I Live Forever With My Proficiency

Chapter 40 Corpse Porter

Chapter 40 Corpse Porter

Over the past few days, all the talk in Cloud Link City after dinner was about the Demonic Beast migration disaster.

Chen Ping knew the general situation without asking around.

Cloud Link City has lost contact with Azure Cloud Sect, and we don’t know what the situation is outside.

This means that the city defense has lost its backbone and support.

In Cloud Link City, the leader of the city defense died in this disaster. Not only that, many city defenses were not spared either. The remaining city defenses could not resist the temptation of looting during this period and joined the looting army one after another. Their status in the hearts of the Independent Cultivators plummeted.

The city's defenses were almost falling apart and unsustainable.

Cloud Link City is in an unprecedented state of disorganization, or in other words, it is difficult for the organization to maintain the order of the existing Cloud Link City.

In this disaster, no less than one-fifth of the population of Cloud Link City died.

The Demonic Beast arrived too suddenly, and it was late at night, so many people had no time to escape. Especially in the Independent Cultivator near the east wall of the city, almost no one was spared.

There has been a major reshuffle of the Independent Cultivator residences in Cloud Link City. A large number of Independent Cultivators moved closer to the center and each found an uninhabited house to temporarily live in. The places closer to the city wall were basically vacant.

After several days of looting, most of the empty houses that had lost their owners had not been looted. The phenomenon of rummaging through other people's houses has gradually decreased and is now rare.

I searched again and again, but couldn't find any treasure.

Cloud Link City begins to calm down.

Because a large number of houses collapsed, when people recovered from the frenzy of looting, they began to reconsider their life, livelihood and spiritual practice.

After all, no matter how messy the past is, life must go on.

On the sixth day after the disaster, Yu Qingyi called together more than 40 households near this street.

"Everyone, we can count on the city defense for the time being. Cloud Link City has become calm now, and we have to continue to live our lives. I suggest that the neighbors work together to at least maintain the order of this street."

Yu Qingyi is highly respected in the entire Independent Cultivator district, let alone in this street, so basically everyone responds to him.

Everyone agreed.

Chen Ping was secretly glad that he had chosen a good house. In this case, it is the best thing to have someone with enough strength and prestige to stand up and lead everyone.

Many streets are still in a tense, disorderly or confused atmosphere.

"What suggestions does Mr. Yu have? The monks in this street will form a patrol team themselves? In this case, I am willing to serve as the captain of the patrol team." One monk said eagerly.

"I think the priority is to unite with other streets and establish a temporary trading market. It doesn't matter if it is smaller, otherwise life will be unsustainable." A monk who made a lot of money advised.


Yu Qingyi finally said:

"What you Fellow Daoists said makes sense, but these are not the most urgent things. You can wait and see. The most urgent thing now is to repair the entire street as before. Fellow Daoists, please take a look, there have been corpses on the street for so many days. It is still in the same place, the stone road is still full of potholes, and the broken walls in some places even block the road... How unbecoming is this? These must be cleaned and repaired. Only in this way can the street be restored to normal and those monks with evil intentions will not dare to rash."

"What do you think?"

Yu Qingyi's words make sense... Chen Ping thought secretly.

It's just that Yu Qingyi doesn't understand the concept of later generations, otherwise he would definitely know that this is called the "broken window effect."

As long as this street remains in disarray, those monks with evil intentions don't mind throwing an extra stone. But if the whole street is clean and tidy, it will have a positive effect.

Potential deterrent to gangsters.

Because Yu Qingyi was highly respected and well-spoken, the plan was quickly passed.

Someone suggested going to Fangshi to find mortal laborers or Qi Refining warriors at the lowest level.

But it was quickly rejected.

At this time, not to mention many low-level mortals and Qi Refining warriors failed to escape this disaster. Among those who survived, due to the redistribution of interests, some people currently do not lack a little money, while other low-level monks are unwilling to take risks. And those who are willing to come out have already been divided up by the West District families and the business houses in the city.

You can only do it yourself.

Next is the division of labor.

Some go to transport stones outside the city, some clean up blood stains, some lay street floors, some dispose of corpses, and some clean up the ruins of public areas...

As a young and strong man, Chen Ping was assigned the job of carrying corpses.

Chen Ping didn't say anything. It was natural to contribute to his own living environment.

You can avoid danger, but you cannot avoid responsibility.

"Fellow Daoist Chen, let's go. These tasks are not too many. Finish them early and rest early." A strong middle-aged monk greeted Chen Ping.

"Fellow Daoist, wait a moment, I'll be there soon."

Chen Ping answered without raising his head and was busy applying talismans to himself.

He lifted up his robe and put evil-proof talismans on his legs. He had many such talismans. After attaching it to the legs, do the same thing on the arms. Then put the excess on your chest.

The same goes for the Evil Suppression Talisman.

As long as these talismans are not destroyed, they can be used repeatedly, which is perfect for self-defense.

Fellow Daoist, a strong man on the side, couldn't help but sneer: "You, you don't know, you think Fellow Daoist is going to cross the endless woods!"

Just this street.

Just cleaning up the bodies!

Chen Ping just smiled and was busy putting up the charms... Those corpses had been dead for five or six days. Who knows whether the resentment has dissipated and whether the evil spirits have turned into evil spirits?


It's definitely not low risk to bury the body outside the city! !

It was early winter, and although Cloud Link City, located at the southwest end of the Misty Continent, was not flooded with heavy snow and winter, the temperature had begun to drop sharply and the wind was biting.

In such weather, the body that had been dead on the street for several days did not show signs of decay, but was just a little stiff.

Such a body is not difficult to transport.

What Chen Ping and his companions need to do is to carry the body onto a wooden cart and then take it outside the city to bury it. The rest of the task is not theirs.

Neighbors have a clear division of labor.

'Um? What's this? ’

‘There is actually a Low Grade spiritual stone. An unexpected surprise is great. ’

Chen Ping put the body away and silently confiscated the spirit stone... It was a little less, but fly meat is also meat, so a little adds up to a lot.

He carefully moved several corpses, and then pulled them out of the city with a few Fellow Daoists.

The further east you go, the more trampled the streets become. It's no less than a major earthquake, far more serious than the west side. There are ruins everywhere you look.

‘I’m afraid it will not be easy to build this city again, and it will take a lot of time. ’

‘I’m afraid it will be difficult to completely recover from the chaos in a short period of time. ’

Chen Ping thought to himself.

After leaving the city, they walked a short distance toward the forest, but the closer they got to the forest, the more eerie they felt. Chen Ping touched the evil-proof charm in his arms and felt a little warm.

"Just bury it here, we can't go any further." Chen Ping suggested.

“What Fellow Chen Daoist said is absolutely true.”

"I think so too."


Several other teammates echoed.

‘Good Fellow Daoist, I’ll see you next time for cooperation. ’ Chen Ping gave them a thumbs up in his heart.

If there are such Fellow Daoists all over the world, why worry about not working together on the path to eternal life?

Such monks are the right path in the world.

You should be given a certificate!

"Hold on, everyone, my evil amulet is a little hot." A monk also discovered something unusual.

Having just experienced Demonic Beast and evil spirits, most monks still have lingering fears in their hearts.

No one wants to take unnecessary risks.

Chen Ping took the opportunity to ask:

"Has Fellow Daoist been here before? Is the evil amulet so easy to generate heat?"

If the evil amulet generates heat, it means the existence of evil spirits.

Evil spirits are evil spirits and monsters.

Evil spirits are weird and unpredictable, and their traces are hard to find. The world knows very little about them, and they are often more difficult to deal with than demon cultivators, demons, and Demonic Cultivators who can see their form.

Some evil spirits are just wandering souls and will not hurt people, but some evil spirits are so evil that the risk factor is very high.

"I've been here before, why haven't I been here before? I've been to the forest dozens of miles deep. It's not like this." Fellow Daoist said while digging a hole.

Chen Ping understands.

I am afraid that the number of monsters and monsters in the forest has increased. Maybe they have not completely crossed the border, or maybe they have migrated again from the depths.

This is not good news for Cloud Link City.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit heavy, Chen Ping wanted to liven up the atmosphere for everyone, so he said:

"Hurry up and dig. If it's too late, I might be waiting for you."


Hey hoo, hey hoo.

Everyone dug the hole faster in silence.

These teammates,

Awesome! !

Dear book lovers, it’s 100,000 words, and today I finally put it to the test. Anyone who thinks it's barely okay should give it a follow-up read. I hope it can be added to the recommendation list next week. Come to me with monthly passes, recommendation tickets, follow-up reading, etc.!

(End of chapter)

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