I Live Forever With My Proficiency

Chapter 4: Chef Ding Explains The Demonic Beast

Chapter 4: Demonic Beast

The bright moon hung in the sky.

Chen Ping lay in a brand new environment, unable to fall asleep.

He had been living in Ning Mansion before, where although there were snores, sleep-talking, and a sour smell at night, at least it was within the mansion, with extremely high security.

But now he was in a completely independent house, without any help in times of danger.

Experiencing this danger for the first time made Chen Ping feel a lack of security.

There was nothing he could do, this world was too dangerous.

During his time at Ning Mansion, he had seen cultivators who died in battle, cultivators who were killed by Demonic Beasts, cultivators who died from being possessed by evil spirits, and handsome male cultivators who became emaciated and died after becoming female cultivators.

All sorts of dangers.

In this world, strength is respected.

Without strength, everything is just empty talk.

Thinking of this, Chen Ping couldn't sleep anyway, so he got up and practiced his swordsmanship for a while.

In his skill panel, there were currently three skills or swordsmanship that he could practice: dissection skill, culinary arts, and the "Micro-Wind Nine Swords" in the spell category.

He couldn't practice dissection skill or culinary arts at the moment.

Dissection required intact bones from a Demonic Beast, which he didn't have and couldn't afford to consume.

Culinary arts required some expensive ingredients.

He couldn't afford it.

The only thing that didn't require money was the "Micro-Wind Nine Swords". As for realm and techniques, he could practice them, but he had tried before and it was very slow, making it difficult to advance in a short period of time. The most important thing at the moment was to first practice a life-saving technique, and then think about other things. The "Micro-Wind Nine Swords" was the most suitable.

The "Micro-Wind Nine Swords" was a traditional swordsmanship practiced by cultivators and was very common in Cloud Link City.

There were nine styles in this swordsmanship, with the first style being at the First Grade level. The process of practicing this swordsmanship also helped to strengthen the body, which was a double benefit for him as a Qi Refining cultivator, making it very cost-effective.

As the name suggests, the "Micro-Wind Nine Swords" is like a gentle breeze when the sword is drawn.

It emphasizes the words "still" and "fast".


The movements are light and casual, without causing any wind.


In an instant, the sword is drawn, fast, fierce, accurate, and deadly.

These two words together make up the essence of the "Micro-Wind Nine Swords".

It is also because of these two characteristics that the "Micro-Wind Nine Swords" is one of the most commonly practiced swordsmanship among cultivators in Cloud Link City, especially those who often participate in beast hunting, almost everyone knows it.

During the process of hunting beasts, it often requires quick and accurate solutions to Demonic Beasts. Most of the time, there can't be any big commotion, so as not to attract nearby powerful beasts and cause a dangerous situation.

The "Micro-Wind Nine Swords" can perfectly meet these requirements.

Therefore, it is quite popular.

This swordsmanship is easy to learn, as are the first few styles. But as it progresses, the difficulty increases, requiring higher comprehension and the use of spiritual power.

Because of this, the vast majority of cultivators only know the first three styles, and there are very few Qi Refining cultivators who can practice up to the fifth style.

There are only a handful of people who can practice the sixth style, and as for the seventh style, it is said that only a few individuals can do it, and no one has ever seen anyone use the eighth and ninth styles.

Chen Ping is very determined, once he makes up his mind, he immediately starts practicing.

He practiced for more than ten days.

Every day, he practiced from five in the morning until nine at night, and he had already practiced the "Micro-Wind Nine Swords" up to the sixth style.

"It's great to have a skill panel, otherwise I'm afraid I wouldn't have the chance to practice this swordsmanship up to the sixth style in this lifetime."

"Just based on this swordsmanship, I can already be considered a rare talent in Cloud Link City."

"According to the records of other cultivators about this swordsmanship, when practicing up to the sixth style, under the same circumstances, killing people is completely no problem. This can be considered an additional self-defense skill."

Chen Ping sheathed his long sword, freshened up, and welcomed the eastern sunrise.

He did this every day, while the cultivators of Cloud Link City were still in their dreams, he had already practiced for an hour of proficiency.

"Knock! Knock! Knock!"

A knocking sound came from the door.

Opening the door, He Xianxiang's concerned voice came: "I heard that you've been hiding in the house and haven't come out for a while, I thought something happened to you."

Chen Ping smiled.

"How could that be? I've been practicing in the house."

Chen Ping had visited He Xianxiang's house a few days ago. In fact, he had gone to find He Xianxiang early in the morning on the second day after moving in, but he was turned away several times. He Xianxiang was never at home.

"That's good, keep practicing." He Xianxiang smiled. "Do you have any free time? There's a big deal at the stall these days, and I can't handle it alone. If you have time, can you help me sell some meat?"

"Of course, I won't let you help for nothing. I'll pay you as a helper."

Chen Ping agreed immediately.

"Sure, no problem."

Since moving here, Chen Ping has always wanted to learn from He Xianxiang about profitable livelihoods. Isn't this an opportunity?

Without a monthly salary, he needs to find a way to make money. He can't just sit around and do nothing.

Chen Ping has seriously thought about this question.

But he has never come up with the best answer.

Drawing symbols?

Not possible.

It's not that those below the third level of Qi Refining can't draw symbols, but the failure rate is too high. It's not because they can't learn the skill, but because their spiritual power is insufficient to grasp the mysteries of drawing symbols.

This has nothing to do with proficiency.

It's like asking him to cultivate Foundation Building techniques now. Even if there is a proficiency panel, there is no possibility of any improvement.

He has thought about quickly advancing to the third level or above of Qi Refining, which would provide more ways to make money.

But he has found that advancing in realm is particularly difficult and not easy. It is not an easy task to advance to the third level or above in a short period of time.

Formation arrays?


Artifact refining?

These are not something a rookie at the first level of Qi Refining can reach.

These are all high-end activities.

Hunting beasts?

He won't do that anymore.

The reason he moved out of Ning Mansion was because he didn't want to go out of Cloud Link City to do dangerous tasks.

Now that he has become a true Independent Cultivator, it is even more impossible for him to take such risks.

The death rate of Independent Cultivators hunting beasts in teams is much higher than that of family teams.

So, gathering herbs?

Not possible either.

Just like hunting beasts, it requires going deep into the endless forest, which is equally dangerous.

He is still too weak.

He must find a way to make money that suits him.

In the market, at the butcher shop.

"Oh, selling meat today? Did you bring a helper?"

"Look, a young person who is willing to sell meat."


As soon as Chen Ping and He Xianxiang arrived, they were greeted with teasing from the owners of nearby stalls. Everyone was joking and it seemed like they had a good relationship.

Chen Ping greeted everyone with a smile.

After preparing, without waiting for He Xianxiang to assign tasks, Chen Ping picked up a knife and started deboning the Demonic Beast meat.

"Wait, have you ever cut meat before? Should I teach you? Don't damage the bones, they can also be sold." He Xianxiang quickly stopped Chen Ping, throwing out a series of questions, afraid of causing any losses.

Chen Ping calmly said,

"Don't worry, I've been slaughtering pigs for thirty years, one knife, nine hundred and ninety-nine times. You can rest assured."


"Oh, it's nothing."

While speaking, Chen Ping skillfully cut the meat. With a few swift strokes, the meat and bones were cleanly separated, without even a trace of damage to the bones, and even the precious tendons were perfectly removed.

The whole process was smooth and seamless.

He Xianxiang was dumbfounded, "Have you been cutting meat all these years at Ning Mansion?"

"More or less." Chen Ping replied casually.

"Wow, I've been working on my knife skills for decades, and I feel like I can't compare to you at all." He Xianxiang couldn't believe it.

Without decades of knife skills, it would be impossible to achieve this level.

When they worked together at Ning Mansion, this kid didn't even know how to dissect Demonic Beast meat.

Chen Ping smiled, "Senior He is too modest. There are many tricks to dealing with meat, and I only understand some knife skills, I can't compare to you."

This is not false modesty, it's the truth.

Every industry has its own tricks.

Clearly, dealing with meat is no exception.

(End of this chapter)

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