Chapter 392 Xu Liang

"Fellow Daoist, what does it mean to solve the confusion?" Chen Ping was a little confused and asked the toga-robed monk.

But the toga-robed monk turned a deaf ear and just stared at his animal skin roll and the little Spirit Beast: "Impossible, how could this happen?"

The original complacency was completely gone.

"Fellow Daoist...?"

"Impossible, how could this happen?..."

Chen Ping:……

Jia Zhongshou waved his hand upon seeing this:

"You don't need to ask him about this, I already know it. Let's go and talk as we go."

It turns out that Xu Liang became an Independent Cultivator after the original sect was destroyed. He wandered around various major cultivating cities. During this period, he met a female cultivator who also liked freedom and wandering around.

And also a Nascent Soul True Monarch.

The two fell in love and came together smoothly regardless of worldly opinions. Unfortunately, the good times did not last long, and the Nascent Soul monk died in a disaster.

Xu Liang is also a man of means. He is a genius beast master himself. In desperation, he used special means to arrest the Nascent Soul of the Taoist couple.

It's a pity that Nascent Soul has been damaged to the point of being almost disillusioned. He, a Gold Core monk, is unable to use conventional means to prevent the collapse of Nascent Soul.

In extreme desperation, he once again resorted to extreme measures, inserting his Taoist companion's incomplete Nascent Soul into the body of a Rank Three Spirit Beast, and used secret methods to promote its Integrated Union. In order to wait until the right time, split the Nascent Soul of his Taoist companion and rebuild the physical body.

This will help his Taoist companion to resurrect.

Then combining Nascent Soul and Spirit Beast's Primordial Spirit into one is not a routine move in itself, or it is a rare outlier.

The Spirit Beast then fell into madness.

When Xu Liang found a way to nourish the incomplete Nascent Soul, when he split the Nascent Soul, he found that his Taoist companion's Nascent Soul could no longer be split and was completely integrated with the Spirit Beast.

But he did not give up. In the following decades, he traveled to various continents in an effort to find a solution, but unfortunately he never did.

Finally, he came to Tianhai City and settled down, choosing to start with his best beast-controlling technique, trying to find a solution on his own.

But this is an unprecedented solution, and it's not easy. Not surprisingly, he also encountered several huge bottlenecks.

During this period, he posted hero posts widely, asking for solutions to the problem in exchange for the skills he had mastered in controlling beasts.

It was also during this period that everyone realized that his beast control skills were so exquisite.

After listening to Jia Zhongshou's vivid story, Chen Ping did not believe it all.

This kind of rumor is the easiest to add salt and vinegar to.

The various gossips and rumors about Xi Yue that I heard when I was brewing spiritual wine in Tianyan City were stories like this.

However, although the story is not necessarily true, it is an indisputable fact that Xu Liang is posting hero posts based on the principle of equal exchange.

"As for the splitting of souls, didn't I hear that some Monster Races have similar methods?" Chen Ping recalled the time when he used soul fusion to save He Lianzheng.

Jia Zhongshou shrugged:

"It's different. I heard that Xu Liang went to the Monster Race gathering place, but it seemed to be useless. That's right. Xu Liang didn't know any Monster Race secrets back then. In desperation, he used the beast control technique that he specialized in. His Taoist companion, Primordial Spirit, merges with the Entering Spirit beast. This is not the Monster Race soul-melting secret technique. Naturally, it is impossible to use Monster Race's soul-splitting secret technique. Of course, it is also possible that the Integrated Union time is too long."

Chen Ping nodded.

The Helian clan's soul-melting technique is based on Qilin Fire, so it seems that it cannot be copied.

Moreover, the Helian clan's soul-melting technique also has shortcomings, that is, after a long time, the Primordial Spirit of one party will be assimilated and destroyed, and the gods will not be able to save it.

Xu Liang How many years have passed.

Chen Ping asked again:

"Is Xu Liang so powerful? Can he create his own secret method of controlling beasts in a different way during the Gold Core stage?"

Moreover, what he created himself was not an ordinary beast-controlling technique, but a soul-melting beast-controlling technique.

If it is true, what level of genius monster is this?

"This is what Xu Liang said himself. I don't know whether it is true or not. But he is indeed a genius at beast control. He rarely goes out these years. Every time he needs treasures from heaven and earth, or he needs to ask for some advice from other beast control masters. The solution is often to use beast control skills in exchange. Many of the beast control skills were temporarily created by him based on the characteristics of the Spirit Beast of the exchange monks. They are not weak." Jia Zhongshou's tone was full of admiration.

So strong?

Chen Ping couldn't help but look at Xu Liang with admiration.

Being able to figure out the art of controlling beasts on your own during the Gold Core stage is indeed a genius in this area.

Chen Ping asked himself, he couldn't do it.

"But he has reaped the consequences. The soul-melting beast-control technique he figured out back then must have been flawed, which has led to his failure to successfully split the soul after so many years." Jia Zhong curled his lips.

Chen Ping actually wanted to ask: If the soul can really be split, can Xu Liang's Taoist companion come back alive?

You must know that the complete Nascent Soul is extremely fragile and cannot be separated from the body for a long time.

What's more, Xu Liang's Taoist companion Nascent Soul is still a incomplete Nascent Soul that has no consciousness.

And hundreds of years have passed.

Seemingly seeing through Chen Ping's doubts, Jia Zhong smiled and said: "Many people are actually not optimistic that his Taoist companion can come back from the dead. This may be due to obsession. Or maybe Xu Liang really has some way, for example, he only Pursuing the memory of his Taoist companion, he will not hesitate even if his Taoist companion becomes a real Spirit Beast. Who knows, he is a very strange person."

You can pull it down.

Did you come up with this xp yourself?

He also regained his memory and became a Spirit Beast...

However, Chen Ping thought about it again and felt that Xu Liang might actually have this method.

"What does Xu Liang want now?" Chen Ping resisted the urge to complain.

"It's the Soul Splitting Beast Control Technique. I heard that he has already researched it and is almost able to control the Spirit Beast that was Integrated and Unionized with his Taoist companion Nascent Soul. However, he encountered a flaw in it that he couldn't figure out and stopped him. It helped him further explore this beast-controlling technique. Now he is seeking this experience."

Jia Zhongshou explained and said regretfully:

"His beast-controlling technique is placed in the Spiritual Source Classics Trading Store, and everyone can receive it. But Chen Fellow Daoist does not have to go this way to exchange for the rare Spirit Beast beast-controlling technique. For decades, no one has cracked this One difficulty. Just imagine, even Xu Liang himself is powerless, how can others have such talent?"

According to Jia Zhongshou, Chen Ping should wait in this Tianhai City for another four or five years. Xu Liang would sometimes issue some exchange tasks to obtain heavenly materials and earthly treasures. Such tasks were relatively simple.

How could Chen Ping want to stay here for so many more years?

Besides, after four or five years, we still have to take risks to obtain the treasures of heaven and earth. The purpose of finding the Snow Falcon Beast Taming Technique is for safety, but now it requires taking risks, so what's the point?

Quite the opposite.


If Xu Liang's current confusion can be solved without risk, it may not be considered.

‘Xu Liang’s beast control skills can be used to get started, but at one time he lacked a little bit of method. It may be possible to solve it under the guidance of the panel. ’

‘You can try it, it would be best if it can be solved in a short time. If it takes a lot of time and energy, it’s never too late to give up decisively’.

When they reached the fork in the road, Jia Zhongshou said goodbye.

He had been out long enough and had reached the point where the hot and cold exchanged, and he needed to return home to heal.

Jia Zhongshou stated that he would continue to help Chen Ping find out where he could exchange for beast control skills at the city lord's mansion, and that if there was any gain, he would go to the inn to inform Chen Ping.

After Jia Zhong took it away, Chen Ping went straight to Tianhai Classics Trading Company and received a free copy of Xu Liang's undeciphered beast control technique.

Then quickly return to the inn to read.

After reading the whole article, Chen Ping couldn't help but feel happy.

...There is drama.

…And I’m afraid it won’t take more than a month to conquer.

The beast control technique is called "The Lost Soul Eagle Beast Control Technique".

This is probably the name Xu Liang chose himself.

The art of beast control is divided into three parts.

The first part is similar to the traditional spirit eagle beast control, or it is an improvement on the traditional beast control.

The second part is through the art of beast control, allowing the owner to perceive the abnormalities of the Primordial Spirit in the spirit eagle, sympathize with the reasons for its madness, and gain a glimpse into its essence.

The third part is to temper the Spirit Eagle through the beast control technique and at the same time temper the Primordial Spirit that has been integrated into it. This process requires finding a way to separate and refine during the tempering process, so as to temper only the part of the foreign Primordial Spirit that is integrated into it, while giving up the Primordial Spirit of the Spirit Eagle itself.

And then continue to strengthen one and weaken the other.

As for subsequent operations, such as soul splitting, this is no longer what this beast control technique is about.

Among these three parts, the first two parts are complete. In the third part, how to separate and refine the two Primordial Spirits that have been integrated together is exactly the problem that Xu Liang needs to solve.

This spell is somewhat similar to the spiritual sword that Chen Ping practiced in the Qi Refining Stage. It is also divided into three parts.

The best way to practice is to combine the three parts into one, practice at the same time, get started at the same time, and progress together.

But you can also practice the first part first, and then start the second part, and so on.

This is what Chen Ping is excited about.

As long as the first part enters the door, it is equivalent to the entire spell entering the door. Afterwards, under the connection between the first and second parts, and under the guidance of the panel, you may be able to automatically understand the missing gap in the third part.

Not all is missing in part three.

Xu Liang has delved deeply enough, and what is missing is just a little gap.

Chen Ping has been practicing magic under the guidance of the panel for nearly a hundred years. His understanding now is extraordinary, and his understanding of magic is unmatched by others.

With such a small gap and a panel, it was not difficult for him.

More importantly, understanding the gap is not an extension of the spell.

It’s about completing the missing parts.

In other words, there is no need to practice magic to the level of "Grand Master" or "Great Perfection".

You only need to get started with all three parts.

This means that it may only take a few days to achieve it quickly.

Chen Ping waited until it got late before going out again and went to Xu Liang's Cave Mansion.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, I'm here to ask for a spiritual eagle." Chen Ping also did not rush into the Cave Mansion, but stood outside from a distance.

The Spirit Beast that Xu Liang integrated into the Taoist Nascent Soul was the Spirit Eagle. After that, in order to facilitate other beast masters to help specialize in this spell, he used some secret techniques to cultivate a group of similar Spirit Eagles.

However, those specially cultivated are some Rank One, or even spirit eagles who have not yet entered the rank.

After a while, the rhyme at the door of Cave Mansion fluctuated slightly, and a voice came:

"There are not many spiritual eagles. Fellow Daoist has read the register? Do you have any ideas?"

Although they are all low-level spiritual eagles, these spiritual eagles must undergo special processing and must be integrated with a divine soul. So Xu Liang obviously doesn't want to provide unlimited supply.

At this time, the cave entrance formation has been opened, and the spiritual consciousness can already penetrate into the Cave Mansion, so Chen Ping directly transmitted the sound with his spiritual consciousness:

“You have to try it before you know whether you have an idea or not.”

Xu Liang seemed to be hesitating, and seemed not to be optimistic about Chen Ping. There was no movement for a while.

But in the end, a spiritual eagle flew out.

Chen Ping put away the spirit eagle and asked before leaving:

"Does Fellow Daoist Xu have the skill of controlling snow falcons?"

There was a noticeable pause in the atmosphere in Cave Mansion: "What Fellow Daoist only wants is snow falcon beast control skills?"

"That's right. But if I can make up for the shortcomings of this spell, I'm afraid its value is far beyond what the Snow Falcon Beast Control Technique can match. In addition to the Snow Falcon Beast Control Technique, Xu Fellow Daoist had better come up with some other equivalent skills. thing."

Chen Ping said nothing more.

Turn around and disappear into the night.

Return to the inn and quickly practice the "Lost Soul Eagle Beast Taming Technique" according to the procedures.

Just as Chen Ping expected, he got started successfully after three days.

Two days later, I practiced the second part and officially entered the third part.

At this part, Chen Ping realized that he had overestimated his level.

How is it possible to learn it in a few days?

It makes sense that Xu Liang, as a talented beast master, has been studying for decades but failed.

Because the spirit eagle has merged with other souls, its mental abilities are disordered, which is equivalent to having no IQ, and may even go insane.

Not only that, the spiritual eagle has been treated with Xu Liang's secret techniques and has developed alien characteristics.

This is no longer a normal Demonic Beast.

It is not easy to gain spiritual contact with the spirit eagle during the process of controlling the beast.

Especially once you get into the third part, you need to touch on the Primordial Spirit. This made the demented Spirit Eagle particularly repulsive.

And because this kind of beast-controlling technique takes an unusual path, when you enter the gap, you can clearly see that the gap is very small, but you still can't cross it.

It requires trial and error step by step.

The panel can only correct errors and provide silent guidance, but it is not an initiation.

So Chen Ping needs to keep trying.

He discovered that for every correct step, thousands of intricate paths would appear.

No wonder Xu Liang was helpless.

Once you walk out of a path, if you don't wake up immediately, you will only go wrong step by step, creating countless forks in the road again, and eventually you will be completely lost in the maze.

Fortunately, Chen Ping will be there to guide him once he goes down the wrong path.

One fork in the road, two, three...

One day, two days, three days...

Twenty days have passed since the beast was controlled, and the gap is still there, but half of the bridge has been created.

"Bang, bang, bang~"

While Chen Ping was practicing beast control, there was a knock on the door outside.

When I opened the door and asked, I found out that it was the City Lord's Mansion who came to investigate Demon Race.

This is not the first time. It has become more and more frequent during this period, and even in the past ten days, there has been basically one investigation every day.

"May I ask Fellow Daoist, is there a Demon Race in the city?" Chen Ping cooperated with the investigation.

"Senior, don't worry. As long as Tianhai Lingyuan Sect is here, nothing will happen here." The investigating monk smiled and did not answer directly.

Seeing that he couldn't find any information, Chen Ping didn't ask any more questions. Fortunately, Jia Zhongfang showed up at the inn the next day, and learned from him that two demon cultivators had been discovered in Tianhai City. In the past, this would have been nothing, but the City Lord's Mansion learned from the demon cultivators that The information that came out was that these two demon cultivators were assigned to lurk in the city.

The city lord's palace suspected Demon Race was behind it.

"Does Fellow Daoist Chen plan to stay in Tianhai City forever? If so, I can recommend Fellow Daoist Chen to the city lord. Living in the city lord's mansion is much safer than living in the Independent Cultivator area." Jia Zhongshou suggested.

Chen Ping declined and said:

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Jia, for your kindness. But I don't plan to stay longer and I should be leaving soon."

"Don't wait for the beast control skills?" Jia Zhong was stunned for a moment. He knew that Chen Ping only stayed here specifically for the beast control skills.

"We can't live here forever." Chen Ping smiled.

Speaking of this, Jia Zhongshou was a little embarrassed. He already knew that Chen Ping was looking for snow falcon beast control skills. He originally wanted to repay Chen Ping for helping him find it together, but during this time he asked around and found nothing.

"Does Fellow Daoist Chen have any needs for weapon refining?" Jia Zhongshou always felt a little sorry.

Chen Ping understood what he was thinking, thought about it, and took out the soul whip from the storage bag:

"Does Fellow Daoist Jia recognize this kind of Law Weapon?"

"Yes, this is a soul whip. It is a good weapon among Law Weapons. But it is just a Law Weapon. Why, does Fellow Daoist Chen have any questions?" Jia Zhongshou was puzzled.

Chen Ping was overjoyed, thinking that everyone who made weapons was knowledgeable enough to recognize them at a glance:

"What does the skull on this soul whip mean?"

"This is it." Jia Zhongshou talked about his professional field with full confidence:

"This kind of Law Weapon is one of the types of Law Weapons that can be raised. As the name suggests, the more the Law Weapon is raised, the more powerful it becomes and can be upgraded. Specifically speaking of the soul whip, the more skulls on it, the more powerful it is."

"Can it be promoted continuously? For example, from Law Weapon to Law Treasure?" Chen Ping asked.

"Well, it's useless just to have more skulls. It will always be a Law Weapon. Hehe, it will be different when you meet me. Leave it to me, but it will take some time. I need to bring it back to the sect. I will help How about Chen Fellow Daoist being promoted to Law Treasure?" Jia Zhong took the shot and slapped the soul whip.

Chen Ping was originally confused about the relationship between the increase in skulls and combat effectiveness. He thought about asking Jia Zhongshou, but he never thought that he could be promoted to Law Treasure.

And Jia Zhongshou can do it for you.

Chen Ping said quickly:

"Then there's Lauja Fellow Daoist."

"Hum, why are you and I being so polite?" Jia Zhong waved his hand generously.

(End of chapter)

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