Chapter 368 Arrangement

PS: The last few paragraphs of the previous chapter have been slightly adjusted to keep the time at the night before departure.

Cave Mansion. Living room.

The four of them sat down.

Nan Nan and Zhu Caiyi are Fellow Daoists invited by Xiyue to participate in this operation. Xiyue has discussed this with Chen Ping in advance.

Chen Ping agreed with Xiyue's idea.

Instead of cooperating with the guardian of the ancient pagoda, it is really better to cooperate with individual trustworthy monks.

At least you won't get stabbed in the back.

As for whether the abilities of these two people are suitable? Chen Ping chose to believe in Xiyue. Xiyue is smart and steady, and has more experience than him in this regard.

In the living room, this was the first time that several people sat together formally to communicate.

After taking the silent notes, Xiyue made a brief introduction to each other.

Nannan has a fourth level of Gold Core, has good combat power, and is a formation master. He has a good set of teleportation formations, but he only has one set, and the distance is not far.

Zhu Caiyi is on the third floor of Gold Core. She used to have a senior brother from Gold Core Late Stage. Before the senior brother returned to Taoism, the two of them often went out and were quite familiar with the mysterious ruins. With her around, he can move around the mysterious ruins with greater ease.

Both of them are Fellow Daoists whom Xiyue has met while on missions in the past few years. The three of them have worked together several times and are relatively familiar with each other.

According to Xiyue, they may not be the strongest, but they are the most suitable and have good moral character.

After they finished their introduction, Chen Ping said:

"Two Fellow Daoists, I believe that my sister has explained the relevant matters to you in advance. This mission may not be successful, and it may even be dangerous. If you are not careful, you may die. Are you sure you really want to participate? "

Nan Nan smiled:

"Fellow Daoist Chen, don't worry. We already know everything we need to know. Senior Chen has made it clear to us. In Canglan Grassland, which mission is not full of dangers? Moreover, this time is closely related to our own exit from Canglan Grassland. sex."

Senior Chen?

The second time Chen Ping heard this word, he couldn't help but glance at Xiyue.

"I have told them my true cultivation level." Xiyue saw Chen Ping looking over and explained.

Then another message came:

"This operation is not trivial. They may not be willing to participate unless some of their strength is revealed. But don't worry, they have all sworn not to leak information about you and me. I will tell you about this later."

No wonder.

Let's just say that when they first met, they almost called Xiyue "senpai".

Chen Ping looked at the two female cultivators, thought about it, and still felt it was necessary to explain:

"Since my sister can trust you two, I naturally have no doubts."

"This trip is extremely dangerous. If you are not careful, you may fall into the Myriad Tribulations and never return. Therefore, there are a few things that must be discussed with the two of you in advance."

"Fellow Daoist Chen, please speak." Nan Nan and Zhu Caiyi became serious when they saw Chen Ping's serious expression.

Chen Ping paused and said:

"First of all, there is only one leader for this operation, and that is me. You have to give up your own ideas in the next time. You are not allowed to make arbitrary decisions in everything. My orders are the only orders. Can you two do it? ?”

This point is extremely important.

If the power of a few people cannot be concentrated, then the more people there are, the more harmful it may be.

So unity must be achieved.

If they can't do it, Chen Ping would rather not take them there.

"Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Chen, it's no problem." Nan Nan and Zhu Caiyi solemnly said in unison.

"No problem." Xiyue also followed.

Chen Ping looked at Xiyue, wondering why you were joining in the fun, and continued:

"After this incident, no matter success or failure, no matter what you will see then, you should keep your mouth shut. My sister has already told you two about this. There is no need to repeat it, but I feel it is necessary to remind you two to avoid the disaster of death. "

"Don't worry, Fellow Chen Daoist, I know it." The two women said quickly one after another.

Chen Ping continued:

"Thirdly, since I am the leader of the team, it is necessary to know the strength of the two of them and the cards they hold, without any reservation. Only in this way can all these resources be utilized to the maximum extent. Is there any problem with this?"

"Okay." Nan Nan and Zhu Caiyi looked at each other.

That's good.

After Chen Ping finished his explanation, he listened to Zhu Caiyi and the two share their respective strengths and methods. Then they continued to communicate about tomorrow's plans and itinerary, and answered some of their doubts.

Nan Nan then left to make final preparations.

After the two left, Chen Ping asked Xiyue:

"How much do they know about my identity?"

Xiyue glanced at her mouth:

"Don't worry, I don't know much. I just told them about my true cultivation level and your current progress in breaking the confinement and its essence. The two of them have also specialized in the confinement technique. When I mentioned your essence, After that, they also had a strong interest. As for the origin of our original sect, we didn’t say anything about it. But even so, they also swore an oath."

"Then they agreed?" Chen Ping was a little curious.

This outing mission is not about finding resources or hunting animals, or it is much more dangerous than searching for resources or hunting animals.

Can you convince them with just this little information?

This has nothing to do with character.

If these two people were really such reckless people, they probably wouldn't be able to survive in Canglan Grassland for so many years.

"It also gave me some benefits."

Xiyue's big eyes blinked:

"I promised to give them some resources. In addition, if the laws of heaven and earth can be reversed, I can get out of Canglan Grassland. They want me to take them out with them, but I can't take so many people out, so I can only agree. Bring the news that they are trapped here back to their respective original sects. The heads of their respective original sects are monks in the early stages of Nascent Soul. If they are willing, they have the strength to take them back."

"Moreover." Xiyue glanced at Chen Ping guiltily:

"I say that you are fully prepared and the risk should not be too high."

Chen Ping:.

I have nothing but means of escape.

In fact, there are few resources here and there is nothing to prepare for.

That night, Chen Ping and Xiyue had a long chat.

The next day.

At dawn, when Chen Ping and Xiyue packed up everything and walked out of the Cave Mansion, Nan Nan and Zhu Caiyi were already waiting outside.

After greetings, we set off immediately.

Chen Ping looked back at the Cave Mansion where he had lived for more than ten years, and said to himself: ‘I hope I won’t come back here again’.

"Fellow Daoist Chen is going out?" Feng Li was practicing in the yard. He was a little confused when he saw Chen Ping, Xiyue and others going out.

To be precise, I was a little confused when I saw Chen Ping going out together.

In the past, among these 'brothers and sisters', Xiyue was always out, but Chen Ping was rarely seen. They all practiced in the Cave Mansion, just like a matriarchal society.

When he goes out occasionally, he is extremely unsociable and always goes out alone.

I never thought that we would form a team this time.

"Yeah, let's go out and take a look." Chen Ping answered vaguely.

"Then I wish Fellow Daoist Chen a fruitful return." Feng Li smiled.

I hope to return home with a full load.

In fact, this trip is full of unknowns.

Chen Ping doesn’t know what the outcome will be, or whether he can successfully break through the confinement of the ancient tower in the underground palace.

However, he had made sufficient preparations in terms of escape methods for today's operation.

There are a lot of various talismans such as the golden armor talisman and the light body talisman. The earth escape is at full level, the wood escape and water escape are also close to the max level, and the flying skills are good.

If it really comes to an extremely dangerous situation, it is still feasible for him to run away with a cheap master.

The four of them walked out of the village without attracting much attention from others. It is very common to go out looking for resources together.

After leaving the village, the four of them sneaked along the route planned by Chen Ping in advance.

As usual, airplane mode is not used.

Instead, he shuttled among the reeds.

This will be much slower, but also much safer.

A distance of 2 million miles. At this speed, traveling day and night plus resting in the middle to replenish spiritual power and release spiritual consciousness to explore the path, it may take nearly a month to travel.

If there are some uncontrollable factors encountered along the way, it may take longer. For example, being discovered by Demonic Beast, or straying into a more dangerous place.

But Chen Ping is not in a hurry.

This time I was mentally prepared.

I'd rather go slower and be safe.

Ten days later, the four of them settled down to rest in a deserted valley. This was one of the sites where Jiang Youwei had deployed the teleportation array.

At this time, it was overgrown with grass, and there was no trace of any monks coming.

"When each Fellow Daoist goes out to look for resources on weekdays, this is probably the farthest distance traveled. Going further back, the traces of the monks will only become less and less." Xiyue looked around and said.

Chen Ping nodded:

"Safety is important. I'll slow down a little later."

"Okay." Zhu Caiyi immediately agreed.

Among the four people here, Xi Yue has the highest actual cultivation level, and Nan Nan has the highest actual combat cultivation level. Logically speaking, Chen Ping has the lowest cultivation level and should have the most strenuous journey, but Zhu Caiyi found that among the four, she is the one who has the most strenuous effort on the road, with spiritual power. Reserves are the tightest.

So when Chen Ping suggested lowering the speed, she was the first to agree.

Perhaps realizing that she was too impatient to answer, she smiled awkwardly:

“But it’s up to Fellow Daoist Chen to decide.”


After two hours, we continued to set off.

On the eighteenth day, although several people were cautious, they were still targeted by a bat Demonic Beast.

Instead of fighting hard, a few people took refuge underground and escaped.

Fortunately, Demonic Beast did not wait long before leaving, and the three women's earth escape time limit was not reached, otherwise a big battle would be inevitable.

Starting on the twenty-sixth day, Zhu Caiyi led the way.

The closer you get to the mysterious ruins, the more traps or ancient formations there are and the more dangerous they are. Zhu Caiyi and her senior brother had been active here for many years and were relatively familiar with the situation here.

"Don't worry, there will be no danger with Fellow Daoist Zhu leading the way. I'll just follow you." Xiyue reminded.

"Did Senior Brother Zhu Fellow Daoist die in Canglan Grassland?" Chen Ping asked casually.

"No, I accidentally entered an ancient killing array and didn't come out alive." Zhu Caiyi took a breath.

Hearing this, the steps of the people behind him couldn't help but stagnate.

Chen Ping's Adam's apple twitched, he stabilized it before saying:

"It's okay, Fellow Daoist Zhu just continue to lead the way."

"Yeah." Zhu Caiyi's face turned red.

how to say.

Those who drown are often those who can swim.

This is normal.

Chen Ping comforted himself in this way, but at the same time he also increased his vigilance again.

Along the way, I avoided Demonic Beasts several times, during which I quickly surrounded and killed a Demonic Beast. I also had several battles with evil spirits while walking at night.

Finally on the 38th day, the four of them arrived at their destination.

"Fellow Daoist Chen, this is only seven or eight thousand miles away from the mysterious ruins. The rest will be left to Fellow Daoist Chen." Zhu Caiyi changed the leader's position to Chen Ping and breathed a long sigh of relief.

There were no dangers along the way, and finally we lived up to our expectations and reached our destination smoothly.


Chen Ping carefully released his consciousness and scanned the wasteland within a distance of hundreds of miles.

Finally found a relatively hidden valley bottom.

This valley bottom is about 7,000 miles away from the mysterious ruins. The distance was relatively moderate. According to his understanding and estimation of imprisonment, the Sword Intent at the current distance should be able to resonate with imprisonment.

There are no Demonic Beasts for hundreds of miles at the bottom of the valley, and even if they make some movement, they won't be discovered.

"This is it, let's go our separate ways." Chen Ping ordered.

"Okay." Several people nodded and started working separately.

Chen Ping began to dig the cave.

With the existence of the cave, even if some small-scale abnormalities are caused when casting the spell, it can still be covered up.

The cave doesn't need to be big, just enough for four people to hide and cast spells.

After digging the cave, Chen Ping began to arrange the Nine Palaces Psychedelic Formation and the Six Suns and Six Yao offensive and defensive formations in front of the cave.

The psychedelic array can make this place look the same as a reed wasteland.

Under the protection of these two formations, an ordinary Demonic Beast in the early stage of Rank Three would only be beaten passively if it strayed into them.

After finishing all the arrangements, I saw Xiyue still busy outside and was confused:

"Don't you have any formation skills?"

"Do you think that I have been busy in the village for so many years in vain? When we go out to perform tasks together, it is most convenient to find out the trump cards of each Fellow Daoist. After more than ten years, who has any valuable treasures? Everyone knows this. These two Rank Three defensive arrays were exchanged from two monks in the past few days. The array plates of the defensive arrays are very old, the restrictions have been damaged, and their own use value is no longer It's big, but I will repair it. I gave away all your talismans, elixirs, and raw spiritual stones in exchange." Xiyue explained while setting up the formation, and added:

"These two formations cover the entire cave. They cover a large area. You can cast spells with peace of mind. It will not be easy to break through two defensive formations in a short time."

Chen Ping was delighted when he heard this.

Unexpectedly, Xiyue still had a surprise in store.

During spell casting, the most lacking thing is time.

With these two formations, there is undoubtedly an extra layer of protection.

After waiting for a while, when Nan Nan came back, Chen Ping knew that it was almost done:

"Fellow Daoist Nan, how is the teleportation array arranged?"

Nan Nan returned from the journey and handed two control tokens to Chen Ping and Xi Yue respectively:

"It has been arranged. The teleportation entrance is behind the cave, and the teleportation exit is 10,000 miles away, on the way we came."

Chen Ping nodded.

Nan Nan spent decades forging this formation here. Her cultivation level is limited, and the teleportation point of ten thousand miles is the limit of what she can achieve.

Not too far.

But ten thousand miles is enough for Chen Ping.

With this gap of ten thousand miles, he could retreat leisurely.

Apart from anything else, you can safely perform Earth Escape without worrying about being attacked by enemies due to a decrease in speed during Earth Escape.

After a while, Zhu Caiyi came back:

"There is an ancient trap about 500 miles east of here. I don't know what the specific trap is, but I have marked it along the way. If I really encounter an invincible enemy, I can try to lure him there."

"In addition, there is a large vertical pit 300 miles to the north. It is bottomless. If we escape with earth escape, we can take our true form there to avoid running out of earth escape time."

Zhu Caiyi explained one by one some of the favorable terrain he found in the surrounding area.

He also explained the situation around the exit of the teleportation array.

This is the value of Xiyue bringing these two people here.

It is also the retreat guarantee for this operation.

First of all, the formation can last for a period of time.

Secondly, even if the formation is broken, there are still some traps around it that can hold the opponent back.

In the end, even if you are stuck and can't hold back, there is still a chance to escape with the teleportation array. There is no Nascent Soul here, ten thousand miles is enough to escape.

The rest is just waiting to be cast.

(End of chapter)

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