I Live Forever With My Proficiency

Chapter 420: Ancient Lost Skills Reappear?

Chapter 420: Ancient lost skills reappear?

Huge trees, strangely protruding boulders, dark yellow clouds

Chen Ping looked away, knowing that he had successfully passed through the dark pattern and entered a new world.

I just don’t know whether this is the Moyang boundary wall or the Rising Sun boundary wall where the current war between humans and demons is taking place.

He released his spiritual consciousness to see what was going on outside, but was surprised to find that his spiritual consciousness couldn't be used here.

The laws of this space are special.

But he couldn't care about so much now. After landing, he found a relatively hidden place, first arranged a psychedelic array, and then arranged a Baihua Totem array on the periphery, and then immediately checked his current injuries.

The spiritual energy penetrated into four of his ribs and broke them. Multiple veins and apertures in his abdomen and arms were blocked, and cracks of varying sizes appeared in three internal organs.

After the success of Body Refining, this is the first time that my internal organs have been injured.

Fortunately, there is no problem in Dantian.

Chen Ping placed one hand on the lower ribs of his abdomen and gently circulated his spiritual power. Suddenly there was a 'click, click' sound in his body.

All four ribs were reset.

After reduction, the rib tissue regenerates rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. The benefits of Body Refining are not only greatly increased physical strength and spiritual energy reserves, but also a greatly increased body's ability to repair itself.

Then he took out a Complex Body Pill from the storage bag and swallowed it.

Immediately run the Body Refining technique, weave a spiritual network to isolate the internal organs, and focus on repairing the damaged internal organs first.

During the repair process, a heartbreaking pain spread throughout my body, which made Chen Ping grimace.

Damn it.

These damn Demon Races.

Damn Chi Liang.

After running the technique for a while, he saw that the most severe tears in the internal organs had begun to regenerate tissue, and the rest were recovering in an orderly manner. Chen Ping stopped and re-weaved the web of spiritual power, focusing on repairing the tendons.

Two hours later, Chen Ping stopped exercising.

The current environment he was in was unknown, and the situation was even more unclear. He could not devote himself to meditation.

Opening his eyes, he suddenly saw a person sitting quietly outside the psychedelic array.

Silent again?

Chen Ping was shocked for a moment.

Come again?

But after taking a closer look, he discovered that it was Master Xiyue.

Feel the breath carefully.

Look at the curves of the body again.


The real Xiyue.

Chen Ping's hanging heart completely relaxed, as if he had found the home of his soul for a moment, and he suddenly felt at ease. He quickly opened the formation and walked out.


Just when she shouted, she realized that the place where Xiyue was meditating was actually in the Hundred Flowers Totem Array that she had arranged.

At this moment, she was sitting cross-legged with her eyes closed, and there was even a thin layer of sweat on her forehead.

Chen Ping kept shouting badly.

It seems that Xiyue accidentally entered the Hundred Flowers Totem Formation.

But it was clear that he was using a Rank Three formation, so why didn't Xiyue notice it?

He quickly opened the formation and removed a piece of array equipment and spirit stones to render the formation ineffective.

"Master! How are you?" Chen Ping walked over quickly.

Seeing that his master didn't respond, his heart sank, and he quickly picked up Xiyue and walked out to avoid being affected by the remaining formation rhyme here.

"Evil disciple, do you want to deceive your master and destroy your ancestors?" Xiyue stared at Chen Ping's face with her big clear eyes, and felt herself being hugged tightly by Chen Ping.

When she mistakenly entered the formation before, she immediately knew it was the Hundred Flowers Totem Formation.

This formation was very rare. She had given the tools and books to Chen Ping, so she naturally knew the situation of this formation. However, when she tried to break the formation a few times, she fell deeper into the illusion.

Thinking that Chen Ping was nearby, he simply sealed his perception to avoid falling into an illusion.

It wasn't until he was picked up by Chen Ping and smelled a familiar scent that he woke up.

Chen Ping:.

It’s not like I haven’t been hugged before.

He quickly put Xiyue down:

"Master, it's great that you're okay. Sorry, that formation was originally intended for self-defense. I never wanted Master to be trapped."

A little excited, at least it's safe.

Xiyue patted her robe, glanced at Chen Ping, and said disdainfully:

"Your master will be trapped by your Rank Three formation? Are you kidding me? I just don't want to forcefully break the formation for fear of affecting your practice."

But he was a little shocked and said: This guy has actually mastered the Hundred Flowers Totem Array to such a level that even the Nascent Soul can be trapped for a while.

"That's right, that's right." Chen Ping smiled: "It's just a Rank Three formation."

Damn it, is this guy laughing at me? . Xi Yueya felt itchy, but she didn’t expect how to confront Chen Ping, and was very unhappy.

When he thought about what he saw in the formation just now, he said seriously:

"Just now when I was in the formation, I had a Primordial Spirit Astral Projection, and I actually saw the scene I saw in my hallucination floating in the sky. Why is this?"

Chen Ping nodded.

When the practice of this formation was close to perfection, the formation was revised and perfected under the guidance of the panel, which is what I saw in the illusion when I was trapped in hallucination and my level of sobriety was at the right critical point. Scenes and pictures can be embodied and shown in the air like movie scenes.

But this tipping point is not easy to control.

Except Chen Ping as the master of the formation.

Judging from Xiyue's words, it is obvious that Xiyue was at such a critical point for a moment by accident.

"Well, the formation given by Master is very powerful. My disciple only discovered this function later in his practice, but it doesn't seem to be of any use." Chen Ping replied.

Xiyue thought for a while and asked again: "Can you control the content of the screen?"


Of course it can.

He is fully aware of every function of this formation.

Xiyue didn't ask any more questions and fell into deep thought for a while.

Chen Ping saw that the scene was somewhat silent, so he changed the topic and said:

"By the way, why is Master here? Where is this?"

"I haven't asked you yet? Aren't you guarding the sect? Why did you come to the Rising Sun Realm Wall? Did you encounter the Gold Core Late Stage monk?" Xiyue came back to her senses and looked at Chen Ping, and saw that Chen Ping was injured. Not light.

He took out an elixir and threw it to Chen Ping.

"Thank you Master!"

"We have indeed encountered a strong opponent, Brother Nascent Soul." Chen Ping thought for a while and decided not to hide anything from Xiyue.

This matter is related to Demon Race's layout in Xizhou, and also related to Xiyue's next countermeasures.

On the other hand, after experiencing so many things together, his trust in Xiyue is high enough.

Chen Ping's reply was calm, but Xiyue was stunned for a moment.

"Nascent Soul Demon Race?"

Can you survive encountering Nascent Soul?

Chen Ping nodded and gave a general introduction to the situation in the Western Wilderness. Of course, he simplified his task of killing Demon Race and even joined his companions. He went through the process in one sentence.

The death of the old Demon Race Nascent Soul was also simplified. It was only said that the old Demon Race seemed to be seriously injured and on the verge of death. He was taken advantage of by using poison and formations. There was no mention of the broken arm.

"The whole process is like this. Chi Liang should still be in the Western Wilderness. The situation there is not optimistic." Chen Ping finally said.

Xiyue nodded, thoughtfully, and after a while she introduced the situation on her side.

The area transmitted by the time and space dark pattern is fixed, so Xiyue has arranged some measures in advance here. When Chen Ping fell into this boundary wall, she was aware of it immediately, so she rushed over immediately.

After seeing that it was Chen Ping, he squatted in this area for a while, worried that someone would follow Chen Ping and teleport from the dark pattern.

It wasn't until he didn't see any movement that he went over to look for Chen Ping, not thinking that he had strayed into the formation.

According to Xiyue, in order to avoid breaking the formation and affecting Chen Ping's practice, she simply meditated in the formation. As for the fine sweat on her forehead, it was naturally caused by practicing too hard.

"Master, how is the battle situation here?" Chen Ping asked.

It stands to reason that this is the Rising Sun Realm Wall, and there should be battles between humans and demons everywhere, but it seems that there is no battle here.

At least not currently.

"It's a long story, I'll tell you slowly. Now that you're here, don't go back. I just want to help you with something, how about it?" Xiyue said.

Chen Ping naturally doesn't want to go back now. If he encounters Chi Liang, he will really be doomed.

The most important thing right now is to hold Xiyue's thigh tightly.

The Rising Sun Realm Wall naturally has Nascent Soul Demon Race, and there are even more, but as long as you hide behind Xiyue, it is at least much safer than going back to face Chi Liang alone.

So he said dissatisfiedly:

"Master, speaking like this makes you look angry. To serve Master, even if you have to go through fire and water, you should die without hesitation. What do you mean by 'how'?"

Xiyue's eyes are wonderful.

"What is Master talking about?"

"Kill Nascent Soul."

Chen Ping:? ? ?

"Hurry up and put away your formation. I'll leave now."

Chen Ping:.

While being carried forward by Xiyue, Chen had no love in his life.

"Master, I've had diarrhea these past few days and I'm exhausted. I just want to find a place to lie down." Chen Ping said with a sad face.

"It's just diarrhea. Aren't you willing to go through fire and water for Master?"

Chen Ping:.

"Master, fly slower, I'm going to faint."

"It's just fainting. Aren't you willing to go through fire and water for the master?"

Chen Ping:.

"Master, the injury this time is serious. I'm afraid I won't be able to get out of bed for a month."

"It's just a little internal injury. Aren't you willing to go through fire and water for Master?"

Chen Ping:.

"The Demon Race Nascent Soul is extremely beautiful. Wouldn't it be in line with your wishes to capture her?" Xiyue said.

Chen Ping looked bitter: "Master, you have misunderstood me. I am not that kind of person. Besides, that is the Nascent Soul Demon Race, how dare I?"

"What are you afraid of? How dare you hug your master while he is meditating."

Chen Ping:.

Along the way, Xiyue introduced the situation of the Rising Sun World Wall.

Because the passage from Demon World to the Rising Sun Boundary Wall is not large enough for a large number of Demon Races to continuously enter, the number of humans in this boundary wall is far greater than that of Demon Races, and the human race occupies an advantageous position.

There have been three all-out wars in the past few days, with numerous casualties and Demon Race retreating steadily.

Currently, most of the area on the Rising Sun Wall has been occupied by human monks, with only a small area controlled by the Demon Race.

But that small area is not easy to conquer.

That small area is where the passage from Demon World to the Wall of the Rising Sun is located. It is the last area of ​​Demon Race. All Demon Races are determined to fight to the death.

This is just one aspect.

On the other hand, Demon Race had long expected that the humans would attack this boundary wall, so they had made many preparations and arrangements in advance.

This last area is the most richly furnished area.

"Demon Race is very determined to protect the last area, but we are also determined to completely destroy this boundary wall. We have found a way to break it. In two days at most, we will launch the final attack ." Xiyue's eyes were burning.

"After meeting other monks, don't mention the situation in Xizhou to them for the time being, so as not to affect their mentality before the war."

Chen Ping nodded.

Feeling doubtful, he asked:

"Master, hasn't the situation in Xizhou been reported here?"

"Of course there are, but most of them are spread here by Demon Race. We monks are dubious. In this boundary wall, spiritual consciousness does not work, and the communication talisman does not work. Information from the outside cannot be accurately transmitted here." Xiyue said lightly.

Sure enough, spiritual consciousness doesn't work.


Chen Ping listened quietly all the way.

The Rising Sun Realm Wall is vast. The place where Demon Race is stationed is called the Demonic Source Area, and the human race is stationed around the Demonic Source Area.

Because the garrison line is very long, the human monks are not all concentrated in one area, but each team divides the work and is stationed in different places.

The demon source area is blocked.

Every team has Nascent Soul in charge.

At this time, eight monks were sitting in a temporary Cave Mansion discussing matters. Among these eight people, Chen Ping, who had just arrived, was included.

Xiyue sat in the main seat:

"Everyone, we will launch a general attack on Demon Race in the next two days. The area we are responsible for is crucial and the task is arduous."

"But after two days of exploration, I discovered a very critical breakthrough. I discovered the demon source control point of Demon Race's fallen saint."

"As you all know, the Fallen Saint is the monk with the highest level of cultivation among the Demon Race. As long as her demon source control point is destroyed, their combat power will be reduced by half."

"I have called you all here today to help me and Chen Ping enter two of the key areas. Do you have any questions?"

After saying this, several people looked at each other in confusion.

Then came the excitement.

"Senior Xiyue, are you serious?"

"This is great. Fairy Xiyue, how can I help you?"


"Of course it's true. This is why I specially asked Chen Ping to come here from Xizhou today." Xiyue said with certainty.

One of the monks asked:

"Senior Xiyue, please forgive me for my confusion, why does this matter have to be done by Fellow Daoist Chen? As far as I know, Fellow Daoist Chen is only at the middle stage of Gold Core."

This is actually other people’s doubts as well.

Why should Chen Ping be specially brought here from Xizhou?

And according to what Fairy Xiyue said, he was specially asked to come here today. But how far is it from Xizhou to here? Can a mid-Gold Core monk arrive in one day?

Chen Ping rubbed his face and said nothing.

Chen Ping recognized the person who asked the question as Gong Zhiyuan of Xuanyuan Sect, one of the two largest sects in Zhongdao.

Chen Ping is very familiar with him.

Except for Gong Zhiyuan, Xiyue also introduced him to the remaining five people. One of them was the great elder of Xuanyuan Sect and the only Nascent Soul monk among this group of people.

The other four are all Gold Core monks from the Tianyan Sect, and one of them is Senior Sister Guan.

The mission is urgent, and many monks have missions outside. In addition, it is not advisable to make a big fuss to avoid attracting Demon Race's attention. So Xiyue only found these few people.

Chen Ping's cultivation level is not good enough among this group of people. He is helpless that he was caught by Xi Yue to perform the task, but Xi Yue likes to convince people with reason.

If you can't beat them, there's nothing you can do.

"Because he is the person I trust most, is there any problem?" Xiyue's tone left no room for doubt.

The air suddenly became quiet.

These words are too overbearing.

So domineering that no one can question it.

After a while, Xiyue spoke again:

"I asked him to carry out this task, naturally for my consideration. He has abilities that you don't have, and he is also the only one among you who has a chance to succeed."

"Of course, all of you who are doing this are the people I trust the most. This is why it is such an important task. Among so many monks, I have only chosen a few of you. I hope that you will all be of the same mind."

"Do you still have any questions?"

"No problem, Uncle Xiyue will assign the task."*N

Xiyue nodded and began to assign tasks.

Eight people are divided into three groups.

The entire mission has two crucial links, one of which is completed by Xiyue herself.

Another key point is implemented by Chen Ping.

Considering the importance of Chen Ping's mission and low cultivation level, Chen Ping was assigned a Nascent Soul monk, namely Situ Nai, the great elder of Xuanyuan Sect.

Gong Zhiyuan was originally assigned to another support group, but he took the initiative to join Chen Ping, the most critical group.

In the end, it became a group of four including Chen Ping, Situ Nai, Gong Zhiyuan and Senior Sister Guan.

After the grouping was completed, Xiyue continued to tell everyone the essence of performing the task.

Including the route forward and so on.

As for what Chen Ping will do after entering the designated area, there is no public statement. Situ Nai and others only need to ensure that Chen Ping reaches the designated place safely.

Chen Ping listened to the complicated task arrangements and couldn't help but said:

"Master, actually I also think that the disciple may not be suitable. Of course, it's not that I'm afraid of death, but that my cultivation level is too low and I'm afraid of dragging everyone down."

Xiyue ignored him and continued to assign tasks.

Chen Ping:.

"Do you still have any questions?" Xiyue finally asked.

"Master, I have it." Chen Ping immediately raised his hand.

"No, you didn't." Xiyue's voice followed closely.

Chen Ping:.

After the discussion, the three groups did not waste any time. In order to prevent the news from leaking out, the task was executed immediately.

"I heard from Senior Xiyue that Fellow Daoist Chen just came from Xihuang today?" Gong Zhiyuan suddenly asked when the four-person group was halfway through.

Chen Ping nodded in reply.

He focused on paying attention to his surroundings and thinking about how to escape through these terrains if he found uncontrollable danger.

The strange rocks here are rugged and the consciousness is blocked, so the terrain is very suitable for ambush others.

"Could it be that Fellow Daoist Chen knows the passage from the Western Wilderness to the Rising Sun Realm Wall?" Gong Zhiyuan asked in confusion.

Chen Ping shook his head:

"Is there any passage? It's just that Master used some unnatural means to get me here quickly."

"I see, Master Xiyue does have many extraordinary means of reaching the sky." Gong Zhiyuan smiled.

After a while, when they reached a deserted valley, Gong Zhiyuan spoke again:

"Fellow Daoist Chen, would it be convenient for me to tell you what Senior Xiyue's plan is, what Fellow Daoist Chen will do to destroy the demonic source of the fallen saint? Can it really be destroyed?"

Chen Ping turned around:

"How about I tell Fellow Gong Daoist the method, and Fellow Gong Daoist can do it for me? To be honest, I don't want to do such a thankless thing."

Gong Zhiyuan was stunned.

But before Gong Zhiyuan had time to speak, Senior Sister Guan immediately said seriously:

"Fellow Gong Daoist, Master said that our mission this time is to send Junior Brother Chen to his destination. As for what Junior Brother Chen wants to do, we shouldn't ask, right?"

"In my opinion, the spiritual consciousness here is blocked, and it is impossible to use the spiritual consciousness to explore the enemy situation ahead. It is also close to the devil source area. We should spend more energy on paying attention to the situation around us, rather than on daily communication."

"Junior brother Chen and I have a close relationship. We met again after a long separation and we didn't even talk much. Why can't you keep talking all the time?"

Gong Zhiyuan smiled awkwardly:

"Fellow Daoist Guan is right, Gong was careless."

"It's just that Gong has experienced some things over the years and learned to cherish his life. That's why I want to figure out what Chen Fellow Daoist will do after he arrives. After all, this is also related to our lives. If the magic source is destroyed, a large number of Demons will be attracted. Race, I might as well make preparations in advance.”

While the three of them were talking, Situ Nai, who was walking at the front, said nothing and focused on observing the dangers around him.

Situ Nai is the highest-level monk in this team and the most important force in ensuring everyone's safety.

The group of people continued to move forward, and after walking out of the valley, they reached their destination. The three of Situ Nai stayed in the valley to guard, while Chen Ping headed to the rocky canyon ahead.

To destroy the demonic source of the fallen saint.

After Chen Ping entered the canyon alone, he opened the map provided by Xiyue and slowly moved deeper into the canyon.

You can't use your spiritual sense to spy on the surrounding situation here. You have to rely on your eyesight and perception to detect danger, so you need to be extra careful.

Moreover, this place is already part of the Demon Source Zone, and patrolling Demon Races may appear at any time.

The destination given by Xiyue is an area where Chen Ping needs to find the precise control point to eliminate the evil source of the fallen saint.

This is Chen Ping’s specialty.

The other side.

After Chen Ping entered the canyon alone for a while, Situ Nai quickly divided the work between the two juniors.

"I have been to this area before. The rocky canyon ahead is easy to defend but difficult to attack. There are not many entry and exit points. Zhiyuan, go and guard fifty miles to the west. There is a canyon there. You go to the natural will see."

"Guan Xiaoyou, you go to the east waterway and wait to prevent the Demon Race from entering the canyon through the river. I will guard this valley."

"Is there any question?" Although Situ Nai's words were questions, there was no doubt in his tone.

"Yes, elder." Gong Zhiyuan said immediately.

Senior Sister Guan hesitated and said:

"Okay, I'll leave it to Senior Situ here. If there is any danger, please try to make as much noise as possible so that the other two people can hear the news and come to support."

Situ Nai hummed:

"That's right, take the noise as your sign. This mission is of great significance. If we can really destroy the demon source of the fallen saint, lacking the purest demonic energy, not only will the strength of the fallen saint be greatly reduced, but also the strength of other Demon Races will be defeated. Affected. You two must not take it lightly, you know?"

"Disciple understands."

"Junior understands."

Gong Zhiyuan and Senior Sister Guan left quickly.

Situ Nai waited for a while, then took out a corpse that had already been transformed into his appearance, injected a little bit of his spiritual power, and then added a layer of spiritual power protection to the corpse so that the corpse could maintain its own aura.

Then he placed the body in a hidden part of the valley to disguise himself.

He himself quickly left the valley.

Follow Chen Ping's footsteps into the rocky canyon, lock eyes with Chen Ping and follow from a distance.

When Chen Ping arrived at a specific area, Situ Nai found a pile of towering rocks on higher ground, hid behind and watched Chen Ping's every move in the canyon.

In the canyon, after Chen Ping made some operations, scenes suddenly appeared in the sky above his head.

Seeing this scene, Situ Nai was shocked.

The body leaned forward involuntarily.

Staring closely at the phantom above Chen Ping's head.

A Demonic Beast passed by the pile of rocks, lowered its head and took a bite of grass. Two monks were fighting here, and eventually flew out of the screen. A group of men and women were hugging each other in the canyon to watch the sunrise and sunset.

As Chen Ping moves, the picture above his head keeps changing.

Situ Nai became more and more frightened as he watched.

Zhongyuan's retrospection power?

It is said that there is a technique that can recall events that occurred in a certain place within a certain period of time in the past and reproduce them in the form of pictures. Whatever happened, what kind of communication was there? etc. can be reproduced one by one.

If that's the case, that makes sense.

Xiyue must have discovered that the Fallen Saint placed the demon source control point in this canyon area, but without the Law Treasure, the specific location of the demon source control point could not be found.

Chongyuan's retrospection power can just do this kind of thing.

As long as the Holy Aunt really arranges the magic source control point here, then the process of her arrangement will be reproduced without reservation, and no detail can escape Chen Ping's review.

Situ Nai was shocked.

I understand why Xiyue must let Chen Ping perform this task.

I see! ! !

Situ Nai just didn't understand that the Chongyuan Retrospective Technique was an ancient technique. According to legend, because this technique was too overbearing, the law of heaven did not allow it, and the technique had long been lost.

Why does Chen Ping do it?

At this time, Chen Ping had already walked into the depths of the canyon. After the picture above his head changed for a while, the picture that was finally fixed made Situ Nai tremble all over.

He was so good at nourishing qi that he couldn't help but take a step forward.

It is indeed Zhongyuan’s retrospection power!

It is indeed a magic source control point.

The figure of the fallen saint really appeared in the picture, her actions of arranging a Law Weapon, and even the details of casting spells.

Situ Nai calmly looked at the details of the scenes in the picture carefully.

Could it be forgery?

But he immediately denied himself.

Thinking about it myself, except for the legendary Zhongyuan Retrospective Skill, there is no other ability that can make the picture so smooth and full of details.

He asked himself, his cultivation in the middle stage of Nascent Soul could not be faked.

Not to mention Chen Ping a Gold Core mid-game.

It can only be true.

This man is so terrifying. With this technique, Demon Race has no secrets in front of him.

It is impossible to preserve the source of magic.


Situ Nai narrowed his eyes unless I took the risk.

When he saw that Chen Ping had begun to destroy the magic source formation, Situ Nai could no longer control the surge in his heart and rushed down like a stream of light.

"Boy, your life is over today!"

(End of chapter)

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