse of Rank Three Demonic Beast.

Throw into storage bag.

In this battle, Demonic Beast was attacked by surprise and was caught off guard, allowing the human monks to take the upper hand. Demonic Beast suffered a huge defeat in the early stage.

However, the Canglan Grassland has been closed for thousands of years and is inaccessible. Demonic Beasts have no natural enemies. In addition, the entire grassland with abundant spiritual energy is occupied by Demonic Beasts. This has resulted in a large number of high-level Demonic Beasts on the Canglan Grassland.

As the war continued, Demonic Beasts in the wasteland continued to join the battle, and now the situation has been reversed.

Today's Demonic Beast has the upper hand.

Therefore, during the retreat, everyone needs to be prepared for the Demonic Beast's attack.

Fortunately, Jiang Youwei was powerful enough, and under his organization, the large forces retreated in an orderly manner.

There is Gold Core in the front to open the way, and there is Gold Core in the back to press the formation. Foundation Building and the seriously injured Gold Core monk are in the middle.

Chen Ping's cultivation level is low and his strength is weak, so he arranges to open a path in front where the danger is relatively small.

"Fellow Daoist Chen, come on, you and I will cooperate and set fire to the wasteland!" A thin Gold Core monk shouted after killing a bat demon.

Chen Ping was stunned for a moment.


If nothing else, let’s just talk about how to set fire to these green reeds?

The skinny monk chuckled:

"Hehe, look at Fellow Chen Daoist's dragon fire skills. Fellow Chen Daoist can just set the fire. I'll do the rest."

Without saying a word, Chen Ping launched a dragon fire technique.

A fire dragon roared and rushed towards the wasteland, and the originally green reeds were instantly ignited.

The skinny monk roared and made a Tai Chi posture with his arms. The moisture in the air quickly gathered in his palms.

As he pushed out with a sudden movement of his palm, water droplets containing special spiritual power shot out with a pop, covering the green reeds.

Under normal circumstances, as soon as the dragon fire spell is over, the reeds will burn to ashes instantly. Those reeds that have not had time to burn will not be able to continue burning and will be extinguished quickly.

But with the blessing of the emaciated monk's water drops, not only was the reed not extinguished, but it burned even more vigorously.

This process lasts for at least two or three breaths.

What's even more amazing is that after reaching the Gold Core level, fire escape is a common spell, and it is impossible to be afraid of ordinary flames. The same goes for Demonic Beast.

In fact, the Foundation Building monks have basically ignored ordinary flames.

However, the flames burning from these reeds seemed to retain the aftertaste of the dragon fire technique, and those Demonic Beasts really did not dare to rush forward rashly.


This is not a drop of water.

This is gasoline.

It has to be said that the excellent spells in this world are really all kinds of strange and weird, and it is impossible to learn them all.

This spell is quite practical.

Although the Demonic Beast cannot be killed, it can be temporarily driven away.

Two or three breaths are enough time for this team with only Gold Core and Foundation Building to get on their way.


Another fire dragon flew out from Chen Ping's palm.


The thin monk’s ‘Tai Chi’ followed closely behind.

"Fellow Daoist's spell is pretty good."

"Hehe, Fellow Chen Daoist's Dragon Fire Technique is also pretty good and very powerful."

"Ang~", "Pfft".


Fighting and stopping all the way, when Chen Ping arrived at the first teleportation point, Chen Ping saw an old man standing there from a distance, with two poles stuck beside him, and two bloody heads with wide eyes stuck on each pole.

There is also the body of a Demonic Beast next to it.

"You Fellow Daoist, put away the offensive and defensive formations and let me in." Jiang Youwei shouted.

Then he turned to everyone and said:

"You no longer need to pay attention to the original grouping. Everyone is re-divided into two groups. Foundation Building Fellow Daoist will enter the teleportation array first, and Gold Core Fellow Daoist will be postponed."

"Okay!" the old man said calmly.

"Is the formation complete?" Jiang Youwei looked at the two heads on the pole.

"It's intact. The leader had the foresight to know that these beasts would not give up and might come to destroy the teleportation formation, so he set up an attack and killing formation in advance."


It was different from when we came, when there were more than sixty people, but when we returned, there were only nearly thirty people.

More than half died.

Among the thirty people, Chen Ping saw that there were still many unfamiliar faces. They were monks from the other three villages who decided to stay here.

After all, this village is the closest.

The return journey is short and the risk is minimal.

Nearly thirty people entered the teleportation array in two teams. First, an ancient tower guardian held a token and led a group of Foundation Building monks into the teleportation array. Then it was Chen Ping, Xiyue's turn.

Jiang Youwei and two Gold Core Late Stage did not follow.

Presumably it is necessary to postpone the dismantling of the teleportation array.

Before entering the teleportation array, Chen Ping was a little worried, fearing that the teleportation array would be damaged, but fortunately it was not damaged.

After coming out of the second teleport point, there was no ambush Demonic Beast or monk.

Then continue with the third, fourth...

It wasn't until more than ten teleportation points were passed that everyone finally relaxed.

When he was recuperating at a resting point midway, Chen Ping was able to take a serious look at the group of people.

Many people I knew have never been seen again. Minghe, who has been next to Chen Ping for four years, has not been seen. It is not known whether he died or took this opportunity to run away to other villages.

The contact person of the third group, the head of the General Affairs Hall, also did not appear.

The atmosphere at the scene was a bit sad.

There were not many human monks in Canglan Grassland to begin with, but as a result, more than half of them died in the war. Foundation Building and Gold Core.

This village is like this, and the other three villages are definitely not much better.

The problem is that I haven't found a way out of Canglan Grassland yet.

Everyone was silent at this moment.

Silently heal or restore spiritual power.

"Fellow Daoist Jin, does the broken arm in the ancient pagoda have something to do with leaving the Canglan Grassland?" After a while, a monk couldn't help but ask.

Brother Jin rubbed his sore arms:

"This is unknown for now."

"A hundred years ago, the leader of that war had spied on the secrets hidden in the ancient underground palace tower. Combining the information left by our ancestors and the fragments of information collected over the years, after pondering day and night, we analyzed the secret method of activating the ancient underground palace tower. ."

"Now it seems this is the right path."

"This time at least I know what is hidden in the ancient pagoda, which is a step closer. If I can find clues from the runes of the ancient pagoda this time, I may be able to find a way out of Canglan Grassland."

Brother Jin's words were a boost to everyone's morale, but they didn't seem to have a good effect.

One hundred years have passed, and only one small step has been taken.

So will it take another hundred years?

Will this secret be unlocked in a hundred years? What if it’s just a small step further?

Wait another hundred years?

Not to mention the Foundation Building monks whose longevity is only two or three hundred years old, the Gold Core monks who are five or six hundred years old cannot withstand such consumption.

"Hasn't Senior Jin ever solved the secret method? Can you tell me if those runes are easy to solve?" asked a Foundation Building monk.

Is it easy to understand?

Monk Jin smiled bitterly inwardly.

If it were so easy to understand, the previous secret method would not have required so much effort from the guardians of the ancient pagoda. It took more than a hundred years to do this and lay it out step by step.

"There will be a way. At worst, we have to wait a few more decades. We have to keep faith. The Taoist monks and children I'm waiting for might still be waiting for me to go home." Monk Jin pretended to be calm, but he sighed heavily in his heart. Take a breath.

After speaking, he found that many monks looked at him strangely, feeling baffled.

What's going on with these people?

Why is there a sense of pity in his eyes?


Everyone was in a low mood, chatting about the future.

Part of it was the sadness caused by the large number of deaths, and more of it was the despair of not being able to get out of Canglan Grassland.

Chen Ping didn't say anything.

Although he felt sorry for those Fellow Daoists who died.

But also very open-minded.

Transmigrate has been used to seeing all kinds of life, separation, and death for decades now. Compared with the misfortune of Qingyun Territory back then, the number of monks who died here is far from comparable.

On the journey of cultivating immortality, one thing that is never lacking is the word ‘death’.

As Brother Jin said, this battle is not without gain.

At least I saw the broken arm and those words.

For Chen Ping, this is a potential direction for his efforts to be clarified, so that he will not be as confused, clueless, and completely dependent on guessing as before.

With a direction, many things will become much easier. As for whether this direction is correct, let’s verify it.

After taking a short rest and healing, and counting the number of people, everyone started their return journey again.

The journey was smooth and we soon returned to the outskirts of the village.

When the first monk walked out of the teleportation point, he quickly attracted the villagers who stayed behind.

In fact, knowing that this battle could not be a protracted one, many villagers had even been waiting outside the teleportation point, waiting for the latest news.

"Senior, how is the battle going?" A villager asked impatiently.

But when the Foundation Building and Gold Core monks walked out of the teleportation point one after another, the expectant villagers fell silent.

Many questions no longer need to be asked.

It's all written on his face.

Chen Ping saw the Taoist monk who was the head of the General Affairs Hall in the crowd, holding a child and holding two children, looking hard at the front of the crowd.

When he saw Chen Ping, Jin Xiu and others from the third group coming out, he opened his mouth, wanting to ask something but was afraid of getting news he didn't want to hear.

Watching the exit of the formation nervously, you can see more and more people coming out, but you still don't see that familiar figure, and your face becomes paler and paler.

When the teleporter is closed.

She swayed and fainted.

"Mother, mother, what's wrong with you?"

When the acquaintances around her saw her fainting, they quickly went over to help her up and hugged the crying child.

Chen Ping sighed and walked back.

Such scenes were not isolated, they happened in many places at the same time, and the sad atmosphere spread throughout the village.

Hundreds of years of expectations have gone unanswered.

After returning to Cave Mansion and saying hello to Xiyue, Chen Ping did not go directly to his quiet room. Instead, he went to a vacant room and released the two Rank Three Demonic Beast corpses from the storage bag.

One was a snake demon that was killed in the underground palace.

The other one was a bat demon, which I picked up on the way back.

The bodies of both Demonic Beasts were considered complete and intact.

He took out his beast-killing knife and skillfully dissected the Demonic Beast using his anatomy skills.

The skin and flesh are separated, the demon crystal is retained, and the internal organs are removed.

The skin is for your own use. The skin of the Rank Three Demonic Beast is the most important material for making the Rank Three talisman, so you can keep it first.

The meat can be sold.

Today's Demonic Beast meat is no longer of much value to his Body Refining, and his Body Refining technique has been completed.

These Rank Three Demonic Beast meat has always been popular in the village and is a good source of replenishing spiritual energy. Chen Ping himself has a large amount of raw spiritual stones and does not need Demonic Beast meat, but other monks do not have so many raw minerals.

After the internal organs were disposed of with Dragon Fire Technique, all the meat was frozen using Ice Sword Technique.

Now it is estimated that many people have brought back Demonic Beast meat. The supply exceeds the demand and they will wait for a while before selling it.

After processing the Demonic Beast meat, he returned to his quiet room.

Take out the early stage Demonic Beast of Rank Three, the Snow Falcon, which is only about the size of two or three sparrows from the Spirit Beast bag.

Still dying.

At this moment, when it saw the light again, it saw Chen Ping. It flapped its two snow-white wings and took two steps back in horror, as if it was struck by Chen Ping's sword.

"Don't be afraid, I won't beat you, I'm here to treat you."

Chen Ping took its neck hair, lifted it up and placed it on the table in front of him, gave it a rejuvenation spell, then tied it up with a soul whip and put it back in the Spirit Beast bag.

This Demonic Beast is very rare.

Only in a continent like Canglan Grassland that has been inaccessible for thousands of years can such a Demonic Beast appear. It is rarely seen in places like the Misty Continent.

If Chen Ping hadn't read the relevant information in the book, he wouldn't have known this Demonic Beast at all.

The most precious thing about the Snow Falcon is that its Primordial Spirit attack ability is very powerful, equivalent to a sharp high-level Law Weapon.

No, Law Treasure.

You can take it back to see if you have a chance to use it. If you can succeed, it will be a very good offensive weapon.

But we have to wait until we leave Canglan Grassland to discuss this. We can’t even find the corresponding animal control books here.

‘The biggest material gain from this trip is this snow falcon. ’

‘As for the value of those two stone tablets, I don’t know yet. I will have to check the information carefully after returning to Lingxiao Sect. ’

‘The only regret is that these two things cannot be effective until we leave Canglan Grassland. ’

‘There is only one most important thing now, and that is to get out of Canglan Grassland. ’

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but think of the scene in the underground palace.

Who is Zhao Changxing?

Why did that severed arm mistake me for Zhao Changxing?

In the words mentioned by the broken arm, it seems that he came to this conclusion because of the Sword Intent in me?

There are two types of Sword Intent in me - one is the Sword Intent that I learned through practicing the Qingmang Sword, and the other is the Sword Intent that I learned from the Seven-Star Dragon Abyss Sword.

The Qingmang Sword is a secret technique created by the founder of the Lingxiao Sect. The Seven-Star Longyuan Sword comes from the Helian family.

No matter which possibility it is, you need to return to Xizhou to have a chance to find out.

have to.

We have returned to the starting point - leaving Canglan Grassland.

'correct. ’

‘Those runes. ’

Chen Ping thought of the complicated runes on the ancient tower.

Thinking of this, he immediately took out his talisman pen and drew the runes while they were hot.

Those runes are not simple, they are somewhat different from ordinary runes, and there are so many of them that it is easy to forget them after a long time.

Three hours later, in the dark night, Chen Ping raised his head from where he was drawing talismans at his desk.

Looking at the large stack of talisman papers on the table, he let out a long breath.

‘More than a hundred. ’

‘Finally the painting is finished. ’

Although I don’t understand what these runes mean, I just need to write them down first and think about them slowly.

next door.

Xiyue also exhaled in the quiet room and put down the pen and paper.

Completed the drawing of runes in memory.

She is not a talisman master and cannot draw talismans, but she is a very good formation master.

Although the formation master does not need to mention stroke characters, in fact, when arranging the formation, the drawing of the formation pattern is similar to the drawing of the symbols.

Therefore, she has a certain foundation.

She recalled that in the underground palace, when Jiang Youwei asked the guardian of the ancient tower to memorize the runes, he mentioned that Jiang Youwei would memorize the first fifteen columns of runes himself.

She looked at the runes she drew herself.

...Almost fifty, three times more than what Jiang Youwei had memorized.

Thinking of this, she felt a sense of pride. that you (Chen Ping) still despise my formation level?

The corners of his mouth curved involuntarily.

Picking up the talismans, he went to Chen Ping's quiet room with a sincere body, and accidentally knocked on the door of Chen Ping's quiet room.

"Master? Why are you here?" Chen Ping stood up.

Much of the night.

"Ah, it's nothing. I'm tired of sitting. Come here for a walk." Xiyue held the stack of talismans with one hand, put her hands behind her back, and walked in as if nothing had happened.

Look here, look there, just walk around casually.

"By the way, when we were in the underground palace, those rune pedestals recorded some of them, you..." Xiyue said calmly.

Just when he was about to bring the topic to runes and let Chen Ping see what the difference is, he suddenly saw the pile of runes on Chen Ping's desk.

I was stunned for a moment, because the top rune was the first character in the series of underground palace runes.

"Have you recorded all the runes in the underground palace?" Xiyue asked.

"Yes, Master, do you want to take a look?" Chen Ping patted the talisman paper. Xiyue's experience may have unique insights into the understanding of these talismans.

"Is that a pile of them all?" Xiyue looked intently at the talisman papers... There were at least a hundred of them in that pile.

"Yeah." Chen Ping didn't know what was so surprising about Xiyue.

"Have you recorded all the runes in the underground palace?" Xiyue breathed rapidly.

Chen Ping was even more speechless:

"Yes, as a talisman master, isn't it very simple to memorize it?"

Xiyue suddenly felt tight in her chest.

Is it simple?

After all, Chen Ping has just started Core Formation. Before that, he was only a Rank Two talisman master, and his understanding of talismans may not be very deep.

There are hundreds of runes in the underground palace, and they are all very complicated. If you want to clearly remember the lines of each word, many monks may be able to do it.

But you have to remember the thickness of the lines, the size of the spacing, the direction and strength of the strokes, these are by no means simple.

Rank Two Talisman Master is somewhat underwhelming.

Xiyue walked over and turned over the runes with one hand.

The more he turned, the faster his breathing became.

She didn't know the rest, but she had just finished writing the first fifty.

It can be said that Chen Ping's memory points are more accurate than hers.

"What did Master want to say just now? What happened to these runes?" Chen Ping asked.

"Ah, it's nothing." Xiyue patted the runes and said calmly: "Master just said that you are good at drawing these runes, almost as good as master."

Chen Ping:? ? ?


You didn't even see my runes when you spoke just now, okay?

"What is Master holding?" Chen Ping saw that she had one hand behind her back.

As soon as she finished speaking, Xiyue flicked her wrist, and the talismans returned to her sleeves with a swipe.

Disappeared without a trace.

It was as if she had never taken it.

"What else can I take?" She patted her two slender white hands nonchalantly:

"What? You have to take care of everything? Even if my master puts his hands behind his back, it's bothering you? Are you the master or me?"


Why did you suddenly get angry?

How can a person who is hundreds of years old still go through menopause?

Chen Ping was speechless and complimented:

"How can you? Then you must be the master."

Xiyue looked at Chen Ping with a look that you just know is good... Really, sooner or later, this apprentice will be angry to death.

"If you study these rune seats, you will definitely find clues to get out of Canglan Grassland. Just be my assistant. By the way, the atmosphere in the village is not right during this period, and a lot of people have entered. New faces, I will go out as little as possible." Xiyue picked up the stack of Chen Ping's manuscripts and said without blushing or heartbeat.

"Master, just take it." This is exactly what Chen Ping thought.

If these runes really held any secrets, he hoped to decipher them as soon as possible.

He didn't want to stay here for another hundred years.

As the imprisoner, Xiyue is obviously the one with the most experience.

It would be most appropriate for her to interpret it.

(End of chapter)

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