I Live Forever With My Proficiency

Chapter 38 Are You Still Alive?

Chapter 38 Are you still alive?

He stayed at the edge of the forest for another half day to make sure there was no movement, then put on makeup and returned to Cloud Link City.

The closer I get, the more I realize the cruelty of this Demonic Beast transit.

The originally tall and majestic city walls had now turned into ruins, and the solid city defenses no longer existed.

There were bloodstains and huge Demonic Beast footsteps everywhere along the way.

From time to time, corpses of monks can be seen in the grass on both sides of the road, with blood still flowing.

When I was approaching the city gate, I saw a monk running madly towards the forest, while another monk was chasing after him.

Chen Ping silently grasped the hilt of the sword, and then stepped aside far away, not stopping the two of them from chasing after each other.

"Fellow Daoist, help me stop him. This person has stolen my spirit stone. Please help me, Fellow Daoist." The thin monk behind saw Chen Ping and shouted loudly.

The monk in front also said at the same time:

"Fellow Daoist, don't listen to his nonsense. He wants to rob me. This person has ulterior motives. Please help me, Fellow Daoist."

Chen Ping couldn't tell right from wrong, and he didn't want to be tainted with cause and effect, so he just stood at a distance and gave way:

"I am of low cultivation and have no intention of getting involved in the fight between Fellow Daoists. Please forgive me."

After that, he took a detour and walked into the city.

The packages of both of them were bulging, and it was hard to tell who had robbed whom.

In troubled times, it is most difficult to distinguish right from wrong.

Unexpectedly, the fighting situation suddenly changed. The thin Fellow Daoist who was chasing him found a good opportunity and killed Fellow Daoist with a sneak attack from behind.

The thin monk took the package from the corpse and stuffed it into his own package. The package was bulging abnormally, and he didn't know how many things were stuffed inside.

The thin monk tidied himself up and smiled gently at Chen Ping.

"Fellow Daoist, this monk encountered a gangster stealing, but you refused to rescue him. This is your fault." The thin monk grinned and came towards Chen Ping with his sword in hand.

Chen Ping didn't dare to run away. The thin monk was chasing the other monk. The moment he took action, Chen Ping saw something. There was definitely something. It was definitely not ordinary.

You can't leave your back for this person to sneak attack.

The thin monk blinked frivolously at Chen Ping, then speeded up in vain, and the long sword was unsheathed with a clang.

Chen Ping's heart tightened and he did not dare to be careless at all.

Directly use the eighth form of Breeze Nine Swords.

The ultimate style.

Then, a stream of sword energy penetrated into the lean monk's chest.

‘Too much tension. ’

‘The other party’s means don’t have much. ’

‘It’s unremarkable. ’

Chen Ping breathed a sigh of relief.

At the other end of the road, two Fellow Daoists, a man and a woman, saw from a distance that Chen Ping resolved the fight instantly and calmly picked up the package. The two of them retreated a distance and stopped there, not daring to get closer.

Obviously afraid of Chen Ping.

Chen Ping glanced at the two Independent Cultivators in the distance, picked up the skinny monk's package, carried it on his back and headed into the city. He didn't bother to clean up the corpses. There were corpses everywhere here, and no one cared about one more.

The situation inside the city is even more shocking.

The originally clean and tidy West District and the majestic family mansions have turned into ruins, with collapsed walls and crooked houses in dilapidated condition.

Everywhere you look is devastated.

‘These are probably caused by the Demonic Beast passing through. In terms of destructive power alone, the Qi Refining monks cannot be compared with the huge Demonic Beast. ’

‘Fortunately I chose to go to Sunset Forest, otherwise it would be really dangerous in this environment. ’

Chen Ping was filled with emotion and walked slowly along the main road, while tightening his nerves to avoid being surprised by the monks who suddenly rushed out.

In the city, the streets originally paved with bluestone slabs are now full of potholes.

There was blood everywhere.

Bodies can be seen every short distance, lining the streets but no one has cleaned them up.

The walking monks didn't even look at these corpses, as they seemed to have become commonplace.

In the courtyards of some large families, servants and guests were cleaning up after the disaster in an attempt to restore the family's glory. But all the busy monks had helplessness and a bit of numbness on their faces.

When walking to the East District, a masked monk suddenly walked out of a house and happened to bump into Chen Ping a few meters away.

The two looked at each other, both were silent, but they both stopped at the same time, and silently touched the hilt of the sword.

The masked monk couldn't see his expression clearly, but his exposed eyes were red and murderous, and he was carrying a big package on his back.

The scene was at a stalemate.

Chen Ping refused to retreat.

The masked monk didn't retreat either.

After a stalemate like this for a while, the masked monk retreated silently, keeping his eyes on Chen Ping until he retreated into the courtyard, then suddenly jumped over the wall and ran away from the other side.

Chen Ping breathed a sigh of relief and left the place of right and wrong decisively and quickly.

After walking hurriedly, I returned to the street where my house was located. It was completely changed beyond recognition, and broken bricks and tiles could be seen everywhere.

Cloud Link City has changed overnight.

Chen Ping came from the west and passed by He Xianxiang's house first. The courtyard wall had already collapsed. He went in and took a look.

There is a yellowed letter affixed to the wooden door, with a few traditional Chinese characters written concisely on it, with the following general meaning:

[The master is not dead.

If any Fellow Daoist dares to break into the house and loot it, I swear to kill his whole family.

Message written by: He Xianxiang. ]

The corners of Chen Ping's mouth twitched fiercely.

When he saw his home, he couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth even more.

The courtyard walls have all collapsed, and half of the house has collapsed. The utility room, talisman-making room and main room are all inaccessible, but the bedroom has not completely collapsed.

Because the front door had collapsed, Chen Ping could only jump into the bedroom through the window, and there was dust everywhere.

Someone had obviously come into the room, and many places had been messed up. Even the few worthless ordinary robes had been taken away.

After digging out of the bedroom, I went to the dining room where an outer wall was demolished and took a look. The Demonic Beast meat and spiritual rice were no longer there, and even the huge rice bowl was no longer there. The bulky pot is still there.

‘Beasts, they don’t even let go of their bowls. ’ Chen Ping didn’t know why he was so angry about losing a bowl.

‘We can only start over again. ’

‘In this case, I don’t know if the caravan can get out of the forest. There are so many Demonic Beasts and evil spirits, so it is probably difficult. ’

‘If this is the case, we can only wait for the arrival of the next caravan. ’

'However, there is no need to choose to leave because of worries about Qi Jianglun's affairs being exposed. As far as the current situation is concerned, no one will care even if ten or a hundred Qi Jianglun die. ’

‘I hope Azure Cloud Sect can quickly grasp the situation and regain the order of Cloud Link City, otherwise I’m afraid there will be many uneasy days in the future. ’

‘In this world, it is really not easy to seek the truth. ’

Chen Ping looked at the ruins in front of him and sighed with emotion.

He walked to the yard and took a look at Yu Qingyi's house. There were Taoist robes hanging to dry in their yard. There were three big words written on the back of the Taoist robes:

[Yu Qingyi].

It seems to be deliberately announcing the message that 'this house is occupied'.

The door is closed.

There were two small holes in the paper window, and two big eyes blinked behind the holes, their long eyelashes flashing.

"Yu Xiao, Fellow Daoist?" Chen Ping called out uncertainly, subconsciously clenching the hilt of the sword at his waist.

The door opened with a creak.

A childish oval face poked out: "Fellow Daoist Chen, are you still alive? No, no..., are you okay?"

Chen Ping: "It's okay. I just came back to life."

Yu Lingchun:

"Where's your grandpa?"

"I went out. He told me not to go out."

Chen Ping nodded and said solemnly:

"I heard your grandpa is right. It's very chaotic outside now and there are dangers everywhere. It's best to stay at home."

"Well. Well, my grandfather went out, and someone ransacked your house. I heard it, but I didn't dare to go out. I'm sorry, Fellow Daoist Chen." Yu Lingchun apologized.

Chen Ping was stunned for a moment and smiled:

"It's okay, it doesn't matter. Just go back and hide yourself."

The childish oval face shrank back.

Chen Ping turned around and looked at the neighborhood to the west. The yard was extremely messy, the door was open, and the house had obviously been ransacked many times.

He may be hiding, or he may never come back.

Chen Ping thought of the neighborhood monk's previous yearning for opportunity, and guessed that the latter was more likely.

After calming down, he took stock of the current situation.

The transit of Demonic Beast occurred the night before yesterday and was completely completed yesterday morning.

Another day passed and I didn't come back until today.

This was day one for me, but for many it was day two.

But life has no tendency to settle down at all.

Along the way you could see looting happening everywhere.

‘It’s too chaotic outside. It’s best for me not to go anywhere now. It’s best to stay at home. Don't even think about ransacking other people's homes. I have no chance of such a windfall, but my life is still important. ’

‘Stay still, don’t go out, quietly brush up on proficiency, and wait until the order is stabilized. ’

‘The bedroom is still there, it’s okay to rest. A wall of the dining room fell down, but it was still usable. And I still have several pounds of Demonic Beast jerky, so I’ll have no problem dealing with it for a while. ’

After Chen Ping thought about this, he started to clean up his bedroom. After cleaning up the garbage and dust, he took more than a dozen cleaning charms, and the bedroom immediately returned to a clean and tidy appearance.

As for the door issue, well, it doesn't matter.

The same goes for window access.

How to say "God closes a door for you, but will definitely leave a window for you", this is the truth.

After cleaning the bedroom, I also cleaned the dining room. Although there is no wall, as long as it doesn't rain, there will be no problem and it can still be used.

As for the issue of repairing the house, let's wait and see. Who knows what will happen next.

After cleaning the dining room, I found a worn Taoist robe and hung it on the collapsed wall. After thinking about it, I decided to copy the sentence on the He Xianxiang announcement sticker.

Without him, it would be enough of a deterrent.

(End of chapter)

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