I Live Forever With My Proficiency

Chapter 402 Backlash (Please Vote For Me At The End Of The Month)

Chapter 402 Backlash (please vote for me at the end of the month)

Independent Cultivator City. Cloud City.

Chen Ping bought a few baseplates for refining in Independent Cultivator City, and then walked with Yun Lingshan in Independent Cultivator City, wanting to inspect the operation of Yuncheng. Chen Ping's occasional appearance in the city as a Gold Core is beneficial to the maintenance of Independent Cultivator City. of stability.

Nowadays, it can be seen that many merchants in Yuncheng have begun to feel a sense of "panic" anxiety.

Obviously, Gong Zhiyuan's expansion in the southwest of Xihuang has had a significant impact on the surrounding Xiuxian cities.

The Independent Cultivator, which has no roots and no roots, is fine.

But some families and businesses that have been rooted here for a long time are different. Once turmoil such as sect wars and mergers occur, they will be the first to be affected.

They were also affected by the redistribution of business layout after the war.

"Nowadays, many caravans from the Outer Sect are no longer willing to go to Qingyun Territory. The prices of some elixirs, talismans and other items in Independent Cultivator City have begun to rise. Some merchants have begun to hoard goods and no longer sell them to the outside world." When people walked side by side, Yun Lingshan was a little worried.

Chen Ping can naturally feel this atmosphere.

You can even occasionally hear discussions among Independent Cultivators.

"All our stores don't need to do this, they can just sell it normally. We can also supply more goods if necessary, without having to worry about inventory issues." Chen Ping understood.

He still has confidence in the seven-injury technique at full level.

It is not difficult to injure a Gold Core 7th level Gong Zhiyuan.

As for whether the sect behind Gong Zhiyuan will send other monks over after Gong Zhiyuan's setback? Chen Ping Judging from Gong Zhiyuan's previous move to leave the original sect in order to expand, it is unlikely.

Either the original sect had nothing to do with this matter.

Or, even if he was really the mastermind, he would definitely have some scruples, otherwise he wouldn't have taken the step of letting Gong Zhiyuan leave the sect.

Therefore, even if new candidates are to be sent out, it will not be a matter of time.

Yun Lingshan only thought that Chen Ping was trying to maintain stability, so she didn't ask any questions and just nodded in agreement.

"Master, if we really want to move the sect, should we follow the Lingxiao Sect? Or go to Tianyan City?" Yun Lingshan turned around and asked.

"What about you? Where do you want to go?" Chen Ping asked with interest.

Yun Lingshan put her hands behind her back and weighed her light steps:

"You are the master and Lingshan is the apprentice, so naturally Lingshan will go wherever you go."

The slight sun hit her body, reflecting half of the reddish color, blending the quiet time.

Yun Lingshan is different from Yu Lingchun and Yun Haitang.

Yu Lingchun has the character of the junior sister next door, clingy and warm-hearted. Yun Haitang, on the other hand, has a somewhat cold, more noble air, and talks relatively little.

Yun Lingshan is different.

She is between these two styles. She has the sense of propriety of a lady and is not too clingy, but she is also elegant and generous with the playfulness of this girl.

You feel very comfortable talking to her.

Chen Ping looked back and said with a smile:

"It's not yet to the point of moving the clan. Just do my part first, don't worry too much. Maybe one day I wake up and find Gong Zhiyuan and change the direction and stop being obsessed with expansion."

Yun Lingshan curled her lips and smiled slightly.

I just feel that my master is too optimistic.

Several other families have begun to prepare for the worst.

"By the way, what's going on with the Xunlong Sect?" Chen Ping asked.

Many people are paying attention to this matter, especially the major families within Lingxiao Sect and Independent Cultivator City, who are all spying on information.

The Yun family is no exception.

It's just that Chen Ping has been reclusive and has not inquired.

"Judging from the news coming back, Gong Zhiyuan has almost captured Jishang Palace. It is estimated that he will aim at a new target in about two months at most. I hope he will not choose to go north." Yun Lingshan frowned slightly.

So fast?

It seems that this supreme palace also has French potential.

Chen Ping was unable to complain.

Thinking of Xu Ruyan's departure for more than two months, if Gong Zhiyuan returns to Xunlong Sect, it will be almost time for Xu Ruyan to come back.

The two continued to circle for a while.

Yun Lingshan gave Chen Ping the Body Refining medicinal package prepared by Yu Lingchun.

The medicinal material package used with the Rank Three Body Refining technique is not simple, and the raw materials are not cheap. Chen Ping's share of the talisman revenue is actually far from enough. Yun Lingshan used her own savings to help purchase a batch of spiritual materials.

Chen Ping gave some of the property he gained from killing several Foundation Building monks in Haohan City and Qibao City to his apprentice. These were of no use to him, but they were very good to Yun Lingshan.

After leaving Independent Cultivator City, Chen Ping returned to Xiaozhu Peak alone.

After Yun Lingshan became an official apprentice, she had actually moved into Xiaozhu Peak, but because she still had to take care of the affairs of the Fulu Division and the family team, she often stayed in the Independent Cultivator City Yun Mansion.

Chen Ping did not go directly back to the summit platform, but first went to the Lingtian below the mountainside to inspect.

The ecology on Lingtian and Xiaozhu Peak is well taken care of.

There is an atmosphere of chirping birds and fragrant flowers everywhere.

The aura is also very strong.

Yunfeng did not lie on this point. His son Cloud Mountain was indeed good at cultivating and managing spiritual plants.

There are signs that the blue is better than the blue.

Cloud Mountain introduced Chen Ping to the ecological situation here in a clear and logical manner.

"Meet Immortal Master Chen."

While Chen Ping was inspecting the spiritual field, one of the children working stood up to say hello.

The child looks seven or eight years old, with dark skin, but looks very capable.

Full of energy.

When he greeted Chen Ping, his face was filled with a clean and clear smile.

Chen Ping felt as if he had returned to the boy he met in Independent Cultivator City decades ago.

Almost exactly the same.

"What's your name?" Chen Ping asked.

"My name is Liao Bingfu." The child grinned, showing his white teeth.

Liao Bingfu?

That's right, it seems to be Liao Yifu's son.

No wonder it's so similar.

Cloud Mountain on the side saw this and explained softly:

"He is the son of Fellow Daoist Liao Yifu. Fellow Daoist Liao Yifu and his mother have returned to Taoism, so they have passed away. Liao Bingfu's mother is still alive and is engaged in spiritual plant cultivation here."

After walking away a little, Cloud Mountain continued to introduce.

Liao Yifu suffered a fundamental injury when he was feeling Qi in his early years. Later, his cultivation progressed at a snail's pace. Not only was his cultivation progressing slowly, but his aging was also accelerating. Knowing that his cultivation was hopeless, he married a Taoist companion and gave birth to Liao Bingfu a few years later.

In the following years, Liao Yifu's mother and Liao Yifu himself passed away.

This information was actually sent to Xiaozhu Peak along with the account books over the years, but Chen Ping didn't read it.

Chen Ping was quite sad after hearing this.

Unexpectedly, after getting acquainted with Liao Xiafu, I would unknowingly experience three generations of their Liao family.

"Take more care of his mother and son in life." Chen Ping said.

Cloud Mountain nodded:

"This kid is quite lovable. He is quite experienced and diligent in doing things at a young age. The Ling Zhifu here treats him well."


Back at the mansion, Chen Ping went to Xiaozhu Lake.

He summoned the new pair of Mu Hongli that Yun Haitang bought and continued to practice the beast-controlling technique for a while. After practicing on and off for the past two months, the pair of Mu Hongli have now reached the level of 'Grand Master: 100/1000'.

After the pair of Mu Hongli are released, the new medicinal field can be put into use.

Even if Nanzi Lingtian cannot be recovered, it will not have a big impact on economic income.

A few days later, Xu Ruyan finally returned to Xiaozhu Peak after a long absence.

"How is it?" Chen Ping asked eagerly.

"The soul planting was successful." Xu Ruyan said excitedly: "Do you want to start now?"

"Get started."

Must start.

Waiting a moment longer means risking more.

Chen Ping immediately closed the stone door of the quiet room and asked Xu Ruyan to 'mutilate herself'.

There are many ways of self-mutilation. Xu Ruyan only needs to use sharp weapons and continuously attack herself with the blessing of the 'Seven Injury Technique'.

But at this moment, Xu Ruyan prefers to practice the Seven Injury Technique reversely.

Chen Ping's Seven Injury Technique has reached its maximum level, and Xu Ruyan's Seven Injury Technique has also reached its maximum level. When she hurt herself, the pain she suffered was not too great.

But Gong Zhiyuan will receive several times the backlash.

As the reverse training progressed to a certain level, Xu Ruyan's thin eyebrows suddenly frowned, looking extremely painful.

Then it stretched out and the second round continued...

The other side.

Xunlong Sect, the leader's mansion.

Gong Zhiyuan sat on the main seat with high spirits, enjoying the spiritual tea handed over by the maid.

The development of Xunlong Sect was smoother than he expected, which made him extremely happy.

It also made him look down upon the monks in these small places.

...without a hard bone.

In other words, no one can fight.

"Master, Jishang Palace has completely surrendered to our Dragon-seeking Sect. Do you want those few monks who fled to spread the word and continue to hunt?" asked a long-bearded elder.

Gong Zhiyuan, who had dark skin and a protruding forehead, sat with a straight face, laughed and waved his hand:

"No, just run away. The South Marsh is extremely dangerous, and even if I go there, I may not be able to take advantage. They are just a few ants, there is no need to take risks."

"The leader is wise," the elder said flatteringly.

"Where does the leader want to expand his territory next?" The elder waited for an opportunity to find out.

"Go north and carve up the Qingyun Territory." Gong Zhiyuan made no secret of his ambition.

The elder hesitated for a moment and said:

"Master, in fact, after the Qingyun Territory broke away from the fog formation of the demon cultivator, a soil plot with certain characteristics was formed in the territory, which is very suitable for the cultivation of some unique spiritual materials. In recent years, there are still some sects who are coveting the Qingyun Territory, but, It is said that Lingxiao Sect has some connection with Tianyan Sect, so I’m afraid it won’t be easy to move.”

Gong Zhiyuan laughed:

"Of course I know, Fairy Xiyue. But now Fairy Xiyue has a lot of things to do, and she has no time to care about such a remote place. This is not the Tianyan Territory."

"Besides, Fairy Xiyue also has concerns and may not take action. I just need to nibble away little by little and keep testing. I am determined to win this action."

"The leader is wise." The elder patted him at the right time.

"Hahaha." Gong Zhiyuan smiled heartily.

Halfway through being ridiculous, I suddenly felt a chaotic aura rising up, and my mind was in a trance.

He quickly exercised his skills secretly to suppress the chaotic aura.

what happened?

Could it be that there was something wrong with the practice?

"Master?" The elder didn't know what happened to the leader of the seventh level of Gold Core.

"It's nothing." Gong Zhiyuan came back to his senses and forced himself to calm down.

He immediately dispersed the crowd and returned to the quiet room, during which he experienced several labor pains. He meditated for several hours before suppressing the chaotic aura.

It seems that this period of time is too urgent.

You have to be steady, you want to stabilize your own cultivation before talking about it.

In half a month, at most half a month, I will be able to recover as before. It’s not too late to expand again after half a month.

With this in mind, he continued to retreat.

Xiaozhu Peak.

Although the Seven Injury Technique is good, it cannot be cast continuously, and Xu Ruyan will not be able to bear it.

Just half an hour every day is fine.

The remaining time was given to Xu Ruyan to practice on her own.

After all, the Seven Injury Technique is just a counterattack technique, not a very aggressive attack spell. What is important is a steady flow. So Chen Ping has a lot of patience, as long as he implements it a little bit every day.

He took out some evil spirit pills and gave them to Xu Ruyan:

"Don't be idle these days. On the one hand, you can fully cultivate the Seven Injury Techniques, and on the other hand, you can absorb more evil spirits, and try to improve your cultivation level again."

After both sides' Seven Injury Techniques are at full level, Xu Ruyan's backlash will be smaller and her lethality will be greater.

Still the same the next day.

The third day was the same as before.

Time passes day by day.

The news that the Xunlong Sect had captured the Jishang Palace had already spread among the people. Everyone was originally feeling a little panic. For this reason, Wei Xun held several meetings to discuss countermeasures.

But as time progressed, the Lingxiao Sect monks began to fail to understand the current situation.

Not only Lingxiao Sect, but also several other surrounding sects were at a loss for a while.

Why has there been no movement from the Xunlong Sect?

Chen Ping became more and more calm. After more than twenty days, he knew that the Seven Injuries Counterattack Technique had taken effect, and it was unlikely that Gong Zhiyuan would take action in a short period of time.

‘It’s enough to leave Gong Zhiyuan to Xu Ruyan to be tortured slowly, there is no need to focus on dealing with him. ’

‘Then you have to focus on yourself. ’

‘You have to brush up your spells a little more and improve your cultivation level. ’

Chen Ping went to Independent Cultivator City that day and informed Yun Haitang to take advantage of the rising prices to sell all the inventory, especially to the surrounding sects and immortal cities with high prices.

After finishing it, I went to the outdoor forest and took out the Soul Whip Law Treasure that Jia Zhongshou had upgraded.

He had obtained this Law Treasure, but he had not yet tried its power.

It can be seen from the manual received by Jia Zhong that this Law Treasure continues the characteristics of the soul whip.

That is, it can be developed.

The more skeletons there are, the greater the value.

The power of soul extraction and soul protection will be greatly enhanced.

Chen Ping took out the soul whip, filled it with Entering Spirit, and then used enough spiritual power to whip it out.

The soul-draining whip that was originally only one foot long made a whistling sound of cold wind, and was suddenly covered with skulls, and the phantom of the soul-draining whip was lengthened dozens of times in an instant.

When the whip was struck, there was a loud bang and the trees collapsed.

Good guy.

This length can be extended to at least one mile away.

And according to the manual, as the number of skulls increases, the extendable distance will further increase.

This attack range is not small.

Chen Ping continued to explore the features of the soul-sucking whip for a while, and then he couldn't put it down and put it away.

I continued to practice more destructive spells outdoors before returning to Xiaozhu Peak.

Xunlong Sect.


Gong Zhiyuan, who was in seclusion, spat out a mouthful of blood.

He opened his eyes and felt something was wrong.

It shouldn't be a problem of getting distracted during practice.

More than a month has passed. At first, it was just a disordered breath, but it became more and more serious. Today, blood is even spurting out.

Gong Zhiyuan is a smart man. He thought about it and felt that he was being plotted against.

I just don’t know what this means?

In the past few days, they had been targeting Jishang Palace, and then several elders of Jishang Palace were unwilling to accept that the sect's inheritance was destroyed, and actually absconded with the sect's inheritance.

The strange method, combined with the special situation of Nanzhu, made Gong Zhiyuan think so clearly that he naturally thought of Jishang Palace.

It must be these guys.

How dare you plot against me.

"Boom~" He slapped it with a palm, and the stone table turned into powder in the blink of an eye.

He stormed out of the quiet room angrily.

Immediately summon the sect elders to gather.

"Master, you asked me to come here, but there is something important?" asked an elder.

"That's right. Here's my order. You all should stop all preparations for expansion. Everyone should enter the South Marsh. Be sure to bring back those absconders from Jishang Palace." Gong Zhiyuan's face was dark.

"~Yes." The elders looked at each other.

Don't know what happened.

It was the first time since Gong Zhiyuan became the leader that he was so angry.

The problem is that Nanmo is so big that it is not easy to find some people who are absconding.


(End of chapter)

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