I Live Forever With My Proficiency

Chapter 407 The Disaster Of Gold Core

Chapter 407 The Disaster of Gold Core

"When you enter the Inner Demon Tower, you have to rely on yourself. Senior sister went in to practice skills, but there is no protection mechanism. Moreover, this time she wants to attack a pass. The process is extremely dangerous, and I won't be able to take care of you then." Senior Sister Guan. Finally.

After Senior Sister Guan's introduction, Chen Ping almost knew the situation of the Inner Demon Tower.

"Thank you, Senior Sister, for teaching me. After all the hardships, it is still your own business. Senior Sister Guan, you don't have to worry about me." Chen Ping thanked him.

The two quickly arrived at the Inner Demon Tower on the edge of the cliff.

The Inner Demon Tower looks like an ancient tower that is not very eye-catching, with the three characters "Tribulation Tower" engraved on the tower.

The name ‘Inner Demon Tower’ is just another name given to it by the disciples.

After entering the Inner Demon Tower, Chen Ping and Senior Sister Guan registered with the tower owner and then said goodbye. Senior Sister Guan needed to go to the upper floors to practice.

Chen Ping is a newbie, so naturally he is on the first level.

After Senior Sister Guan left, the tower master limped over and said expressionlessly:

"Since you came here with Xiaoguan, you must know the rules of the Lijie Tower, right?"

"Senior Sister Guan has explained everything." Chen Ping said.

The tower master handed over a jade plaque:

"In this case, I won't waste any more words. Once you hold this jade pendant, once the sleep reaches a certain level, the jade pendant will wake up the wearer on its own, so be sure to keep the jade pendant with you. I would like to mention one more thing, once the jade pendant reaches a certain level, Once activated, remember not to continue going through the tribulation, otherwise no one can save you once you lose yourself."

"Thank you, Tower Master, for reminding me." Chen Ping bowed his hands and thanked him.

Turning his head to look into the inner room.

The Inner Demon Tower is divided into eight floors.

The first seven levels correspond to different mental tempering scenes, including desire, fear, obsession, joy, anger, sorrow, and so on.

At different levels, a monk's inner demon type will not appear repeatedly.

The first three levels are required questions.

The modes of tempering the first three levels of state of mind are fixed, and every monk encounters the same situation. Completing these three levels basically completes the Gold Core Tribulation.

In the fourth level, there are multiple-choice questions.

If the jade pendant is not activated in the first three levels, you can choose to continue the calamity downwards. The farther you go, the more benefits you will get.

The mode of tempering the middle and fourth levels of mind is not necessarily fixed, and the scenes or hallucinations faced by each monk who enters may vary greatly.

The further back you go in the tower, the stronger the inner demon becomes.

Of course, if you can successfully survive the disaster, you will gain the greatest benefit.

The last layer is the comprehensive layer and is not used for the current Gold Core three-layer Gold Core Tribulation.

Therefore, Chen Ping can only use the first seven floors at most.

After Chen Ping said goodbye to the tower owner, he first came to the first floor.

I was surprised to find that this was an airtight empty room with nothing, not even stairs. I didn’t know how to get to the second floor after going through the first floor.

But after stepping in, I realized there was something else going on inside.

You are in a dark space like a cave. He was on a piece of blue rock on a cliff, and in front of him was a bottomless abyss. Black air rolled in the abyss, and the black air was mixed with thin traces of white air.

In the middle of the abyss stands a platform with a waterfall falling from the sky.

There is an iron chain suspension bridge between Qingyan and the waterfall platform.

Chen Ping turned around and looked around, and saw that the suspension bridge he was on was not the only one connected to the waterfall.

There are several chain suspension bridges on the cliffs forming a ring around the waterfall platform, all connected to the middlemost waterfall platform.

There are also two monks on two of the suspension bridges walking forward step by step.

One person is almost close to the waterfall platform; the other person is in the middle of the suspension bridge.

I don’t know if I am going through a tribulation, or if I am practicing skills related to mental tempering like Senior Sister Guan.

When the two saw Chen Ping come in, they turned around and nodded as a greeting, without saying anything, and then continued to move forward.

Chen Ping looked at the chain suspension bridge under his feet, took a deep breath, and stepped on it.

As Chen Ping stepped in, the chain suspension bridge swayed, and countless black gases in the abyss turned into dense bats, violently attacking the suspension bridge.

The virtual bridge in front of him was instantly eaten away, turned into powder and fell into the abyss.

Chen Ping was not flustered.

Previously, I had learned through Senior Sister Guan’s introduction that this was a fixed scene on the first floor.

Those black bats are the objects of mental attack, namely: the attractor of inner demons.

The inner demon attractor will constantly attack the suspension bridge. What the people who have experienced calamity have to do is use the Primordial Spirit to constantly rebuild the suspension bridge.

Then walk to the other side step by step.

As for failing to build a suspension bridge, you will not die if you fall into the abyss.

But it means that the calamity failed, the jade pendant was activated, and the soul was damaged, and you will not be able to return here to experience the Gold Core calamity again in a short time.

Chen Ping calmed down and used the power of his mind to continuously pull the pitiful white energy in the abyss to build a suspension bridge under his feet.

As the white air is being pulled, double the amount of pitch black will violently impact and scatter the white air.

Chen Ping could only concentrate on pulling the dispersed white energy again.

The suspension bridge under my feet began to extend forward section by section.

But then, countless black air bats attacked and gnawed at the chain suspension bridge crazily. Moreover, this attack does not just attack on the iron chain, but attacks between his soul through the spiritual link.

Attack on Primordial Spirit.

His soul became dazed and dizzy, and his consciousness became blurred for a while.

The black energy of countless bats in the abyss turned into a huge face, staring out from the abyss, with a ferocious face, and seductive melodies passed into Chen Ping's ears:

"give up."

"It feels good to give up."

"Why bother yourself?"

Chen Ping shook his head, wiped his sweat, and when he woke up, he realized that there was no huge face in the abyss.

He concentrated and continued to build the chain suspension bridge.

Extend it a bit and take a step immediately. If it is prolonged any longer, it may be eaten immediately by the black energy.

so repeatedly

He completed the Soul Refining Technique at the Foundation Building Stage, and his state of mind was much stronger than that of ordinary monks at the same level. But even so, the process was still extremely difficult and painful.

He didn't know how long it took before he finally took the last step and stepped onto the green rock platform outside the waterfall.

Chen Ping took a long breath.

Glancing back, I saw that the suspension bridge that I walked over was still there, but the suspension bridge that had been occupied by two other monks had been eaten away and was nowhere to be seen.

He had no time to think too much at this moment, so he immediately sat cross-legged and took advantage of the shower of waterfall water to start practicing the Soul Refining Technique.

The water of this waterfall is good for restoring the mind.

The process of the calamity just now made him feel as if he had experienced an extremely dangerous battle, and he was in a daze.

You cannot proceed to the next step without repairing your state of mind.

"Fellow Daoist, it's okay. I recovered so quickly." After Chen Ping finished practicing the Soul Refining technique, a voice came.

The person who spoke was the gray-robed monk on the suspension bridge that Chen Ping saw when he first entered the first floor.

The sturdy monk who was almost approaching the waterfall platform.

"Fellow Daoist was laughed at. His soul was exhausted and he had to practice on the spot for so long in order to recover. I wonder what I call Fellow Daoist?" Chen Ping stood up to greet him.

The gray-robed monk thought that this was not a long time, and for a moment he thought Chen Ping was showing off.

But he didn’t say anything and said with a smile:

"I am Tang Xiwen, a disciple of the inner sect of the main peak. I am meeting Fellow Daoist. Is Fellow Daoist a new guest?"

"I have met Tang Fellow Daoist. I am Chen Ping. I am a registered disciple of the Ninth Peak. I don't often practice in Tianyan Sect." Chen Ping greeted him.

"I see." Tang Xiwen clasped his hands.

The two chatted for a while, and Chen Ping found out that Tang Xiwen was a native disciple of the Tianyan Sect. He had been an inner disciple of the monks since the Qi Refining Stage and had grown up all the way.

Currently, it is also the third level of Gold Core, which comes from Tribulation.

"When we came in just now, besides Fellow Daoist Tang, was there another Fellow Daoist on the other suspension bridge?" After chatting, Chen Ping asked casually without seeing the third person.

Not only were no people seen, the two suspension bridges had returned to their original appearance as chain suspension bridges.

And Chen Ping's suspension bridge formed by drawing the white energy with the power of his spirit still vaguely existed, and the black energy was eating away at the last bit of the pedal.

"It's bad for him to fall down." Tang Xiwen grinned:

"Don't be surprised, Fellow Daoist Chen. Although this is the first level, many monks have fallen down because of it. We can only start all over again."

Chen Ping looked back at the abyss and said nothing.

Even in such a large sect, even in Gold Core Perfected Being, the difference in strength between monks is very large. Just like a fake elixir like Peak Master Sima, the strength will be greatly reduced, and every step after Gold Core will be extremely difficult.

"Let's go. It's time to move forward." Chen Ping looked at the large waterfall falling from the sky in the center of the platform.

There is a stone tablet erected next to the waterfall, inscribed on it -

——Congratulations to the second floor.

Chen Ping suddenly realized that this was the way to enter the second level.

Senior Sister Guan did not mention these matters that were natural.

The two passed through the waterfall and entered another space.

It was a vast grassland, and in the center of the grassland there was a tall ladder that reached up to the sky.

Tang Xiwen said easily:

"We only need to pass this ladder to pass the test on the second level."

"Chen Fellow Daoist, don't worry. Before I came to Li Jie, I asked six or seven seniors and Fellow Daoists about the precautions of Li Jie. I have a lot of experience. In this way, I can go ahead and Chen Fellow Daoist can follow me." "

Chen Ping smiled:

"Okay, Fellow Daoist Tang, please."

He wished it was so.

Each monk walks independently on the ladder, and walking in front or behind does not affect the effect of calamity.

Walking behind can actually gain some insights from the former's steps.

"Let's go." Tang Xiwen took the lead into the ladder.

When he passed the first floor just now, he was unconsciously forced by Chen Ping, and he was actually holding back a lot of energy in his heart.

Now is the time to let Chen Ping know ‘what is an inner disciple’.

Chen Ping didn't think too much. He looked at Tang Xiwen's walking style, combined with Senior Sister Guan's experience, digested it briefly, and stepped into the ladder according to his own understanding.

It was easy to walk at first, but later on my steps seemed to become heavier.

Every step further became extremely difficult.

What's even more striking is that with every step he takes, traces of red light will splash between his footsteps and the ladder. Those lights will quickly penetrate into his body and constantly attack his mind.


When Chen Ping was burying his head forward, he suddenly hit something and couldn't help but stop.

When he looked up, he realized that he had hit Tang Xiwen's back.

"Tang Fellow Daoist?" Chen Ping called.

Tang Xiwen glanced back at Chen Ping with difficulty. He was sweating profusely and smiled awkwardly:

"Haha, damn, these red lines are quite difficult to deal with."

After saying that, he continued to move forward.

Chen Ping saw Tang Xiwen's calves trembling with every step he took.

Chen Ping actually felt his legs were heavy, but not to the point of trembling.

This inner disciple isn't that strong either. Chen Ping smiled inwardly.

"How about? I go in front?" After walking for a while, Chen Ping suggested that Tang Xiwen was having a hard time.

"Okay." Tang Xiwen laughed sarcastically:

"I just went out for training a few days ago. The Primordial Spirit was somewhat damaged and has not fully recovered, otherwise it wouldn't be like this."

Chen Ping smiled, walked sideways around Tang Xiwen and continued upward.

In fact, there is not much difference between walking in the front and walking in the back. The only benefit of walking in the back is that you can observe the way the former moves and gain some experience benefits.

Apart from that, I still rely more on myself.

No one can help me through this calamity.

Chen Ping continues to rise steadily.

More and more red lines were being attacked. Once these red lines penetrated the body, they would reach straight into his mind, allowing him to see countless and various horrific scenes.

The more fear comes into my heart, the heavier my steps become.

At the end, Chen Ping's legs felt like they were filled with lead.

But he finally reached the end and appeared in front of the entrance to the third floor.

He immediately sat cross-legged and used the breath of this layer to continue practicing the Soul Refining Technique and the Five Qi Chao Yuan Gong to restore calm to his restless mind.

When Chen Ping woke up again, he saw Tang Xiwen sitting beside him, meditating cross-legged.

After another while, Tang Xiwen woke up.

"Haha, in fact, the Gold Core catastrophe was not that difficult. Not too many monks died because of the Gold Core catastrophe. But we and other sages of the Tianyan Sect deliberately increased the difficulty of the Heart Demon Tower, just to make it easier. I and other disciples will gain more benefits from this process. If it were an ordinary calamity, how could it be so difficult for me?" Neither of them was in a hurry, and sat down to rest after waking up.

During this period, Tang Xiwen thought of the embarrassing situation just now, and explained something strangely.

"What if the first trial fails? Then we can only use meritorious deeds in exchange for another chance?" Chen Ping thought of Senior Sister Guan's previous introduction that every disciple only has one chance to experience the trial for free in his life.

"Yes, but if it is to survive the tribulation, the merit required to do it again is very small. Almost every Gold Core monk can afford it."

"This is not the most troublesome thing. The most troublesome thing is that if you fail the first time, the sect will think that your state of mind is not up to standard. Even if you succeed the second time, you will be forced to arrange some tasks that can sharpen your state of mind. Those missions are likely to be dangerous missions that no one else is willing to do. As a result, people die from time to time." Tang Xiwen felt sad.

I have to say that this system is designed to be a thief.

That is to say, it provides the Inner Demon Tower to strengthen the monk's state of mind.

It can also ensure that some unpopular tasks can be executed smoothly.

They are all capitalists.

After the two recovered, they continued to the third floor.

The third layer is different from the first two layers. It is the layer of illusion.

In other words, Chen Ping does not need to move, he only needs to sit where he is. After falling into the illusion, he can successfully complete this level of experience by resisting the incoming spiritual attacks in his mind.

This level was equally difficult, but both Chen Ping and Tang Xiwen made it down smoothly.

The moment he stepped out of the third floor, Chen Ping breathed a long sigh of relief.

‘We have officially passed the Gold Core disaster. ’

‘After experiencing these three levels of tempering, my state of mind has been greatly improved, and I will no longer be inexplicably trapped in illusions during normal practice. It's much safer. ’

‘As for the next few floors, that’s a plus. ’

"Junior Brother Chen, congratulations, you successfully passed the Gold Core tribulation." As soon as Chen Ping walked out of the third floor, Senior Sister Guan's voice came.

She leaned lazily on the stone door, arms folded across her chest.

"Why are Senior Sister Guan here?" Chen Ping walked over.

"I heard from the tower master that you should have almost completed the third level of calamity, so I came over to see you in advance. After all, it was my senior sister who brought you in. If you have three advantages and two disadvantages, then Lingchun will not have to fight with me." Senior Sister Guan smiled. .

Chen Ping always felt that what she said was a bit hypocritical.

But there is no evidence.

Before Chen Ping could answer, Senior Sister Guan saw Tang Xiwen walking out. She immediately became more energetic. She no longer lazily leaned on the stone door, but suddenly straightened up:

"Hey, Junior Brother Tang is here too? It's not easy. With your mentality, you actually walked out of the Tribulation Tower. What? Did your calves tremble when you walked to the second floor?"

Tang Xiwen's face suddenly turned red:

"Why are my calves trembling? Senior Sister Guan, please don't talk nonsense? Junior Brother, I am in a strong state of mind, my calves will tremble? Don't spread such nonsense and ruin my reputation. Ask Fellow Daoist Chen, my calves will tremble?"

Senior Sister Guan chuckled:

"Haha, you're not trembling? I'm afraid that as soon as you walked over to the first floor, the suspension bridge was completely eaten away by the demon's lure, right?"

"Senior Sister Guan, you don't want to denounce someone's innocence out of thin air." Tang Xiwen's cheeks turned red and she protested loudly.


A group of black crows flew in front of Chen Ping's forehead.

He finally understood. Senior Sister Guan came to see if he was lying. She probably found out from somewhere that Tang Xiwen was also going through a calamity. She might even dislike Tang Xiwen and deliberately stayed here to ridicule him.

This senior sister is really it!

In this regard, he is exactly the same as Master Xiyue.

Worthy of being a master and disciple.

(End of chapter)

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